Thank you Barbara and the wonderful wisdom of astrology. I like to refer to astrology as "Astronomy ...that goes up to eleven!" Yes, astrology is really the scientific combination of astronomy and psychology. How flippin' cool is it to be able to get very concrete advice and a better understanding of our own behaviors through this tool called astrology?!
And so it is.
*** gavin
Sagittarius New Moon: November 25, 2011
(emphasis added)
view chart for november 25 2011, at 1:10am EST Washington DC:
The New Moon in Sagittarius has arrived! It is a subtle partial eclipse that encourages us to go within to discover the spiritual fire. This lunation is quiet and meditative, so it could be easy to just pass it by. Meanwhile, it is an optimal time to strengthen our multidimensional connections, since this New Moon culminates in a very intense total lunar eclipse on December 10. This will inspire a huge reality shift when the world realizes that the huge changes already in gear cannot be stopped. Those who follow these readings know the Mayan Calendar influence has culminated, and now we flow into 2012 seeking a whole new relationship with Earth. In this sense, 2012 is as important as the wild Universal Underworld time acceleration just completed on October 28, 2011. As we prepare for more great shifts, this New Moon is the perfect homeopathic remedy to wake up our cells; the coming times require cellular intelligence, the ultimate form of human unity.
This New Moon and some comments about the Full Moon offers some reflections on October 28, the first New Moon after the Calendar's completion. I think astrological factors are going to have a greater influence on our species now that growth driven by the World Tree has completed. Gerry and I been part of a few groups during the Universal Underworld, and we taught two workshops on November 17 and 19, which really helps us know how people are feeling. Most everybody thinks something really happened during 2011, even though it is hard to define and describe it. The fall of so many world leaders, radical scientific theoretical shifts, and the gyrating world economies strongly support Carl Calleman's theory as well as the McKenna brother's Timewave Zero, which also ends at the end of 2011. A directive evolutionary process has completed itself, and we are poised to live differently, yet we don't know what that will be. This New Moon report offers some sense of direction by also including the Full Moon that follows on December 10. Both are needed in this case; Mercury turns retrograde half a day before this New Moon and then goes direct right after the Full Moon; and Uranus is still retrograde during the New Moon, and then goes direct a few hours before the Full Moon. Mercury retrograde pulls our awareness deep within to shed light on the inner truths, while Uranus direct in 0 Aries is the mover and shaker of reality fields. Finally, the Full Moon's T-square with Mars at the head resolves the New Moon T-square with Mars squaring the dark Moon, so Mars must be examined in both charts.
First considering the culmination of the World Tree influence, Calleman noted on November 8, "Unity consciousness manifests primarily in the absence of dominance especially in the world's economical and political systems." ["The Mayan Calendar Has Come to an End" on]. The breakdown of male dominance this year has been spectacular, and now people are struggling for new ways to lead and follow, a crisis that is the most visible in Egypt. Exactly on October 28, the British monarchy scrapped male succession; Euro leaders asked China to come to their aid; Exopolitics announced that Bush and Blair would be tried for war crimes in Kuala Lumpur; a super-hacker sucked out the data of 760 of the world's largest corporations and stored it away for future use; and the exposure of an abusive football coach was rising to the surface at the venerable Penn State University. These events are all major breakdowns of dominant systems, and the events in science on the 28th are the most astonishing. Exactly on that day, physics announced that the Faster-than-Light Neutrino experiment was to be rerun, and if the results were the same, Einstein's Relativity Theory would have to be challenged by physics. On November 17, the experiment was rerun and the results confirmed the original findings. This is a primary sign of a breakthrough beyond Quantum Theory to Multidimensional Theory, probably Superstring Theory. Also exactly on that final day, cold fusion produced energy in Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Laboratory. These new possibilities for producing energy are huge, since the Universal Underworld opened with the destruction of the Fukashima Nuclear Plant in Japan, the death knell of nuclear power.
If you've been feeling peculiar since the Calendar ended, please register that the accelerated events of 2011 are creating fundamental cracks and warps in reality! We can all feel this and it takes time to adjust. The cold fusion experiment especially caught my eye because the first successful cold fusion reaction accomplished by Fleishman and Pons in mid-March 1989 was connected to major Maya ceremonial work that I participated in. The Global Elite dunned Fleishman and Pons's successful energy creation and then stole their results, yet this happened during "Maya Initiatic 1989," when Hunbatz Men created a three-week ceremonial cycle for planetary stability. Hunbatz sure knew what he was doing because as we started our work near Palenque in the jungle, massive solar flares knocked out power up north and the first cold fusion succeeded while we were working in the sacred caves of Lol Tun. Then when we completed our ceremonies at Chitzen Itza, the asteroid 1989 FC flew so low over the Yucatan that we could hear the sky imploding! The energy coming to the planet in March 1989 was greater than anything I have ever experienced, and I think these same forces are to be created by the Sun and cosmic influences during 2012. As usual, Hunbatz continues to be right in the flow, as during October 2011 he traveled to American sacred sites with crystal skulls, just when cold fusion was happening again! We all have to be highly conscious and remember to breathe, since now it is time to examine the fields we will be playing in during this New Moon that culminate in a total lunar eclipse.
