To learn more about Agartha, please read the very first posting: Scroll to March 17th, 2011. Otherwise, enjoy nearly everyday updates of worldwide news --with an alternative news twist, which shares with you how the Spirit World views what's being reported on mainstream media. In other words, here is where you get to learn what's REALLY GOING ON in our world --not what the TV & radio report, which in my humble opinion is simply programming designed to keep us living in fear.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
"Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the bunny trail...
Hoppy Easter to all
And to all a goodnight!"
Whoops, I think I combined an Easter song with a Christmas saying ...LOL!
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
Humanity’s interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion. You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you. Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present! That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos! Is that not amazing?
But it is true, because you are all divine beings of power and might who have chosen to constrain yourselves within the very narrow confines of a human body. And now the time has come for you to move on — to move up into the higher dimensions where your spirits shine out brilliantly through the beautiful Light with which God endowed you at the moment of your creation.
Your divine nature is to shine, and even as you hide yourselves in the depths of the illusion that nature shines through when you think, speak, or behave lovingly, compassionately, or forgivingly. The more that you do so the brighter burns your Light, which is very clearly visible in the spiritual realms, and which those in the physical realms can sense, feel, and recognize as goodness and holiness, which provides them with a safe space in which they can find acceptance and comfort.
You truly are comforters, because you are helping others to recognize that their sense that something is missing, that something much greater than physicality is calling to them is valid, and that it is most definitely not a sign that they are on the threshold of psychosis. You chose to incarnate to shine your Light so that others could experience the comfort and support that your presence provides. It gives them added strength to cope with and learn the lessons with which their life paths present them, so that they may awaken into the Reality from which it often seems that they are excluded.
Keep that Light shining brightly by engaging fully with the field of divine Love that constantly surrounds you, breathing its catalytic encouragement on the inextinguishable flame of Love burning eternally within each one of you. You are all Lights unto the world, establishing Heaven on Earth as you mix and mingle with family, friends, and associates in your daily lives. I do not exaggerate when I tell you this, because all that our Father has created, including every one of you apparently entangled in the illusion, are sentient immortal beings of infinite perfection and beauty.
The illusion does hide this from you with a thin veil that is as illusory as the illusion itself, but it suffices while you choose to focus on the egoic influence that is forever attempting to persuade you that life is uncertain, fragile, and likely to be snuffed out suddenly and inexplicably unless you take great care of it. But as you open your hearts more and more to engage with the divine field of Love your sense of insecurity, of lack, even of danger, recedes, leaving you feeling free of fear, free to offer love, to express love, and to share love with an increasing lack of discriminatory limits or conditions. In fact you start to demonstrate your true nature by living it. And that inspires and uplifts those with whom you interact, allowing and encouraging them to do likewise.
You have an expression, “coming out,” to signify someone who has admitted publicly to being of a sexual persuasion that is different from the accepted norm. I would suggest that it is time for you all to “come out” and admit that Love is your nature. You know from what has been occurring over the last few decades that to come out effectively slays people’s dragons, and frees them from the fears that have restrained and, yes, controlled them.
Now is the time to come out and declare publicly and fearlessly that your true nature, as a divine being, as a child of God, is Love, and that it is unchanging and unchangeable. The nature with which you were endowed at the moment of creation is perfect, beautiful, divine, and therefore absolutely unalterable in any way. It is true of every single human that has, or ever will, live. Once you fearlessly acknowledge that divine truth — because it applies without exception to every human being — it can no longer be contained, and it will spread and spread and spread until no one remains unaware, untouched, or immune to the recognition of it. This truth will indeed set you free. All you have to do is to acknowledge it.
With so very much love, Saul.
by JohnSmallman.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
We Are We Headed as a Civilization?
Thank you David, Steven and your Guides ...enjoy this hour!
*** gavin
*** gavin
Ironically, your mass communications are at the forefront of its undoing: It assumed that because it controlled the media, the politicians, the large corporations, and the major corporate-religious bodies, it still controlled all the primary information centers and access to them. It has now become quite apparent that this is not the case, as more and more information of a sensitive nature is becoming public knowledge, disclosing the vast and unacceptable scale of corruption in high places.
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
The divine energy field enveloping you is strengthening and intensifying daily, matching your ability to meld with it more and more effectively, and of course its energy is Love, and that is permeating the hearts of those who are opening to It –-the vast majority of humans-– and helping you to release the attitudes and behaviors, the inflexible beliefs that so many have held for so long. The results of this are visible all across the world as new ideas to deal with the major problems and issues facing you are expressed and shared.
The old, inflexible beliefs and the tools used to maintain them are still in evidence, but their ineffectiveness can no longer be disguised by blaming others for their failure to resolve the issues that they were supposed to solve. The old order, the established order, has been in control, directing the business of politics, business, ethics, morality, religion --in fact, anything in which people interact together in any way at all-- for a long time. This order has remained hidden in the background while directing the activities of public figures so that its hidden agendas were achieved unseen, discreetly, and easily.
And frequently, some of those public figures did act in good faith, believing in the integrity and honesty of these “wise, intellectually brilliant elders” – their mentors and guides in the art of leadership – whose stated aim was to bring peace and abundance to all on Earth. But of course those hidden ones, the elite, have always had their own completely self-serving, private agendas, and now the real intent of those agendas is being revealed, as more and more whistle-blowers find the courage to disclose the unconscionable secrets to which they have become party by blowing away the veils of secrecy under which so much has been hidden.
The old order is crumbling. It no longer has the world in the iron grip by which it has attempted to control you all for so long. Ironically, your mass communications are at the forefront of its undoing: It assumed that because it controlled the media, the politicians, the large corporations, and the major corporate-religious bodies, it still controlled all the primary information centers and access to them. It has now become quite apparent that this is not the case, as more and more information of a sensitive nature is becoming public knowledge, disclosing the vast and unacceptable scale of corruption in high places. The sheer speed of information exchange has stunned those who would keep secret the intrigues and corrupt agreements to which they are party, and which have personally benefited them enormously.
You can clearly see the collapsing house of cards that the global financial system has become, due to the unconscionable hubris and criminality of those who direct its activities, ably assisted by greedy underlings who proved to be totally bereft of any moral, ethical, let alone spiritual sense of responsibility. Systems that are corrupt will always implode, and the scale of damage that occurs when this happens can have very far-reaching effects.
A new system of finance is essential in order for global stability to be renewed and maintained, and a new one has been designed, put into place, and is ready to be unveiled. Those who have benefited by building fortunes through greed and corruption from the old system — which is now in the last stages of its final collapse due to their nefarious activities — will naturally be barred from holding any positions of responsibility or authority in the new one [such as the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Bushes, Morgans, Kissingers, the royalties, etc of the Federal Reserve Banks, writes this blogger]. They may well find that their ill-gotten gains will drain rapidly away as a result of being excluded from the new system, which will be totally transparent in all its dealings and activities.
