Thank you Poof, Zap and Susan!
Stephen Cook/golden age gaia:
I feel that much of this was written a couple of days ago, over the
Easter break, and then sat on, waiting for ‘something’ to publicly
Greetings and Salutations:
Poof said:
Well, we are in the final days of Holy Week throughout
Christendom– the week that is well known for the crucifixion event, for
the dark hours that followed— and then the light that burst forth, not
on Saturday, considered a holy day, but on Sunday, the first day of the
week. And isn’t that the way life works? Things don’t happen when we
think they should, or if they should— they happen when the time is
right. That, ironically, is the system we are operating under when we
sit on the sidelines awaiting the good that has been promised for so
many moons. Just know that all is continuing along the path toward
manifestation and toward your being a recipient of good that can make a
difference in the world. Make your plans. It’s been said he who fails to
plan, plans to fail. Those are wise words. What gladdens your soul and
what heals your heart. Think about that. – Poof
Please know that… the Easter gifts you receive come with a million
more blessings than dollars. The nice thing about blessings is that the
giver can give them so easily, and the receiver can denominate them in
any desired form, which means YOU get to decide what forms the
millionaire blessings take – eggs, bread, money, joy, health of mind and
body, peace, energy, life, love…and on and on.
Be generous in claiming and appreciating your good. There is NO limit
on anything because it’s impossible to put human restrictions on
spiritual blessings. Something we, might do well to keep in mind is that
this prosperity business is a harmonious blending of invisible
spiritual substance interacting with virtually invisible molecular units
to become visible, tangible, material forms of God’s goodness. Our
prosperity happens first in mind (what’s outside was first in mind) and
the most powerful mind action that summons, welcomes, and delights in
prosperity is simply giving thanks for it. Happy Easter! Happy
Everyday!” – Susan
ZAP Says:
Hi all,
The purple pigs have taken off in a big way officially.
The RV that came Monday (the quiet one, not the public one) followed
the IMF’s Saturday pledges that: “The 188-nation International Monetary
Fund concluded talks Saturday with pledges to work toward faster growth
that will alleviate still-high unemployment. Managing Director Christine
Lagarde told reporters that the world had gone through a lengthy
economic “disaster” and now was moving through a period of strengthening
As I said, the Reset is here.
Last Thursday, the BIS (Bank of International Settlement) made the
first payment of funds to governments and organizations. On Friday, the
USA signed into effect the entry of the new United States dollar, the
TRN (the Treasury Reserve Note, backed by gold according to the Basel
III regulations compliance). The major transactions were effected on
Saturday. This continued Monday and will continue this week while the
new system is learned.
The TRN was in limited circulation in select banks and regions on Monday.
The funds are moving down the various levels, and are being sent by
the paymasters to pay on various transactions. Hong Kong is ahead in
this process because they do not rely on the issuance of TRN and they
can still work in USD. However platforms must wait for their conversion
to TRN. The banking system needs a week to fit the new system to be
efficient and meet all the Basel III agreements and requirements.
In the future, all transactions must be approved in compliance to
Basel III protocols by an official that will verify it, and make the
appropriate adjustments to be in compliance to the regulations. Selected
platforms will have a fulltime (Basel III) compliance officer assigned
to them for this purpose.
Payments scheduled for completed and selected new transactions will
be made, with the majority of such wire transfers to be effected after
the Easter holidays.
It is expected that the RV and Global Reset will be announced this month, and a tentative date of April 22 (
Stephen: which is today, and there’s nothing publicly visible yet) has been marked for the public announcement.
Firmer knowledge of this event will be forthcoming (as) soon as progress is made.
The release of the global matrix funds for our humanity by the
Chinese family are scheduled for around the same time, or shortly after.
This release is massive, as expected, and will fuel the reconstruction
projects for decades.
The heritage accounts from where the funds are originating from are
being opened and resolved. These accounts require a special settlement
process, and many have already been done, with many more scheduled. All
such accounts not settled by the announcement date will be closed and
made unusable.
Regardless of the funds brought forward into the economies through
the bond settlement process, the global matrix funds are the key to the
reconstruction projects, and are far greater than the total sum of all
bond settlements.
This release will be well-documented and a formal ceremony will take
place with the signing of the agreements. The date and location of this
ceremony is secret at the moment, and we will post this information if
allowed. The net result of all the activities regarding the RV, Global
Reset, the TRN and other important items on the global “to-do” list will
have our humanity breathing again, and is the culmination of hundreds
of years of preparation.
This is often times called the “Divine Plan” for humanity, and is
documented in the family records dating back these hundreds of years.
