And so it is!
*** gavin
The Ascended Masters: Our Energies must be Felt before our Words can be Processed
Audio recording of this message can be found at:
Again, we must stress it is important for you all to maintain a state of calm, a state of happiness, a state of Peace and Harmony for dear souls you know that this will aid you so very greatly. Yes, times on your world are very hectic but it is your Light that is serving to see this, these hectic activities cease. It is your Light that is serving to bring your Divine ascension to you dear souls and you know this. You know that we have been sending you the Logos energy, and this is because we are your brothers and sisters in spirit. We are your Guardians, we are your Elders, we wish to teach you and show you, and help you ascend. We wish to get you back to the Heavenly realms that you have created these (lower) realms from and that we know you are aching to go back home to.
Yes, some of you are still very comfortable in your third dimensional bodies, with your third dimensional experiences and soon, this too will cease to be for all as you realize that the higher vibrations, the Heavenly realms of Living, the Creators Land, are truly the best realms to exist in as they are the true realms. You see dear souls, our Heavenly realms are not layered with illusion as yours are. The illusions in your realms are very convincing; they will truly teach you that they are not illusion; that they are in fact the only reality, the one true reality, and that no other realities past the illusion can possibly exist because the convincing nature of the illusion is so very strong dear souls.
Illusion will do everything to convince you that (it) is truth, when you know that (it) is not truth dear souls. As you allow yourselves to treat yourselves and to treat others with Love and respect, the frustration and the anger that drives illusion will evaporate away, will dissipate away. (This) will make it so much easier for you to journey onward to the Heavenly realms that you so very dearly deserve to be in. We Love you all so very much, and this Love is not just felt but given by us and received by you. We know dear souls that you are receiving this Love and we know that it is integrating into you and helping you to grow and helping you to ascend and to transmute the illusionary patterns of Living that hath convinced you that this reality is the only reality.
You are growing past all of this dear souls and it is so very wonderful to witness. Soon you will be having our perspective, and when you have our perspective you will be able to look back upon your journey, you will be able to look back upon your memories and laugh. (This is) because you will see that this whole experience you hath immersed yourselves in has been illusionary the entire time and as you do this, you will see and recognize these former patterns of Living that you were so entrenched in. You will be able to say:
'I was once on a very difficult planet; I was once incarnated in the lower dimensions, and though the veil of illusion was so very thick, I was able to see past this.'
You are all Ascended Masters walking upon the Earth now. Every one of you who are awakened, have awakened to this knowledge. This knowledge and the Logos energy that follows this knowledge, is integrating into your bodies and uplifting you and awakening you, and thus you are the Masters upon Earth that you have so very dearly wished to be. Many of you have wished for direct communication with us, we say first you must open up a direct communication with yourselves, with your own Mastery. Dear souls, once you begin to recognize your own Light, you will recognize the Lighted beings that are around you at all times.
Many of you deal with many blocks in energy when you try to communicate with us, and this serves to stall this communication. This serves to put up a blockade in your own mind and in your own hearts. We wish you to know that mental telepathic communication is in fact an illusion, for this telepathic communication comes first through heart and is then processed by mind dear souls. Many of you wish to suddenly hear our words or our thoughts in your head, well we say you must first process our energies through your heart chakras, through these ever-expanding gates of energy that lie within each and every one of you. Our energies must first be felt before our words can be processed.
Again, we Love you all so very much, and we conclude this message with that Love as we send you this Logos energy.
Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
by Wes Annac
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