There will be a certain amount of confusion as the new replaces the old, but do not be alarmed as chaos will not ensue. It will be as though an old and crumbling highway was closed off as a new one was opened to replace it. Some will not have learnt that the old one is closed and will find themselves temporarily in a cul-de-sac where they have to turn around and retrace their steps to reach the new one. But apart from a few minor teething problems while the change from the old to the new occurs, the transition should be relatively smooth.
The divine energies that envelop you are easing the fear and anxiety which the sight of the old systems collapsing has caused. Keep your hearts open, receive the Love that is constantly offered to you, and share it widely and inclusively, yes, even with those who have caused much of the damage if you find yourselves interacting with them. Blame, shame, and recrimination are not part of an awakened humanity, although those who have caused the severest damage will undoubtedly suffer much regret when they come to fully understand the extent of the suffering for which they bear some responsibility.
Love is the energy field in which all of creation has its existence. It is powerful, mighty, wise and compassionate, and It willingly and enthusiastically hugs all who seek comfort in Its warm embrace. None are excluded, although many may at first feel unworthy and hang back. But no one is unworthy, and as this becomes apparent by Its indiscriminate and unconditional acceptance of all who approach It, those straggling or holding back will also approach and be swept up into the field of infinite, divine Love in which they were created.
With so very much love, Saul.
by JohnSmallman.
Once you find Truth, you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it. There is no rush to bring the Truth to people as life is infinite and all happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready. There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and wish such people love and enlightenment. All souls will eventually find their True path, and the experiences they are having now will only help them in the future
Thank SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
By now, we see that Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age. Their understanding of what is needed is helping the Awakening process, which continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already losing its power to create more fear. In this respect, in spite of the apparent threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness. You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your lives.
We ask those of you of Light to continue focussing upon all that is positive, as you have the most potent and powerful weapon in the Love that you express. All of you are lifting the vibrations that are your assurance of bringing the New Age into being, and nothing can stop it manifesting. In fact, it is already having an impact beyond what is immediately apparent, and there is no way that the way of life can return to the old paradigm. Love is permeating all Institutions and Companies in the Government and private sectors, and what has been accepted in the past is now being questioned as to whether it operates in the best interests of everyone. People who try to perpetuate the old ways will find them impossible to maintain as is happening in the financial world. The extent of corruption goes far beyond what has been revealed, and the truth will eventually come out and shock many who placed their trust in them. A new system will be introduced that will operate openly and seen to be transparent.
Our allies continue to be much bolder in their activities, and have gained strength by finding much more support for the changes they are working to introduce. In actuality, you are living with a foot in each world, and the sooner you withdraw any attachment to the old 3rd Dimension ...the quicker you will advance into the higher dimensions. Old karma will come back for clearance and it could be as simple as changing your attitudes, and that includes how you think about them. The criterion for change is to stop being judgmental, and ensure that your own actions and words do not carry any threat or harm to another's life. The invitation to "turn the other cheek" is worth remembering, as we know that as emotional and feeling Beings you find it hard not to respond to provocation. Anger and such reactions are considered part of the human make up, but if unchecked can harm your physical body and bring on illness. We do not for one moment tell you that you should not stand up for yourself, but there can come a moment when it is better to walk away from trouble.
In fact, the more Light you carry you will find that your life becomes less stressful. Your higher vibrations will bring calmness around you, and you will be less likely to encounter physical or verbal attacks. Nothing can harm you unless you have attracted it to yourself: You all are living magnets vibrating at a frequency which attracts exactly the same pulse you send into the Universe. That really brings us to karmic experiences that can occur at any time it is appropriate and when the best conditions present themselves. Bear in mind that when it takes place amongst friends and families, they all get involved to some degree, and each in turn can learn something from it. We will not tire in emphasizing that karma is never punishment, but is a means of presenting a lesson in life that will help your spiritual advancement. You do not necessarily have to experience everything yourself to gain some value from it. Set yourself up as a good example of Light in action, and others will see how beneficial it can be. For those of you who celebrate Easter, it is the remembrance of a great Teacher who came upon the Earth, to show you what could be achieved when you have reached the level of being able to express yourself by Unconditional Love.
Love is all there is and when you become aware of your many lifetime journeys in Duality on the Earth School, you will understand that it is the only path to follow if you desire to evolve. You have taken many steps backwards only to have found your way forward again, but is so doing you have learnt how to apply yourself to any situation without losing your way. Presently, your path is being made easier by the uplifting energies that continue to reach Earth, and so they shall until you experience Ascension into the higher vibrations. As you take your place in the 5th Dimension, you will truly have become so enlightened that you will be a Being of Light. Even then, it is not the end of your upliftment and learning as that will be ever ongoing until you reach the Source. That is however a long way off having regard to the fact that you will have only just fully returned to the Light. Your immediate task is to keep focussed on the Light and fulfill your intent to leave Duality behind.
Working towards the Light can sometimes seem a burden that requires a change of lifestyle, and even the need to become more selective where friends are concerned. We know it is hard to keep knowledge to yourself unless invited to share it, but know that sometimes situations are set up so that someone else benefits from what you know. Once you find Truth, you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it. There is no rush to bring the Truth to people as life is infinite and all happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready. There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and wish such people love and enlightenment. All souls will eventually find their True path, and the experiences they are having now will only help them in the future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and see so much on the horizon that will lift you up. It is coming about quite quickly and will take many by surprise. It just needs one major change to be announced and the rest will follow in quick succession. We admire the good sense of duty and application to your chosen path working for the Light. We are One, and you are certainly one of us. As you send your love to us, it is returned tenfold, and we thank you for doing so.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 29march13
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Thank you Christ and John!
*** gavin
As amazing changes keep occurring all over the world the mainstream media is becoming less and less able to ignore reporting on them, and that is an excellent sign. Most people rely on the mainstream to keep themselves abreast of the latest news, and now the really important news is beginning to go mainstream which means that everyone will be looped into what is happening. Information is the key to worldly power. If you can sequester it you have control; if it escapes, control is lost. And control is being lost by those who would control humanity, and this will enormously benefit all on Earth.
This explosion in the reporting of corruption and dishonesty in high places is bringing into everyone’s awareness the realization that the old hierarchical methods of running organizations of any kind are latently corrupt and dishonest, and need to be discontinued. New and transparent methods are urgently required and are being, or will soon be, introduced on a wide front. They are essential and inevitable aspects of the New Age which arrived rather quietly and discreetly late last year, and this is now beginning to be recognized as many ongoing and essential changes are seen to be taking place in so many areas of human activity.
