Thank you Elohim Apollo and Julie --and so it is!
*** gavin
CONCENTRATE and COMMIT to YOU: Message from Elohim Apollo

Recognize what it is you want from this journey you are on. Create a plan that is not only feasible but utilizes your Light and Love that is bringing you closer each day to being ONE with God. When you know what it is you want from your journey of the Light, COMMIT to it with your full devotion. Learn all your lessons precious ones. As it is said, there is no such thing as a mistake, only a chance to learn, improve, perfect and Master. Embrace each and every opportunity given to you to increase your intelligence of LIFE. The wisdom you are gaining, the intelligence that is increasing is not from any academics, but from ALL that you are absorbing and gaining from the challenges that you have faced and for some still facing. God lives all around you precious ones. Every day you wake to a new day with more opportunity to create change and well-being into your life.
Throughout your journey, you are faced with many exciting and fulfilling experiences. Understanding is key to your blossoming intelligence that will increase your spiritual growth and of course effect your personal life with positive Light giving energy. You must UNDERSTAND you first. It is one thing to go around learning so many things that pop up and catch your attention and seem like a really good idea at the time, and nothing is wasted precious ones. All that you have learned is saved, and stored for when it’s needed. CONCENTRATE on you. Figure it out what it is about you that makes you so special to us. It is not you’re your clothes; it is not your home, or what you can buy. What is special about you is what is in your heart. We see and hear many precious ones think of themselves as not being special and not being able to contribute. Ah, but I know, we know this is not so. What I encourage is for each of you to stop looking at what another can or cannot do. Your abilities, gifts and skills are individually unique and each one will improve as you grow. You cannot rush your own perfection as your journey is also filled with lessons that require your attention.
Look inside yourself, and see what it is you call mistakes and look at each as opportunity to learn, grow and improve. What you see as good and acceptable, find what it is you can Master. With all you do with your own self-improvements be that ALL your efforts come from the heart and to NOT outdo the next person. There will be times when you will need to ask another person for guidance or for clarification that you are unable to find through your own findings. There is NO wrong asking for help. Even the most self-sufficient person requires a shoulder to lean on from time-to-time. This is not to be looked at a weakness precious ones, when you seek comfort, guidance, acceptance and love from your family, friends and others that you are close to or even those you do not know well but find a bond. What you are doing is exchanging Light energy that is freely given from God and sharing in His love. As I have mentioned, God is around you wherever you go. He moves is subtle ways, yet His love for each of you is astounding.
When you engage in worry and anxieties you tie up your energies that move throughout your chakras creating an unbalanced child of Light. Release some of these worries to your angels, or guides. Do not carry the burden alone when there are many spiritual beings willing, able and ready to assist you. When you are able to release some of the worry and anxieties that life has thrown at you, you will feel your own spirit pick up and rise. A lighter and more harmonious you will emerge. Sometimes it is forgotten that the angels around you are there. They are there not only to guide you when you are facing a dilemma and you require additional strength; they are with you because they love you and want the best for you that will fill your heart with the greatest joy.
There is always so much to learn on the Path of the Light. You learn how to tolerate other people and yourself. Why must you tolerate yourself? Precious ones, how many times in the past have you criticized yourself for something? I see so many that are so hard on themselves. They do not give themselves credit where credit is deserved. You have worked hard, struggled with every bit of energy that you could find, you have persevered through many life causing storms and you have succeeded in gaining so much knowledge and wisdom. See your own illuminating light and see how brilliantly beautiful you are. All that you have received along this journey so far is the result of your efforts. You are responsible for your journey and what comes of all that you do. When you give your heart, body and soul to given situation, task or project, your rewards will be equally great. Don’t look at the monetary gain as your reward. FEEL the satisfaction of a job well done that YOU know you had a part in. FEEL how fulfilling that is; your heart swells with personal pride that instantly increases your own awareness and confidence. There is no dollar amount that can match the feeling you have when this occurs. It feels more than pretty good.
Your learning will never cease. You must learn to achieve and grow. As you change and pass through many transformations, so do your ideas and ways of doing many ordinary and mundane things. You find a new zest for all aspects of your life. As your transformations arise, absorb the changes you are feeling. Learn to identity what the changes are. This does require a great deal of patience, and time. You cannot rush your future when there is so much to do in the present. Your life is a gift precious ones, treasure it as such and live in the present that is preparing for your eventual tomorrow. Learning to slow down and allow what is to come at its own pace is huge for some dear ones. I see this and so does God. Mastering patience is a big step towards your understanding of your spiritual self, who you are and where you are going. Enjoy the drive you are on, get out and walk once in awhile; take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way.
My love for each of you precious ones is overflowing and reaching to you as we speak. Feel my love warm your heart, body and spirit and know and feel my light illuminate you along your journey.
I AM Elohim Apollo
through Julie Miller
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