"So for those who are willing to do the inner work to align with the new systems, there will be great reward. For those who continue to live in self-gain, there will be much turmoil... advancements for the betterment of mankind are being held back by the many complexities and overseers with a gain in maintaining an outworn healthcare structure built upon a foundation of greed.
And while we are on the topic of greed, consider that the health 'insurance' industry …which is really not insurance at all ...is a multi-trillion dollar industry that contributes nothing to direct patient health …and is driven by those who power a hideously large portion of the financial world …those B-I-G financial players ...so naturally healthcare and economy go hand in hand. As one goes down, the other will follow …but in its wake, a new framework will arise to take its place."
This entire channeling is EXACTLY what I've been talking ...nope, more like bitching & complaining ...about for two decades: Governments chiseling away at our freedoms; greedy unethical corporations controlling our lives and intentionally polluting our food air water and land; New World Order and microchips; healthcare ...what a joke; archaic educational models for kids and elitist cliques to "bribe" called graduate school; money making the world go 'round instead of love; ridiculous scams in plain sight "voted" upon by the rich, for example insurance & road construction; etc Et Cetera ET CETERA, but of course, I was only able to rant and rave emotionally like a spaz totally turning people off! So I thank you Seven Sisters of the Pleiades and Lauren for communicating this so eloquently....
Such an inspiring update ...rolling our way for the hard work we've done! CHANGE ABOUNDS.
And so it is.
*** gavin
Changing of the Guard: Failing Systems of the Old Paradigm
(emphasis added)
"You are currently witnessing a complete turn around in the earth's dynamic…an edifice of human thought that is no longer in alignment with the old paradigm of separation, but one of greater fortitude and of a higher vibrational constitution. What we mean is this...the soil of your earth has become fertile enough for your pure-hearted intentions to take root." The Seven Sisters of Pleiades
For those of us here on the east coast, we've definitely weathered a few unsettling days as hurricane Irene danced her way up the eastern seaboard. Many around me are still dealing with the aftermath, but I was very fortunate in that I only had to endure a minor 14 hour inconvenience without power …which in and of itself is pretty amazing considering 180,000 people in my area experienced an outage and some will remain powerless for several days. And even though there is damage ...in some cases, punishing winds and pounding rain produced serious local flooding ...overall a much less severe impact than predicted and the result of which the unseens say is related to the many prayers and visualizations of you kind & conscious folk…so, many thanks for the love (& the very kind emails too : ))
"We would like to bring your attention to the resulting efforts of those of you who have brought forth the energies of love for this time. There was a weakening effect of the storms pull toward destruction and even though damage resulted, greater disasters were annulled. Much of this was due, in part, to your contributions of love, your visions of protection, and the prayers of unity that spiraled outward from a place of true heart-based interconnectivity. We would say…job well done." - Seven Sisters
From the perspective of the Pleiadians, there was also a sizable (collective) shift in consciousness that resulted from these east coast events …a notable shift toward greater love which spawned a new approach to reality thru oneness. (goooooo TEAM!)
From what I can gather, the earthquake that preceded the hurricane in Virginia/DC area (and also shut down some nuclear reactors where once again, Mama Nature is warning us that nuclear power is not only antiquated, but way too toxic to play with in these changing times) was actually a precursor to this massive clearing, an interruption in "life as normal," which provided what they refer to as a "loosening effect" on discordant energies.
Apparently the masses were jolted just enough to be taken off guard to temporarily release the grip on reality that we were collectively locked into ...and then Irene followed behind with a swirling mop, hose and bucket to provide us all with a colossal clearing as she thoroughly washed away all the (emotional) energetic debris that we were willing to let go of… all that which was not anchored to the foundation of our truth.
And here we are now …5 days away from the entrance of the 6th day according to the Mayan Calendar (short count) …which is considered the "flowering" stage of the tree of life …and with only one night and one day left to go (42 days-ish) until the full tree is formed. As I see it, this means we only have one more "inward" period (during the 6th night: 9/23-10/10) left before we enter an entirely new cycle of human consciousness.
Pretty insane when you think about how long we've been at this. Just this morning I was thinking back to my personal activation period, which, like so many of us second-wave initiates, kicked off in 1999 in mostly violent and insidious ways ...and with the disheartening disappearance of my 20's & 30's as I gave my life over to the greater plan the changes that have taken place both within and around me since that activation. From an evolutionary perspective it's mind-blowing to think about how far we've come in our mental expansion, emotional responsibility and creative potential ...but from our lower-mind (& physical bodies) it seems like we've been sitting still thru so much internal clearing and isolation for so unbelievably long, that seemingly nothing significant has changed.
The interesting thing about that is the sisters say that these two perspectives are now merging into one and that we will lose all time-based perspective as we become anchored in total presence (zero-point) ...like amnesia?!? …and from now into the next season (equinox) we will be settling more into this new timeless groove.
"Please be aware of the magnificent affect that you have on the field now ...the realization that all those connected to the web of oneness... consciously or not ...are protected from harms way without fail, and the understanding that what is or may be perceived as negative in your life is simply a pushing-thru, a clearing required to allow the good to follow. This realization was embraced by many in the last days and though many more are unaware of the precipitating forces behind these global changes, the results of victory are the same." - Seven Sisters
Financial Governance
"As we see it, the fruits of a faltering global economy would be that financial governance systems become more transparent, accountable and overall effective in their quest to serve 'the people'." -Seven Sisters
Because we are experiencing more of the "physical" changes now at the end of the 9th wave (the completion of 16 b i l l i o n years of evolution) the Pleiadians want to offer us some information with regard to the dismantling world/paradigm …more specifically they mention two major impasses that we... as a society ...are soon to face.
The first impasse they would like to discuss is with regard to our financial system...
"Now we say this with great care for we understand that there is great fear that surrounds this topic, so please listen with your feeling center: There is coming a change in global financial governance. Not in the sense that there will be a major disruption in your life affairs, but in the sense that the state of governance over your global financial affairs will be sorely tested. We say this not to warn you, nor to elicit fear, but to simply alert you to the positive aspects of these necessary changes." -Seven Sisters
I hardly ever talk of the falling world ...firstly, because that is not my j-o-b (and the unseens rarely go there)... secondly, because this focus tends to draw a fear-based and unpleasant crowd... thirdly, because our reality is created by what we think, and how we feel about what we think, so what would be the point in focusing on gloom? ...but mostly because it doesn't serve any of us to feed the collective focus of destruction. Not that it isn't real, just that there are plenty of people lending energy to that reality and we are here specifically to focus on constructing the new earth/divine blueprint. But just like with any new construction, the old structures must first be demolished before we can begin to build anew ...and from what I am hearing, that is coming on the heels of some kind of financial crisis.
Besides, when we are fully and consciously creating our reality …the whole point to our personal ascension process... the outside world becomes so much less impacting because all of our external supports get rerouted/reconnected to our own internal Source of potential ...which essentially means we create an activated forcefield of 12th dimensional consciousness and self-sustainability through resonance versus causal creation. Many have nearly completed this reconnection phase, but because we are all at different levels of activation, and therefore some are still dependent on the outside structures for support, the Pleiadians want to allay any fears that may arise from upcoming changes with the assurance that all is well, and we are all perfectly guided in all ways to be exactly where we are supposed to be. No exceptions.
I am hearing that there is much that will be overturned that will directly impact the financial structures of our world and those institutions that uphold an outworn system, but that these changes will, in fact, birth a new part of the future plan and a new system of governance that will benefit the whole of humanity and not just a select few. It has to become a consensus of all to improve the current financial system and develop a more equitable and efficient structure of governance for that system, and apparently we are about to take another major step toward that end.
More than anything, what the sisters hope for us to take from these coming changes is the deep, unwavering understanding that true prosperity is a state of consciousness, not a state of world affairs.
Changing of the Guard
"We will say this…as the collective world consciousness inevitably cascades into greater levels of fear from the dismantling financial structures, and their overall sense of security is rocked, there will also be those of you who will be simultaneously rising to meet great success. Those who are to meet great success will then be sought out by those who are losing their grip on convention and for this reason alone many of you will have a great opportunity, an opening, a readiness to be heard and received so that you may begin to share your wisdoms of the new way." -Seven Sisters
Along with the financial changes that my Unseens-sources speak of, they also mention any hindrance that the failing financial system has on our lives will quickly be replaced with new ideas, opportunities, and insights that will spur great and rapid development toward our benefit ...IF we are looking for solutions and listening to our inner-voice. These ideas are being birthed from the new earth paradigm and will be presented to those who are open to receiving them… meaning, those who are not focused on the failing systems or fear: "if you have the wherewithal to look beyond the collective energy of chaos and crisis that will undoubtedly ensue, you will be gifted with profound realizations that will be a major boon to your earthly success."
The sisters also mention there are those who believe a financial downfall would crush the existence of greed, but, Sisters say "not so." Greed is only the symptom --the motivating force behind our financial system-- and it can only be healed individually and from within. So for those who are willing to do the inner work to align with the new systems, there will be great reward. For those who continue to live in self-gain, there will be much turmoil. Either way, greed will be rising to the surface in many areas and for all to see and most likely it will get ugly. No matter... all darkness must eventually return to the light.
From Sick-to-Well Care
The second impasse the Sisters speak of is with regard to the US healthcare system.
This deadlock we are approaching has been coming for a long time and is directly related to the financial system... but what is really being threatened here is the sense of security that comes with externalizing our power to a system not in support of wellness.
"Again, we say this with great care for there is just as much fear surrounding the current healthcare system as the financial one, and though we understand the implications of this dilemma, we assure you this seeming crisis is what will, in essence, force many people to begin to look within themselves for true sustenance." -Seven Sisters
Certainly there is great advancement in the medical industry that could serve millions for the betterment of mankind, however, these advancements are being held back by the many complexities and overseers with a gain in maintaining an outworn healthcare structure built upon a foundation of greed.
And while we are on the topic of greed, consider that the health "insurance" industry …which is really not insurance at all ...is a multi-trillion dollar industry that contributes nothing to direct patient health …and is driven by those who power a hideously large portion of the financial world …those B-I-G financial players ...so naturally healthcare and economy go hand in hand. As one goes down, the other will follow …but in its wake, a new framework will arise to take its place.
The reason the US healthcare crisis in particular has reached a stalemate is due to the fact most in this country are under the delusion this current system deals with health, when in actuality the motor behind "health"-care is fueled by "sick"-care …a small technicality that governs the very large and (profitable) collective momentum of the medical "industry." This underlying intention is what is crumbling before our eyes as we approach unity consciousness ...and necessarily so, for most are just now starting to awaken to the realization we cannot expect to experience wellness, while focusing on illness.
And just like with the financial system, when we are individually operating at full capacity …meaning, reconnected to our only true power-Source… wellness becomes our default setting and any support we need at this stage can be derived from within ourselves. So healthcare for way-showers, starseeds, crystals and rainbows... and all those LightWorkers at the front of the light-parade ...is mostly a moot point by now, especially because the vibration of conventional medicine is becoming dangerously low for the fully-activated new human form.
For those still dependent on external forms or systems of healthcare, no worries ...the Unseens want to make clear everything is in perfect order, while the interim of this process will be chaotic and a full change will obviously not happen overnight: Be at peace knowing the pillars are in place to support the changeover to a new system that upholds the highest good for all.
As many more people awaken to the collapse of an outworn healthcare system there may initially be great fear to contend with, but ultimately a shakeup will spawn an infusion of more natural, earth-governed systems of WELLness and support that are both good for humans AND the planet that provides for these two-legged's. Novel idea.
"There is nothing to fear with this change, yet many will be displaced by the feeling of disconnection from a false sense of support and the growing realization they have misplaced their power, given it away in blind-faith. It will be for many of you in fields of natural health, wellness and healing to begin the implementation phase of educating those who suddenly find an interest and curiosity in self-sustainable systems of governance and wellness." -Seven Sisters
To the Pioneers & PathPavers
The Sisters would like to conclude this update with a message for those who have been fighting for years to keep yer heads above water, even thru the high tides and tumultuous waves of the end times….