The era of the old and dishonest ways is over. Transparency in all relationships at every level of social interaction is the new norm, and, as you can see from the news reports, everywhere that corruption and deceit has been endemic people are rising up, pointing it out, and demanding change. Their voices are being heard, and their righteous demands for change will be honored. New leaders of unshakable honesty and integrity are replacing those who have misled and deceived you for so long. Help them by positively offering them your support, because the essential changes that are occurring and that still need to be brought into being require your cooperation. You do this by supplying and building the inviolable foundations that are to underpin these new and incorruptible systems of civilized interaction which will operate through networks of local communities right through to the international global ones.
Your whole world is changing right before your eyes, so make sure you keep them open, otherwise you might miss the wonders that are being revealed as harmonious cooperation worldwide replaces the activities of committees meeting in secret to make deals that disenfranchise the populace at large. Secret deals are passé. Undoubtedly they are still happening, but the intention of humanity to become a fully open society in which transparency is the norm will ensure that organizations are no longer able to hide or disguise their plans and activities in order to achieve ends that are not in the highest interests of everyone affected by them.
Many of you are still asking when the New Age will arrive, and I would like to reaffirm for you that it is already here. The changes occurring all across the planet and the explosion in published information about large-scale corrupt practices in high places demonstrate this most clearly. Many in positions of authority who had been held in high esteem, and whose corrupt practices and activities have now been exposed, are fighting a rearguard action to justify their behavior and to maintain those positions, but to no avail. Their lack of integrity has been far too manifestly shown, and retirement is their only option.
It is likely in these initial stages of stunning disclosures, demonstrating the worldwide culture of endemic corruption in which so many have been entangled (which many have suspected but have had difficulty proving), that indictments will be issued and people will be brought to trial.
But, you have entered a New Age, a spiritual age in which Love and Truth have become the guiding principles underlying all planning and all activities. As more and more of you embrace those principles it will become apparent that although the activities of those indicted were indeed unconscionable, they had been subject, like so many experiencing life in the illusion, to great fear, and threats to their personal safety or that of their loved ones had been made. They had been deluded into believing that their actions were, in the long run, for the betterment of all. When feeling severely threatened – of being shamed, rejected, abused, or destroyed – it is very difficult to think clearly let alone reason logically, and so great compassion is essential in dealing with these wrongdoers.
You have all had Earth lives in which you have behaved abominably, even though you cannot recall them – out of great compassion those memories have been effaced – so embrace the new principles enthusiastically, and allow any sense of resentment, blame, or judgment to fall away. Some of those indicted who are in great pain – demonstrated through their intense anger, their apparent lack of regret, and their continuing insistence that they have done nothing wrong – may need to be restrained in quarters that will provide the peace, quiet, time, and seclusion that will allow them to go within and address the issues that have led them down this unhappy path.
Very compassionate and understanding listeners will need to be available so that they can discuss their issues, their pain, their experiences, and come to understand what they have done, accept their responsibility, and come to forgive those who, in the first place, they believe have abused and mistreated them. Then they will be ready to see clearly, and perhaps very painfully how badly they have also behaved, and after the shock that this recognition delivers, they will be ready to forgive themselves and fully embrace the Love that has been constantly offered to them. And that will be true rehabilitation.
You are all in a process of rehabilitation; it is an essential part of your awakening process, so do not allow yourselves to fall back into the trap of judging others, however badly they appear to have behaved. Love, compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation light your path forwards to awakening. Make sure to follow it, and so find your way Home.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by John Smallman2.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
We monitor the dark governments and watch the way they use their bag of tricks to manipulate you. Their sleight of hand has become most refined over the millennia: Their news media proclaims an economic recovery while their associates arrange for an economic crash intended to thrust you into war, dictatorship, and other assorted miseries. Each of their politico-economic instruments is a tool for pulling the wool over your eyes, and the joint effect is like a shadow play where all the action is orchestrated and sticks to a predetermined script. You believe the performance to be real, which entrains you into beliefs that are of most benefit to the dark and its minions. Because of these beliefs, many of you may be shocked when the new governance ends this contrived economic oppression. Moreover, you will need to be open to what our sacred allies have to tell you as it will lead to liberation and a new state of permanent prosperity!
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We return! We come to explain what we are currently doing and why it has not yet manifested. As you can clearly see around you, the dark's minions are still in power across this precious globe. We have worked hard to create a working alliance between our sacred secret allies and ourselves, and this union has produced a new monetary system and secured huge amounts of unaccounted-for gold and silver to back the new financial system. In addition, we laid the foundation for a new banking system and set up the legal instruments that terminate the tyranny of the large private banks, as it is vital that this global, octopus-like institution be no longer able to suck the life out of your world's economies. Furthermore, a new international system of governance is shortly to be in effect. The final arbiter of all things connected to this scenario is Heaven. The agreement between the Light and the dark that was put into effect some 13 millennia ago is winding down and a series of celestial events will terminate that agreement, taking with it the conditions which hold you in thrall to limited consciousness. This sequence of events is now underway and will shortly allow a new era on your world to begin.
We do not speak lightly to the dark when we state that its time in power is about to end. Our appearance around the planet in ever greater numbers heralds that time in the divine plan when our personnel are to conjoin with our sacred allies and ensure the detention of those who have kept the brutal reign of the dark in power for millennia. Those who have kept you trodden underfoot in so many ways are finally to be held accountable. We inform them daily that a list has been drawn up and passed on to our various allies as we wish them to be fully cognizant of all aspects affecting their immediate future. Above all, we emphasize to them that the final countdown on Heaven's clock is shortly to begin and also that the global conflagration that they so determinedly seek will not be permitted. And still these men and women persevere with their stratagems for triggering just such a deplorable scenario. They are still as resolute as ever to use every means at their disposal to gain their ends. Because of this utter recalcitrance, they leave Heaven with no choice but to remove them from further involvement in Earth affairs. This will allow all that is being prepared to finally see the light of a new day!
Neither Heaven nor we have announced these times of disclosure and change, but this divine event does not need to be known in order for it to happen. Indeed, this series of heavenly proclamations is to happen suddenly and will remain unannounced by Heaven's grand champions. Long ago, the dark threw you, biologically speaking, in chains and made you believe that its rule over you was permanent. But this is not so! The sacred purpose for this experience/experiment was for you to acquire an excellent memory about the nature of the dark. This knowledge is to stand you in very good stead when you come to meld it with your soon-to-be-reacquired innate abilities to transform the various members of the dark Anchara Alliance into the Light. It is this specialty of yours that makes these once-dark star-nations anxious to get you started on this exceptional and sacred assignment, one that is to bring a true, permanent peace to the Milky Way Galaxy. A large array of Alliance craft sits just beyond the outer confines of your solar system awaiting your return to full consciousness, so be ready and know that a grand shift in your reality is at hand!
