Now that's funny: "Pop ...pop ...pop pop" as I stick my finger through the soap bubbles in my bath --oh this is FUN!!
Now I'm in the mood to grab my 4year old daughter's bottle of bubbles and go to town...! Look out honey, I'm about to chase you around the house getting bubbles in your hair --yahooey!
Thank you Saul and John.
*** gavin
The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As a Soap Bubble
(emphasis added)
Humanity is about to awaken, and you LightBearers know this. Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen. It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome. When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on-high burns brightly, helping to show others the way. Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion.
Deep within every human heart lies the desire to love and to be loved. Because you were all created in Love, Love is your natural state, and the Flame of Love, placed there at the moment of your creation, is inextinguishable. You hid from it when you chose to experience the illusion of separation from your Father, but now the inadvisability of that choice and the suffering that it has caused can no longer remain hidden from you. Your ability to deny Reality is weakening, because the intensity of divine Love embracing you all is sapping your resolution to believe in your separation from God.
You have NEVER been separated from God because such a state of existence is impossible ...and DOES NOT EXIST anywhere! Without God there is nothing, because He encompasses all that exists, and there is no other place, state, or potential for existence beyond Reality, which is infinite, limitless, without beginning or end: Eternal. And because He is unconditional Love there is only joy, ecstasy, bliss –-any state other than these you experience is impermanent, transient, illusory. To awaken is to become aware of, to know, and to experience the glory of God with Whom you are eternally One. Because of this your experience of the illusion has been but momentary, even though it seems to have held you within itself for untold eons. The wonder your awakening will bring is beyond your imagination because it is beyond the littleness and isolation of the illusion, and therefore unimaginable.
To believe you are ONE with each other and with your Creator is comforting, stabilizing, freeing, and enticing, but to know it and to experience it is far beyond the reach of your severely limited imaginations while you still cling helplessly and fearfully to your state of illusory unreality. That state of fearful apprehension cannot and will not last. You are starting to exercise your fingers gently and carefully in preparation for releasing your frenzied grip on something that is not there. In your dream state your finger nails are no longer digging so fiercely into your palms. Wakefulness is approaching, and the dream is to end and fade away in the stunning brightness of God’s eternal day.
With so very much love, Saul
by John Smallman
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