The New Moon is 3 degrees Sagittarius expresses very fresh and potent spiritual fire, which is intensified by the lunar North Node, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius with Venus right on the Galactic Center. This New Moon intensifies our feelings about our spiritual identity; the North Node gives us spiritual direction and intent, Mercury inspires spiritual thoughts and expressive words, and Venus opens us to the influence of the Galactic Center. Galactic gamma rays, light rays, and star emanations shower Earth in a veritable bath of universal intelligence. The events on October 28 show significant destructions of male dominant patterns, and during this New Moon, waves of Sagittarian energy will sicken abusers with awareness of the great pain they inflict on their victims. These lights in Sagittarius bring us great clarity as they pierce reality with the sword of truth. Change happens at the quantum level with waves collapsing into particles that carry new thoughts since matter is not solid, and there are times when even physical forms can transmute instantaneously. During the workshop in Portland, for example, we were informed that the new Keeper of the ninth dimension is the Super Galactic Center, so anything is possible now!
The New Moon is the top of a T-square to Mars in 7 Virgo opposite Neptune in 28 Aquarius and Chiron in 1 Pisces. Normally, this opposition would be a bit wide to be influential, but the New Moon in 3 Sagittarius pulls it together, so I'll read it. Mars in 7 Virgo is a pack of structured transformational power that entices and activates the wounded healer, Chiron, to deliver Neptune's spiritual guidance. Then this potent and activated spiritual delivery force is seeded into our minds and hearts by the New Moon in Sagittarius. This energy builds up to the Full Moon when the Moon in 18 Gemini on the South Node opposes the Sun in 18 Sagittarius on the North Node. Mars in 13 Virgo squares the nodal axis, which directs and releases the mutable powers of the Full Moon. These patterns with Mars and the eclipses penetrate into cellular and quantum dynamics that alter probability dynamics. These changing fractals shine rays of light onto completely new solutions that nobody even imagines right now. This is how the new creative potential of our species arrives, and this process is actually visible in this T-Square activating the New Moon. Simply put, the New Moon will implant a seed of fiery creative power that will be unleashed like a pack of totally free wild horses running free in the light of the Full Moon.
Nothing is going to harness the switching in quantum probability fields going on for two full weeks. Like solidifying ruby-red Jell-O, these oscillating fields will respond to waves emanating from our hearts, so intend what you desire. All the other planets are in league with the lunation, except for unaspected Mercury, which has just gone dormant in retrograde motion. Floundering male dominant controllers will just sputter and howl, as they find they have no words for their rage when their treats are withheld. New paths coming in will not be blocked, because Mars in 7 Virgo trines Jupiter in 2 Taurus trines Pluto in 6 Capricorn. This magnificent grand trine in Earth grounds and absorbs the new creativity that is flowing into Earth: It suggests that the world financial structures will not collapse totally because unexpected levels of support arrive that ease the transition into more fairness and equality. Uranus in Aries exactly trines the lunation, so the Sagittarian creative powers are unleashed without blocks. Uranus squares Venus on the Galactic Center, which activates high galactic intelligence for the great work of Earth. The creative potential of this chart is almost unlimited, because it is so beautifully supported by the grand trine in Earth and so powerfully activated by the trine to the lunation from Uranus in Aries.
Remember to tune in for the Winter Solstice reading and the December New Moon that follows four days later. And please read my personal note below.
I've chosen my words very carefully in this reading because my voice in this format is about to go away. While looking over the new moon and seasonal charts for 2012, I've realized I'm complete with astrological analysis. This column has been available since 2002, through most of the Galactic Underworld, and it will complete in December with a few more thoughts about the amazing experiences we've had during the Universal Underworld. During 2012, I will switch to making periodic statements that you will be able to access through our website. One of the reasons I am letting this voice go is because I need to assess the current form of modern Tropical astrology, which limits our access to the cosmic consciousness flowing into our world because it does not read the influence of the stars. Thank you for all your support for my work on this column over the past decade!
For those of you who feel you will miss this column, I'd suggest subscribing to Stephanie Austin's new and full moon readings at; you can also find her readings in The Mountain Astrologer. EcoAstrology Updates are emailed every two weeks, just before the new and full moons. In addition to covering the current astrological shifts, each update includes helpful links and resources.
To subscribe for 25 updates/one year, send a check for $10 (or more), along with your email address to: Stephanie Austin, POB 1745, Port Townsend, WA 98368. You can also subscribe via PayPal. If you would like to receive a free sample Update, send an email request to
by Barbara Hand Clow
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