There is so much for you to wrap your heads around in the times ahead and we wish to prepare you as much as is possible at this point. We monitor the dark governments and watch the way they use their bag of tricks to manipulate you. Their sleight of hand has become most refined over the millennia: Their news media proclaims an economic recovery while their associates arrange for an economic crash intended to thrust you into war, dictatorship, and other assorted miseries. Each of their politico-economic instruments is a tool for pulling the wool over your eyes, and the joint effect is like a shadow play where all the action is orchestrated and sticks to a predetermined script. You believe the performance to be real, which entrains you into beliefs that are of most benefit to the dark and its minions. Because of these beliefs, many of you may be shocked when the new governance ends this contrived economic oppression. Moreover, you will need to be open to what our sacred allies have to tell you as it will lead to liberation and a new state of permanent prosperity!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with some wondrous tidings from our heavenly directors. Events are beginning which will shortly lead to a new era of Love and Light for your world. The dark drew you into their realm nearly 13 millennia ago, bringing you misery, slavery, and an ever-increasing amount of despair. Now these times are over! A new period will bring about your release from the dark realms and your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. This transformation will formally begin with the injection of new, beneficial governance on your world. Heaven instructed us to look at the selected days ahead and prepare a message to be given by our sacred associates. They are now setting them up and will announce them shortly. As always we cannot give a specific date but we fully intend to announce this to you on the date we have selected. Until then, we watch the heavens in glee knowing that your time of freedom gets closer each day.
As we have told you before, our associates are to broadcast a series of special messages that will set the stage for our appearances before you. We will appear all across the planet and begin a range of general teachings which will expose the huge lies and distortions that deliberately produced the dogma used by the dark to prevent you from knowing many sacred truths. These truths, which we shall elucidate, will be wide-ranging, beginning with the nature of Spirit and Love and proceeding to introduce the knowledge that will prepare you for the wonders of the state of full consciousness. Basically, we are humanity's WayShowers, and our messages are the keys to a Divine destiny that each of you possesses. At the duly appointed time, Gaia intends to join you in your moment of transformation and integrate Herself into a single, unified, magnificent realm of Light!
It is this brilliant, unified realm of Light that you will Awaken into in your fully conscious state. At this point, our sacred role changes and we become, initially, your heavenly supervisors. We are to guide you lovingly through your first days as sacred Beings of Light. At this time, we are to divulge to you the immense realms that are found in the highest regions of physicality. You will reacquire the wisdom of these realms which will prepare you for your first assignment of divine service to the Light. Your galaxy is in need of special exercises and miracles which are to transform it forever. Galaxy upon galaxy wait upon your immense talents and abilities, which you gained over millenia of lesson after lesson living in Duality on the Earth School! You are to co-create the instruments that will help Heaven in unfolding the Supreme Creator's plan for this creation. What we describe is only the merest beginning of the wonders which lie ahead for you!
Today we talked about what is shortly to happen. You are a great collective which has been encouraged by the guile of the dark to temporarily lose its way. Now you are to be given the Truths which will return you to your Sacred paths. Together we will remake this reality and forge a true realm dedicated in all aspects to Love and to Light. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!
by GFL, SH and Sheldan Nidle.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Now, the games in the illusion you have created on the Earth School no longer please you; You have sought the way Home and it has been revealed to you. There is still resistance due to guilt and shame, and those impediments need to be released because they are not in alignment with Love, they are, like the illusion, unreal. Only Reality, which is Love, exists, and to Awaken into that state, anything that is unreal, must be discarded. Love is the way Home. To find It, open your hearts to receive It by accepting yourselves and all others, and by forgiving yourselves and all others for what in truth you have not done and could never do because you are Love and nothing else. What you see and feel that is unloving is illusory!
Thank you Christ and John!
*** gavin
The news is good as the intensifying divine energies sweep across the planet, embracing all, no one is left unembraced because all are one, and as all intend to awaken, all will awaken. It is your Father’s Will and yours too, so no other outcome is remotely possible. Focus on the good news that is being reported in many places and add your loving energy and enthusiasm to it. Be aware of any bad news but do not focus on it with anxiety or judgment because that gives it energy. Just send love and compassion to those involved, whatever their roles appear to be.
Your loving intent dissolves fear and anger. To maintain a loving intent at all times is the most positive action you can take to assist in humanity’s awakening, and it is your main reason for being incarnate at this point in Earth’s history. You have enormous assistance from all those in the spiritual realms who have been preparing for this momentous leap forward in humanity’s evolution. You are reclaiming your spiritual inheritance by opening your hearts to the field of divine Love surrounding you, and by doing so changing yourselves and the world. You can have no idea of what this truly means, but when you awaken all will become most wondrously clear to you.
The divine field of Love has always surrounded you, but because of your refusal to embrace Love utterly and completely, thus letting go of anything not in alignment with It, you have effectively denied yourselves the benefits that It offers you – peace, joy, abundance, ecstatic bliss – while attempting to convince yourselves that competitive games of conflict and betrayal were what life was for – the certain and consistent domination of the weak by the strong. When you were disguised as the strong, then the games were fun, and when you were the weak ones they were disastrous, and you developed an intense sense of bitterness and hate that locked out the joy of life and convinced you that Love was weak and would always lead to further betrayal. So, even when you were strong, happiness, joy, and love eluded you because you could trust no one.
Since the end of 2012 the intensifying divine energies encircling the planet have been penetrating the hearts of even the most love-resistant among you, as you have already been told, and the disguises behind which they retreat to hide from Love are disintegrating. All sentient life needs Love; after all It is all that exists — pure energy in infinite variety — so even those who resisted It most strongly were and are dependent on It. They obtained It by drawing It out from everyone else, and could only do so because they too have a core that is created from Love, which is indestructible, to which they can add It, but by doing this, by abusing the power, they caused great disharmony, great distress.
The sight of this, the awareness of this power that they apparently had over the weak and defenseless stimulated and excited them, but it also caused them pain. They tried to alleviate it by inflicting more pain and by taking joy in observing the suffering that they caused. It worked for a time while nevertheless increasing the amount of personal suffering that they had to deny and disown. Their own suffering has now become far too intense for them to bear or deny any longer, and they are seeking an escape.
Love is your nature; It is everyone’s nature, and to inflict pain or suffering hurts and damages the inflicters. And of course, the only escape is through Love which terrifies them because, knowing what they have done – a state of denial cannot be indefinitely maintained – they feel utterly ashamed and unworthy of the Love that is constantly offered to them by God, as He offers It to all of creation. No one is unworthy of His Love or need feel ashamed because these unloving acts and behaviors are unreal, have never happened, even though they seem intensely real.