"To those who have held true to their internal knowing and honored the voice of the One, we say this to you:
Be prepared not only for greatness, but in the sharing of it. The tide has turned and a new wave of energy is arriving at your shore. Nothing promises to be the same again. For those of you who have weathered the many storms to arrive here, you are the Lighted Ones, those who others will seek in times of continued destruction and darkness. Redemption is at hand, but it is because you have redeemed yourselves. Be astute to your untapped potential, for there is much yet to be explored, much that will surprise and delight you. We are the proof of your success, for we are the Future of your Now.
Remain in peace through the physical changes that arise both within and around you, and remember your role as a true Bearer of Light. This comes in many forms, not just in moments of greatness, but in the tiniest acts of kindness. The time to be true is now. The time to be YOU is now. Pray tell." -Seven Sisters
To still keeping our heads above water...
To learn more about Agartha, please read the very first posting: Scroll to March 17th, 2011. Otherwise, enjoy nearly everyday updates of worldwide news --with an alternative news twist, which shares with you how the Spirit World views what's being reported on mainstream media. In other words, here is where you get to learn what's REALLY GOING ON in our world --not what the TV & radio report, which in my humble opinion is simply programming designed to keep us living in fear.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
If You Have The Wherewithal To Look Beyond The Collective Energy of Chaos, You'll Be Gifted w/Profound Realizations:Major Boon to Your Earthly Success
causal creation,
changing guard,
divine blueprint,
end times,
Mayan Calendar,
nuclear reactor,
untapped potential,
The Weight of Those Masks Can Be Quite Heavy to Your Spirit. Your Spirit Is Meant To Be Light, Free & To Soar: Let Your Real Self Out
"This is the time to face yourself, look in the mirror and see what is there below the makeup and pretty clothes. Your true spirit is not about how pretty or handsome you are. It's about your compassion, your ability to love unconditionally, learning your lessons and moving past them, leaving the pain behind. Your true spirit self is about being honest with one’s self and not hide behind transparent walls. We of the Divine are able to see of you, your true selves underneath all the fronts and masks. It is time to start taking off those masks and allow your true self shine."
Thank you Mother Akasha and Julie for this pertinent message!
And so it is.
*** gavin
Allow Your True-self to Shine - A Message from Mother Akasha
(emphasis added)
Greetings dearest children of Earth. It is I Mother Akasha. I AM the Rose Pink Ray of Divine Love, Will and Grace. It is time to prepare yourself for your homecoming of your true self, of your God-self.
Yes, there much work to do yet as each of you are at different stages and each of you will complete each challenge and learn each lesson as you are meant to. You have been working hard, repairing the disconnection between you and your true self and with God. There is no need to rush children. All will be reached as they are meant to, rushing will not make the future come any quicker.
This is the time to face yourself, look in the mirror and see what is there below the makeup and pretty clothes. Your true spirit is not about how pretty or handsome you are. It's about your compassion, your ability to love unconditionally, learning your lessons and moving past them, leaving the pain behind. Your true spirit self is about being honest with one’s self and not hide behind transparent walls. We of the Divine are able to see of you, your true selves underneath all the fronts and masks. It is time to start taking off those masks and allow your true self shine.
I see this as being painful for some as they have worn masks for quite some time. But it is worth it children. The weight of those masks can be quite heavy to your spirit. Your spirit is meant to be light and to soar. You have decorated your walls and adorned very pretty masks created by you, its time to let your real self out. Allow your spirit to be free and light.
Once you are ready to commit living through your heart and loving unconditionally you are admitting that every beautiful soul on this planet is deserving of your love. You will no longer be choosey who you send your love to. You will be able to accept all for who they are. You will no longer condemn another for what THEY believe to be true, instead you will accept and love them for their differences. When you live with pure love that is from your heart, you simply are living purely out of your good and compassionate heart.
Living through your heart and loving unconditionally children, requires you to be honest with yourself. This requires you to go into yourself and accept what you find regardless of what it is. Any negative you find can be turned into a positive. Living honestly and with love from the purest depth of your being is where this is leading dear ones. Once you are able to drop your walls, you will be opening yourself to your higher self and to being able to receive not only unconditional love but the most precious love of all - Divine Love.
Finding yourself and loving yourself will be one your biggest tasks. Bringing yourself back and reconnecting to the Source of all, to God and to yourself is what needs to be done. This does require hard work as it requires you to be honest with yourself. The Guides you seek during this time, regardless if they are angels, Masters, or other deities you look to for comfort, support and guidance will not be able to do more than they already do. It is you that has to choose what path to take next. It is you that will feel what resonates to be true within yourself. It is you that has to remove any old ideals that no longer serve you well, no one else dear ones. You already carry all the strength inside of you that will get you through this. The task may seem daunting dear ones, but the rewards far outweigh the tasks at hand. You will see as you move along your journey, bringing yourself back home.
There is so much in store in the coming year of 2012. The coming year not only is bringing in one of the most exciting Golden Ages yet, it will also bring opportunity for the ones that are already awakened to express their Christ consciousness openly. Don't rush the energies that are coming or try to peek into the future because the future has a habit of changing. Work with what is in front of you dear ones knowing there is a beautiful future just around the corner and you will reach this future, all of you will, its only a matter of Time. Work through your challenges and learn your lessons well. I see some of you already need to work on your patience or lack of a bit more and it will all come together. Believe in yourself as we of the Divine believe in you. This kind of belief comes from practice of accepting yourself and trusting yourself. Learn each part at a pace that is suituable for you.
Go along your journey always living through your heart with the purest of intent as there is no other way if you are living honestly. Live your life showing love in all you do. The compassion and mercy that is inside of you will come out in your gestures and with your kindness towards all people of this wonderful planet. Open your heart and your mind to the fullest. This is not time for closed hearts or minds. It is ever more important now to work together, instead of fighting each other. Look within yourself and find that your mind is illuminated by the love and by the light of your own heart.
I AM Akasha and I love you.
Channeler: Julie Miller
Thank you Mother Akasha and Julie for this pertinent message!
And so it is.
*** gavin
Allow Your True-self to Shine - A Message from Mother Akasha
(emphasis added)
Greetings dearest children of Earth. It is I Mother Akasha. I AM the Rose Pink Ray of Divine Love, Will and Grace. It is time to prepare yourself for your homecoming of your true self, of your God-self.
Yes, there much work to do yet as each of you are at different stages and each of you will complete each challenge and learn each lesson as you are meant to. You have been working hard, repairing the disconnection between you and your true self and with God. There is no need to rush children. All will be reached as they are meant to, rushing will not make the future come any quicker.
This is the time to face yourself, look in the mirror and see what is there below the makeup and pretty clothes. Your true spirit is not about how pretty or handsome you are. It's about your compassion, your ability to love unconditionally, learning your lessons and moving past them, leaving the pain behind. Your true spirit self is about being honest with one’s self and not hide behind transparent walls. We of the Divine are able to see of you, your true selves underneath all the fronts and masks. It is time to start taking off those masks and allow your true self shine.
I see this as being painful for some as they have worn masks for quite some time. But it is worth it children. The weight of those masks can be quite heavy to your spirit. Your spirit is meant to be light and to soar. You have decorated your walls and adorned very pretty masks created by you, its time to let your real self out. Allow your spirit to be free and light.
Once you are ready to commit living through your heart and loving unconditionally you are admitting that every beautiful soul on this planet is deserving of your love. You will no longer be choosey who you send your love to. You will be able to accept all for who they are. You will no longer condemn another for what THEY believe to be true, instead you will accept and love them for their differences. When you live with pure love that is from your heart, you simply are living purely out of your good and compassionate heart.
Living through your heart and loving unconditionally children, requires you to be honest with yourself. This requires you to go into yourself and accept what you find regardless of what it is. Any negative you find can be turned into a positive. Living honestly and with love from the purest depth of your being is where this is leading dear ones. Once you are able to drop your walls, you will be opening yourself to your higher self and to being able to receive not only unconditional love but the most precious love of all - Divine Love.
Finding yourself and loving yourself will be one your biggest tasks. Bringing yourself back and reconnecting to the Source of all, to God and to yourself is what needs to be done. This does require hard work as it requires you to be honest with yourself. The Guides you seek during this time, regardless if they are angels, Masters, or other deities you look to for comfort, support and guidance will not be able to do more than they already do. It is you that has to choose what path to take next. It is you that will feel what resonates to be true within yourself. It is you that has to remove any old ideals that no longer serve you well, no one else dear ones. You already carry all the strength inside of you that will get you through this. The task may seem daunting dear ones, but the rewards far outweigh the tasks at hand. You will see as you move along your journey, bringing yourself back home.
There is so much in store in the coming year of 2012. The coming year not only is bringing in one of the most exciting Golden Ages yet, it will also bring opportunity for the ones that are already awakened to express their Christ consciousness openly. Don't rush the energies that are coming or try to peek into the future because the future has a habit of changing. Work with what is in front of you dear ones knowing there is a beautiful future just around the corner and you will reach this future, all of you will, its only a matter of Time. Work through your challenges and learn your lessons well. I see some of you already need to work on your patience or lack of a bit more and it will all come together. Believe in yourself as we of the Divine believe in you. This kind of belief comes from practice of accepting yourself and trusting yourself. Learn each part at a pace that is suituable for you.
Go along your journey always living through your heart with the purest of intent as there is no other way if you are living honestly. Live your life showing love in all you do. The compassion and mercy that is inside of you will come out in your gestures and with your kindness towards all people of this wonderful planet. Open your heart and your mind to the fullest. This is not time for closed hearts or minds. It is ever more important now to work together, instead of fighting each other. Look within yourself and find that your mind is illuminated by the love and by the light of your own heart.
I AM Akasha and I love you.
Channeler: Julie Miller
Mother Akasha,
Rose Pink Ray,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Our Dossiers On You Show Clearly You Are Deeply Curious About the Truth Of Who You Really Are and Why We're Here: We Intend To Answer These Questions
"What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages."
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan for these awe-inspiring days to come!
*** gavin
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Dratzo! We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your inalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and causing major governments to alter key elements of their foreign policies. These changes are creeping up quickly on the dark cabal even as the illuminoids meet in secret to discuss how to react to what is shortly to transpire. Our Agarthan cousins have seen to it that their special liaisons oversee and inform these dark ones that their time in power has finished and that a grand denouement is at hand. The agreements to transfer financial responsibility from the US Federal Reserve to the new Treasury Banks are now being executed. Moreover, the new hard-currency financial system is in the process of final implementation. This new system restores monetary policy to the people and returns this world to a sound and true economy exchange. Nevertheless, this only scratches the surface of the changes to come!
The crucial element involves returning government to the people. Over the centuries, governments have favored those who had the time or money to develop 'special relationships' with members of the legislature and/or the executive branch. These special relationships have warped government and need to be dissolved. Our Earth allies have created a taskforce to come up with solutions to this fundamental dilemma to modern governance. We have asked that the new caretaker governments immediately implement those items approved by this taskforce, and these have now been included in the agreements that were officially signed a few months ago by more than 160 nations. Our desire is to see your governments become capable of 'listening,' and then enacting laws that are agreed upon by the vast majority of their citizenry. The era of government by and for a select, affluent few needs to be swiftly ended. This constitutes an essential step toward the way galactic society governs itself.
The arrest and coming trial of this dark cabal is being done to make a very important point. The karma created by the dark since the end of the Second World War needs to be properly addressed by the Light. This war saw the ascendency of the illuminoid factions of the United States, while Europe took a back seat to the interaction between the Anunnaki overlords and the American cabal. This situation encouraged these US factions to defy their off-world masters when these ones departed, and to disregard their injunction to follow their lead and allow those individuals seeking the return of the Light to be given the reins of command. This bidding was strongly resisted and resulted in the 'difficulties' that are only now being successfully abated. It is this prolonged mêlée which has created the karma that the coming trials are to wash away. The new caretaker governments will move your reality in the proper direction, the one leading to disclosure and the path to full consciousness for Gaia and for each one of you!
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to inform you that the time for your deliverance arrives. The dark has done all that it can do to delay the inevitable. Our associates have completed their preliminaries, and the time is upon us for the unveiling of your new reality! We have watched as our Agarthan friends beat down the many plans hatched by the dark that were designed to perpetrate their reign. We are preparing ourselves for first contact and the wonderful announcements that are to follow. Meanwhile, those assigned to take charge of your various new temporary governments are ready to assume command. The first broadcasts they make will address those measures necessary to transition you from your present state of disorder into the joyous realm that awaits you. This new realm is your glorious destiny! Here is where we can all meet and celebrate the return to your world of the Light in its full glory!
