And so it is.
*** gavin
A Message from Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian
Throughout your busy and hectic lives sometimes you found you have stumbled along your path that has led you to questioning your very own wisdom, your knowledge, and/or who YOU are. Please remember dear ones, that even as adults; you are still learning much about who you are. Who YOU are externally, what you may portray to the rest of world sometimes becomes foggy and unclear. Take the time to notice this dear ones and gently remove the fog, and step through shining ever so brightly with your beautiful soul fully intact as always.
You may have some close friends, dear relatives, or others tell you, you are too hard on yourself. You know this to be true. And I know some of the fine souls that are so hard on themselves do not see this most of the time. You become so used to having to steam roll ahead, keep moving and rely on yourself when you have your guides rooting for you every step of the way. And some of you have a really good physical support group that assist you along your spiritual journey to enhance your development to become all that you are meant to be and more. Having support for what you believe in is wonderful. And having support for what you believe in and for being divinely spiritual is not impossible; just requires a little searching and divine guidance.
When you find yourself questioning your spirituality, the wisdom you have gained from this spirituality, address these questions with love dear ones. Ask yourself, where are these questions or negativities coming from and why. Ask with your heart and listen closely, not just for the words, but for the signs, the motions, a subtle or faint touch, apparition, temperature, etc. All the answers you seek are found within yourself. As soon as you ask the question, the answer is already there. There are many dear souls that are not ready to go back every step of the way of re-creating themselves, and having the ability to actually rebirth themselves. That is okay. Fear is big and the fear of going back and seeing where the wrongs are and where the acceptance and understanding lies can be very detrimental if one is not ready. These ones skirt around the obvious but block out what they need to do until they are emotionally, mentally, and physically ready. I see so many dear souls so ready for change and to emerge from that beautiful butterfly cocoon that they have created but the one thing they lack is the courage of seeing certain situations again even if it means they are finally closing these events that have caused so much distress and turmoil. You may know people like this, or you may have been this way once or twice, gentle guidance is key, not pushing or aggressive attitude. It is important to have someone that is nurturing that you can turn to that gives positive feedback, someone that loves you unconditionally and is understanding of your emotional and mental needs when you are trying so hard to adopt new ways of thinking and removing the old and heavy ways of thinking. These people that are nurturing may not even be someone living in your immediate community, but someone you can talk to, someone you can trust; someone you can call friend, sister, brother, etc. and not necessarily be blood related. Every beautiful soul on this planet will emerge from that beautiful butterfly cocoon as the beautiful butterflies they are meant to be, and this will be done on their terms, when they are ready.
We of the divine love you very much, I love you incredibly. We do not wish to see you suffer or hurt any more than you already have. We also know you have lessons to learn from challenges that came your way. And you will learn your lessons as you have many times before and you will move on your journey of life gaining wisdom and knowledge that came from mistakes learned, trial and error decisions, and just by living the best you can from the purity of your dear heart. Take the time to breath and be patient with yourself. I know this is difficult as you live in a very fast paced world. Call upon the ones who are your guides to assist you, talk to someone whom you trust that will be non-judgmental and non-biased. There is so much beauty about you; notice this beauty and embrace it as I embrace you. Your beauty to me and others of the divine is not based on your waistline, your make-up, or how pretty your hair is, or wearing designer clothes. Your beauty is your soul dear ones. Your soul radiates so much colour, so much love and compassion. Understand that there are learning curves that may hold some difficulty from time-to-time; this is where your growth is. Not all your personal and spiritual growth lies where everything is smooth going. Those bumps along the way are loaded with knowledge just waiting to be observed.
Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian
by Julie Miller
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