These records are sometimes referred to as the prophecies. Thus far, the
prophecies we have been apprised of before the event occurred over the
last decade have all come to pass accurately, so we have good confidence
in the events in the next weeks that are to unfold.
Q&A (edited)
Q: Dear Susan, Zap, and whoever else these emails go to… The link
above (not included) talks about a private exchange for dong.
Apparently the idea is to “avoid/beat the crowds” and also to “get a
higher rate” via the private exchange.
ZAP – There are precious few
opportunities left to get the higher private placement prices for the
dinar and the dong, as the system is now shut/shutting down in
preparation of the RV and reset.
When I listened to details about
this, which as I recall, includes having to sign some kind of “lots of
pages” contract, my own “get” was that this was not mine to take part
in. My gut said, “Stay away from “deals” that somehow say you can get
more $ by “private exchanges” and signing multi-page contracts.”
Something feels “off” about all this.
ZAP – Not really just last minute opportunities, but be careful you go to the right place.
As you always end the updates, BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH … this just does not fit (for me).
ZAP – I understand. However, the opportunities i have seen are correct. Scrutinize paperwork and ask hard questions.
If you have a “take” on this, I’d be
grateful to know what it is. No need to direct email… if you want just
answer in your weekly update. Thank you all so much for your information
and work FOR this Planet. Aloha
ZAP – (You are) Very welcome. Wish I could give better directions here.
Q: Dear Zap and Susan, ZAP wrote on April 13th that “Yesterday
the deadline for all submissions of Dinar was announced, and today they
are mopping up the last entries.” Does that mean the exchanges are
happening how and about to end? How do “the People” find out about
making the Dinar exchanges? Please help — let it be known. TNT Tony has
no 800 numbers. He also wrote that “The discount against the old USD
will be about 45% (1 USD = 45% of the new TRN), …” So, that means 1 USD =
.45 TRN, then it takes 2.22 USD to equal 1 TRN, so with the digital and
physical conversions — 100 old USDs will get you 45 new TRNs. So all
retail stores will have to reprice all price tags over time, but add an
adjustment factor in their computer systems immediately when the change
ZAP – Actually, it will be $0.55 USD = $1
TRN (sorry, I wrote it will be the other way around). Yes, the stores
will either re-price or have the registers do automatic conversions.
This will be the changing the old
corporate US currency (FRNs) to the new Republic USA currency (TRNs).
Will Americans feel less purchasing power with their own domestic goods
and services? With the new global exchange rates, imports and traveling
abroad will definitely be much more expensive for Americans, since other
currencies will become stronger.
ZAP – The TRN will be in keeping with all
other currencies as it too will be metal backed, so no really big
difference if there is, then it will dip, then recover and stabilize.
The reason Congress will not sign off
on the 2010 IMF Reforms is because that will be “political suicide” for
them. They do not want to be associated with the US Dollar being
devalued and the new global exchange rates being implemented. The
American public will go crazy with prices going up. Many Americans are
still living paycheck to paycheck with this economy.
ZAP – That is not the reason, attractive
as that explanation may be. If they sign, the changes will be upon the
us as well, and the truth will come out. That is why the big hesitation.
This will make a more level “playing
field” for all people of the world, as opposed to the previously
privileged Americans getting so much for so little. People will earn
more fair wages around the world, rather than being exploited. Correct?
ZAP – That is the essence of the overall plan: peace, joy and prosperity poverty will disappear.
I have been to Brazil and can see the
difference. Their business class is similar to our middle class, their
working class is like our poorer class, and their poor class is like our
homeless. But, their political class is like our political class, with
all the public-paid perks. Best wishes, – JM
ZAP – Unfortunately that is the case in most areas there is too much corruption.
Q: I have been a loyal fan of Poof reports since the 80′have
contributed to phone calls and send money and I am not rich, but I’m
frustrated since nothing seems to happen, I would like to have Zap
answer the few questions.
ZAP – Sometimes I wish the dial in service was still working.
Attached is an insert from Casper
that indicates nothing is happening. And apparently he’s right because
there is no treasure or new Treasury bill announcement anywhere in the
world. There is no closure of the IRS and everything seems “normal”.
ZAP – And the ghostly one knows all of course. (Stephen: obviously this is a sarcastic retort)
Quote of the Casper Report:
” We contacted and spoke with four Exchangers of Dinar. Three said their
Dinar comes from the CBI of course, but there is a middle person . The
fourth said he is getting his Dinar from Treasury. If the Dinar being
sold to the public worldwide and especially in the U.S. is provided by
Treasury and/or Bush, then the R.V. is a government sponsored Ponzi
Scheme with Lew playing middle man. Our very first update on this R.V.
subject 18 or more months ago quoted our sources as saying exactly that.