What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages.
The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself. Become aware of how your reality is subtly changing. Each moment, a grand blessing from Heaven raises your world's frequency level slightly, causing her to reform and become what the Divine is flooding her with. Realities are like water: When you combine Love with divine intention in your blessings, it alters the characteristics of water and even its composition. The same is true of a reality. As a reality is reshaped by your collective Love and divine intentions, it begins to transform swiftly into something more suitable for a return to full consciousness. This is now happening, and you are inexorably on a fast track to full consciousness. Namaste!
Today, we discussed the happenings on your world. Numerous events are ready to manifest which will literally morph your reality, and which will provide a huge impetus to the transition of your political domain and an opening to the Divine. A great spiritual catharsis is ready to uplift your world and lead you back to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan for these awe-inspiring days to come!
*** gavin
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Dratzo! We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your inalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and causing major governments to alter key elements of their foreign policies. These changes are creeping up quickly on the dark cabal even as the illuminoids meet in secret to discuss how to react to what is shortly to transpire. Our Agarthan cousins have seen to it that their special liaisons oversee and inform these dark ones that their time in power has finished and that a grand denouement is at hand. The agreements to transfer financial responsibility from the US Federal Reserve to the new Treasury Banks are now being executed. Moreover, the new hard-currency financial system is in the process of final implementation. This new system restores monetary policy to the people and returns this world to a sound and true economy exchange. Nevertheless, this only scratches the surface of the changes to come!
The crucial element involves returning government to the people. Over the centuries, governments have favored those who had the time or money to develop 'special relationships' with members of the legislature and/or the executive branch. These special relationships have warped government and need to be dissolved. Our Earth allies have created a taskforce to come up with solutions to this fundamental dilemma to modern governance. We have asked that the new caretaker governments immediately implement those items approved by this taskforce, and these have now been included in the agreements that were officially signed a few months ago by more than 160 nations. Our desire is to see your governments become capable of 'listening,' and then enacting laws that are agreed upon by the vast majority of their citizenry. The era of government by and for a select, affluent few needs to be swiftly ended. This constitutes an essential step toward the way galactic society governs itself.
The arrest and coming trial of this dark cabal is being done to make a very important point. The karma created by the dark since the end of the Second World War needs to be properly addressed by the Light. This war saw the ascendency of the illuminoid factions of the United States, while Europe took a back seat to the interaction between the Anunnaki overlords and the American cabal. This situation encouraged these US factions to defy their off-world masters when these ones departed, and to disregard their injunction to follow their lead and allow those individuals seeking the return of the Light to be given the reins of command. This bidding was strongly resisted and resulted in the 'difficulties' that are only now being successfully abated. It is this prolonged mêlée which has created the karma that the coming trials are to wash away. The new caretaker governments will move your reality in the proper direction, the one leading to disclosure and the path to full consciousness for Gaia and for each one of you!
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to inform you that the time for your deliverance arrives. The dark has done all that it can do to delay the inevitable. Our associates have completed their preliminaries, and the time is upon us for the unveiling of your new reality! We have watched as our Agarthan friends beat down the many plans hatched by the dark that were designed to perpetrate their reign. We are preparing ourselves for first contact and the wonderful announcements that are to follow. Meanwhile, those assigned to take charge of your various new temporary governments are ready to assume command. The first broadcasts they make will address those measures necessary to transition you from your present state of disorder into the joyous realm that awaits you. This new realm is your glorious destiny! Here is where we can all meet and celebrate the return to your world of the Light in its full glory!
What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages.
The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself. Become aware of how your reality is subtly changing. Each moment, a grand blessing from Heaven raises your world's frequency level slightly, causing her to reform and become what the Divine is flooding her with. Realities are like water: When you combine Love with divine intention in your blessings, it alters the characteristics of water and even its composition. The same is true of a reality. As a reality is reshaped by your collective Love and divine intentions, it begins to transform swiftly into something more suitable for a return to full consciousness. This is now happening, and you are inexorably on a fast track to full consciousness. Namaste!
Today, we discussed the happenings on your world. Numerous events are ready to manifest which will literally morph your reality, and which will provide a huge impetus to the transition of your political domain and an opening to the Divine. A great spiritual catharsis is ready to uplift your world and lead you back to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
hard currency,
inalienable rights,
Second World War,
shock waves,
speical relationships,
If You Want World Peace, Dream & Daydream About It. Write a Story About It. Write a Short Paragraph About How It Is To Live In a World Filled w/Peace
Thank you Djwkal Khul and Terri for this most inspiring yet concise encouragement!
And so it is.
Disconnect from Mass Frenzy from Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. We’re just coming upon Mercury going direct after one of its usual times of being retrograde. When it goes direct, it will go direct in Leo on Friday.
Coming with that, and a few other things really that have sort of stacked up over time here, is more, what I want to call, triggered behavior within Humanity. So today I want to talk about not getting caught up in the frenzy, how to disconnect from mass frenzy because it is a choice made within the consciousness.
Now when your higher power is engaged, you can really call upon even Angelic helpers, Creation itself, you can call upon direct aspects, like Harmony, Grace, Joy, Love and bring them into your being.
Literally embody them or give them, shall we say, a home on the physical plane. And that is a choice. Or when the sense of what is greater than self, spiritual essence is not perceived, then you see looting, rioting, rebelling, getting angry or even violent and these emotions are coming up within humanity.
They are coming up within the animal kingdom, you know more attacks and maulings and things like that. They are coming up even within the weather patterns, more angry, etc. So remember that you can choose to disconnect from that. You can stay in a state of Grace.
Sometimes I would say just choosing it, like “I choose Bliss” or “I choose Love” recalling that Love is simply the absence of fear. And you don’t have to get caught up in the drama that unfolds around you. You have the choice to either play in it or not play in it. So disconnect from mass frenzy.
Sit inside peacefully and dream, if you will, the reality that you want to have happen. If you want world peace, dream about it. Daydream about it. Write a story about it. Write a short paragraph about how it is to live in a world filled with peace. Keep putting your order in, so to speak, of what you do want.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeler: Terri Newlon
And so it is.
Disconnect from Mass Frenzy from Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. We’re just coming upon Mercury going direct after one of its usual times of being retrograde. When it goes direct, it will go direct in Leo on Friday.
Coming with that, and a few other things really that have sort of stacked up over time here, is more, what I want to call, triggered behavior within Humanity. So today I want to talk about not getting caught up in the frenzy, how to disconnect from mass frenzy because it is a choice made within the consciousness.
Now when your higher power is engaged, you can really call upon even Angelic helpers, Creation itself, you can call upon direct aspects, like Harmony, Grace, Joy, Love and bring them into your being.
Literally embody them or give them, shall we say, a home on the physical plane. And that is a choice. Or when the sense of what is greater than self, spiritual essence is not perceived, then you see looting, rioting, rebelling, getting angry or even violent and these emotions are coming up within humanity.
They are coming up within the animal kingdom, you know more attacks and maulings and things like that. They are coming up even within the weather patterns, more angry, etc. So remember that you can choose to disconnect from that. You can stay in a state of Grace.
Sometimes I would say just choosing it, like “I choose Bliss” or “I choose Love” recalling that Love is simply the absence of fear. And you don’t have to get caught up in the drama that unfolds around you. You have the choice to either play in it or not play in it. So disconnect from mass frenzy.
Sit inside peacefully and dream, if you will, the reality that you want to have happen. If you want world peace, dream about it. Daydream about it. Write a story about it. Write a short paragraph about how it is to live in a world filled with peace. Keep putting your order in, so to speak, of what you do want.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeler: Terri Newlon
animal kingdom,
Djwhal Khul,
mass frenzy,
Mercury retrograde direct,
Teri Newlon,
weather patterns
Monday, August 29, 2011
Those Who Serve w/Energy Work, Sound, and Other Vibrational Practices are Facilitating the Untangling of Emotional/Mental Patterns Held In the Matrix
Thanks to The Team and Peggy for this enlightening teaching!
Message 73 Sixth Dimensional Work - "The Team"
The seed matrix of each human is an essential to understanding our true nature. It is that which gives origin or form in this reality. It is that which carries the energetic vibrations for each physical form. There is much value and significance in the comprehension and clear awareness of energy matrices.
It is this master matrix, this seed matrix of each human, which holds the divine blueprint. All records, all emotional experiences, all energetic signatures, are intertwined within this energy weaving.
It is within this personal seed matrix, this vibrational matrix, that all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances can be restored.
Your hospitals and care givers would proceed very differently if the seed matrix or the energy signature of each patient could be read, scanned and recognized. This would be the first and main area of approach in healing and restoring health to the physical body.
Just imagine having the ability to scan this personal energy matrix, see the areas where there is a tangle in the energetic weavings, or a blockage to the flow of divine life, then gently untangling the threads.
Once the original pattern has been restored to the master matrix the physical body would manifest this rebalance and alignment. The body's divine integrity would be restored. This is truly sixth dimensional (and beyond) healing work.
Vibrational medicine works with the matrix in restoring well-being and health. It is all vibration, remember! Each energy matrix has its own sound frequency or frequencies.
Each human's matrix offers a sound frequency which is in resonance or "in tuned" with well-being and aliveness, or is in dissonance and "out of tune" with well-being and aliveness.
There are human beings who have understood this and those who had the ability and awareness to see the energy matrices. This is a natural ability of all humans who step into the realms of their multidimensional selves. This awakening is happening within the consciousness of humans everywhere.
Those who offer and serve with energy work, sound, music therapy, and other vibrational practices are facilitating the untangling of emotional or mental patterns held in the matrix.
Here again, we remind you that energy follows thought and the importance of willingness as well as intention to facilitate this work. Notice today if you are in resonance with your joy, gratitude and appreciation. These vibrations, these feelings, will restore balance and well-being.
Channeler: Peggy Black
energy signature,
energy work,
out of tune,
Peggy Black,
sixth dimension,
The Team,
Your Principal Aim In Duality Is to Learn From Experiencing Being In a Body and In Communion w/Mother Earth, Trying to Remember Your True Nature
Many of them refuse to see their connection to the light and prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to knowing who they really are. They are just not ready to accept their own power and light because of various reasons.
You have accepted to descend into the lower vibrations for a certain purpose, fully aware of the risks, as well as the consequences of being in duality. Our interference in each one of your life plan would not be permitted dear ones. It would mean such a loss for most of you to steal you from your victory in duality. This is not permitted by the Higher Council of the Light and the spiritual Hierarchy.
Thank you SaLuSa and Laura for such powerful words and beautiful reminders of our nearing Ascension ...given we all do the needed work which cannot be avoided.
And so it is!
*** gavin
SaLuSa to me: Your Power is Limitless – 27 Aug 2011
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. From the questions and emails a few people are wondering why is the Galactic Federation of Light not stepping in on our planet and help us with our ongoing various crises, deaths and sufferings caused by the cabal? Would you be able to give us some insights into that matter please?
SaLuSa: Yes, as we said before, we wish for the greatest number of souls to ascend on your planet. We wish the light to be victorious and divine decree to be fulfilled of course. This is the reason so many galactic beings are here. We are here to ensure God’s will is fulfilled and that Mother Earth ascends. Along with Mother Earth a certain number of souls will also ascend of course. You dear ones are helping Mother Earth to ascend and you are helping your loved ones stay into the light.
Our duty here is of course to assist you in your Ascension, but we are very much here also to ensure that your planet’s wish to Ascend is fulfilled. Earth is a living, breathing being. She has her own rights and her own free will, which we must also ensure are respected. In order for this to take place, Mother Earth must cleanse herself from negativity and scars so to speak. When she ascends, she will carry into the fifth dimension a certain amount of souls, mainly those who have agreed in their life contract to ascend at this moment with her.
However nothing can prevent souls from fulfilling their life plan contract concerning Ascension. When we assure you that nothing can stop these souls from Ascension, please keep in mind that what you call death does not prevent anybody from Ascending. Death is in fact a sacred process, it does not always have to be a painful process, nor is it scary for those undergoing this process. Death is not an end and nobody dies alone dear ones. Just because someone dies, it does not mean they can not ascend. Please do not look at death as the end, as all of us are undertaking various lives, on various planets in order to further our growth and evolution.
