Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
A Momentous Event of Unprecedented Significance
(emphasis added)
Your expectations continue to rise as the moment for your awakening approaches, and this is good because interested and enthusiastic expectation of this magnificent event raises your spirits, encouraging you to maintain and further the loving attitudes that are so essential to bringing it to fruition. Focus on loving thoughts, words, and actions to align yourselves with the divine Will. This enables the conduits through which God’s Love flows ceaselessly to strengthen and expand, intensifying that energetic flow. Do not forget every one of you is a divine conduit. Attitudes that are not utterly loving cause kinks and restrictions in the conduits, so continue to hold the intent to release them. Doing this also brings you to a more peaceful state within yourselves, reducing your stress levels and making it easier for you to become totally self-accepting. Acceptance of yourselves just as you are, without judgment or self-criticism, opens the way for you to accept others just as they are, and helps you to catch glimpses or inklings of the truth of the statement “All are one.” You will find these glimpses extremely uplifting.
It is the One that you all are that is to awaken, and that is why it is such a momentous event of unprecedented significance which will be met with the most fantastic celebrations. You are moving relentlessly forwards toward the completion of an extremely important stage in the divine plan for creation which will effectively raise the level of consciousness, the level of awareness of all sentient beings to undreamt-of heights, and there is not one among you who will not be stunned with amazement and joy when you come into the knowing, the realization of the wonder that has occurred.
You will not just be moving to a new level of existence where all fears, all doubts, and all anxieties have dissolved and all you could possibly ever need or desire is abundantly and freely available, but to a level where peace, harmony, perfection and beauty of such an intense nature preside that not even a thought of a need or a desire could ever occur to you. You will be creating with your Father a state of endlessly uplifting wonder as you uncover within yourselves new skills, new talents, and new abilities to extend Reality continuously for your ever-increasing delight.
It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken to enjoy the infinite divine wonders with which your talents and abilities constantly present you. You were created solely for the joy, the happiness, the ecstasy, and the bliss that existence at One with God provides for you eternally. Your diversion into the dream of separation has demonstrated very convincingly for you the insanity of attempting to separate yourselves from God, and that dream, that nightmare of horror, suffering, privation, and, yes, at times, despair is to evaporate or fade away like a wraith that you were not even sure you saw. Not the slightest fragment of that horrendous illusion will ever again unsettle or disturb you once you awaken into the glorious wonder of your Father’s loving Presence. All are saved, all will awaken, because all are already at Home in God, and the impetus to become awake and experience that state is irresistible.
With so very much love, Saul
by John Smallman
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