Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Matthew Ward - January 11, 2015

Thank you Matthew and Suzy!

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Before we speak about recent events, we say that throughout this year you will see the pace and number of significant occurrences increase as vibrations heighten. Earth’s energy field of potential, which looks like perpetual fireworks, reflects the light’s accelerated momentum due to lightworkers’ efforts and our universal family’s stepped-up activity on your behalf.

Two “accidents” have been the cause of both grief and gratitude. It was not “good luck” that some individuals who intended to be on AirAsia Flight 8501 were not: Their time was not up. They don’t know that is why they missed the flight; they and all who love them simply are grateful that they did. As heartbreaking as it is for families and friends of everyone who went down with the plane, the soul contracts of all aboard called for their transitioning at that time. Had they not left by that means, they would have departed suddenly in some other way soon afterwards.

The same would have been true about the persons who transitioned after fire broke out on the ferry boat in the Adriatic Sea. In this incident, contracts of all except those few souls did call for longer lifetimes. The hundreds who were rescued aren’t consciously aware of that, nor need they be to feel grateful, and the same is so with their families and other dear ones.

The outrage in the United States about the shooting of two police officers in a patrol car is serving to bring a degree of balance to the outrage about police using excessively harsh tactics with African American males. You could think of this as an emotional pendulum that’s been stuck on the end where law enforcement is perceived as biased in judgment and treatment, and suddenly the pendulum darts to the other end. Feelings on both sides are justified indeed, but the pendulum has to move away from both perception extremes so balance can come in police actions and the public’s reactions.

The slaughter in Charlie Hebdo’s office and subsequent killings in Paris united your world in sympathy, compassion and condemnation of terrorist acts. If any aspects of such incidents can be described as “heartening,” then these are: The people of France are as One in fearless rebellion against savage efforts to muzzle freedom of expression and world leaders are demonstrating their solidarity; the Muslim assassins and all others like them are being seen as exactly what they are—brutal, tyrannical individuals acting upon a deranged ideology that has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam; and there is an international call to root out and cure the cause of that extremism. This vital move toward overcoming bigotry, resentment and fear of differences had to come so that unity in respect and appreciation of differences can take hold—that is the foundation upon which a civilization builds a peaceful, loving, harmonious world.

It may seem as if we speak of tragic events with emotional detachment—this is the higher purpose being served and that is that. That isn’t the case. We do honor all who are playing their parts in every divisive or abhorrent situation, yet it is deeply sad for us that gaining personal and planetary balance entails so much violence and sorrow within our beloved Earth family. Especially heart-wrenching are the massacres and kidnapping of children and other unconscionable atrocities. It is difficult for us, as for you, to see someone’s agony and view it as another milestone in the eternal cycle of shared lifetimes in physical worlds and reunions in spirit worlds. Please find a measure of comfort, as we must ourselves, in knowing that out of tragedies comes soul evolvement; out of horror come a more spiritually enlightened and compassionate society and, ultimately, Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom.

And, perhaps a tragedy seems greater when 12 or 100 or 400 die in the same incident, but every minute many thousands of souls are dying and this is sorrowful for everyone who loves them. We wish that all who are grieving could know that they and these persons dear to them chose their experiences to help each other evolve. They still would miss their loved ones, of course, but that knowledge could lessen the profoundness of their loss.

“You said in your last message that everything happening here is purposeful. I can’t see any purpose in ‘The Interview’ film or the backlash. How far will damage spread because North Koreans hacked into Sony’s computer system? Everything about this seems like a step backwards for the light.”

Everything happening in your world is purposeful! However, while some issues may seem to you logical in that context, others could be considered a far stretch, and the film and ensuing backlash may be an example of the latter.

In previous messages we have stated that the entertainment field has been an Illuminati stronghold because what they provide influences public opinions and actions. The prominence of crime, war and other violence in films and games is to inure society to those kinds of behavior and motivate unstable individuals to mimic it. The entertainment manipulators create “box office stars,” put them on pedestals and reward them with exorbitant payment and various awards; that exalts a few souls above all others and widens the disparity between the “haves” and “have-nots” in your world. Reasoning minds see those negative effects as well as the positive inroads in the industry, but what is not in the public eye is the Illuminati’s darkest camp in the entertainment field—Satanism, sex slavery, pedophilia and pornography.