You see, dear ones, Mother Earth and you are closely interconnected in many ways. You are supporting each other and depend on each other when it comes to your Ascension path. It is a great honour and achievement for a soul to assist a planet in her Ascension. The opportunity is only given to trusted and deserving souls. However it is also your duty to assist her in her journey, as you are Mother Earth’s children. You and only you can assist her best in this process. This is why we must allow you alone to fulfill your duties towards her and helping her in recovering her pristine beauty. Our presence now would interfere with your progress in working together and in learning and discovering who you are, discovering your place in the scale of the Universe.
One of the reasons so many souls chose to incarnate on Mother Earth now, is to help her raise her vibrations. This can be done by the quality of vibrations ordinarily. However, because of the cabal’s efforts to limit your levels of consciousness, Mother Earth requires a large amount of souls in order to uplift her vibrations to the required level for Ascension. Although the divine deadline for disclosure has passed, we are still bound to respect your relationship with Mother Earth. We do work in accordance with Galactic Law and Divine Law. We are bound to follow the high hierarchy’s directives, when it comes to our mission here. We are operating under a certain hierarchy and follow orders, just as you do.
Our civilisations have gone through Ascension eons ago. We are not here to forcefully impose our rule, you all have free will and we will respect your wishes concerning your choice for Ascension. We are here to ensure that you all get the chance to ascend, if so is your wish and your life plan. We are also here to help relocate those of you who wish to remain in a three dimensional environment. For the time being, these souls refuse to see what is ahead of them and they refuse to admit our existence. Many of them refuse to see their connection to the light and prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to knowing who they really are. They are just not ready to accept their own power and light because of various reasons.
We do never place any judgement on such souls for choosing to remain in duality. We also ask you to try to understand that these souls will rejoin the light once they have cleared all karma and have done the learning needed. They will rejoin you when they are ready. As you cannot eat a meal until it is cooked, one can not ascend until one is ready. There is no hurry, dear ones as your experience of time in duality is merely an illusion and you are all eternal souls.
Your principal aim when you enter duality is to learn from experiencing being in a body. The other aim is also to always be connected and in communion with Mother Earth, while trying to remember your true nature, your real self so to speak. We have no place in interfering with your individual learning and developing process. You life contract has been planned by each one of you. It is no coincidence that you are here at this time dear friend. You have accepted to descend into the lower vibrations for a certain purpose, fully aware of the risks, as well as the consequences of being in duality. Our interference in each one of your life plan would not be permitted dear ones. It would mean such a loss for most of you to steal you from your victory in duality. This is not permitted by the Higher Council of the Light and the spiritual Hierarchy.
We wish to be joining you once your level of vibrations have reached the required level for peace and harmony to be a reality on your planet. This is fully within your grasp dear ones, we have no desire to take anything away from your victory. You are all divine sparks and divine creators. Your power is limitless dear ones. As you are able to create the most painful nightmares, you will discover that you are also able to create the most beautiful reality for yourselves and for your Mother Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I can assure you that far less people than you may think are necessary to awaken you all from this collective dream you are finding yourself in. The dark hats know the power of God within all of you and do all they can with their science and technology to maintain you in low vibrations. They do not wish to see as little as one hundred of you in full possession of their God given powers. They fear you dear ones, and this is the reason they have so many plans to keep you in deep sleep. However the dark also offers a golden opportunity for your awakening. The time for taking your rightful place among your galactic family is nearing every day. Be Joy, be light.
Thank you, SaLuSa
by Laura Tyco
You have accepted to descend into the lower vibrations for a certain purpose, fully aware of the risks, as well as the consequences of being in duality. Our interference in each one of your life plan would not be permitted dear ones. It would mean such a loss for most of you to steal you from your victory in duality. This is not permitted by the Higher Council of the Light and the spiritual Hierarchy.
Thank you SaLuSa and Laura for such powerful words and beautiful reminders of our nearing Ascension ...given we all do the needed work which cannot be avoided.
And so it is!
*** gavin
SaLuSa to me: Your Power is Limitless – 27 Aug 2011
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. From the questions and emails a few people are wondering why is the Galactic Federation of Light not stepping in on our planet and help us with our ongoing various crises, deaths and sufferings caused by the cabal? Would you be able to give us some insights into that matter please?
SaLuSa: Yes, as we said before, we wish for the greatest number of souls to ascend on your planet. We wish the light to be victorious and divine decree to be fulfilled of course. This is the reason so many galactic beings are here. We are here to ensure God’s will is fulfilled and that Mother Earth ascends. Along with Mother Earth a certain number of souls will also ascend of course. You dear ones are helping Mother Earth to ascend and you are helping your loved ones stay into the light.
Our duty here is of course to assist you in your Ascension, but we are very much here also to ensure that your planet’s wish to Ascend is fulfilled. Earth is a living, breathing being. She has her own rights and her own free will, which we must also ensure are respected. In order for this to take place, Mother Earth must cleanse herself from negativity and scars so to speak. When she ascends, she will carry into the fifth dimension a certain amount of souls, mainly those who have agreed in their life contract to ascend at this moment with her.
However nothing can prevent souls from fulfilling their life plan contract concerning Ascension. When we assure you that nothing can stop these souls from Ascension, please keep in mind that what you call death does not prevent anybody from Ascending. Death is in fact a sacred process, it does not always have to be a painful process, nor is it scary for those undergoing this process. Death is not an end and nobody dies alone dear ones. Just because someone dies, it does not mean they can not ascend. Please do not look at death as the end, as all of us are undertaking various lives, on various planets in order to further our growth and evolution.
You see, dear ones, Mother Earth and you are closely interconnected in many ways. You are supporting each other and depend on each other when it comes to your Ascension path. It is a great honour and achievement for a soul to assist a planet in her Ascension. The opportunity is only given to trusted and deserving souls. However it is also your duty to assist her in her journey, as you are Mother Earth’s children. You and only you can assist her best in this process. This is why we must allow you alone to fulfill your duties towards her and helping her in recovering her pristine beauty. Our presence now would interfere with your progress in working together and in learning and discovering who you are, discovering your place in the scale of the Universe.
One of the reasons so many souls chose to incarnate on Mother Earth now, is to help her raise her vibrations. This can be done by the quality of vibrations ordinarily. However, because of the cabal’s efforts to limit your levels of consciousness, Mother Earth requires a large amount of souls in order to uplift her vibrations to the required level for Ascension. Although the divine deadline for disclosure has passed, we are still bound to respect your relationship with Mother Earth. We do work in accordance with Galactic Law and Divine Law. We are bound to follow the high hierarchy’s directives, when it comes to our mission here. We are operating under a certain hierarchy and follow orders, just as you do.
Our civilisations have gone through Ascension eons ago. We are not here to forcefully impose our rule, you all have free will and we will respect your wishes concerning your choice for Ascension. We are here to ensure that you all get the chance to ascend, if so is your wish and your life plan. We are also here to help relocate those of you who wish to remain in a three dimensional environment. For the time being, these souls refuse to see what is ahead of them and they refuse to admit our existence. Many of them refuse to see their connection to the light and prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to knowing who they really are. They are just not ready to accept their own power and light because of various reasons.
We do never place any judgement on such souls for choosing to remain in duality. We also ask you to try to understand that these souls will rejoin the light once they have cleared all karma and have done the learning needed. They will rejoin you when they are ready. As you cannot eat a meal until it is cooked, one can not ascend until one is ready. There is no hurry, dear ones as your experience of time in duality is merely an illusion and you are all eternal souls.
Your principal aim when you enter duality is to learn from experiencing being in a body. The other aim is also to always be connected and in communion with Mother Earth, while trying to remember your true nature, your real self so to speak. We have no place in interfering with your individual learning and developing process. You life contract has been planned by each one of you. It is no coincidence that you are here at this time dear friend. You have accepted to descend into the lower vibrations for a certain purpose, fully aware of the risks, as well as the consequences of being in duality. Our interference in each one of your life plan would not be permitted dear ones. It would mean such a loss for most of you to steal you from your victory in duality. This is not permitted by the Higher Council of the Light and the spiritual Hierarchy.
We wish to be joining you once your level of vibrations have reached the required level for peace and harmony to be a reality on your planet. This is fully within your grasp dear ones, we have no desire to take anything away from your victory. You are all divine sparks and divine creators. Your power is limitless dear ones. As you are able to create the most painful nightmares, you will discover that you are also able to create the most beautiful reality for yourselves and for your Mother Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I can assure you that far less people than you may think are necessary to awaken you all from this collective dream you are finding yourself in. The dark hats know the power of God within all of you and do all they can with their science and technology to maintain you in low vibrations. They do not wish to see as little as one hundred of you in full possession of their God given powers. They fear you dear ones, and this is the reason they have so many plans to keep you in deep sleep. However the dark also offers a golden opportunity for your awakening. The time for taking your rightful place among your galactic family is nearing every day. Be Joy, be light.
Thank you, SaLuSa
by Laura Tyco
collective dream,
dark cabal,
divine law,
divine sparks,
galactic family,
Galactic Federation Light,
High Council,
Spiritual Hierarchy
Thursday, August 25, 2011
You Don't Need To Identify Each Unloving Attitude To Release It: Just Be Loving At All Times & They'll All Fall Away As They No Longer Appeal To You
Thank you Saul and John for this beautiful update, and for reminding me...
"Rising above the bad news makes it easier for you to envelop it in the Love field of which each one of you are eternal shimmering facets.
The need for all of you to be loving and compassionate at all times is intensifying as everyone is coming face to face with personal issues that they have denied, buried, or just forgotten. This is causing them considerable discomfort, confusion, and even alarm, especially those who thought that they had already dealt with and released all their outstanding issues."
*** gavin
Excited Anticipation is Intensifying All Over the World
Excited anticipation is intensifying all over the world as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer, and its arrival heralds the commencement of fantastic celebrations in honor of this most glorious event. And when it occurs, humanity will burst forth in what previously would have seemed an impossibly vast explosion of uninhibited enthusiasm for what has happened, and this will not be momentary, for you will be entering the divine state of everlasting joy.
Your awakening from the dark mists of suffering, decay, and death into the brilliant radiance of the divine Presence will be an utterly exhilarating experience, and yet it will be but the beginning of your eternal ecstasy. So while you wait, focus your attention on the wonderful changes occurring planetwide in preparation for this amazing event. Focus on releasing all your negative attitudes by intending always to think, speak, and act from the very center of your being, where the Flame of divine Light, your unbreakable connection to your heavenly Father, burns constantly to remind you of who you truly are. You do not need to identify each unloving attitude in order to release it; just be loving at all times, and they will all fall away as you realize that they no longer have any appeal for you.
When you gather together with others holding similar intentions, the loving energy that each of you shares and demonstrates will be quite palpable to you, and will also be felt by others in your vicinity or passing through it. And when you depart from your gathering- place, the sense of peace that you created will remain. To gather together regularly in small groups to share your love and remind one another of the underlying divinity of your true Selfhood adds enormous positive energy to the awakening process all across the planet. Encourage each other to make time available to meet in loving consciousness groups. This intensifies the energy that is driving the awakening process because it strengthens your intent to awaken and helps you to rise above the distraction that bad news of any kind causes. Rising above the bad news makes it easier for you to envelop it in the Love field of which each one of you are eternal shimmering facets.
The need for all of you to be loving and compassionate at all times is intensifying as everyone is coming face to face with personal issues that they have denied, buried, or just forgotten. This is causing them considerable discomfort, confusion, and even alarm, especially those who thought that they had already dealt with and released all their outstanding issues. By being constantly loving and compassionate – which is nothing less than a demonstration of your true Self in action – you provide much needed local environments of peace and stability, which are very valuable zones of comfort in which others can obtain temporary respite from the storms of the personal issues that they are presently undergoing. These respites give strength to those with whom you meet and interact, enabling them to temper their inner turmoil so that they can deal with and release these issues that no longer serve them.
Immense fields of Love are enveloping the world at this moment in your evolution, so open your hearts to allow them to connect and interact with you as you continue indefatigably along your path toward awakening. It has been long and hard but the end is nigh.
With so very much love, Saul
by John Smallman
"Rising above the bad news makes it easier for you to envelop it in the Love field of which each one of you are eternal shimmering facets.