Your Father knew what the illusion would lead to because in His infinite Intelligence and Wisdom He knows all, and He immediately provided you with the means to find your way Home to Reality, the unbreakable connection to His Love, to His Light, so that when the games no longer pleased you, you could return to Him.
Now, the games in the illusion you have created on the Earth School no longer please you; You have sought the way Home and it has been revealed to you. There is still resistance due to guilt and shame, and those impediments need to be released because they are not in alignment with Love, they are, like the illusion, unreal. Only Reality, which is Love, exists, and to Awaken into that state, anything that is unreal, must be discarded.
Love is the way Home. To find It, open your hearts to receive It by accepting yourselves and all others, and by forgiving yourselves and all others for what in truth you have not done and could never do because you are Love and nothing else. What you see and feel that is unloving is illusory! Focus on the Love that you are, meld with It, share It, and acknowledge who you truly are — all of you — and knowing it, release all fear and anxiety as you work your way Homewards where your arrival is inevitable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by JohnSmallman2.
But if you persist, instead of being persuaded by your ego that you are wasting your time or are unworthy to receive your own personal spiritual guidance, and hold the intent to do so, then you will receive it. So, if your first few attempts do not result in wise guidance or a channeled message, do not give up, because you all have loving, compassionate guides waiting eagerly to communicate with you. You just have to practice holding that quiet unruffled mind space free from the distractions with which the ego will try to fill it, and into which they can “drop” their guidance or message which is personally directed to you. You will never receive anything disparaging or judgmental directed at yourselves or at others. If you appear to be getting messages of that nature then know that it is your ego at work trying to draw you back into conflict, where it feels quite at home!
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
We are all One in God, our eternally loving Father, and because of that inviolable Truth we are — each and every one of us, every sentient Being ever created — guaranteed and assured of our place, our seat, our Home in God’s everlasting Kingdom. Deep within ourselves every one of us knows and experiences that security, that certainty, and the Love in which it envelops us. Those seemingly experiencing life in the illusion also know it, but due to the limits and restrictions it places on awareness and consciousness, access to that knowledge can be difficult to achieve.
However, by taking time out regularly, in quietness and alone, you can allow yourselves to create a space in which you can relax, listen to, and hear your spiritual guides. For some it is an intuitive sense of the right words or actions to take dropping into your minds to ease, modify, or resolve issues that have concerned you. For others, it can be a very definite experience of ”hearing” the wise counsel of one or even a number of your guides as in a conversation. Others may find themselves writing down a dissertation of great wisdom and timeliness that they know does not come from their normal conscious human mind. But in whatever form you experience this communication it is immediately apparent to you that it is something very different from the workings of your normal egoic mind.
Every sentient Being has access to the wisdom of the spiritual realms; It is just a question of asking for guidance and then being quiet and allowing it to flow into the clear space that you have made available for that purpose. When you do this for the first time it is very likely that your ego mind will be listening too, ready to rubbish whatever flows in, suggesting to you that you are imagining it, that you are making it up, and it may then try to persuade you to cease and desist because, in its anxious and fearful opinion, what you are doing is insane.
I would suggest that you write down whatever comes through, without any attempt at editing or correction, until you reach a point where you feel you need to say “Enough.” Then take a break, because when you are receiving guidance or guided messages from those in the spiritual realms your personal energy field joins with theirs, and you may experience this as tiredness, stress, or fatigue. This is normal, and you will probably find that you cannot spend as long at this kind of writing as you could if you were just writing personal things in your journal.
Put your writing aside without re-reading it. Leave it for at least a couple of hours, maybe even a couple of days, then, when you feel unstressed, peaceful, go back and re-read it. It is likely that you will be most pleasantly surprised and uplifted by what you have written. It may differ quite substantially from what you think you remember writing.
It is certainly possible that your ego will have managed to sabotage your communication channel so that you only get a few words or phrases that are obviously from a wiser source than the one to which you are accustomed – your logical, reasoning, human mind – or you may get nothing at all. But if you persist, instead of being persuaded by your ego that you are wasting your time or are unworthy to receive your own personal spiritual guidance, and hold the intent to do so, then you will receive it. So, if your first few attempts do not result in wise guidance or a channeled message, do not give up, because you all have loving, compassionate guides waiting eagerly to communicate with you. You just have to practice holding that quiet unruffled mind space free from the distractions with which the ego will try to fill it, and into which they can “drop” their guidance or message which is personally directed to you.
Do remember that anything you receive in this way is for you, personally, in the first instance, although you are always free to share it if you wish. Also, remember that any spiritual guidance that you receive will always and unfailingly be loving and compassionate. You will never receive anything disparaging or judgmental directed at yourselves or at others. If you appear to be getting messages of that nature then know that it is your ego at work trying to draw you back into conflict, where it feels quite at home!
Know that you are loved and cherished by all in the spiritual realms at all times, and that you are never judged or found wanting, because we see you as you truly are – perfect divine creations, loving immortal beings of Light – and we want only to help you to become aware of and recognize the truth of this. And you are becoming aware of it. Share that awareness and that love indiscriminately, and enjoy the peace and contentment with which that knowledge fills you.
With so very much love, Saul.
by JohnSmallman.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Your Spring Solstice is one such powerful example, and many many people will have felt the effect. It is an uplifting energy that gives you what you sometimes call "the feel good factor" and a beautiful feeling of calmness and happiness. Hold it and you will find that some people can sense the change in you, and very soon it will become your normal way of being. Imagine a world full of souls who have all become as One and live permanently in the Light and Love, because it will come as you progress into the 5th. dimension. Some of you are there or are so near already, and you are the ones who lead the way.
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
So much is happening on your planet that it is becoming very apparent to many more people that the promised changes are well under way. It is by no means an easy time for you as you are at the hub of much that is taking place. However, you chose this time to be on Earth, as an important part of your experiences that will prepare you for your future assignments. In time, many of you will put yourselves forward as Mentors, to other emerging civilizations. It will be your way of service having reached a higher level of understanding, that brings you the status of a Master. This is your natural progression as you become more of the Light, and seek to lift others up with you.
The order you see in the Universe comes from all souls reaching a point when they come to the realization, that in the ultimate there is nothing but Love and that all life revolves and has its being within it. Even now you are rising up and your awareness is such that you understand the amazing power of Love. It is life itself and the most powerful force in the Universe, that will enable you to continue rising up through the dimensions. As you have so often been informed your levels of experience in the lower dimensions, are in the way of an experiment to see how as Beings of Light you could find your real selves again. They are not and never will be your true reality, because your original home in the stars is one where you lived in total unity and Love as One. Duality on the Earth School was the means of allowing separation and experience of both darkness and Light in the same dimension.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light find that in recent times, there has been such a rapid advancement in your levels of consciousness that you can already perceive and visualise the Golden Age. That is a wonderful achievement because as you maintain your focus on it, you are hastening the time when it will manifest for you. The Light is taking over your Earth and you no longer need to be concerned about the remaining darkness, as it is being transmuted by a massive outflow of Light. The answers to your problems have already been found, and through our allies are gradually being adopted. The benefits of them are being introduced and free energy is at the forefront, although you must not expect too much at the time, but a steady and well planned introduction. We cannot force the issues but will give support, sustenance and protection to those involved.