All of those seen and unseen situations are devoid of light, and Earth has reached energy planes where everything in low vibratory levels is disintegrating. What has been going on back stage, so to say, is moving onto center stage where the play that’s unfolding can be viewed by the public.

Backlash from the film is keeping the spotlight on “cyberspace war.” Whatever is designed for positive use can be directed into negative means, and your advancement in computer technology is a prime example. On one hand, medical breakthroughs can be shared worldwide, communication is swift, whistleblowers have a forum to publish their findings, and an abundance of information not reported in mainstream media is available on the Internet. On the other hand, the Internet is used to disseminate false information and some individuals illegally enter computer systems to release proprietary data, introduce viruses and disrupt business operations. Your national leaders, who know the benefits of sharing valuable information, are seeing the need to protect their countries’ interests by working together to prevent hacking globally. Any issue that initiates or enhances cooperation across borders is to be welcomed.

We don’t see Sony’s experience leading to “all our private information and communication can be used by anyone and there can be widespread power outages” that is causing some concern. If that results in some cases, it would be temporary. Wrongful use of anything, be it information or technology or a natural resource, emits low vibrations and activity at that level cannot be sustained much longer.

Our colleagues in Nirvana cannot verify that the complex hacking process originated in North Korea or elsewhere. It could be the work of black ops agents in the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA—they are here and there around the world—or a malicious, perhaps vindictive, individual or group. But whoever the responsible person or persons are, they did not intend their efforts to aid the light by producing the positive effects we mentioned.

“President Obama finally has done something ‘light’ in my opinion, with that executive order. It’s absurd that our government has blackballed Cuba for 50 years when right after WWII, we helped Germany and Japan get back on their feet. There wasn’t even a war with Cuba! Why is there opposition in both parties to what Obama did?”

President Obama’s executive order that opens the door to normalizing the country’s relationship with Cuba evoked that reaction from members of Congress who routinely oppose what he does, but a few who responded angrily did so on an emotional basis more so than political. Their hearts and minds are rooted half a century in the past, which precludes their seeing that resolution of a longstanding issue is in the best interests of both countries’ peoples. This step toward living together respectfully and cooperatively also is evidence that behind-the-scenes efforts are coming to fruition in consonance with ever-increasing vibrations.

Dear family, you may tire of our attributing everything to vibrations, but they are the “fabric” of this entire universe! Everything in existence is energy vibrating at one rate or another, and the light increases as the vibratory rate accelerates. Every thought, feeling and action emits vibrations that accordingly manifest situations and their outcomes, and the amount of light in individuals determines how far along—or if—they are on the ascension pathway.

Let us clarify any misunderstanding that ascension is in conjunction with transitioning from physical life to life in spirit. Ascension is an evolutionary process and entering Nirvana is automatic ascension in location only. Persons who advance from third to fourth density spiritually and consciously during Earth lifetime enter Nirvana’s fourth density residential areas; persons who don’t achieve that status prior to transition enter at the lower density of their lifetime energy registration. Nirvana does offer opportunities to attain a higher density status, but that doesn’t come automatically. Many residents prepare via specific studies and the aid of more evolved souls to strengthen character frailties so the next personage in the lineage is better equipped to evolve during the physical lifetime.

It may be helpful if we remind you of density’s two definitions, scientifically speaking. One is mass or the location of a mass. Earth is third density in mass and fourth in location; Nirvana is fourth density in mass and location. The other definition is soul evolvement status. Gaia, Earth’s soul, always has been fifth density regardless of what density her planetary body is in; and Nirvana’s residents range from second to fifth and higher in some cases.

To continue our clarification, during this unprecedented time in the universe there are exceptions to the law of physics that governs ascension, and the misunderstanding may derive from what we have told you about souls whose original contracts are amended. Persons whose experiences exceed the severity of some contract provisions may petition at soul level to leave this lifetime before completing remaining provisions. Divine grace honors these requests by permitting the individuals to either experience the rest of the contract choices in Nirvana or be given full credit for completion. Either way, they evolve into fourth density during their stay there.