The need for all of you to be loving and compassionate at all times is intensifying as everyone is coming face to face with personal issues that they have denied, buried, or just forgotten. This is causing them considerable discomfort, confusion, and even alarm, especially those who thought that they had already dealt with and released all their outstanding issues."
*** gavin
Excited Anticipation is Intensifying All Over the World
Excited anticipation is intensifying all over the world as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer, and its arrival heralds the commencement of fantastic celebrations in honor of this most glorious event. And when it occurs, humanity will burst forth in what previously would have seemed an impossibly vast explosion of uninhibited enthusiasm for what has happened, and this will not be momentary, for you will be entering the divine state of everlasting joy.
Your awakening from the dark mists of suffering, decay, and death into the brilliant radiance of the divine Presence will be an utterly exhilarating experience, and yet it will be but the beginning of your eternal ecstasy. So while you wait, focus your attention on the wonderful changes occurring planetwide in preparation for this amazing event. Focus on releasing all your negative attitudes by intending always to think, speak, and act from the very center of your being, where the Flame of divine Light, your unbreakable connection to your heavenly Father, burns constantly to remind you of who you truly are. You do not need to identify each unloving attitude in order to release it; just be loving at all times, and they will all fall away as you realize that they no longer have any appeal for you.
When you gather together with others holding similar intentions, the loving energy that each of you shares and demonstrates will be quite palpable to you, and will also be felt by others in your vicinity or passing through it. And when you depart from your gathering- place, the sense of peace that you created will remain. To gather together regularly in small groups to share your love and remind one another of the underlying divinity of your true Selfhood adds enormous positive energy to the awakening process all across the planet. Encourage each other to make time available to meet in loving consciousness groups. This intensifies the energy that is driving the awakening process because it strengthens your intent to awaken and helps you to rise above the distraction that bad news of any kind causes. Rising above the bad news makes it easier for you to envelop it in the Love field of which each one of you are eternal shimmering facets.
The need for all of you to be loving and compassionate at all times is intensifying as everyone is coming face to face with personal issues that they have denied, buried, or just forgotten. This is causing them considerable discomfort, confusion, and even alarm, especially those who thought that they had already dealt with and released all their outstanding issues. By being constantly loving and compassionate – which is nothing less than a demonstration of your true Self in action – you provide much needed local environments of peace and stability, which are very valuable zones of comfort in which others can obtain temporary respite from the storms of the personal issues that they are presently undergoing. These respites give strength to those with whom you meet and interact, enabling them to temper their inner turmoil so that they can deal with and release these issues that no longer serve them.
Immense fields of Love are enveloping the world at this moment in your evolution, so open your hearts to allow them to connect and interact with you as you continue indefatigably along your path toward awakening. It has been long and hard but the end is nigh.
With so very much love, Saul
by John Smallman
bad news,
dark mist,
eternal ecstasy,
As You Raise Your Vibration To Higher Frequencies, Critical Mass Will Be Achieved: This Higher Vibration Will Spread In & Around Earth & the Omniverse
Thank you Archangel Zadkiel and Linda for this wonderful elaboration of the importance of compassion, and its relation to our Ascension!
*** gavin
Archangel ZADKIEL - "Compassion" September 2011
Greetings My Beloveds,
I greet you in Love and Light.
Compassion is a quality that is greatly needed in these times of ascension and change, and it is a quality that can assist your own progression and ascension. When you practice compassion and allow it, along with Love, to become a central part of your Being, you are increasing your capacity to rise to a higher frequency.
Compassion allows you to have empathy and understanding for another person or situation. You are able to send Love for what is occurring, as you suspend judgment, for you realize what you are witnessing is a moment or drama in the great cosmic scheme and dynamic of ascension. Each event that occurs allows the Souls involved to gain wisdom and understanding.
If you are personally involved in an event, have compassion for yourself first and then allow the compassion to ripple out to everyone involved. Know that each person has played a part in the greater understanding at a Soul level. When you view a situation in this way, you are able to suspend judgment and replace it with compassion for everyone involved. Many Soul contracts have been made for the advancement of the ones directly involved as well as for those who are observers. A situation that is viewed with compassion can yield lessons of a higher nature and can result in a change of perspective, intent and action. It may result in kindness being practiced more often, or it may lead to a more careful analysis of events rather than a rush to judgment.
When you show compassion for another Being, you are also showing compassion for yourself. Other Beings and situations are reflections and mirrors for what lies within each person. The potential for that trait is there, even though it may not be outwardly expressed. When a person or situation is viewed with compassion, you are actually viewing yourself with compassion. Using the Violet Flame around any feelings of judgment can allow these feelings to be transmuted and replaced with compassion and understanding.
Beloveds, know that showing compassion for others can be a bridge for understanding between individuals, cultures and worlds. Each individual, culture or world has its own customs and beliefs. While these practices may be different from your own, having compassion and Love for those who are different from you can form a bridge for peace and harmony.
Compassion begins in your Sacred Heart Center. You carry within your Sacred Heart Center a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator. As you focus your attention on your Divine Spark, you realize you're part of something much greater. You begin to realize the qualities of something much greater are within your Divine Spark. Qualities of Love, goodness, understanding, purity, peace and harmony all reside there. As you continue to focus on your own Divine Spark within and the qualities it carries, you may feel a sense of Love and peace. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the more the qualities it contains will grow. You will begin to realize these qualities at a feeling level, and they will permeate your entire Being. You will have a greater appreciation for yourself as a Spark of the Creator, and this will lead you to view yourself and others in a more compassionate way.
When you expand your focus to include the Divine Spark within others, feelings of Love and compassion for them are a natural next step. This allows you to realize each Being came forth from the same Source. Even though you may not agree with how they have used their free will, you are able to feel Love and compassion for them because of their Divine Spark within.
Your Mother Earth can also benefit from your Love and compassion. She is a living organism, and she feels your compassion while she is also undergoing her own ascension process.
When you begin to focus more and more on Love and compassion, these feelings ripple out to touch all with whom you come in contact as well as flow out into the ethers. These feelings are of a higher vibrational frequency and benefit all who receive them.
As more and more of you raise your vibration to higher and higher frequencies, critical mass can be achieved, and this higher vibration will spread around your planet, into your Earth and into the Omniverse. Having an ongoing awareness of and focus on compassion is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others.
Beloveds, we send you much Love and Light as you expand your focus on compassion for yourself and the greatest good of all.
Know you are greatly loved in the Light.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel
Channeler: Linda Robinson
Archangel Zadkiel,
critical mass,
Divine Spark,
higher frequency,
Mother Earth,
raise vibration,
Sacred Heart Center,
Violet Flame
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Time To Close Your Eyes: Do You Feel Us Around You & Our Love For You? Take a Moment To Breath w/Eyes Closed & Heart Open To Amazing Things To Come
"You were born as one family, never separated from the source or each other. It is our pleasure to introduce ourselves to you in a way that is not coming from a distant galaxy but from your neighbor, for this is who we are, but a neighbor next door.
We come to you now with this message of peace to let you know that we are coming and it will not be long until we meet again as galactic humans here on Earth."
Thank you Metatron, GFL and Angels for these most emotionally moving words of love and support! Thank you for your never-ending dedication to our Awakening ...I can't seeem to stop crying this morning as I post these wonderful channelings.
So be it... And so it is!
*** gavin
Metatron and Galactic Federation of Light: We are Your Neighbors
I am Metatron and I greet you now in my highest regard to your situation here on Earth. We are combining all our forces to cleanse the last of what dark control over the masses remains. We are, you are on the brink of evolution. Evolution, in a sense, that has only been known to select few on Earth. You are now recognizing your full potential in your mind’s eye of what you are truly capable of. It is no longer a secret that you are divine. It is no longer just a theory of someone out there. You are beginning to feel it yourself in the depths of your being, at the core of who you are. You are no longer satisfied with who you’ve been up to now and you want to discover what lays ahead on your path of personal progression. Well, I am here to tell you, dear ones, that it is my pleasure and honor to introduce you to the new you. Soon you will discover your newfound abilities, connect with your inner self on a deeper level and find out who you really are.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light would like to join Metatron in delivering this message as we are also delighted to be part of this great change. Soon your perceptions of reality will shift and you will recognize yourself as who you truly are. For, you were born as one family, never separated from the source or each other. It is our pleasure to introduce ourselves to you in a way that is not coming from a distant galaxy but from your neighbor, for this is who we are, but a neighbor next door. We come to you now in peace and love as we always do. We greet you from the pleiadean stars above but we do not wish to convey the distance but a friendly reminder of how close we are in heart and wish to remind how deeply loved you are. For it is only a moment that will take us there to your doorstep or a garden near you to meet as one family as we are. We come to you now with this message of peace to let you know that we are coming and it will not be long until we meet again as galactic humans here on Earth.
Welcome them with all your heart and We of Angelic Realm will be standing by your side in all of time watching you create new life experiences for ages to come. It is now time to close your eyes. Do you feel us around you? Do you feel our love for you? Take a moment to breath with your eyes closed and your heart open to possibilities of amazing things to come. The Galactic Federation of Light wants you to know how deeply loved you are and we of the Angel realm gladly assist in this feat.
I am Metatron. So be it.
Channeler: RActurus
We come to you now with this message of peace to let you know that we are coming and it will not be long until we meet again as galactic humans here on Earth."
Thank you Metatron, GFL and Angels for these most emotionally moving words of love and support! Thank you for your never-ending dedication to our Awakening ...I can't seeem to stop crying this morning as I post these wonderful channelings.
So be it... And so it is!
*** gavin
Metatron and Galactic Federation of Light: We are Your Neighbors
I am Metatron and I greet you now in my highest regard to your situation here on Earth. We are combining all our forces to cleanse the last of what dark control over the masses remains. We are, you are on the brink of evolution. Evolution, in a sense, that has only been known to select few on Earth. You are now recognizing your full potential in your mind’s eye of what you are truly capable of. It is no longer a secret that you are divine. It is no longer just a theory of someone out there. You are beginning to feel it yourself in the depths of your being, at the core of who you are. You are no longer satisfied with who you’ve been up to now and you want to discover what lays ahead on your path of personal progression. Well, I am here to tell you, dear ones, that it is my pleasure and honor to introduce you to the new you. Soon you will discover your newfound abilities, connect with your inner self on a deeper level and find out who you really are.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light would like to join Metatron in delivering this message as we are also delighted to be part of this great change. Soon your perceptions of reality will shift and you will recognize yourself as who you truly are. For, you were born as one family, never separated from the source or each other. It is our pleasure to introduce ourselves to you in a way that is not coming from a distant galaxy but from your neighbor, for this is who we are, but a neighbor next door. We come to you now in peace and love as we always do. We greet you from the pleiadean stars above but we do not wish to convey the distance but a friendly reminder of how close we are in heart and wish to remind how deeply loved you are. For it is only a moment that will take us there to your doorstep or a garden near you to meet as one family as we are. We come to you now with this message of peace to let you know that we are coming and it will not be long until we meet again as galactic humans here on Earth.
Welcome them with all your heart and We of Angelic Realm will be standing by your side in all of time watching you create new life experiences for ages to come. It is now time to close your eyes. Do you feel us around you? Do you feel our love for you? Take a moment to breath with your eyes closed and your heart open to possibilities of amazing things to come. The Galactic Federation of Light wants you to know how deeply loved you are and we of the Angel realm gladly assist in this feat.
I am Metatron. So be it.
Channeler: RActurus
Angelic realms,
close eyes,
distant galaxy,
earth evolution,
Galactic Federation Light,
next door neighbor,
open heart,
perception reality,
pleiadian star,
Great Contributions YOU Are Destined To Make As You Once Again Interact w/Us & Other Beings of Other Galaxies Of An Ever-expanding InterGalactic Union
Thank you again Sheldan, GFL and SH for this most exciting update. I AM grateful for your work towards our Galactic Reunion and full consciousness!
