"To treat them as they have treated others only aggravates the situation. What they need is intensive loving care to enable them to heal, and frequently they do not experience this until after they have laid down their bodies at physical death. Even then they may not be ready to accept the intensive care that is lovingly offered, and may choose to remain in denial. However, everyone who happens to be in such a sad and lost state will eventually find the pain so unendurable they let go of their denial and start the painful process of addressing their issues, acknowledging their irrational behavior, and learning to forgive themselves so they can open their hearts to their Father’s Love, become healed, and awaken."
This previous quoted paragraph reminds me of everyone's individual choice, specifically: What they need is intensive loving care to enable them to heal, and frequently they do not experience this until after they have laid down their bodies at physical death. Even then, they may not be ready to accept the intensive care that is lovingly offered, and may choose to remain in denial.
My wife Andye (who's a shamanic healer) and I Iearn so much from the healing sessions she conducts. Because we've spend the necessary time nurturing an inner relationship with our Spirit Guides & Angels, we are privy to much information the rest of mainstream society is not (one reason simply because they do not believe in such). And one thing that I always remember is: As it is above, it is below, or stated differently ...Inner reality is reflected in your outer reality. Another variation is: Your personality & beliefs in the physical (here on earth) are still present when you cross over --you are still the same person after you die, holding the same beliefs, etc!
I wanted to share an example of how this works. One of Andye's gifts (and one of mine actually) is that she's a psychopomp, which is literally translated as "soul conductor." As a psychopomp, you're able to guide and assist "lost or confused" souls who have passed away yet are still hanging around here in the physical plane (ghosts). These souls have not yet moved on to the next phase of their soul development, and must do so to continue with their growth and evolution.
During one session, Andye checked in on a gentleman who died and was a Jehovah's Witness. It is believed in their religion --as in ALL Christian religions-- that Christ is Coming to earth for the Second Time to "save" all those who believe in Him. Based on this belief, the gentleman was literally hanging out in his home UNWILLING to go to his next phase because he was waiting for Christ. In other words, his belief was so strong that he refused to accept the help of his Guides and Angels because Christ Himself had not made has long-awaited Second Coming yet. So instead of him moving on to his next place of evolution, he decided to hang out on earth as a ghost, passing by his opportunities to evolve!!
Getting back to the original quote... we clearly holdfast to our beliefs and personality even after we die --no matter if they stall, or are harmful to, our own growth and Ascension. With this in mind, heed the guidance throughout this blog by our Ascended Masters and Galactic Brothers and Sisters to re-assess and LET GO of all beliefs which cause us fear or anxiety, in which these lower vibrating emotions don't allow one to Ascend.
Thank you Christ Jesus and John.
And so it is!
*** gavin
There Is NO Reason For the Christmas Season To End
(emphasis added)
God’s Love for His children is total and without conditions of any kind. Let go of any beliefs you may have that suggest only the good are loved, because God does not discriminate –-no one is unloved or unlovable. Even those humanity judges as mass murderers, war criminals, or guilty of any horrendous crime is a child of God and is infinitely loved.
Christmas is a time to come together, sharing love and forgiveness, and NO ONE should be excluded from your loving thoughts. Those whom you would judge as unworthy or unacceptable are very dear to God. Within their bitterness and hate lies a deep sense of self-loathing that only love and forgiveness can heal –-and they will be healed!-– so when you think of them, send them love and forgiveness, knowing they will receive those healing energies to help them along on their path to awakening.
As you well know, to love and to forgive others is also to do so to yourselves, and it is enormously healing for you. Everyone experiencing life in the illusion is in need of healing, and loving forgiveness indiscriminately shared is the most powerful and effective way to bring all to awakening. When you judge others harshly or bitterly you damage yourselves, sometimes severely. In the illusion you can never truly know what is driving or motivating another, but I assure you the amount of pain or suffering a child of God inflicts on another is directly related to their own inner suffering and self-loathing, and the only remedy for this is unconditional love.
Everyone experiencing life in the illusion has at some time done something of which they are ashamed, has done or said something they wished they had not done, or has even inflicted pain on another in a moment of self-righteousness they have convinced themselves was perfectly justified. But inflicting pain on another can never be justified, and deep within themselves all know this, so those who claim their actions were justified in inflicting pain are really in denial, and need love to help them acknowledge that denial and forgive themselves for their actions.
People who take advantage of their positions as leaders –-of countries, of legal or police authorities, of religions, of corporations, of schools, in fact, of any position of authority-– to inflict pain and suffering on others are themselves suffering intensely and using their positions to escape from it by projecting it. It does not work, as their pain and their denial of it just intensifies. The destructive path they are following is actually aimed at self-destruction, which is impossible because all are eternal and immortal beings.
To treat them as they have treated others only aggravates the situation. What they need is intensive loving care to enable them to heal, and frequently they do not experience this until after they have laid down their bodies at physical death. Even then they may not be ready to accept the intensive care that is lovingly offered, and may choose to remain in denial. However, everyone who happens to be in such a sad and lost state will eventually find the pain so unendurable they let go of their denial and start the painful process of addressing their issues, acknowledging their irrational behavior, and learning to forgive themselves so they can open their hearts to their Father’s Love, become healed, and awaken.
So, in this Christmas Season, enthusiastically embrace the divine Love Field enveloping you. Share it, extend it, and intend everyone without exception feel its effects. All are loved, all will awaken, and your intent for this to happen, demonstrated by the love you send to those who it seems have behaved in the most extremely horrific ways, will accelerate your progress towards that glorious event which is assured. This is the season of love. Extend it, share it, maintain it –-because it is needed–- and realize there is no reason for it to end. Love, like all of you, is forever.
Your loving brother, Jesus
by John Smallman
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