You have waited a long time for some visible changes, whereas much has occurred behind the scenes and had more to do with influence and inspiration. When you are open to our guidance be assured that we give it, and you can call upon us at any time. When your requests are for the benefit of others we will do our best to ensure you get the help you need. We are often the unseen Lightworkers alongside you, and we give you our love and guidance. We are of course continually involved in helping Mother Gaia, and you will have noted that events connected with her and the physical changes have been calmly taking place. Indeed, the more you raise your conscious levels on Earth the easier it is going to be all round.
You are receiving more energy from outside of Earth, and it comes from many sources. Your Spring Solstice is one such powerful example, and many many people will have felt the effect. It is an uplifting energy that gives you what you sometimes call "the feel good factor" and a beautiful feeling of calmness and happiness. Hold it and you will find that some people can sense the change in you, and very soon it will become your normal way of being. Imagine a world full of souls who have all become as One and live permanently in the Light and Love, because it will come as you progress into the 5th. dimension. Some of you are there or are so near already, and you are the ones who lead the way. By your example, many will follow where you have created the pathway. You are in such wonderful times when virtually anything is possible, so do not in any way limit your ambitions or belief in yourself.
As the darkness and those behind it are exposed, we ask again that you allow natural justice to take its path. Know that every single soul will answer at some time for their crimes against Humanity, but simple mistakes are accepted as part of your learning process. We stress that there is no punishment involved and you choose how to rectify or overcome them. God does not give you freewill and then hold genuine mistakes against you. It is only where there is a deliberate attempt to harm or kill another soul, that calls for further experiences that teach the error of your ways. It is karma and will be a part of your life plan when you undertake to go through it. All is conducted with the greatest love and attention to help you through your experiences. Your Guides and Angels do far more for you than you are normally aware of and are always with you on your journey through life.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light have been impressing high profile people to push on with their efforts to bring some form of Disclosure about. In some ways, it is hardly necessary as with our presence in your skies, and so many reports and articles around about us. It will not surprise the vast majority of you but then it depends on how far the revelations go to reveal our association with you. In this century alone, you have discovered much more historical evidence about us and our contact with you for many thousand years. It can no longer be ignored or denied except by those with the most rigid beliefs. We would like to see a situation where your governments admit to having had contact with us for almost 100 years, and confirm that we have always approached them in love and peace. That would alleviate any doubts some people still hold, who have been led to believe that we are like the monsters depicted in your science fiction and films.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must congratulate the Lightworkers for having settled into a new vibration, that will carry them forward to the New Age. You have just as much important work to do as previously if not more so, as you prepare people for the last lap and crossing the finish line. The victory is yours, and the prize is yours never again to have to experience separation from God and your real home amongst the stars.
We love you and your intent to find your future and place with us as true Galactic Beings.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 22mar13
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thank you Ascended Masters and Wes!
*** gavin
*** gavin
The Ascended Masters: Your Power Goes Beyond Any Description We Could Give

Humanity continues to make great strides along your ongoing ascension process, and we like many others will continue to remind you of this progress so that you can receive the necessary motivation and support you require along difficult ventures such as this one.
The Earthly ventures you have all made have been noble indeed, and you have helped raise the overall consciousness level to unprecedented proportions as you worked diligently from your corners of perception on anchoring the natural Creator Light you have always felt within, that so many of you are finally beginning to awaken to your ability to access.
The hidden-away abilities humanity has always carried within will be fully understood and known for what they are as souls all across your world who have found an awakening to the latent multidimensional abilities they hold within, work to enlighten the rest of the souls around them and help them to understand these abilities for themselves.
Increased Metaphysical Perceptions
The heightened and intensified abilities we speak of that you will begin to find yourselves able to access are those of telepathy, an increased inner perception and a strengthened ability to perceive of future events and receive impressions about such events, among so many other things. These abilities are and have always been yours to unlock and understand, and we implore each of you who are reading this communication to understand that you are much more powerful beings than you have been led to accept.
Your power goes beyond any description that we could give, and this is why we ask you to realize such power so that you can begin using it for good rather than continuing to Create unneeded events in your Lives that manifest as a result of your unawareness of your strong and natural Creation abilities.
The Creations so many of you have manifested for yourselves have been out of balance because you have not understood the power behind your voices, words and actions, and what you have allowed to be Created upon the surface of your Earth has reflected this on a massive, widespread level.
Unawareness Feeding Density
The density and pollution manifested and fed on dearest Gaia at present is being fed partially because the unawareness of the human collective who is indeed beginning to wake up to it, has allowed for it and while we do understand that many of you recognize and do not accept the way your world runs and has continued to run for so very long; the general collective vibrations have determined what is manifested and unfortunately, density and lower dimensionality have been the rule of the day on the Earth to the extent that Creations on the surface of your Earth are reflected by what has been put out on a massive level.
We do not exaggerate the number you who are on the Earth to anchor and bring forth genuine, positive and Lighted change, but even your number has not previously been a match for the number of unaware humans feeding and perpetuating density upon the surface of your world.
You are great in number and you have come here to assist in a planned evolution that is commencing according to plan perfectly, and the Light you have been able to anchor has been grand indeed and while the collective vibrations have for so very long been geared toward the negative, the power your little heroic group has been able to utilize is seeing the energetic influence continually shifted toward that of the Light.
In small numbers, you have truly been able to accomplish this grand feat and while so much of the rest of your world remains unaware and continues to employ the barriers and limitations of their fading physical experience, we hope you can trust when we say that the Light you are increasingly feeling within you is growing not just in yourselves in terms of your abilities to pick up on it an decode it, but on the world stage as well.
Growing Into Your Roles
More and more, your small collective of conscious Lightworkers and starseeds is growing as so many others begin to realize and grow into the roles they have planned out for themselves.
Everywhere, all across your beautiful blue world souls are being activated for their greater missions and as you can see, so many souls have already been activated so we hope that you can understand when we say how truly influential the Light has become. The Light has moved back into a strong position of influence upon your world and again, this has been because of the actions of you the awakening Lightworker public, and the positivity you can find and spread within yourselves at present is crucial to be manifested and fed if you wish to build upon the wonderful foundation that has already been established.