Personal ascension has been going on at an increasing rate ever since the planet started ascending 70-some years ago. Almost all persons who responded to the massive infusion of light at that time and advanced from third to fourth density spiritually and consciously transitioned to Nirvana some time ago. A multitude of souls who were born during more recent decades also transitioned after attaining fourth density status; all whose contracts were amended to permit early entry to Nirvana have it; and many persons in your society today have advanced to that status. All in all, several billion souls have evolved during Earth’s ascension process to date, and her journey into successively higher energy planes assures that many more will do so.

One last word about vibrations. We have mentioned before the importance of words, how their vibrations affect the persons who use them and all who hear them. Experiments performed by Masuru Emoto are evidence of this, which you can see in the Water and Words part of this site Dr. Emoto came from a highly evolved civilization specifically to endow your world with those scientific discoveries, and when he transitioned a few months ago, he was welcomed by a throng of souls who know that he fulfilled his mission with grand success.

Beloved brothers and sisters, you light up your life and the lives of others by speaking kindly, and the ripple effects of your words are immeasurable. We journey with you in spirit and unconditional love.

by Suzanne Ward
Email: Before we speak 

13 Ben, 11 Chen, 11 Ik by Galactic Federation of Light, Spiritual Hierarchy, and Sheldan Nidle

Thank you GFL, SH, and Sheldan!

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We come with more news! The last vestige of resistance by the dark is in its banking system. These rapscallions are delaying the distribution of your blessings by being supposedly ill prepared to process your funds. We have instructed our earthly allies to set deadlines and personally supervise the last steps in this process. In addition, our allies tell us that a whole slew of new wealth managers need to be prepared for you. We are disgusted at these revelations and have instructed our allies to be very strict and demand that they be permitted to appoint personnel as needed to ensure this process can go as smoothly as possible. We are ready to use our technology to ensure that this set of final procedures is completed without further delay. We have also been overseeing the coming dismantling of a number of major governments. Your world has been under the thumb of a number of super-wealthy and well-situated dark individuals ever since the Anunnaki left this reality nearly 20 years ago. Our efforts are currently set on preparing this reality to finally rid it of these powerful dark emissaries.

   We are carefully working with your various common-law agencies to arrest these extremely powerful individuals at the right time. The dark, after all, has been in charge of this reality for nearly 13 millennia. When these various individuals are arrested, the last controller of this reality will be "out of business." This can allow the governances to release formal statements about how the new financial system is to be globally operated. This new system is to be the transition from the hard world that you know to one filled with the energies of the Light. Included in this plethora of announcements is to be one that sets the stage for our arrival. In our announcements, we intend to set the stage for the Ascended Masters and the formal arrival of the Agarthans. Once you are fully conscious, a new star nation is to begin forming. It is to consist of both corporeal and non-corporeal beings. You are to learn much about physical life. Your Love is to transcend into galactic joy. At that time, your wisdom is to vastly grow and you will learn about Heaven and the very nature of divine service.

   My friends, this is a time for reflection and inspiration. We see ourselves as special emissaries sent to this part of our galaxy to watch over you, and at the right divine moment to land and begin a mass series of mentorings - to ready you for the vast transformation that is the transfer into full consciousness. Our societies are based on truth and complete self-acceptance. We consider exploration of physicality to be our greatest accomplishment. Each of us has spent time being a part of an exploration mission to some part of this galaxy or traversing space and exploring the wonders of the endless galaxies that surround us. During our long lifetimes we acquire a whole host of new wisdom and we add these gems to ever-growing knowledge. Thus, each of us possesses a great storehouse of truths about this reality and many, many others. We have taken our mentors and matched them to you. Once chosen, each mentor has been accompanying your medical team as it makes its nightly rounds.

