And so it is.
*** gavin
Serapis Bey: Your Actions are Noticed and Remembered
Forgiveness requires no season or holiday. It is observed that during the spirit of the Christmas holiday, many dear souls drop ill assumed judgments, animosities, and grudges. It seems these negative emotional energies go on vacation. It is most desirable for them to be turned in positive reinforced energy that is filled with the most brilliant of light and love ALWAYS.
There is much planning being done, not just because of the Spirit of Christmas, at your workplace, schools, personal and spiritual life. Projects might becoming to an end or new ones just beginning, maybe some are still in progress; to be completed later on in the New Year. It does not matter in what capacity this is being held or what it is for, that you are able to work harmoniously together. Indeed it can be difficult when there are so many beautifully diverse people and culture to mingle with. Everyone brings together so much Hope and understanding. When you are working together with people you find difficult, try and find common ground. Going into a group or team situation with any amount of hostility can cause incredible damage dear ones. There are those that are extremely sensitive to negative vibrations and even your weakest groan can be heard louder than the loudest alarm or whistle. Enter with love and kindness, work at collaborating ideas, strengthening professional bonds that can and will last a lifetime with the right attitude dear ones.
I AM the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, holder of the Flame of Purity. I remind you this, in order to guide you towards me when you are in need of lifting any residual karmic debris that would uplift you and re-balance you. You may seek my healing guidance by conversing with me silently with your mind or quietly with your verbal words for a few minutes each day. Sometimes you do not realize you are carrying on pebbles of karmic leftovers that become heavy over time. You may look at this weight as stress, possibly negative energy attached from another person. And for the most part dear ones that is exactly what it is. When you call upon my healing guidance, you will feel immediately lighter; giving you the realization there was more to the heaviness of your spirit body.
As children you were taught to share, and to be lovingly kind. These early lessons have been instilled for reason dear ones. Parents and caregivers were preparing you for your own life which sharing and being kind does not end. Your sharing becomes helping others learn, support friends, family and co-workers. You show your Divine Kindness whenever you smile. Your kind actions are noticed and remembered.
The journey each of you is on is unique as each of you are. The journey also holds a lot in common for everyone. Finding the common ideas, principals and beliefs will help dear ones smooth away disharmony and bring in a brightly lit harmonious environment to work and achieve. When you go about your day as a genuine and sincere being, you will receive soul recognition dear ones. Other people you come into contact may not mention these Divine attributes, but their actions will, even if they are small. Being able to work together smoothly will require commitment from all involved to want to. This brings great change and promise, dear ones and it’s all GOOD.
Even with the most perfect work environment, there will be times when someone will be feeling low and will need your understanding and support. It is duly noted it's difficult to remain in a loving and positive attitude 24/7. There are instances in each person’s life that can wear a person down. It is not being intrusive when you are wanting to care for another when they are at a weak moment in their life. You are loving beings, and are easily drawn to those in pain. Females are the most nurturing, but there are many men that might just surprise you. Even in their masculine ways, they want peace and happiness just as much. There are many bridges in your life that deserve the effort of building and rebuilding. Let your heart guide you dear ones to which ones are toxic and need to be removed. You will know. Reach for your guides when you are in need of gentle encouragement, love and support. I will help repair your inner balance that is resulted from karmic action and debt. You are not alone, never. Quite the opposite.
I am embracing this child into my body as I begin to leave and I embrace each of you. There is nothing you cannot achieve as long as you BELIEVE in yourself completely without doubt. I unconditionally love and BELIEVE in each of you. Your loving presence fills my own heart will joy.
See the harmony that fills your being and reciprocate that harmonious love to ALL.
And so it is,
Ascended Master, Serapis Bey
through Julie Miller
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