While I UNDERSTAND MENTALLY to "be thankful" for such stressors, it sure is so very flipping' hard sometimes, especially when I'm physically debilitated, terribly tired but cannot sleep, and exhausted from sneezing and blowing with a sore, chapped and inflamed nose ...ouch!
Nonetheless, let's keep on keeping on... Announcements are coming!
Thank you Archangel Sandalphon and Julie!
*** gavin
"Let go of the hatred and animosity, and instead recycle those negative feelings and emotions into positive energy. Hanging onto negative energy such as hate, brings down your own energy dear ones and can also effect your bodily health. Find joy in your day, in the tasks you do everyday even if they are seemingly boring. By applying a positive attitude to your daily life, you will also attract positive energy and people that compliment your place on your journey. This does not mean you will not come into contact with individuals that will test your patience, love and kindness. Oh yes, you will meet those as they are little tests on how you react to any given situation. There is no pass or fail, but for yourself to see how you might have kept your temper in check and smiled instead. Send thoughts of blessings and light to those who misunderstand you or are at a different place; Ask your own guides or angels to shine their brilliant love and light, healing you at the same time from any lagging negative debris from the interaction."
Archangel Sandalphon: Love Who You Are
Even with the joyous season upon us, there are still many dear souls upon the Earth --your brothers and sisters-- who feel lost and uncertain in their own journey. I, Archangel Sandalphon, am here to help you conquer what it is that makes you feel unsure and filled with doubt. I do believe each of you, every dear soul, has the strength and ability to overcome any obstacle that seems to be blocking their way to spiritual and personal advancement.
With my gentle guidance and your willingness to allow me to support you, I will show you the way. There is no real physical pain dear ones, only love and joy. Overcoming insecurities can be difficult and painful in the Ego-sense, but really they only cause you pain if you allow it. Take back the power to the influences that is the culprit. Look within dear ones and see what a beautiful soul you have, and shine this pure light on the areas that are cloudy; Let your sunshine in.
I do believe with constant nourishment for the soul, which in turn will effect the mind and body, will lead you through your insecurities and uncertainties. We just need to get you to BELIEVE. And that is what I am to do. It is important dear ones to accept all the day-to-day challenges as you have with thankfulness, and compassion. Being thankful towards what is causing the distress, will help heal you dear ones and make the journey through this part of your path less difficult.
Let go of the hatred and animosity, and instead recycle those negative feelings and emotions into positive energy. Hanging onto negative energy such as hate, brings down your own energy dear ones and can also effect your bodily health. Find joy in your day, in the tasks you do everyday even if they are seemingly boring. By applying a positive attitude to your daily life, you will also attract positive energy and people that compliment your place on your journey. This does not mean you will not come into contact with individuals that will test your patience, love and kindness. Oh yes, you will meet those as they are little tests on how you react to any given situation. There is no pass or fail, but for yourself to see how you might have kept your temper in check and smiled instead. Send thoughts of blessings and light to those who misunderstand you or are at a different place; Ask your own guides or angels to shine their brilliant love and light, healing you at the same time from any lagging negative debris from the interaction.
Part of what I do dear ones is anchor the planet while she is on her own course of Ascension through my loving and nourishing healing. Each of you, and every organism, animal, plant, rock; Everything is linked to the mother: Earth. And I will nourish you with my love that is purely unconditional. Invoke my presence by speaking through your hearts dear ones. As you will graciously call for me, I will gratefully accept. I wish to NOT see you in any unnecessary pain. I wish to see you filled with joy and love.
I AM deeply humbled by your tenacity and fearlessness when things get tough. Believe dear ones you are Strong, Courageous, and filled with a loving spirit that loves and is compassionate. The love and compassion I hold for each of you is endless and unconditional.
Archangel Sandalphon
through Julie Miller
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