Thank you Bast and Susan!
*** gavin
Dear beloved Souls of the Human Race,
I am here to send you a Message, as a representative of all Cats, naturally, as well as all other Animals and Animal Spirits.
A while ago, we used to live closer together with the Human Race. We would not only be Pets and Farm Animals, performing physical work, but also in a clearer empathic communication. For us, nothing changed.
Since the most ancient Times of this Planet you inhabit at the Moment, we have heard your Thoughts as well as felt your Hearts. This is one of the main reasons why your Media always represents so-called “Witches”, always having a cat around. Of course, I must say all these stories are twisted and do not represent the original Truth. Spiritual People in general, would keep Cats around as a form of a spiritual Security System, because Cats DO NOT HAVE THE VEIL IN BETWEEN- THEY SEE LIFE AND EVERY BEING, GOOD AND BAD IN THE OTHER DIMENSIONS. They can warn their beloved Human, of any approaching Danger/Negativity and more.
This is fun, for me, to be speaking to you, I haven’t spoken to you this direct for a very long time. I am fear-less, and sometimes I do like to provoke to challenge you, in productive, fun ways. As one of the very, very few if not only Pet of all Animals, who usually are kept inside the Homes of Human Beings today, I have kept my independence, did you notice?
Special Doors and Stairways of Wood are made for Cats. They go in and out, however they like. Often, when you feel sad, your Cat comes up to you, cuddling you until you feel better. Other times, Cats don’t like to be touched nor played with and want to be left alone, and they get what they want. Most other Animals, are kept on a Leash or in a Cage, which brings me to the next important Point I would like to mention:
Always make sure to treat your Pet right. If it has to be a cage, make it a big one. If it has to be a leash, hold it gently. It is clear, that the way the World works right now, Animals are definitely more in danger, if you would let them free. Around the corner, a car might hit them, in the same time polluting the air parallel as well. The Animals don’t mind, if you keep them in a controlled space, most Human Beings are lovely to their Pets and REALLY love them deeply. Your Animal feels that and knows that, without speaking your verbal Language.
When it comes to the Wild Animals, outdoors and free, well, they aren’t so free at the Moment. When Human Beings create Technology, which is bad for their Health, and pollution, which is bad for their Health, it is naturally also bad for our Health. But compared to Humans, Animals do not go to a Doctor to have CHEMICAL MEDICINE prescribed. We endure it and suffer heavily, when Nature gets slowly “poisoned”.
Everything on the Planet has meaning. The Trees are there for a Reason! The Animals are there for a reason! Even the Seasons, are there for a Reason, just like Rain and Sunshine. When the balance becomes upset, everything on and around the Earth feels it. Animals have still a pure Connection to Nature, and the Balance of Life- they can help you remember how to live in HARMONY WITH NATURE and ANIMALS.
It is important, for the Transition Time after 2012, that as many of you as possible, re-connect to the Animals and become Friends for Life more than ever. We all learn constantly from each other, even if we are of different Species, in some way. On the other hand, everything that exists, is ONE anyways. This Rule of One, means, we are connected, and go through the Journey’s all together, no one is ever really alone.
The Animal Kingdom can help you then again, to re-connect to Nature, to expand and expand your connecting and empathic abilities. Open your mind. Animals have Emotions as well, and Soul. Any living Being God created, walking around, jumping around, with Legs and/or Arms and especially, EYES, has SOUL.
Cats are very much like Lions, in spirit. We come from a very old World, one of the oldest indeed. That is why we also have strong Protection qualities, not only can we perceive clearly the visible and invisible, but we can defend you against a bad Spirit on a spiritual Level. Like a Lion/Lioness.
Now I would like to explain a specific Cleansing Meditation, which you can perform to strengthen your Energy for the coming Times...
Incense Burning:
Take original Egyptian Musk, one piece.
Add to it Sandalwood, two pieces.
Then, last, add a few dried sage leafs.
When you finish and feel all negativity has been eating, swallowed and destroyed by the powerful, majestic LION, thank him for his Help, send him/her Love if you like, and open Windows to allow fresh Air in, to “brush” the last bit of Rests and Smoke out of the House, rest assured and KNOW IN YOUR MIND: All Negativity has left me.
I will speak more at a later time, and don’t forget to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Be proud and walk proud like a Cat, and always know, that you deserve RESPECT and LOVE. You are beautiful, I am beautiful, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL.
by IsIs-Susan Elsa
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