"The time arrives for a new Golden Age to lift up humanity in its grace-laden arms and embrace you with a profound wisdom and the gift of full consciousness! Your world has wandered in the realm of darkness for nearly 13 millennia. Now the Light returns to show you the divine path to your destiny. The vast span of amnesia is ending. Prepare for a huge download of forgotten information provided graciously by Heaven and with the assistance of the Galactic Federation of Light. All the secret societies dedicated to the Light in Asia, Europe, India, and the Middle East are preparing for what is to happen presently. A great change in your world is beginning and through its full manifestation will prepare you for the mass arrival of your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your heart, knowing that a great day in your lives arrives at long last!
...Everywhere, your blessed Beingness will send energies that will sustain life. You are to meet many different types of life forms. You will overcome your present limitations and will be renowned not only in this galaxy but in every corner of Creation... It is vital you open your hearts to those whose Love, Light, and divine service have helped make this wondrous reality possible."
Boy, that moves me to tears of joy!
thank you thank you thank you ...and so it is!
*** gavin
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light
Dratzo! We return! The last stages of the delivery process are beginning! The various packages are being readied for distribution. It is expected that a full bank holiday will be implemented after the first formal announcements by the new caretaker governments, and that this legal holiday will be used to change over the entire American banking system to the new rules and regulations which are to take effect after the demise of the Federal Reserve System. At this time the new hard currency will be introduced. This is the first part of a larger series of reforms that is to take effect concurrently throughout the rest of the globe. This new worldwide financial system will be facilitated by global debt forgiveness; taxation will be applied to goods and services but not individual and corporate income; and a wealth of secret trust funds will be launched in order to replace the financial resources normally used by your governments. The people will be liberated from their onerous burdens and encouraged to use various tax refunds to jumpstart your national economies.
This new financial world will become the foundation for a growing prosperity that will be boosted by the release of a whole host of now-secret technologies. Then comes the major disclosure announcement that puts an end to the global 'UFO' cover-up. This revelation will support the cessation of global violence as well as misguided foreign military adventurism. It is time for your world to reclaim the many pieces that make up many nations' territorial sovereignty, and for negotiations to formally settle the issue of many national boundaries. We intend to participate in these discussions and bring an end, finally, to any form of discord. The criterion here is a swift and forthright win-win situation for all, bearing in mind that this form of sovereignty is largely anachronistic within the context of your global awakening. Nevertheless, quickly resolving boundary issues constitutes another step toward this goal, which is to create a world where peace, prosperity and cooperation are a given. This quickly leads to the next step.
This next step is hugely significant! Here, you begin to interact freely with your Inner Earth cousins. This experience allows you to view your planet in an entirely different way: you begin to see her as your living host, and as such she has a claim on your respect. The old dark perspective can swiftly be discarded and a truer way of regarding Gaia can take its place. At this time you will have the opportunity to watch the Moon being 'terraformed'; then you will be able to travel to and explore this transformed, artificial object. It will be the first time that most of you have left the Earth to go to another sphere in the heavens. We wish you to feel great Love for your home and to see how your original two-moon system can easily be re-established in the very near future. We wish you to begin to comprehend the sort of wonders that are about to become your new reality because, after all, most of you are to become future citizens of Mars, Venus, and of course Pax.
Disclosure and first contact will change tremendously the world you now live in. You are about to meet your spiritual and space families. This one act alone transforms all the information that the dark cabalists have fed you for the past 13 millennia. All at once you will be thrust into a new reality; the many mysteries that surround your origins will be resolved, and a new history that extends all the way back to ancient Lemuria will be given to you. This is just the start of what you are to learn about the true nature of physicality, and with this knowledge comes a science as well as a spiritual philosophy to prepare you for the wonder that is full consciousness. We come to teach, to mentor, and then later, to accept you as our equals. You have great contributions that you are destined to make as you once again interact with us and with other sentient Beings who make up this galaxy and the tens of thousands of other galaxies that are a vital part of an ever-expanding Intergalactic Union.
Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in joy. The time arrives for a new Golden Age to lift up humanity in its grace-laden arms and embrace you with a profound wisdom and the gift of full consciousness! Your world has wandered in the realm of darkness for nearly 13 millennia. Now the Light returns to show you the divine path to your destiny. The vast span of amnesia is ending. Prepare for a huge download of forgotten information provided graciously by Heaven and with the assistance of the Galactic Federation of Light. All the secret societies dedicated to the Light in Asia, Europe, India, and the Middle East are preparing for what is to happen presently. A great change in your world is beginning and through its full manifestation will prepare you for the mass arrival of your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your heart, knowing that a great day in your lives arrives at long last!
This new realm of golden Light is to extend throughout the length and breadth of this solar system. Everywhere, your blessed Beingness will send energies that will sustain life. You are to meet many different types of life forms. You will overcome your present limitations and will be renowned not only in this galaxy but in every corner of Creation. For many millennia we have seen this in our visions of you and have known just how important our mission among you really is. Our primary purpose is to keep the great Light that resides in all of us burning brightly despite the manifold schemes and contrivances of the dark. This we do gladly. At times in the past, many succumbed to the corrupting enticements of the dark, and some of these souls have been wrested triumphantly from their dark paths and returned to the Light! Blessings to you all.
This coming environment of prosperity, joy, and full consciousness is the gracious gift of the Creator. All of us welcome this time and are elated that this new reality is starting to manifest. It is vital that you open your hearts to those whose Love, Light, and divine service have helped make this wondrous reality possible. It is easy to discount all that was required or how long it took to bring it about. Our purpose is to be divine intermediaries. We have taken on the dark and used our collective abilities to assist in completing the remaining tasks. We have heartfelt salutations and thanks for the liaisons from Agartha who used their great skills to fashion the final agreements that culminated in our joint success. We look forward to assisting your Galactic Federation mentors in quickly returning you to fully conscious Beings of Light. Namaste!
Today, we brought you another message about what is happening on your world. A new reality is dawning. It is bringing you full consciousness and an opportunity to rejoin your brethren who reside throughout this broad galaxy and all Creation. The time comes to expand your consciousness and, once again, fully embrace the Divine! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Supply of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
"The time arrives for a new Golden Age to lift up humanity in its grace-laden arms and embrace you with a profound wisdom and the gift of full consciousness! Your world has wandered in the realm of darkness for nearly 13 millennia. Now the Light returns to show you the divine path to your destiny. The vast span of amnesia is ending. Prepare for a huge download of forgotten information provided graciously by Heaven and with the assistance of the Galactic Federation of Light. All the secret societies dedicated to the Light in Asia, Europe, India, and the Middle East are preparing for what is to happen presently. A great change in your world is beginning and through its full manifestation will prepare you for the mass arrival of your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your heart, knowing that a great day in your lives arrives at long last!
...Everywhere, your blessed Beingness will send energies that will sustain life. You are to meet many different types of life forms. You will overcome your present limitations and will be renowned not only in this galaxy but in every corner of Creation... It is vital you open your hearts to those whose Love, Light, and divine service have helped make this wondrous reality possible."
Boy, that moves me to tears of joy!
thank you thank you thank you ...and so it is!
*** gavin
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light
Dratzo! We return! The last stages of the delivery process are beginning! The various packages are being readied for distribution. It is expected that a full bank holiday will be implemented after the first formal announcements by the new caretaker governments, and that this legal holiday will be used to change over the entire American banking system to the new rules and regulations which are to take effect after the demise of the Federal Reserve System. At this time the new hard currency will be introduced. This is the first part of a larger series of reforms that is to take effect concurrently throughout the rest of the globe. This new worldwide financial system will be facilitated by global debt forgiveness; taxation will be applied to goods and services but not individual and corporate income; and a wealth of secret trust funds will be launched in order to replace the financial resources normally used by your governments. The people will be liberated from their onerous burdens and encouraged to use various tax refunds to jumpstart your national economies.
This new financial world will become the foundation for a growing prosperity that will be boosted by the release of a whole host of now-secret technologies. Then comes the major disclosure announcement that puts an end to the global 'UFO' cover-up. This revelation will support the cessation of global violence as well as misguided foreign military adventurism. It is time for your world to reclaim the many pieces that make up many nations' territorial sovereignty, and for negotiations to formally settle the issue of many national boundaries. We intend to participate in these discussions and bring an end, finally, to any form of discord. The criterion here is a swift and forthright win-win situation for all, bearing in mind that this form of sovereignty is largely anachronistic within the context of your global awakening. Nevertheless, quickly resolving boundary issues constitutes another step toward this goal, which is to create a world where peace, prosperity and cooperation are a given. This quickly leads to the next step.
This next step is hugely significant! Here, you begin to interact freely with your Inner Earth cousins. This experience allows you to view your planet in an entirely different way: you begin to see her as your living host, and as such she has a claim on your respect. The old dark perspective can swiftly be discarded and a truer way of regarding Gaia can take its place. At this time you will have the opportunity to watch the Moon being 'terraformed'; then you will be able to travel to and explore this transformed, artificial object. It will be the first time that most of you have left the Earth to go to another sphere in the heavens. We wish you to feel great Love for your home and to see how your original two-moon system can easily be re-established in the very near future. We wish you to begin to comprehend the sort of wonders that are about to become your new reality because, after all, most of you are to become future citizens of Mars, Venus, and of course Pax.
Disclosure and first contact will change tremendously the world you now live in. You are about to meet your spiritual and space families. This one act alone transforms all the information that the dark cabalists have fed you for the past 13 millennia. All at once you will be thrust into a new reality; the many mysteries that surround your origins will be resolved, and a new history that extends all the way back to ancient Lemuria will be given to you. This is just the start of what you are to learn about the true nature of physicality, and with this knowledge comes a science as well as a spiritual philosophy to prepare you for the wonder that is full consciousness. We come to teach, to mentor, and then later, to accept you as our equals. You have great contributions that you are destined to make as you once again interact with us and with other sentient Beings who make up this galaxy and the tens of thousands of other galaxies that are a vital part of an ever-expanding Intergalactic Union.
Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in joy. The time arrives for a new Golden Age to lift up humanity in its grace-laden arms and embrace you with a profound wisdom and the gift of full consciousness! Your world has wandered in the realm of darkness for nearly 13 millennia. Now the Light returns to show you the divine path to your destiny. The vast span of amnesia is ending. Prepare for a huge download of forgotten information provided graciously by Heaven and with the assistance of the Galactic Federation of Light. All the secret societies dedicated to the Light in Asia, Europe, India, and the Middle East are preparing for what is to happen presently. A great change in your world is beginning and through its full manifestation will prepare you for the mass arrival of your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your heart, knowing that a great day in your lives arrives at long last!
This new realm of golden Light is to extend throughout the length and breadth of this solar system. Everywhere, your blessed Beingness will send energies that will sustain life. You are to meet many different types of life forms. You will overcome your present limitations and will be renowned not only in this galaxy but in every corner of Creation. For many millennia we have seen this in our visions of you and have known just how important our mission among you really is. Our primary purpose is to keep the great Light that resides in all of us burning brightly despite the manifold schemes and contrivances of the dark. This we do gladly. At times in the past, many succumbed to the corrupting enticements of the dark, and some of these souls have been wrested triumphantly from their dark paths and returned to the Light! Blessings to you all.
This coming environment of prosperity, joy, and full consciousness is the gracious gift of the Creator. All of us welcome this time and are elated that this new reality is starting to manifest. It is vital that you open your hearts to those whose Love, Light, and divine service have helped make this wondrous reality possible. It is easy to discount all that was required or how long it took to bring it about. Our purpose is to be divine intermediaries. We have taken on the dark and used our collective abilities to assist in completing the remaining tasks. We have heartfelt salutations and thanks for the liaisons from Agartha who used their great skills to fashion the final agreements that culminated in our joint success. We look forward to assisting your Galactic Federation mentors in quickly returning you to fully conscious Beings of Light. Namaste!
Today, we brought you another message about what is happening on your world. A new reality is dawning. It is bringing you full consciousness and an opportunity to rejoin your brethren who reside throughout this broad galaxy and all Creation. The time comes to expand your consciousness and, once again, fully embrace the Divine! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Supply of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
13 millenia,
Federal Reserve System,
forgotten history,
Galactic Federation Light,
Golden Age,
secret technologies,
Sheldan Nidle,
UFO cover up
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What Is So Beautiful Is Each Of You Are At Different Levels, Giving Opportunity To Assist Others Or Grow Even More Than You Already Have
Thank you Melchizedek and Julie for this beautifully inspiring update and reminder of living through loving!
