It's wonderfully synchronistic to have many Ascended Masters talk of self love these days in these articles... reminding us its essential role: LOVE!
Thank you Lord Maitreya and Julie.
*** gavin
LOVE And JOY Can Be Found Around Every Corner: Message from Ascended Master, Lord Maitreya
Dear children, many have been told by parents, caregivers or others that they set the example for their children and other young ones. Your first learning is by example, children are ape-like, meaning they like to copy and mimic. Before spoken word is understood, it’s actions that begin the first teachings. That is a huge responsibility to guide a child in the purest way you can and be the prime example on how to problem solve, how to act, behave in specific circumstances, etc. Even now as adults dealing with adults, being the example is not over. Through all your challenges and paths your life journey has taken you, you have picked up skill, understanding and so much knowledge that can be shown to others on how you managed, what you did that helped you to stay focused and on track. And when there were times when you fought with yourself over your own inner-faith, this also helps others. We of the Divine know you have had tough times, we have held you as you cried out in despair; we have heard the turmoil that was loud within your precious hearts. Your perseverance, your tolerance and achievements have not ever gone without notice dear children. You know that by your own inner wisdom that you cannot teach or guide another if you have not mastered what it is you are attempting to teach yourself. Through the great wisdom you have already gained, you are still working on improving yourself as there is always something to improve, change or remove if possible.
At some point along your life journey you woke to a special calling, to a light, a vision or a dream; possibly a voice and that calling brought you to learning about the Love of God and that Love is the Love of Life. And this great love is inside each of you and the connection between you and God has never been severed. In your own time and in your own way, you are making your way back Home within the Heart of God. You are continuously learning that the love of life is the truest extension of your very nature and the basic concept to the happiness that all humans seek.
I am aware of the trials and many tribulations you have overcome through your daily life and the activities that you engage that have become dull from repetition. These daily activities that you endure do not have to be dull or boring. They are not only a means of a pay check but an opportunity to master a skill. Even washing the dishes that seems so mundane can become a skill to be mastered if you take the time with the foaming detergent that is used when you wash by hand and look at the effort you use to wash each and every spot until the dish sparkles. When you add love into every action, even into the daily tasks you do all the time, you will see a new perspective of the task. When you are able to perfect and master one task, you then are able to move on to other areas of the project or job with equal enthusiasm. No job, occupation, project or chore has to be boring. All that you do can be welcomed with love and as an opportunity to improve, to master and perfect. People at their workplaces are not necessarily remembered by how much money they make, they are more often remembered by how well they do their job or a certain aspect of their job description.
You already know all occupations can be joyous; it is up to you to think this way; to choose to be joyous and to manifest fullness and contentment with what you are applying your efforts to. It is too easy to mumble and grumble over a hard day when you go home and to shut the door and the world behind you. It requires a little effort to look at the accomplishments you had through the day. It does not matter if the accomplishments were small or how long it took, what matters is that you notice and give yourself credit. There will always be something negative in your life and that is so you can turn that into a positive love action and derive empowering energy from the experience of self-love and self-care.
Love and joy can be found around every corner of your journey dear children. Even with the most difficult of challenges; happy moments can be found that make the circumstance you are dealing with much easier. Forgive yourself and forgive others and remember to be kind to yourself. You easily show others kindness, but seldom do you save some for yourself. Be true to yourself on this journey that you woke to; love yourself unconditionally and with unconditional compassion. You cannot truly open your heart to others without this complete self-love. You deserve your own love before all others.
This self-love once it is accepted completely by you; you will be in-tune with the God Force that has always been within you. Once you are able to acknowledge this and work this into your everyday life you will be able to see and feel love in all you do. Feel your zest for life improve and take on new meaning. When you tackle a task or new project you will be able to accept with real loving gratitude that flows with God’s Love. And through every action you are able to call upon the strengthening Christ Consciousness especially when you feel yourself growing weary. The light that is within you, your inner-power will grow and aid you through all you do. Take pleasure in everything you do; embrace all that you are. Find time in your busy schedule to contemplate in meditation to rejuvenate your Light of the God Force that is within you, your I AM Presence.
When your I AM Presence comes into action in all the activities that you do dear children you find joy in the smallest of actions. Peace, and harmony will fill your heart, body and soul and you will breathe in contentment. Try not to dwell on what might be, focus on what is within your power, what you know you can do and what you can change with absolute certainty. There will come a time for you to take a look at unknown teachings and material, and you will do this in a comfortable motion that is suitable for you. Learn one thing at a time and learn it to perfection.
Dear children know in your hearts our transmission today filled my own heart with great joy and I eagerly share this joy with all of you as I love each of you truly and forever deeply.
Ascended Master, Lord Maitreya
through Julie Miller
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