*** gavin

We however believe it is time to make the facts known about us, and by drawing closer to you we are able to fill those gaps where you are lacking in information. We have found out a lot more about you because of the "Neptune trip" and without doubt, there will be more opportunities to visit our ships and that was planned from the very beginning. As you must realise by now, our contact with you is not one of a casual nature but one that was always intended to grow and prepare you for full contact. Be assured that before the end of this year, you will have come to know us well. The media is still a stumbling block where we are concerned, but when fear of repercussions for reporting the truth is no longer an issue the truth about us will travel worldwide. We will then be very welcome as we will bring the answers to your problems, and with our help will transform your civilisation into one that is prepared for Ascension. The ghost of ages past will be exorcized, and the Golden Age will begin bringing peace and happiness.
The long wait is nearly over, and best is yet to come and whatever effort you put in now the rewards will quickly be seen and felt. There is no question of being unable to afford the changes, as there is sufficient wealth in the world to cover all necessities. We shall see that it is used for the good of all and not misappropriated. Those who have done so believe that their wealth is safely hidden, but to their dismay and shock they will find it has been removed. No one will be allowed to keep their ill gotten gains, but that which has been earnt honestly will remain with them. There is also the World Trust Fund set up by St.Germain, that will ensure there is more than enough to go around. Money will never again be an issue as now, and it will become the slave and not the Master. Eventually it will have no purpose at all, as you will live in a society that has overcome its need for it.
In the midst of the chaos that is growing, if you look carefully you will notice the first stirrings of the new systems that will set you on the right path. Our allies have worked hard to introduce them, and in spite of the obstacles placed in their way have made great achievements. Much is ready to be pushed those final steps along the path to completion. So do not give in to despair as from our vantage point all proceeds well. It is such that it will suddenly arise when you least expect it, and of course be very welcome. We feel that through various sources both on and off Earth you do have a lot of information available to you. As we have often advised you, find a source that resonates with you and use it to test others that may sometimes put over a different point of view.
Times are becoming exciting because it is possible to see where things are headed, and that should be into the future. What is ahead sounds like a dream as you have little or nothing that you can relate to it. Yet you are coming out of a dream world where you live the illusion of separateness, so you may wonder what is real after all. Of course duality as an experience is perfectly real to you, but it is not your true reality that you will be soon returning to. There is no comparison, although Mother Earth has shared the beauty of Nature, on a world that was carefully seeded for you and as you know was once a Garden of Eden. The ascended Earth will be another Garden of Eden that this time will continue to be inhabited only by those who are of the Light. There will be beauty unparalleled, and harmony that is rooted in the perfection of the higher vibrations.
Dear Ones all of the time you are making gains in bringing the new into being it makes our presence less urgent, as it is important you are seen to be well involved. It is true that you have always had help, but because it is the end of the cycle a lot of the onus is upon you to solve your own problems. In this there is no shortage of excellent ideas, and you are slowly moving into the new technological age. But for the fact that many have been deliberately suppressed, you would have been well into the New Age. So very soon a mass of new ideas will be released, and many are variations of devices that supply free energy. That in itself will solve some really pressing problems that are causing so much poverty and low standards of living.
You are One Race, the Human Race and you are all responsible for each other. Many feel that already, and with the levels of consciousness rapidly rising more are awakening to it. Soon you will have the tools and means to put the wrongs right, and there will be a wonderful outpouring of love to each other. You are naturally benign Beings of Love and Light, and that only changed when the dark Ones took control and drove wedges of hatred between you to maintain false differences. When you look at another Human and can see a reflection of yourself in them, you are seeing beyond the outer appearance and into the soul.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is wonderful to be part of such a great event as Ascension. Remember that it is happening to your whole Universe, and that we wait upon you and Mother Earth to ascend before we do. Your part in the proceedings is much more important than you are aware. So Dear Ones keep going forward with love in your hearts.
Thank you.
Mike Quinsey
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