*** gavin
"Living through your heart and allowing your actions to be filled with love in all you do will give you more pleasure and contentment dear ones. The ones you assist will see this, feel your energy and know you are genuine."
Shine Your Light ~ A Message from Melchizedek
(emphasis added)
Dearest children of God it has been awhile since I spoke through this dear soul. She graciously accepted my wish to deliver a message to all of you. When we of the divine or other energies of the highest good, we come forth and request to speak through such a person, that person has the choice to say accept or not. We are not forceful, we are loving and benevolent.
Let us begin. We speak today of the threefold flame of your heart. The ‘Threefold Flame’ of life is being one with the Father, Son and Holy spirit 24/7. Your body is the temple, and your heart is the altar. The burning flame is God in manifestation. As a result, through this sacred flame you can bring forth this combined flame of all three to redistribute through then entire bodily temple.
Your inner light is an extension of the light that is within God’s heart. This is where your pure wisdom fits with your pure unconditional love, and pure power. You are in immaculate balance and in perfect harmony. Each part supporting and enhancing the other. These flames are your source of the Light within you and your connection to God.
Allow your Inner Light to shine. Don’t be afraid of it. Recognize it, for it is beautiful and very bright. You will come to notice this as you maneuver through your challenges and raise your vibrations from the peace and calm you find through meditation and coming to terms with your absolute real-self.
Once you are able to live through your heart and recognize the threefold flame that resides within your bodily form, you will be able to shine your light onto others and be of service for fellow light workers that are new and in need of non-biased guidance, that is both loving and supportive. Each and every one of you is evolving along this path and will continue to do so.
What is so beautiful is each of you are at different levels, giving opportunity to assist others or grow even more than you already have. When you reach out your hand, expressing your willingness to help another on this path, you are also reaching for my hand dear ones to guide you as you guide another. We work together, even if you cannot see me or feel me. I am there supporting you and who you are offering support to with my eternal love.
Living through your heart and allowing your actions to be filled with love in all you do will give you more pleasure and contentment dear ones. The ones you assist will see this, feel your energy and know you are genuine. Living through your heart at a level of being able to give unconditionally will give you peace that you may never have experienced before. It is a gentle peace, like a gentle embrace from a dear friend that you have known your entire life and beyond. An embrace you can sit in for a very long time and feel contentment there.
This journey of the Light does have its trials and tribulations but it also has many tremendous rewards, along with personal and spiritual achievements. This journey you are on requires full attention as it holds much information and learning of yourself, your environment and the people of this fine Earth. Document and date all that you do and look back after a few months and be in awe of yourself.
As I take my leave of this dear child, know that my love for you truly is eternal and that I AM in awe of what you have accomplished so far and I know you will continue to achieve, but at a pace suited only for you.
And so it is,
Channeler: Julie Miller
*** gavin
"Living through your heart and allowing your actions to be filled with love in all you do will give you more pleasure and contentment dear ones. The ones you assist will see this, feel your energy and know you are genuine."
Shine Your Light ~ A Message from Melchizedek
(emphasis added)
Dearest children of God it has been awhile since I spoke through this dear soul. She graciously accepted my wish to deliver a message to all of you. When we of the divine or other energies of the highest good, we come forth and request to speak through such a person, that person has the choice to say accept or not. We are not forceful, we are loving and benevolent.
Let us begin. We speak today of the threefold flame of your heart. The ‘Threefold Flame’ of life is being one with the Father, Son and Holy spirit 24/7. Your body is the temple, and your heart is the altar. The burning flame is God in manifestation. As a result, through this sacred flame you can bring forth this combined flame of all three to redistribute through then entire bodily temple.
Your inner light is an extension of the light that is within God’s heart. This is where your pure wisdom fits with your pure unconditional love, and pure power. You are in immaculate balance and in perfect harmony. Each part supporting and enhancing the other. These flames are your source of the Light within you and your connection to God.
Allow your Inner Light to shine. Don’t be afraid of it. Recognize it, for it is beautiful and very bright. You will come to notice this as you maneuver through your challenges and raise your vibrations from the peace and calm you find through meditation and coming to terms with your absolute real-self.
Once you are able to live through your heart and recognize the threefold flame that resides within your bodily form, you will be able to shine your light onto others and be of service for fellow light workers that are new and in need of non-biased guidance, that is both loving and supportive. Each and every one of you is evolving along this path and will continue to do so.
What is so beautiful is each of you are at different levels, giving opportunity to assist others or grow even more than you already have. When you reach out your hand, expressing your willingness to help another on this path, you are also reaching for my hand dear ones to guide you as you guide another. We work together, even if you cannot see me or feel me. I am there supporting you and who you are offering support to with my eternal love.
Living through your heart and allowing your actions to be filled with love in all you do will give you more pleasure and contentment dear ones. The ones you assist will see this, feel your energy and know you are genuine. Living through your heart at a level of being able to give unconditionally will give you peace that you may never have experienced before. It is a gentle peace, like a gentle embrace from a dear friend that you have known your entire life and beyond. An embrace you can sit in for a very long time and feel contentment there.
This journey of the Light does have its trials and tribulations but it also has many tremendous rewards, along with personal and spiritual achievements. This journey you are on requires full attention as it holds much information and learning of yourself, your environment and the people of this fine Earth. Document and date all that you do and look back after a few months and be in awe of yourself.
As I take my leave of this dear child, know that my love for you truly is eternal and that I AM in awe of what you have accomplished so far and I know you will continue to achieve, but at a pace suited only for you.
And so it is,
Channeler: Julie Miller
living through your heart,
sacred masculine,
shine light,
Threefold Flame Life trial,
Those Who Don't Wish To Reintegrate Their Light and Ascend This Lifetime Will Be Sent To Other Universes, Galaxies & Planets To Continue Their Lessons
Thank you SaLuSa and Laura for this profound reminder of your role in our Ascension process and of how we still are unaware of the bigger picture living in amnesia...
"We do intend to allow for fair trials [for the dark cabal] to take place on your world as soon as a friendly policy towards us is set up and takes charge. We will also offer to have access to precise records in order to carry out perfectly fair trials. Our arrival among you has been delayed for over fifty years. We have allowed for every plan the cabal has made to play out in all countries. It is your planet and we respect your wishes, your free will and your governments. We are acting according to galactic and divine laws. We would like to consider ourselves as guests and wish to come to your world as such. We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends."
I too long for the days you'll walk amongst us and peace will reign across our galaxy!
*** gavin
SaLuSa to me 22 Aug 2011: The Light has Won the Battle in Your Universe
Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. We would appreciate an update if possible? And also here is the first question: “Between the Beings of Light that connect with us there some of them that enlightens us very much. They call us Starseeds, they tell we are Light, that we are all part of the One. And I wonder how can it be so? What about murderers, thieves, deceivers that are on power (governments)? How can we all be equal and the same? I know I am not a saint, otherwise I would not be here, but being the same as a murderer or a gangster … it is sad to know that.”
SaLuSa: Good afternoon Laura, of course. The dark ones are at their worst at this moment. They feel cornered and are full of fear. They are at danger peak for you right now, as many of you would have guessed. Do not be intimidated by their actions and threats dear ones, as their power is fading by the day. The incoming energies are affecting them the most and they do not feel at home with the level of light present and projected on your planet at this time. They have been given every chance to correct their actions towards you and we are still allowing them time to rejoin the light. All those who sincerely wish to reconnect with us are certainly welcome.
We do intend to allow for fair trials to take place on your world as soon as a friendly policy towards us is set up and take charge. We will also offer to have access to precise records in order to carry out perfectly fair trials. Our arrival among you has been delayed for over fifty years. We have allowed for every plan the cabal has made to play out in all countries. It is your planet and we respect your wishes, your free will and your governments. We are acting according to galactic and divine laws. We would like to consider ourselves as guests and wish to come to your world as such. We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends.
We are aware of all the pain and suffering the cabal causes to many of you dear souls. We do protect you when the cabal launches attacks on you. However, it is not always possible to protect all of you as much we wish. The cabal actions are unpredictable at this moment and they are using newer tactics than previously. We will however adapt and will do our best to protect you as soon as you ask for our help. The dark and the light have been at war for a long time in your universe. It is not the case in all universes. There are galaxies and universes governed by the light only, and there are also a minute number of universes where the dark are the ruling force.
Your universe had a cyclic learning process. God has decreed, however that your entire universe will ascend now; therefore, a new set of rules will naturally emerge in the coming years. As you progress towards the light, darkness will no longer be present here at all. Their plan to take over this entire universe has failed and there is no other choice for them now other than join the light, or retreat. As the light will illuminate your body, heart and soul, your memories will return to you and you will retake your natural place on the spiritual evolution scale.
Those who do not wish to reintegrate their light will be sent to other universes, galaxies and planets where the dark is in majority if they agree to it. Throughout history, a handful of these dark beings are kept on a few planets, where they can review their actions over and over again. They can be kept there for eternity, while others may get new chances or return to lower life forms. A few can also eventually be decomposed through various physical laws. These are far less than one per cent of the existing souls however.
Creator, in his great love and forgiveness allows for us all to learn and evolve at our own pace. We do not say this to scare anybody; we just wish to inform you of the next stage for your world. You see dear ones, we have to act in synchronicity with all happening in your entire galaxy and universe. The pieces of the puzzle must come together at once. We have to allow for all to unfold accordingly.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. This is our next question: “What will happen to common people like ourselves and the ones that are not aware of or have got no information about Ascension? I keep faithful in the Grace of the Divine Plan.”
SaLuSa: Dear ones, the divine will is perfect and there are many beings and many levels of existence still entirely unknown to you. The higher the level of vibrations is, the higher the level of responsibility one has. Dark souls do get almost infinite chances to rejoin the light, considering the scale of things, if not in your universe; they will get this chance in a universe ruled by similar rules to yours. The Light has won the battle in your universe dear ones. There shall soon be no more darkness here. There will still be cycles and ages as you call them, however, the degree of consciousness will be pretty much maintained to a constant level.
When a universe ascends, as you know, there is karmic forgiveness up to a certain point. You will have to choose what the next step is for you, having said that, there are certain vibration laws which will have to be respected. These laws are automatic laws, and cannot be bypassed. For those who will not ascend, every soul will have the opportunity to review his or her life, once in the after life. Your next stage of evolution will be greatly discussed with you and all will be done to accommodate your wishes in this respect.
The ascended beings looking after you in the higher dimensions of the after life are working very closely with God and will respect your wishes as much as possible of course. Eventually, you will come to an agreement. Sometimes your wishes do not match the level required for ascension, in which case additional incarnations will be necessary. However, those requiring further incarnations will choose their life path in a great deal of detail. The beings planning your next life are very kind and loving. They will do all in order to accommodate your wishes best.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I assure you all is prepared for the next stage for your planet. We wish your planet to finally know true peace. I send you my blessing for your return home journey dear souls. It has been a long and tiring journey for us all. However you will be more than pleased with the final outcome dear friends. Things are very near to clicking into place.
Thank you, SaLuSa
by Laura Tyco
"We do intend to allow for fair trials [for the dark cabal] to take place on your world as soon as a friendly policy towards us is set up and takes charge. We will also offer to have access to precise records in order to carry out perfectly fair trials. Our arrival among you has been delayed for over fifty years. We have allowed for every plan the cabal has made to play out in all countries. It is your planet and we respect your wishes, your free will and your governments. We are acting according to galactic and divine laws. We would like to consider ourselves as guests and wish to come to your world as such. We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends."
I too long for the days you'll walk amongst us and peace will reign across our galaxy!
*** gavin
SaLuSa to me 22 Aug 2011: The Light has Won the Battle in Your Universe
Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. We would appreciate an update if possible? And also here is the first question: “Between the Beings of Light that connect with us there some of them that enlightens us very much. They call us Starseeds, they tell we are Light, that we are all part of the One. And I wonder how can it be so? What about murderers, thieves, deceivers that are on power (governments)? How can we all be equal and the same? I know I am not a saint, otherwise I would not be here, but being the same as a murderer or a gangster … it is sad to know that.”
SaLuSa: Good afternoon Laura, of course. The dark ones are at their worst at this moment. They feel cornered and are full of fear. They are at danger peak for you right now, as many of you would have guessed. Do not be intimidated by their actions and threats dear ones, as their power is fading by the day. The incoming energies are affecting them the most and they do not feel at home with the level of light present and projected on your planet at this time. They have been given every chance to correct their actions towards you and we are still allowing them time to rejoin the light. All those who sincerely wish to reconnect with us are certainly welcome.
