Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan ...and so itr is!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We begin another message! Over the past few weeks, we have observed the difficulties experienced by those who have long bowed down to the dark cabal, when called upon to act in a new way. Our Earth allies deeply desire to bring this world to a new reality, and yet they continue to seek some sort of adequate redress for their former masters. We are truly astonished by this ongoing dawdling! The men and women of this ruthless cabal have brought your world to the brink of ruin, and indeed persist in this ruinous course, which is why the only recourse we can envision is to remove them. We remind our Earth allies of the vast pain and suffering endured by your world every day, and that it is time to move these scalawags aside and create a more beneficent world for everyone, but these appeals for a higher vision appear to fall on deaf ears in the group as a whole. However, Earth's secret sacred societies do not share this lenient view: to them, the dark is an abomination of all things human and they desire to legally detain these ones as quickly as possible. This group is one we can more easily work with.
Because this group is handling the new financial arrangements, we have asked these secret sacred societies to take the lead in forming the new caretaker governments. The Ascended Masters concur, and we have requested that their charges go forward with the many plans that have been agreed to. Our intent is to have these plans in place immediately and to terminate the power of the dark cabal. We are puzzled by the Earth allies' reluctance in these matters, given that they are fully aware of the outrageous criminality long practiced by the dark's regimes. The political parties of these various nations are so corrupt that their intolerance toward their respective citizenry is becoming more and more overt, which has led to the recent widespread protests around the globe. The new governance will end autocratic connivance and render authority properly responsive to citizens' needs. These are the first steps toward what we intend to accomplish: explaining galactic society to you. Your world's rising consciousness cries out for a change in the way your societies function.
Your present forms of government do not incorporate the new technologies or the new consciousness, nor do they in any way seek to improve their responsiveness to you. They are all prone to corruption and takeover by powerful special interests, and dominated by divisive 'ideologies.' All this results in a smoke-and-mirrors screen that hides the truth from you, and also falls far short of providing you with the basics of general welfare. Regulations are needed to end private funding of candidates and to prevent them from adopting special rules that apply only to them. Taking up a governmental post is a special honor that is conferred only because the elected one is truly capable of being responsive to their fellow citizens. Remember, however, that these measures merely form a stopgap, as a much more efficacious model of government is needed in order to adjust rapidly to paradigm-changing technologies, for example, which tie each citizen more directly into the legislative and administrative process.
This is where we border on galactic society. Here, governance is accomplished by means of the collective and informed input of all the citizens of a nation. At present, you lack the class of interactive technology and the level of education and information needed to make such a concept viable. We intend to help you develop this more complex interactive technology and show you how to optimize its use. Of course this cannot be done until we are formally introduced to you, after which we can begin a series of broadcasts, explaining fully all that has been so long withheld from you as a global society, and which will allow you to develop a societal milieu that supports the changing needs of a fully-conscious Being. 'Government' is to change from the authoritarian model to more of an overseer of a series of creative solutions. This is how star-nations function. At the heart of this setup are the voices and the edicts of the people, and societal constructs must ensure that all are 'heard' and rightly honored for who they are.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a brief overview of what is happening. We are using our many secret sacred societies to broker a series of directives that set up the means to bring in your new reality. The dark's ages-old monopoly of power and enormous wealth aimed at controlling you and your world is being fragmented by what our secret societies are doing. We have put these dark ones on notice that the legions of the Light are able to terminate what their former masters, the Anunnaki, put in place nearly 13 millennia ago. Armed with a number of special decrees from Heaven and wealth accumulated over the centuries, these groups are revealing the corruption of the dark's rule and setting up the means to replace the dark's reality control constructs. This means that with the help of our Agarthan and Inner Earth families these special instruments of the Light are ready to manifest a new reality.
Bringing forth this long-talked-about new reality has proven to be a great challenge for us all. Nevertheless, we are, at this time, ready to announce our victory! Together, we have successfully taken on the dark and its pernicious ways, even though this struggle has taken far too long to resolve! Our purpose is to free you from bondage and provide prosperity for all. This also gives us the opportunity to explain divine wisdom to you and to show you the path to full consciousness. Here, you are to join us in bringing a new day to Mother Earth and creating a magnificent 5-D realm on her surface, thus uniting it with the 5-D inner realm of Agartha. Together, we are to produce a new society which will exemplify those truths hidden from you by the dark. What is shortly to happen will astound you, and infuse you with wonder and joy!
Guiding you back to the Light has been most satisfying. And now we are going to acquaint you with more of your extended family who can help to complete your sacred journey. The Agarthans have watched and waited patiently for the right moment to come forward and introduce themselves and their knowledge to you. Thus the next phase in your history will include revelations which will bring many of your deeply held preconceptions tumbling down. You will be shown things about physicality that you thought impossible, helping to birth a wholly new science and reinstate an old tale that has been badly mangled. We are ALL aliens who were forced to adapt to a cruel surface world that is now to disappear, and those responsible will be seen to go out with a splutter, not a bang.
Today, we talked about the developments that have brought you to the point where a new reality is to manifest. This will quickly bring us and the rest of your spiritual and space family into your lives, to guide you back to full consciousness. The time has come for something truly amazing to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by Sheldan Nidle
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