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Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ December 06 - 13
It has been six long weeks since I have been able to converse through this dear child. It pleases me beyond belief that we are back on schedule. Bless each of you for being patient for our return.
Having patience is a blessing dear ones, indeed it is. So many are eager to admit they have little to no patience. Patience gets tested often throughout your lifetime and how you respond to the situations causing you to 'lose' your patience requires observation with keen inner wisdom. Just when you think you think you have mastered this wonderful characteristic, something comes your way with the possibilities of making waves with your perfect patience. You are moving through some deep challenges that will strengthen your patience and increase further knowledge of yourself bringing even more insight to others that may require your assistance.
Choices are big. You choose everyday. You choose when you wake up, what you will eat, and wear. When preparing for your day and you can see you are not in the best of spirits, you can choose to change you mood also. You have been given a beautiful gift, Free Will. This gift is a treasured blessing. It is used constantly. I encourage all God's children to choose wisely instead of making rash decisions, but because this gift is yours, you make the final choice either way. Do not be too hard on yourself when the outcome is not what you had wished. Forgive yourself and love yourself, then move on.
it is too easy dear ones to speak what first comes to your mind and then wonder later if you said something wrong. When you speak from the heart, you speak with love and kindness. Words that come from you will not be filled with hurtful opinions, unkind judgements or any other biased ego based comments. You are filled with the love of God, and are working towards closing the gap between you and God. Re-establishing the connection with your true self and with God has become utmost important. It is God's way to be kind in speech, action and thought; therefore it will become your way also.
Letting go of past judgements made on others is even more necessary now that the holiday season is upon us and a new year is fast approaching. There is no greater time like now to begin adopting a newer, and more kinder way of living and thinking. What a beautiful way to bring in the new year than with a new YOU. You will still look like you as you do now to a point. The differences will be small but big at the same time. You will feel lighter, peace and harmony will exist within you and your heart, you will exude love to all that you meet and find smiles in replies. The more positive you become with yourself, the more positives you will attract. Ascension continues throughout your lifetime, and you will continue to adapt and grow and ascend along the way.
There is never going to be an end of knowledge to be gained or shared. You will find yourself guided to material through your guides and you master what you find as it appeals to your very nature. You read and absorb what resonates in your heart to be you. How many times have you read something or watched an informational video and said, "That's me," or "Wow, I feel so connected," that is what I am talking about dear ones. You will find articles that are interesting, but some will feel like you are reading about you or a part of you. You will learn much about yourself as you continue along the journey to becoming one with your true self and with God. Your self-education will never cease. When you feel boredom setting in, let your guides guide you to something new. Remember, change is good dear ones.
Even though I am ecstatic to speaking to all of you again through our dear vessel, it is time to depart until next Tuesday. My gratitude to have had this opportunity is overflowing from my heart and becoming love that is unconditional for all of you. Bless your dear hearts for all your time today. May peace, love, joy and harmony find their way into your hearts and home.
Ascended Master, El Morya
through Julie Miller
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