   Mentoring is by far the most important task we can perform. Each of you is either a starseed or a Being that has endured numerous lives on the surface of this world. Shortly, you are to be introduced to us. We take this meeting seriously. You have a vast ensemble of past relatives to appease. There are as well your many past lives to take into account. Once you have accepted all of this, we need to use our abilities to prepare you to learn intimately about who you were and what your present lifetime is really all about. This is indeed a most special process, which we are to share with each other. Each of us is mutually to grow from these experiences. You are an important part of this society. You are to add your "flavor" to how this new galactic society is to be born. Thus, you need to let us jointly create your fully conscious self. Your angels and other heavenly hosts are to assist us in this sacred process. This process is a prelude to what you are to accomplish in this new galactic society. This is indeed to be a new epoch for humanity!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with important news of what is presently happening on your world. As noted in past messages, your blessings are very close to a mass delivery, which is to allow your major governances to be changed. The first nation scheduled for this momentous event is America. It was noted long ago that America is the point where this unholy cabal is to first taste the rigors of defeat. Heaven has graciously sent special emissaries to aid us in this. Our friends in Agartha have likewise provided us with sacred resources. These are to permit this world to oust these scalawags from power and permit the reinstituting of both common and constitutional law in America. This is only the start of a process, which is to spread across this globe, and bring you freedom and prosperity! We bless our friends, and most of all, Heaven. We bless Heaven and all for finding the means to change this realm from dark to a wondrous Light!

   This grand change is happening to you in the spiritual and in the physical. Heaven is using ways to enable this formerly dark realm to transition to the Light. We thank and bless you for holding the vision, and for enabling us to use our energies with yours. Together, we are a gracious force for good, which cannot be defeated. You are shortly to see the results of what we have jointly done. The dark is being forced to permit our allies to distribute the wealth that the dark stole over the last few centuries, and to give you your freedom by ending all debt and releasing you from very clever debt slavery. This process is to bring you governance, which is the transition from manipulation of truth and sinister control to wondrous freedom. This is as well to mark your move from galactic isolation to a reunion with spiritual and space families.

   We say this to remind you that we are to reenter the spiritual and physical realities as true ambassadors. We are to reconnect with those who have for an eon protected Gaia and served as her Spiritual Hierarchy. As you again manifest the joys of full consciousness, you are to re-acquaint yourselves with these marvelous entities. For millennia, we have looked to them for guidance in our healing and spiritual assistance practices. Their wisdom and wondrous joy is a great comfort to us. Now, it is soon time for you to meet these great Beings of Light. They have advised Heaven about how best to move each of you to this most glorious moment of remembrance. You are to see how amazing these Beings truly are! We leave you now, knowing just how close you are to your many wondrous blessings! So we again ask your patience in all of these matters. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we continued our messages with you. We ask you to keep patience and hope truly glowing within you! Accept the fact that a great time of miracles is about to reach a crescendo! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by GFL, SH, and Sheldan Nidle

Thursday, January 8, 2015

6 Cimi, 4 Chen, 11 Ik by Galactic Federation of Light, Spiritual Hierarchy, and Sheldan Nidle

The best part about this week's update is that it truly feels like the time is "now" for our long-promised Announcements, including prosperity funds, new governance, debt forgiveness, etc.

Thank you GFL, SH, and Sheldan!

Dratzo! We arrive with some very interesting news! The process, which is changing your reality, continues to move forward despite attempts by the dark cabal to delay it further. This caused the failure to announce the merest of beginnings for the delivery of your prosperity packages. The dark, overall, has failed to prevent the start of these deliveries. However, this process is moving toward a time when such success can be publicly noticed. On the whole, we are satisfied that those governments now controlled by the dark are on their last legs. The first month of the New Year promises to give you the prosperity and governance which has long been prophesized for you. Our earthly allies are determined to overcome any possible obstacles and give you a new financial system. This system is to force the drastic realigning of various regimes in the West and rapidly create new governance. It is this new governance that is finally to permit disclosure to happen. It is this dramatic event that propels us onto the world’s stage. Much is to occur once this special moment happens. Our personnel are ready to announce themselves and open the communication channels with you.

