Thank you SaLuSa and Mike ...and so it is!
*** gavin
Like you we wait expectantly, knowing there will be a breakthrough resulting in the first positive news about the pending changes. The timing is not certain, but we see no reason why it should not go ahead as anticipated. We cannot say more as we know how despondent some of you get when events do not materialize as you expect. It would otherwise please us to satisfy you by being more precise, but by now you should understand our reluctance to do so. However, as we often tell you, the most important aspect is how it all ends and it will most definitely be with Ascension. Whatever it takes is well within our abilities, and particularly as we have taken steps to stop the interference with our mission. Most of you will experience this year according to the reality you expect to carry you forward, but all that matters is the final outcome.
In one way or another this year will astonish if not absolutely amaze most people. The truth will also sound shocking to those who have never contemplated that for hundreds of years they have been lied to and mislead. Indeed, for those who are somewhat informed it will still surprise them as to the audacity and cunning of the Illuminati, and their ambition to rule the world. Set free from their hold over you, it will be will be a beautiful transformation to see you throw off the shackles that have kept you in their control, and in ignorance. You have not really experienced true freedom and it will be like a wave of fresh air, that will blow away the cobwebs that have dimmed your sight. With it comes release from the fear that had also been deliberately created to confuse you, and a great feeling of ecstatic joy will resound around the world.
Put things into perspective and as far as possible see that the end result is all that really matters, and you can ride out the last months without spending too much time on how it is achieved. You can concentrate on your own upliftment, and focus on your evolution without being distracted by outer happenings. Certainly there will be plenty of positive ones, but they will not take your eye off your own needs and more than likely will be of assistance. As everything is well planned, it will all proceed in a way that will not unduly affect progress on your own path. On the contrary, we want to help you on your way, but cannot do as much as we would like until we are completely free to work with you.
The Galactic Federation is in touch with its own kind who are on Earth, and they are often to be found in quite important positions that carry a great deal of authority. It is not just the dark Ones who have established contacts in high places and our people also have similar powers, and with us behind them are capable of results that favor the Light. The dark Ones seem to revel in being known as notorious for their actions that disregard Humanity's needs. Whereas those of the Light quietly get on with their work preferring not to seek publicity, which also helps protect them from harm. Make no mistake, for some being a Lightworker can be fraught with danger, but they carry on without fear knowing that they have our protection.
Michael has of recent time noted that Time Travelers have followed your time line to the 21-December-2012, and without exception have all found a wall of white light preventing them from going further. That alone should tell you that the end of the cycle does take place according to the Mayan Calendar. However, even more interesting is the latest report from another Time Traveler Bill Wood an ex Navy Seal, who followed through many different time lines and found that each one ends up exactly the same, at the wall of light. It tells you that whatever course your life takes and whatever your particular experience, you will all reach that point of change. Where you go from there is going to be determined by your own vibrational level. Some will find themselves in a higher one whilst others will move into another level similar to the one they were in previously. Perhaps even more important is the finding that whatever is attempted to alter the time lines and thus the future, no changes can be made to it. That Dear Ones is the Divine power protecting your upliftment and Ascension.
Can you now accept your future is assured, and allow yourself to enjoy the changes that are all for your eventual benefit? Mother Earth is quietly working away to also prepare for her Ascension, and is being helped by you continuing to bring the Light to her. Like you she also has to reach a certain level of readiness for the final surge, brought about by the Suns alignment with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy. You who go through with Mother Earth, will experience a great upliftment in your vibration and level of consciousness. You will in any event have already reached a much higher level before that final event.
Life is always moving in a direction that continues to lift you up, and Ascension will see you entering an entirely new phase in your spiritual evolution. Gone will be the distractions and obstructions you are experiencing now, and in place of them harmony and balance in a way that is most satisfying and rewarding. The present labors of life will no longer exist, and your time will be spent enjoying your new found freedom. Tiredness will not be experienced, as you will re-energize automatically from the energies that are around you, and you can rest at anytime as day and night no longer exist. Without a heavy physical body to care for and sustain, many bodily functions that you now engage in will no longer be necessary. Your new body will be crystalline and not subject to aging or any form of disease, because its higher vibrations are not prone to them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we can reflect on the fact that we are about to commence the most important part of our mission, and you likewise yours. We try hard to get you to focus on the beneficial changes that will directly affect you. In that way you will not waste any energy, and in so doing will easily pass through the Ascension process, and your presence on Earth will also help others along. We will also be with you, and waiting to greet you with love as you emerge as the newest Galactic Beings to join the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
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