Gaia’s grid of Light is flourishing more than ever with the beautiful Source energies you are, at times, unknowingly pumping into Her core for Her and your entire collective consciousness to benefit from. Gaia previously experienced difficulty in relation to Her grid of Light, as the seemingly-favored grid of darkness was being fed by so many unaware souls as they have been taught to believe in and feed negativity and density for so very long.
Now, not only is dearest Gaia’s grid of Light rebuilt and strengthened more than it ever was; the grid of darkness that has been fed and employed for so long is no longer established in the manner it once was.
Darkness is Fading
Rather, as has been spoken of by other sources, every negative action, thought, intention and emotion given out by your collective is being fed into a hologram wherein it is all transmuted and turned to Lighted energies that will further restore Gaia’s grid of Light. And so you see, your lower dimensional Earth experience is quite literally fading in every moment.
In your sleep realms and in realms beyond your conscious understanding, you have helped to bring this about and the bringing-down of the gird of darkness and the establishing of the temporary hologram that humanity is feeding all of their density into, is acting in accordance with the ongoing “containment” process of the cabal heads, which is assuring that they are unable to Create disastrous or devastating things.
Their perspectives are also worked with in their sleep realms, and we along with many others are working with these individuals to bring the Light back more fully into their conscious perspective and to (build upon) the spark within that nobody can lose.
We are working on helping to change the perspectives of the cabal heads on your world because energetically, these individuals have held much power and influence as primary enforcers of the negativity holding Gaia’s surface and each of you back.
Instated Negativity
These souls, while remaining behind the scenes in a physical or political sense on your world, have themselves been instruments or “puppets” if you wish to use that terminology, for lower astral beings to fashion and keep humanity feeding darkness, density and extreme negativity.
Warfare, poverty, depression and instated religious and racial tension have all been purposely manifested in an attempt to feed negativity on a massive level into a grid of darkness that would strengthen the cabal heads and the lower astral beings who were in charge of it. Now, those very beings are finding their lower dimensional spaces of extreme density and negativity transmuted, and the grid of darkness they had worked so hard to establish and keep fed has now been replaced with something much, much better.
If you dare to look around you at your fellow awakening collective, you will see that nearly everybody is flourishing with their own projects and agendas in relation to restoring your Earth and building something that is in the best interests of every soul. So many awakening souls have been able to find their roles and purposes for being on your dear Earth and are working accordingly, and you too can discover the specific piece of the puzzle you have come to the Earth to diligently fill, and begin to get active just as so many souls are.
Of course, it is not in the script of every soul on your Earth to initially get active in the manner that so many are, but no soul will go unutilized in restoring your world and the actions of every single person on Earth will be needed and appreciated. This will be because of the sheer size of the task at hand, and if you can begin to organize yourselves into groups now and work on various different facets as a collective on the immediate aspects of your world needing addressed and repaired, than you will strengthen this overall movement indeed.
The overall New Age movement as seen from the perspective of the higher dimensions, has been instated as a means to open humanity up to realms and perceptions beyond (what you experience consciously), and as well to help you work toward getting motivated and helping your Earth become the ascended Eden you are growing toward.
No cycle of evolution can go unrealized, and the awareness that is always spread on any given lower dimensional world will always help initiate an evolution; be it on a collective or individual level.
Indeed, collective ascensions do not happen very often and what is happening on the Earth is quite unique, which makes your jobs and missions that much more crucial to be completed. Of course, we do not wish to put you dear souls under any pressure but at the same time, the importance of addressing and beginning some of the most difficult work is stronger than ever as so very many aspects of your world continue not to reflect the sovereign future you are heading into, nor the sovereign society you are becoming.
Turning Away from the Fading Darkness
Indeed, there is much that could be said concerning the continual feeding and manifestation of density on your world, but we wish for you dear souls to turn your attention away from anything that could put you in a state of disillusionment or negativity for while there is so much for you to know and be exposed to in the avenues of corruption, conspiracy and tyranny, there is so much more for you to learn in the way of harmony, spirituality and collective unity and we so very dearly wish for you to focus yourselves upon the latter aspects; again, while understanding the need for exposure of what has been done on your world.
As the ongoing negativity of much of humanity is now being fed into a disintegrating illusory reality, we wish to stress that this does not mean you will not experience karmic repercussions for the actions or intentions you give out.
Indeed you will, and you will find that as the karmic contracts of each of you are now drawing to a close as you find yourselves exiting the lower dimensions and everything that has helped to keep the lower dimensional experience in place, every reaction you garner for yourselves that comes in the form of a manifestation in your personal Lives will be more intense than the last, and this means that if you manifest negativity for yourselves to experience, you may experience it in a much more intensified manner than you previously did or otherwise would.
Be Easy
For this and plenty of other reasons, we ask you all to be gentle with yourselves and those around you in these times. There is so very much happening to your evolving minds, bodies and spirits at this time and much of it can indeed be disconcerting, but we ask you to let yourselves and others float through your experience of ascension with the ease and joy you all deserve to float through it with.
While much is happening within you at present, there is also much positivity for you to feel and experience and those of you who make the effort to attune to your personal etheric realms and make travels within such realms, are beginning to notice the ease and clarity in which their impressions are coming to you.
You are noticing and picking up on your inner-held realities which you can Create within effortlessly, and along with this will come a completely new way of interacting with your inner realms than many of you have thus far.
Channelled through Wes Annac – March 19, 2013
Continued in Part 2 below
Continued from Part 1 above
What we mean by this is that upon realizing and gaining a very clear access to your personal etheric planes of Creation, you will understand the need to begin working upon such planes to help them match the levels of consciousness you are feeling within yourselves.
As the chakras of so many of you have been blocked up for a plethora of past Lives before the ones in which you began to find an awakening, your personal-held etheric planes have reflected that and you are now tasked with repairing any density manifested or fed in such realities, just as many of you are tasked with clearing the third dimensional dross away from the collective energies.
Affecting the Collective & Repairing Your Inner Realms
As has been said for some time now, everything you are doing affects the collective and forms an imprint upon the collective energies that determines what is to be manifested next on the world stage, and the actions, intentions and energies of each of you are fed into your collective consciousness in a manner that Creates based on the general vibrations being given out in any and every moment.
This is why the positivity that is essential for you to feel at this time can be felt and radiated on a massive level, and the positivity of just one of you can be felt and picked up on by every soul within your beautiful collective consciousness.
Of course, not every soul will yet be able to attune to and radiate the positivity and the Light that so many of you have to give but in time, every soul will open up to this Light and to their own inner-held etheric planes which they too will realize are in need of repair.
The sooner you can repair your inner realms and surface the emotions and feelings so many Earth souls have allowed to remain under their surface, the sooner the Earth can reflect these actions and individually, you are all going about your surfacing processes at different intervals and in your own ways.
