Thank you Settufeut and Laura.
And so it is.
*** gavin
Settufeut: Your Power is Resonating Around the Planet
Greetings dear Earth Citizens. We come to you today with more news concerning the politico- finance situation on your planet.
But first of all, we ask you understand our only desire is to enlighten you on the current ongoings, our aim is not to dictate anything to you, nor can we directly influence the happenings on your world.
Our messages aim at bringing you joy, comfort, hope and support throughout these times, not to create division or to supply Intel to you. We must remain in a more or less neutral position concerning all beings involved.
First of all, there are a few things that will lead to the euro collapse, as all can predict by now, I am sure. This has however been a planned scenario by the cabal. Indeed they have carefully planned all the negative happenings on Mother Earth, in order to assume even more control and power over your private affairs.
The cabal has never planned a world where all of you would be happy and free. These are values that they do not wish you to share, but privileges they reserves for themselves.
They do not desire anybody to achieve financial independence, because they would lose control over you. Is this so hard to understand that they have a huge amount of power and control over the human Earth population?
It is so dear Earth Beings. They desire you all to be nothing more than objects or pets at best. With the increase in technology, they have foreseen, a few decades ago, that only a few million of humans would be enough to provide for their needs.
As you may be aware, they intend their plans to come into fruition for 2012. The constant seeking for warfare in the Middle East, the lack of help for Developing Countries is yet another display for maintaining control over populations.
They dictate, behind the scenes what governments will fall, and who to replace them with. It is always with a government that they can control by various means. What you are observing now is again fight for power, global control of Mother Earth’s resources and gifts to her children.
She feeds you, loves you, and carries you all without demanding anything in exchange. She does not deserve the maleficent exploitations of which she is the object. She does not deserve her children to be curly destroyed in infamous wars, she does not deserve the fear vibrations resonating deep inside her being at this time.
The cabal is aiming at her control as well as space supremacy and control. Can you feel already that all your actions, your thoughts all your gains are dictated and controlled by the ones sitting on top of the pyramid?
We wanted to rise a caution flag. What the cabal will try to introduce, will be designed to more control over you. Their plans for a global currency will be made attractive to you all, and will seem like a reasonable solution to you.
We recommend you think things through before allowing your power as sovereign beings to be taken away from you any further. I can hear you saying in your mind: “But I am only one person, who will listen to me? I have no better solution!”
All we can say for now, is that you should not accept to be coerced further by the dark. You should be given the means to control your destiny as a sovereign Being, and as a Nation.
This would be a good time for pushing even further for the release from petrol based energy, and to push for research and release of free technology. When this happens, the struggle for Mother Earth’s black source of energy will cease, the need for money will also cease.
People will accept to take part and share duties out of love for their community, and for their loves ones. There will no longer feel time pressure, or any sort of pressure for performance.
As we have said Mother Earth will give you all for free. The dark ones have been doing their best in keeping you in the dark concerning Mother Earth’s vast resources and possibilities to cater and love all of you.
We look forward for you to taste true Joy and Freedom, as a sovereign civilisation, such as you were before. We look forward to walk on your land in peace and joy from our hearts.
You are just a few steps away from this state of bliss; you are just beginning to imagine the possibilities of uniting in one voice. Your power is resonating around the planet for a need for change for the better.
We love you very much and congratulate your determination for finding freedom and light for all.
I am Settufeut of the Galactic Federation
by Laura Tyco
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