We do intend to allow for fair trials to take place on your world as soon as a friendly policy towards us is set up and take charge. We will also offer to have access to precise records in order to carry out perfectly fair trials. Our arrival among you has been delayed for over fifty years. We have allowed for every plan the cabal has made to play out in all countries. It is your planet and we respect your wishes, your free will and your governments. We are acting according to galactic and divine laws. We would like to consider ourselves as guests and wish to come to your world as such. We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends.
We are aware of all the pain and suffering the cabal causes to many of you dear souls. We do protect you when the cabal launches attacks on you. However, it is not always possible to protect all of you as much we wish. The cabal actions are unpredictable at this moment and they are using newer tactics than previously. We will however adapt and will do our best to protect you as soon as you ask for our help. The dark and the light have been at war for a long time in your universe. It is not the case in all universes. There are galaxies and universes governed by the light only, and there are also a minute number of universes where the dark are the ruling force.
Your universe had a cyclic learning process. God has decreed, however that your entire universe will ascend now; therefore, a new set of rules will naturally emerge in the coming years. As you progress towards the light, darkness will no longer be present here at all. Their plan to take over this entire universe has failed and there is no other choice for them now other than join the light, or retreat. As the light will illuminate your body, heart and soul, your memories will return to you and you will retake your natural place on the spiritual evolution scale.
Those who do not wish to reintegrate their light will be sent to other universes, galaxies and planets where the dark is in majority if they agree to it. Throughout history, a handful of these dark beings are kept on a few planets, where they can review their actions over and over again. They can be kept there for eternity, while others may get new chances or return to lower life forms. A few can also eventually be decomposed through various physical laws. These are far less than one per cent of the existing souls however.
Creator, in his great love and forgiveness allows for us all to learn and evolve at our own pace. We do not say this to scare anybody; we just wish to inform you of the next stage for your world. You see dear ones, we have to act in synchronicity with all happening in your entire galaxy and universe. The pieces of the puzzle must come together at once. We have to allow for all to unfold accordingly.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. This is our next question: “What will happen to common people like ourselves and the ones that are not aware of or have got no information about Ascension? I keep faithful in the Grace of the Divine Plan.”
SaLuSa: Dear ones, the divine will is perfect and there are many beings and many levels of existence still entirely unknown to you. The higher the level of vibrations is, the higher the level of responsibility one has. Dark souls do get almost infinite chances to rejoin the light, considering the scale of things, if not in your universe; they will get this chance in a universe ruled by similar rules to yours. The Light has won the battle in your universe dear ones. There shall soon be no more darkness here. There will still be cycles and ages as you call them, however, the degree of consciousness will be pretty much maintained to a constant level.
When a universe ascends, as you know, there is karmic forgiveness up to a certain point. You will have to choose what the next step is for you, having said that, there are certain vibration laws which will have to be respected. These laws are automatic laws, and cannot be bypassed. For those who will not ascend, every soul will have the opportunity to review his or her life, once in the after life. Your next stage of evolution will be greatly discussed with you and all will be done to accommodate your wishes in this respect.
The ascended beings looking after you in the higher dimensions of the after life are working very closely with God and will respect your wishes as much as possible of course. Eventually, you will come to an agreement. Sometimes your wishes do not match the level required for ascension, in which case additional incarnations will be necessary. However, those requiring further incarnations will choose their life path in a great deal of detail. The beings planning your next life are very kind and loving. They will do all in order to accommodate your wishes best.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I assure you all is prepared for the next stage for your planet. We wish your planet to finally know true peace. I send you my blessing for your return home journey dear souls. It has been a long and tiring journey for us all. However you will be more than pleased with the final outcome dear friends. Things are very near to clicking into place.
Thank you, SaLuSa
by Laura Tyco
dark cabal,
fair trials,
galactic and divine laws,
Universal Laws,
Monday, August 22, 2011
Meditation Is The Best Way To Open Yourself Up To Divinity In Noticeable Ways, You Simply Have To Find The Style Of Meditation That Works For YOU
Thank you Mikos and Wes for reminding me our Angels and Spirit Guides are ALWAYS at-the-ready waiting patiently for us to reach out to them, knowing they CANNOT assist without us asking them!
"Many have spoken of the ‘light show of the mind’ that they experience when first getting deep into meditation; these beautiful Lights you see are the ‘borders’ of the higher dimensions. They are quite beautiful, are they not? Again, I would like to say to every soul on Earth, your guides are waiting every second of every day for you to pick up on their presence. They are with you at all times if you wish them to be, and the bond they feel to you simply can’t be matched by even a Loved one."
*** gavin
Conversations With Mikos, 8-17-11
Wes: My dear friend Mikos, I wish to speak with you on this night. It has been a while since we have had a chat, but I have been quite deep in meditation for a while now and I can feel your presence quite strongly. I understand there is something you wish to share with us, and I also have a couple questions for you tonight.
Mikos: Hello Dear Wesley, indeed it has been quite a while since our last chat! All is well though, as we do not experience time here in Telos. Everything is simply NOW, time is not measured and looked upon as it is on the surface. Indeed back in the times of ancient Lemuria we used to measure time, but as the end of our cycle began approaching time began speeding up, as it is now doing on the surface with your ascension.
Wes: But friend, Atlantis did not ascend at that time. Lemuria may have, but from what I understand that was after moving into the inner realm. Why was time speeding up at the end of the Atlantean/Lemurian cycle?
Mikos: Well dear friend, the whole planet was meant to ascend at the end of the aforementioned cycle. This did not come about because of the ‘advanced’ war tactics that bruised your collective consciousness right at the end of the cycle. Your dark ones wish they could repeat their actions and do the same at the end of this shift, but we have shown them through our various methods of de-stabalizing their nukes that those actions simply will not be permitted this time around.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Wes: Ok, I understand Mikos. Since ascension was planned for the whole planet, as Mother Earth began moving upwards in energy, just as she is now, what the Atlanteans and Lemurians knew as time began to speed up just as it is now.
Mikos: You are correct Dear One.
Wes: Alright, thank you for answering that for me. Something I have been wanting to ask you is, what is your role down in Telos? I have heard that with ascended civilizations, every soul has a duty, a responsibility to perform that is always unique to them. What is your responsibility?
Mikos: Well Wesley, I work with Adama, Selphia and many other Agarthan souls to maintain our Hall of Records. You have known this Hall of Records as a library, because it is an ascended model of the libraries of information you have on the surface. On a spiritual level, this has been referred to as your Akashic Records; this library is one section of a universal hall of ‘Akashic’ records. In this library we have every piece of information and every happening that has ever occurred in this solar system, and as I said before myself and many other souls maintain this Hall of Records. You were chatting with your friends before about the collective consciousness of souls that is accessible in ones’ mind, this is a network we help maintain within these records. We look after your quite fragile collective consciousness, and we maintain the records of every happening, big or small, that has ever occurred in this solar system. We are trusted with this hall down here in Telos because we contributed quite greatly to it’s coming about, but that is a story that cannot be communicated in Earthly words.
Wes: Wow, quite a bit of information Mikos. Thank you dearly. Now, I have a couple questions from some friends of mine. Here is the first question:
“I am relatively young and somehow have come into this ascension topic.
But no one of my friends etc. has this kind of mindset and consequently i am feeling rather lonely these days. I would love to contact my guides for help but unfortunately all my attempts till now have not lead to the desired “connection.” So my questions is if you or your “contacts” might have a hint/advise for me in order to succeed?”
Mikos: Dear soul, just the fact that you are beginning to take an interest in ascension and your personal spirituality, means you are going to succeed! This is a gradual process, and when one starts out noticeable progress does not occur overnight. Still you are doing much to broaden your horizons, and with the huge shifts in energy that are currently reaching your planet, you are to surely see yourself placed firmly on the ascension path! There are a lot of souls awakening on Earth who are finding themselves in this exact position, we ascended wish you to know how well you are doing! It cannot be easy attempting to awaken yourself to these truths, to these greater ways of Living, when those around you whom you have grown comfortable with seem absolutely oblivious to everything you have begun to know. Many dear Lightworkers do not even speak of their newfound befiefs and abilities, for fear of being ridiculed. As a result many of you have felt quite lonely at times. We wish you to know that you are not alone! Your ascended guides are with you at all times, and we are waiting to be communicated with!!
Now, much can be done to make the connections with one’s guides clearer. Most Lightworkers know of the lower-dimensional things to stay away from (I.E.- junk foods and drinks, heavy drugs or substances that will stall their emotional/spiritual growth, etc.) because many of those things will fog up their mental channels, which make contact with one’s guides quite difficult. Meditation is really the best way to open yourself up to Divinity in quite noticeable ways, you simply have to find the style of meditation that works for you. Many have spoken of the ‘light show of the mind’ that they experience when first getting deep into meditation; these beautiful Lights you see are the ‘borders’ of the higher dimensions. They are quite beautiful, are they not? Again, I would like to say to every soul on Earth, your guides are waiting every second of every day for you to pick up on their presence. They are with you at all times if you wish them to be, and the bond they feel to you simply can’t be matched by even a Loved one.
Wes: Thank you for answering that Mikos, I can vouch to the Light show of the mind phenomenon. Now, we have one more question:
“I had a dream that I established a publishing company, and we published the channeled messages monthly in print in Hungary. I paid for all the channeled messages, and at least 30-40 workers had his salary from this company. Now, I tried to find a sponsor, but unfortunately nobody answered. In my dream there was a message, that this money system will be changed, and everybody will have some credit points depending how much their activity assisting the whole Earth and its inhabitants. The publishing company was one of the best company here for making credit points. Everybody who worked for this company had this money system transition smoothly.
So, I have a family estate, and I try to sell it, to get started in this project. What should I do, what should I program into the crystals of this field, etc. Is it really my task to establish this publishing company? Is it really me who have to start it and be the ‘boss’”?
Mikos: Dear soul, your dream was quite correct in many ways. As far as the money system transfer, as many Lightworkers are now aware of there is a massive global abundance program waiting to be activated that is to shift the money and gold that was previously in the hands of the few, to the hands of all on the surface. Many know these abundance programs as NESARA. We down here in Telos and Agartha have been a big part of planning this transfer and how it is to work. The credit system was one of many ways of implementing this system that we were flirting with, and your guides who were showing you this dream showed you the credit system for a specific purpose. Only you know why your guides did this, and I recommend you go deep into meditation and ask them. I can say that this credit system may in fact end up one of the final choices for shifting the wealth of the world.
Very soon you will not need money on the surface; money is an aspect of the 3D illusion that you are to outgrow very fast. These global abundance programs are to be temporary, as we need to shift everything back into the hands of the citizens, and this means not just money but governments and banks. So indeed, you are all soon to be running your individual countries, and subsequently the whole world. Now, there are many aspects of this new transitional world that are to come to fruition and with that we come to the subject of your publishing company. Your guides do not wish you to run a company that specifically prints channeled messages, rather they were trying to push your thoughts in the direction of running a publishing company that relates soley to this New Age, this new transitional period into full consciousness, which includes many subjects. Channeled messages, foreign relations with other planets, and much more are to be published during this time.
Now keep in mind, your guides are not telling you that you ‘must’ do anything. This is entirely your freewill choice and as always you may do whatever you wish but we can say that these publishing companies, like the one you owned in your dream, will be quite prevalent very soon. Indeed, some of them and other ‘new age’ type businesses are already in their preparation stages, they will be opening up for business during this transitional period. If such is your wish, your guides would like you to establish one of these businesses. Again, it is all completely your choice. It is alright to look toward the land you are selling as the financial ‘boost’ to begin funding this company, but just know that whether or not your land sells, if you really, truly wish to start this company than you will find the funding. It may even seem like magic, or like the money miraculously fell into your hands. Dear Souls, that is what this New Age, this New Transitional period is about: manifesting miracles, personally and worldwide.
Thank you dearly for communicating with me Mikos, and thank you for answering our questions on this night.
Channeler: Wes Annac
Agartha Inner Earth,
Akashic Records,
Lost Continent,
Spirit Guides,
war tactics
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