Some of you are surfacing things about your childhood or about past Lives that you are seeing-off as you transmute the negativity behind such things. Others are working to see-off outdated mindsets or ways of being and Living that trace back to the paradigm that was instilled within them since childhood and gradually, every soul is finding a generally lightened perspective in every moment even if their actions or emotions do not always reflect this.
Truly it is so, and each of you can feed your personal positivity into the collective energies so that those experiencing and undergoing surfacing processes can be aided tremendously and go about their surfacing in an easier manner.
If you remain constricted and employ the resulting negativity, you will not find yourselves opened up to your inner-realms and will only find yourselves met with a continual wall of the very negativity and constriction you would be feeling. If allowing stress and frustration to fall by the wayside and if truly seeing and feeling that everything is ok in every moment, the flow of energies of the higher realms will be able to come through you marvelously and you will unlock new perspectives and understandings that will far exceed what you have understood for so very long.
We wish for you dear souls to understand when we say that your Earth is truly now yours for the Creating.
What has been a fixed lower dimensional reality for so long is no longer, and you are able to Create an entirely new place and support an entirely new collective frame of mind by supporting such a frame of mind within yourselves. Again, every soul will gradually find their inner-realms and in doing so, will realize that positivity and Light are and have always been essential; not only for a higher dimensional experience, but for a happy and satisfying lower dimensional experience.
Evolving Souls are Flourishing
There are plenty of souls on your world who do not see their experience as lower dimensional, dull or limiting in any way. There are souls on your world at present who are quite well off, and we do not refer to your evolved Galactic brethren existing within your Earth and underneath your surface in their bases.
We speak of evolving souls on your world who find and feel positivity, happiness and wholeness in every single moment.
We speak of souls who have found their role in Life, even if it is one that does not require actively working to motivate others to repair the Earth, and they are enjoying the roles they have come to the Earth to play while doing and finding things personal to them that garner and feed the wholeness and happiness that is seeing their experience so enjoyable.
Yes, every soul experiences and feeds negativity or density at some point or another during their Earth experience; it is a necessary part of the lower dimensions but what has been neglected to be noticed or pointed out is that there are some souls already Living a full and pure higher dimensional existence or at the very least, an unfolding higher dimensional experience that they are feeding and garnering for themselves increasingly, with each day they enjoy upon your dear Earth.
They may not yet perceive of the glittering vibrations of the fifth dimension but make no mistake, they are Living an ascended lifestyle as they have found and employed a sheer enjoyment of Life and the reality around them that is so strong, that nothing can bring them or their perspectives down.
When each of you can tap into and really find this happiness, this wholeness in every moment; you will know even more than you already do that you have made it. Indeed, we can feel in the minds and hearts of so many of you who are beginning to access the very perspective we just outlined, that negativity and density often creep up and make it difficult for you to maintain the never-ending positivity that will see you onward to the higher realms, and we say that for many of you, this continual meeting with energies and events is related to your aforementioned surfacing processes.
We again reiterate the importance of being easy with yourselves during these times, and if you could find a neutral perspective at the very least when negativity or depletion creep up and seem to rule your perspectives, you will actually be able to meet back up with positivity as you understand that you are experiencing not only your own personal density, but that of the entire collective.
The Personal Cost of Transmuting Density
Indeed, so many of you have come to the Earth to take on and transmute the collective negative, dense and twisted-up energies to extents that your own emotional states can be affected, sometimes harshly. We wish for you to know that this all proceeds according to plan and while some of you tend to feel as if you are being given too much to handle; you are never given more than you know and can feel subconsciously that you can take on and we wish to remind you not only of your choice to inhabit the lower dimensions and play the roles you are playing gracefully and diligently at this time, but of your excitement in doing so.
Oh, dearest children, you were absolutely overjoyed to assist the Earth and help Her collective find the higher states of consciousness you were enjoying when making the decision to incarnate upon the Earth, and while you did have a grasp of how difficult your experience would be, you also knew and convinced many of us in these realms that you would be able to anchor and shine your Creator Light upon this Earth and we are always proud to proclaim that you were absolutely right.
You were able to do it, and you have done it. Congratulate yourselves, dearest souls, for you have brought about the Light on the surface of the Earth and anchored it in exponential ways that are seeing the aforementioned influence of the Light increase to the needed levels.
The Light quotient upon your planet is stronger than ever because of your actions, as the Light you have brought through even just by existing upon your Earth has garnered far more positive consequences than you would imagine or even accept. Indeed, there are quite a few truths we have withheld because we don’t (yet) feel as if you would be ready to believe them; as the necessary sharpened sense of discernment you as a collective have developed could likely dismiss such truths because of the “too good to be true” mindset that has been employed and fed in so many for so very long.
The Unique Beliefs of Everybody
There are souls on your world who do not choose to believe in the legitimacy of our communications, because they don’t see it as palpable that an ascended group of beings, some of whom have incarnated upon your Earth and spread the Light ourselves, would actively communicate with or through humanity, nor do they believe that humans would be able to pick up on impressions of higher dimensional beings or of any being existing outside of your physical reality, which you’ve been taught is the only prevalent reality where consciousness can be experienced.
The core belief surrounding the disbelief of the validity of so much that is discussed and understood by the awakening collective, is that you are limited or finite human beings and as your entire world will discover and as so many of you have already discovered, to the extent that this may sound repetitive when we say it; this is simply not so.
When it is discovered just how much you are able to do and find within yourselves, the mindset of the higher realms being a joke or something not based in reality will be changed as it is understood that they are very real and have been accessed by a plethora of souls throughout your Earthly history. Indeed, individual awakenings and ascensions have been occurring on your world for every bit of your history, and souls all across your world are evolving every single day.
Spiritual Enlightenment Breeds Physical Evolution
Evolution is a natural and ongoing process and while the mindset has been bred in some that evolution can only be physical or can only be associated with rigid beliefs in physicality and in nothing else, we say that the physical evolution you are experiencing is a component of the ongoing spiritual evolution of each of you.
What you experience physically during your evolution comes as a result of the evolution of spirit or rather, your greater awakening into a deeper understanding of who you are. Your physical bodies are upgrading along with the metaphysical realms and perceptions you’re unlocking for yourselves, and the resulting experiences you will find are purer and more enjoyable than the experiences you’ve had in your dense physical body and in your dense physical reality.
As we make our final impressions for this communication, we say that your greater Light is recognized and seen in the higher dimensions and as you increasingly open up to the mechanics and perspectives driving the higher dimensions you are entering at this time, you find that every last bit of negativity you experience seems to dissolve away much more quickly than it once did.
This is a result of the aforementioned establishment of the illusory hologram of disintegrating darkness and density and again, this entire ascension event could not have been possible were it not for each one of you absorbing this message.
You are thanked, Loved and respected endlessly for your valor and strength.
Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
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