If true they must have raised hundreds of billions if not trillions of
dollars by now for the purpose of retaining their fraudulent financial
playpen and maintaining themselves in power. WE do not wish to be right
about this but neither are WE inclined to bury our heads in the sand or
to depend upon information coming from the residence of Satan himself.
Why would the U.S., or anyone for that matter, be selling unlimited
amounts of Dinar to the public at 1166/1 then buying it back soon
(exchanging) at $30.00 to one or even $3.00 to one??”
ZAP – And we still maintain that the TRN
is here and in limited circulation, because we know of several people
that we know that have received the TRN at a bank. Some in the USA, and
lately, a couple of days ago, a friend walked into Deutsche Bank, and
got TRN. Weird bill, too, he said. Does not look anything like the USD.
So we are pretty sure that we are correct.
Casper: “From time to time the NESARA
web-site has posted intel regarding the demise of the Corporation and
our return to the Constitution rather than our being ruled by Corporate
Puppets, the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and Presidential Executive
Orders and, once again issuing our own Sovereign Gold Backed Currency on
which we do not pay 500 Billion dollars a year in interest to the
privately owned Fed Res banking Cartel. This is what we should be
praying for night and day.”
ZAP – That part is almost over. The gold was done to back the TRN, and that is many trillion worth of backing. Relax a bit.
Casper : ”This non-update update is
longer than anticipated already so let’s go back to watching the play by
play reporting of the Gurus and hope they will be able to spit the
hooks intentionally inserted into their mouths by those whose lies are
responsible for so many damaged lives over the years.”
ZAP – So far all information i have been privileged to has been accurate. No hooks here to spit.
I am hopeful that the Casper report
is untrue, but the reality tells me it is true, there is no treasure
Reserve gold backed, no new Money treasury bills, and no bank
realignment with Basil III..
ZAP – The ghostly one is pretty good on the overall, but the devil is in the detail, right?
So what is the truth. If there are no announcements, there is no truth, anybody can say anything they like.
ZAP – The truth is hidden at the moment for good reason. Mostly security issues as the sides were at war.
Thanks for your memories – A
ZAP – Hope that helps a bit. Today/tomorrow is the beginning. And this next one is pleasantly surprising.
(Stephen: As the question from ‘A’
appears to have ended above, I’m sure who or what is being quoted here.
It may still be part of Casper’s report, but that is not clear)
“Today, on one aspect, we saw real movement this morning involving a
certain Chinese Elders overdue deal now moving with new hope. From
that, once it does clear, the Good US Patriots working closely with us,
will be working as part of a Global collective of like minds, to help
turn this Tramp Ship of State around. Over the next few days we will
issue a major global report to give you a comprehensive understanding of
the multi facet issues we deal with hourly, to help you all understand
the complex dynamics involved seeking resolution, and many issues to
debate. Some truths will affect many. But hopefully open minds. Keep
faith in what’s emerging here.”
ZAP – Since it is beginning now, the
information flow will increase, and my little voice here will be drowned
by the sheer volume of information coming out cleanly. Very good…
…Quote (attributed to) John MacHaffie (NESARA News):
“The admiral and his group did exchange yesterday, Sunday around 8:00 pm
in Reno. He activated the funding for the Republic Treasury. Prosperity
packages P&F letters (Penalties & Fines) were sent out
Saturday. 70% are required to be delivered with rec’d proof before the
announcements and RV can be made. It has been confirmed that the
republic has been live since Thursday, April 17th. Active and awaiting
the RV. Announcements for RV, gold currency and Republic was scheduled
for Easter Sunday, 4/20/14 (April 20) after 7:00 pm EST (USA) but now
awaiting the 70% delivery criteria as mentioned above. Public exchanging
is expected (and hoped) for this Monday or Tuesday. (
Stephen: This being April 21/22 – but, again, yet to happen)”
ZAP – Yay team. Pretty well it. All informations coming in say the
same thing over and over from the highest levels down. Today/tomorrow,
the releases begin and humanity changes.
And the pigs keep flying. Hypersonic almost attained. Yippee!
I’m going to miss answering the gamut of vegetables I did a while
back. People with the intelligence of a parsnip were my favorite.
Have much, much fun this week and rejoice.
In love and light
In our service
Susan: As we continue to wait another week, your support to
assist in keeping the newsletter coming continues. It sure was easier
when Poof was doing it! Donations thru, account:
Thank you,
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
Susan and Staff