   In that moment, the energies are to appear to provide us the opening to commence a series of announcements to you. Thus, a whole series of events are to inevitably lead to a mass landing and the beginnings of your trainings with us. The Ascended Masters and the Agarthans plan to explain a great deal of your history to you. This is to cover even the rise and true meanings of the great religious philosophies, which are the core beliefs for most of you. You require evidence and a general recounting of what actually happened. This divine set of stories needs to be reset, and not thoroughly manipulate, as has been the case with much of what you now understand. The dark skillfully took what was most helpful to its own purposes, and restructured those things which you presently deeply believe in. Our point is simply to let in the truth and let you rediscover what really occurred. At that moment, you can begin to see how the great avatars wished you to be. This is based on Love, Light, and the great Oneness of all humanity.

   Our mission to you is founded on these grand principles. We have come with a need to learn more about you and at the proper divine moment, to reveal ourselves to you. Much has gone on, which in our minds caused a delay in these most important announcements. Nevertheless, individuals and groups exist in your societies that are dedicated to manifesting a new reality founded upon truth, liberty and global prosperity. There exists, long hidden by the dark, the means to reveal technologies and wealth, which free you from the drudgery of daily life. We can further state that there is a means to end war, which the dark has long used to keep nations and people apart. Each of you needs to look deep inside and truly discern how this “monkey business” has played upon you. The cleverness of the dark cabal cannot be overstated. It has kept you doing its “business” for literally millennia. The time now comes to stop this nonsense and use your inner Love to build a new epoch for humanity.

   What our allies deeply wish is for you to plan and be ready to implement a way toward doing your part to reshape this present reality. Our task is to oversee your mass efforts and help you to better understand the immensity of what you are about to accomplish. This process took you nearly 13 millennia to achieve. We come to be the ones to give you the final push toward your success. We know that this effort has presently caused you some frustration. Soon, you can be more objective and laugh at the whole matter. Nonetheless, the time to do great things arrives. Be kind to each other. Be ready to aid your mutual causes and to bask in your new achievement of your rights and of your newfound prosperity. Realize that this system is temporary. Full consciousness is to give you quite a different outlook on what has occurred and what is about to occur. Money, and all that goes with it, is simply the resource for allowing you to begin to develop a new philosophical outlook on life. This is to serve you well as you morph into your fully conscious selves.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you with some surprising information. First, let it be known to all that our associates are busily beginning their part of the general delivery. The monies are being transferred in specific groups to those who are to actually bring this prosperity to you. The Light fully expected the dark cabal to use its many available technologies to hamper these efforts. Thus, it was no surprise when this happened to our first attempts at the end of this last Gregorian year of 2014. We were thus able to stop and to correct what we were doing. The actual method to accomplish our deliveries is to be successful, but requires absolute secrecy. We say this only to inform you that deliveries are to go forward without any fanfare. Each of you is to have a personal trust account. Once you have done the preliminaries, be ever mindful of security. These deliveries are to quickly lead to new governance. Listen carefully to the first announcement. Then do what is to be suggested.

   New governance is to suggest a number of strategies on how to further secure these special funds. Use what you feel is most appropriate. It is vital that you begin to spread this wealth around. In addition, government funds, such as tax refunds and increased amounts for your public pensions, are to begin their circulation. Use these where applicable to aid the growth of your local economies. There is also to be a series of new banking rules. These regulations are to aid your own redeployment of your funds. Know that we deeply wish you to buy houses, cars and other resources. This is going to support those who are to use their funds to rebuild the manufacturing and infrastructure parts of your economies. The thrust of these many different monies is to permit your local economies to repair and restore the manufacturing elements and much-needed foundation abandoned en masse by the dark cabal.

   We are explaining this in advance to prepare you for what is either shortly to happen or else is now underway. We are most enthused about what our many associates are accomplishing. It has been an even more difficult task than many of our associates at first believed was to happen. We are also most pleased with what Heaven’s newest edicts have permitted our Agarthan and space friends to do. The coming time is therefore to be one filled with deeds that are to push the cabal from power and permit mass arrests of the entire leadership of this malicious group. This new reality is to be set forth in rapid stages. Each segment is to be given the time for you to fully grasp and understand its basic meanings. When all is done, you are to be ready for our lessons and for our space family to finally arrive. It is indeed to be the best of times. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we explained to you what is to happen. Take this information and be patient. As noted, the best is now to come. Be prepared and ready for these truly astounding changes. Do not be disappointed if these final steps take a little longer. The new epoch for humanity is finally ready to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by GFL, SH, and Sheldan Nidle

