Thank you Lord Sananda and Julie.
And so it is!
*** gavin
Your ENLIGHTENED Path to Self-Mastery: Message from Lord Sananda
Warm Blessings to each of you dear children; I welcome each of you into my arms, providing comfort, love and support along your Path that will lead you into the mighty light of God, my heavenly Father.
Within each of you dear ones is a special and delicate fire, three of them - the Threefold Flame. This flame combined is your Power, Wisdom and Love. There is no doubt to who you are, it is you precious children that at times find yourself deep in self-doubt. Now is the time to stand up and be strong. Find your voice; learn who YOU are from the inside. Discover this luminous flame that holds much information regarding your truth. This flame with my direction will show you love beyond any dream imaginable and the best part precious ones is that it is all inside of you already.
Let us go there and discover what this flame will do for you and what it has already. The Threefold Flame has three plumes of colour and each colour representing its purpose to you. The Blue Flame of the Threefold Flame represents your POWER. It incorporates the desire of your soul to the Will of God. It is the drive, your ambition to strive for success and to accomplish. The Blue Flame of the Threefold Flame is much about leadership and not only leadership of others if you are in a position such as management, teachers, parents, etc., leadership is also much about leading your own life; being in control of you. Your POWER has helped you achieve so much. You have had many challenges, and you found a force within you, that is inside your heart to continue and persevere; giving up was not an option for you. This is your POWER. And you have used it wisely because you are a child of God my brothers and sisters.
The Yellow Plume of the Threefold Flame represents your WISDOM. This is your fountain of knowledge. And yes it is exactly that. All that you have moved through, all the lessons, challenges, all your accomplishments, your achievements have delivered you incredible knowledge that is able to be shared among your peers that are your family, friends, and people that are part of your social circle; even those not living in your community. Your wisdom and knowledge is useful and effective to ALL people that have crossed your path. Know this to be the truth. Some of your challenges have definitely caused incredible pain to your heart; requiring further look into your Faith and what is important to you. Acquiring your great wisdom also demonstrates you accepted all the many aspects of yourself and you allowed change to enter your life. Change can be very frightening especially when it involves your love for others and learning to adopt newer ways of thinking and of living. Do not doubt what you have to offer precious ones. Everyone that is on the Path of Light is all at different levels and stages. This does not make one better than the other; this means each of you have something to contribute, to teach and to learn.
The Pink Plume of the Threefold Flame represents Love and Compassion. This is the nature of me and my father and all beings of the divine. Love is the strongest and most powerful emotion still even through your higher developed current age that you are now living in. When you find Unconditional Love and accept it as being a part of yourself; mind, body and soul you will come to know, see and feel this to be the strengthening, supportive, nurturing aspect of your deeper self. Unconditional Love will free you precious ones from the controlling Ego based emotions. And through the discovery of such a pure, soul deep love you will find yourself in the arms of God through me. You will find your Christ Consciousness which has always been a part of you. My love for you is extended throughout all parts of your journey. I will guide you and illuminate your path if you let me into your heart precious ones and accept the pure love I AM giving to you. Accepting my love also accepts my heavenly Father’s love also. His spirit, His energy, His Love and His Light shines through me to all that awakens to the Light and finds their way into our waiting and loving arms.
Each aspect of the Threefold Flame is ideally to be balanced from within to that your power is soothed with love and your love is saturated with wisdom. True love precious ones is the balance of the Three Flames in perfect harmonious balance. You are the very essence of true love. I want each of you to discover the Threefold Flame that has delivered so much compassion, love, wizened souls that speak of God’s Love of your Christ Consciousness in every action, thought, feeling, and spoken word. Learning through the Threefold Flame will benefit yourself with great understanding; increase your self-worth and so much more. Your presence will shine onto others with a warmness that will come across as genuine.
Through my gentle guidance and support through your self discovery that incorporates the Threefold Flame, fears and feelings of self-doubt will be removed and replaced with confidence and self-love. You will find yourself being forwarded along your path that is becoming complete and perfect. ALL is possible precious ones. Develop a positive vocabulary is important to your achievement. I understand how doubt can enter your mind and cause worry and stress. I will guide you to solutions that are friendly to your mind, body and spirit.
Your spirit is the source of everything True, Beautiful and Good. Working through the Threefold Flame will convey these ideals unconsciously, once you adapt to living through your heart at ALL times, ALL occurrences that happen in your life. The more you live through your heart precious ones, less often your Ego becomes less involved. You become able to live without expectations or clingy emotional attachments and still love purely and wholly that is unconditional. Your spiritual changes that will bring you to your higher, Christened state will take more than one or two nights and days. It does require commitment and WANT to change and to develop stronger LOVE ways of being and living. Embrace the ILLUMINATED path you are on with open arms, heart and mind. My love for each of you is ever lasting and I encourage you to continue your journey with revived hope and faith. Know in your heart that you are doing a remarkable job on recreating a newer you. The evidence of your good and loving efforts is all around you. Your climb’s pace to your own Mastery is set by you. If you become overwhelmed with all the information you are receiving, step back and slow down. Enjoy where you are precious ones, for you are in a wonderful place of love, light and tenderness. You are in the Light of God and through me; our combined light will heal you through all your storms. For each step you walk on the path of the light, walk with Love.
And so it is,
Lord Sananda
through Julie Miller
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