Friday, January 2, 2015

12 Cauac, 17 Mol, 11Ik by Galactic Federation of Light, Spiritual Hierarchy, and Sheldan Nidle: Your new technologies are to terminate any need for the mass farming you currently do. This technology likewise is to end the present way your economies operate. No need for stores, or for that matter, jobs, which take you away from your home simply to earn the monies, you need to survive. Instead, you are to learn to work with one another, to alter how you view “Mother Earth.” Each individual possesses talents. These are to be used to find the joy you need to truly be in ecstasy. When you constantly use your talents to aid your society and sustain your world, you discover an inner joy. This maintains and enlivens you. You gladly join with others to form relationships that sustain each other.

This update highlights the essential need to change our viewpoint that Man & Woman are at the top of the hierarchy, when in reality one is better than or more important than another.  With that in mind, we also need to embrace our responsibility to care for ourSelves, for each other, for Lady Gaia, and ALL Her life forms.

Suppressed technologies will be given back to our world, which will effectively end our need for many activities of our current society ...such as mass farming, the need for jobs, cars, and the like.  In other words, we will FINALLY be able to focus on our innate gifts and passions, to cultivate and master them, in turn, allowing us to give them back to our world for all to cherish.  As the cabal has set up our current reality, people are forced to work in order to pay back debt we've been charged with to survive on this planet:  paying for homes, clothing, food, water, heat, transportation etc.  Life was NEVER supposed to be this hard, especially when technologies exist which generate all these survival needs for us.  Imagine being able to use these technologies each and every day, literally creating everything that we need with our own thought, and then having free time throughout the day allowing us to develop the activities that make our heart sing?  This will truly be Heaven on Earth --returning the the original Garden of Eden.  I cannot wait --bring the new governance, debt forgiveness, prosperity, funds, and suppressed technologies to transform our world right before our very eyes!

A galactic civilization is one that honors Self AND each other--this is were we are headed. Typically, other worlds that are to evolve as such takes a few decades to accomplish for everyone to learn Universal Laws that foster such a lifestyle.  However, given our cabal has denied us this luxury and natural progression within our world over the past several decades (in order to keep themselves in power), this decades-long process will be accomplished in a few short years with the guidance of our personal Galactic mentors (every person on the Earth School gets their own!).

This world's Ascended Masters will be mentors to each of us us all about full conscious intergalactic life.  A such, we will become stewards of this world and others close by, and further guaranteeing galactic peace to this entire sector of physicality.  We will also learn what has truly happened in the last 900,000 years in this galaxy, once we are fully conscious and our amnesia has been lifted.  This year brings our society to these imminent changes: Hosana! Hosana! Hosana!

Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!

Dratzo! We come on this date with more to discuss with you. The various coalitions created by the Light are in the process of finishing their operations to remove the dark cabal from power. These groups are slightly ahead of our jointly agreed upon schedules. We are most pleased with these results. The new Gregorian year promises much as it prepares its final countdown for manifestation before you. This year is finally to make it possible to finish off the cabal and its numerous henchmen. This coming victory is to give you the freedom and prosperity we have long promised you. This time comes with a growing set of responsibilities as well. Gaia expects that you are to honor Her. Over the past 500 years, western civilization has spread across your globe like a cancer. It strongly believes that it is the master, and not Gaia. This upside-down view needs to be expunged by you and replaced by one that realizes the importance of creating a society which sees itself as a part of the natural processes of your world: Mother Earth and humanity in harmony, as always intended. You need to visualize how you are truly partners with this world essence in preserving and sustaining all life on Gaia.

   As you develop your new global societies, bear in mind this concept of divine partnership with every planet that you are to dwell on in this solar system. Right now, you need to concentrate on Gaia. When you are reunited with the Agarthans, use their societies as a prototype for establishing a new epoch for humanity. Your new technologies are to terminate any need for the mass farming you currently do. This technology likewise is to end the present way your economies operate. No need for stores, or for that matter, jobs, which take you away from your home simply to earn the monies, you need to survive. Instead, you are to learn to work with one another, to alter how you view “Mother Earth.” Each individual possesses talents. These are to be used to find the joy you need to truly be in ecstasy. When you constantly use your talents to aid your society and sustain your world, you discover an inner joy. This maintains and enlivens you. You gladly join with others to form relationships that sustain each other.

   We say this simply to encourage you, and to prepare you for what lies ahead. Long ago, the dark created your societies to serve themselves. Your purpose was simply to do what they wished, or in a lesser way, to emulate them. This is not a natural sequence of events. Thus, you have mostly denied yourself things that were capable of bringing you joy and true knowledge of Self. As you move forward into higher states of consciousness, you begin to realize the ridiculousness of such an arrangement. Instead, you require a society where everyone learns to honor each other. This type of society is a natural evolutionary process that normally takes many decades to discover and implement. Our purpose is to have you accomplish this even before you reach full consciousness. This is to be the prime task of our mentors. You first need to rediscover who you truly are and apply it to your realm. This process is to be the prelude to what we call galactic society, where you learn to sustain each other, and your realm.

   Such societies permeate our numerous star nations. We have come here to prepare you for the advent of such a society throughout this solar system. As you grow, you are also to learn how various souls have raised their vibrations to where they do not require a physical body. These magnificent Beings are to be found aiding the elementals found on all the worlds, which possess environments harmful to physical life. They also wish to be a part of this new star nation. We are to teach you about life and consciousness as well, to ready you for a truly amazing set of experiences. Each of you has a series of realities where you exist in parallel to yourself. This is how you make decisions based upon your life contract. We are to let your mentors explain this in a more extensive manner. Before we can do this, you are to learn more about the true nature of time and space. To do this, you need to abandon your present concepts that are based purely upon physical reality. Until then, let this brief allusion suffice. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with some good news for each of you. Right now, we are watching our associates complete a number of tasks that are to lead you to a new epoch. Now that the Christmas holiday is complete, we are seeing that the various programs are concluding. We fully expect to see the rise of new governances around this world in the coming months. These changes are only the beginning of several new developments which are to drastically change how this world operates. Mostly, governments have been the playthings of the super-rich and powerful. Now these instruments are to represent you. This dramatic change is due in part to your great envisioning. It has taken much longer than originally expected. Meanwhile, Heaven continued to ask its many angelic guardians to accelerate the various readjustments that you needed. This program in turn produced the degree of change which Heaven wanted.

   We, Ascended Masters, were required to use our envisioning powers to assist you in this grand task. We welcome your increasing acceptance of the many changes needed to transform this reality. Let us continue to pray and meditate together. A grand design is manifesting in this realm, which is destined to transform us all. We are most pleased by your cooperation. The energy fields have formed, which are to wonderfully forge our new realm. Use this ever-growing energy to bring in your dreams. We wish you freedom, prosperity, and most of all a return to the individual sovereignty and rights given freely to you. Each human on this world is destined to merge with his or her highest living potential. This resultant Being is to work with others to form a most marvelous new epoch for all humanity. It is this entity which is to join with the Agarthans and others to form a new Galactic Federation star nation.

   Your future is indeed bright. We see ourselves as mentors for each of you. Together, we are to forge the means to solidify and sustain a galactic-wide peace. We are as well to be the core of a union of galaxies, which are to spread the Light throughout this section of physicality. We rejoice in all that we as a people have had to endure, to achieve this wondrous objective. Long ago, the Anunnaki set us on a course that seemed only to bring you eternal difficulties. Heaven intervened and first provided you a way out. We have used this opening to bring humanity to where it now sits. You are blessedly going to go beyond this and return happily to your true state. In this state, you are to learn all about what really transpired over the past 900,000 years. Use this sacred knowledge to advance humanity and to fulfill the remaining prophecies given to us by Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we continued our messages. This information is simply to help you. Know how deeply we love you. This realm is indeed beginning a change that is to fundamentally alter your history and bring you a great truth! We are all part of a great Living energy. This energy is part of a great Oneness. This Oneness is destined to bring Love and Light to all physicality. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
 by GFL ,SH, and Sheldan Nidle