"Much is expected of us! We are a wondrous collective of physical Angels who were temporarily lost in a dark cave filled with misery and ignorance. Mother Earth, like us, is returning as a grand Light Being whom we are to sustain and Love with all our hearts and our sacred Beingness. Let us rejoice and bless Heaven with our Love and Light!"
Thank you once more GFL, SH and Sheldan ...and so it is!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We return! Much is happening! The dark cabal is persisting in its two-faced stance: on one hand it negotiates with our Earth allies, while on the other it continues to search for a way to solve its unsolvable dilemma. We have warned our Earth allies to be wary of the duplicitous negotiating tactics of this group of habitual scofflaws; they assume a tough stance to feign sincerity in the goal of the negotiations despite our having exposed their many secret missions to find an 'angel' who can deliver a solution to their insurmountable plight. Our liaisons have joined these negotiations as consultants and have asked our Earth allies to demand that the dark immediately terminate their secret missions as a condition for going forward with the talks. Predictably, the dark refuses to comment on these demands and has asked for a recess! We have requested that such a move be ruled unacceptable by our Earth allies and have further advised them that a firm timeline be established for the completion of the talks. Failing this, certain consequences are to come into play.
It is clear the dark is stalling for time. We suggest the various parties comprising our Earth allies come together to demand a deadline for the dark's full surrender. We are willing to use our technology and our personnel to force the cabalists' hand to get them to formally surrender to our Earth allies. The dark knows full well the futility of continuing to search for a way out, and therefore we state: do the obvious, and send them an edict accompanied by the appropriate legal documentation commanding their unconditional surrender. Be prepared to employ your overwhelming military and law-enforcement resources to arrest these culprits and confine them where they can do no more harm. At your disposal is our technology to ensure the success of these arrests and, thereafter, the establishing of new governance that permits the longed-for announcements. So far there has been no reply from our Earth allies, and so we have sent several Agarthan liaisons to get one. The various contingents of our Earth allies are now putting together a plan of action.
Once this plan is approved, we can begin to use our technology to the full to limit the activities of the dark cabal. A top priority is to completely shut down those activities aimed at your health and beingness. We were pledged by the agreement of 1998 to do only those things that are approved by a special council of our Earth allies. A 'plan in place' means we can fully stop these vile measures against you. Until then, we have the authority to only partially limit whatever scheme the dark cabal wishes to perpetrate. In this regard, we have been able to capture their underground network of bases and put their main transit facilities out of business, but we look forward to being able to finish the job thoroughly. In the meantime we are monitoring the effects that their remaining interference activities are having on you, and our medical teams are applying therapies, where appropriate, to prevent any of these disruptive measures from skewing with Heaven's task of preparing your bodies for full consciousness.
All these activities, as you know by now, are only the merest beginnings of what we intend to accomplish and we greatly look forward to being able to operate freely around your globe. What remains of the dark's facilities is now of mere nuisance value, having been reduced by us to a most primitive state. However, we wish to fully finish the job and then turn our attention to supplying your world with a series of technologies that can easily clean your air, land, and water. Your oceans are to radically change their currents, and this will begin once the waters of your planet have been cleaned. This will speed up the rate of raising the ocean floors as presently this operation is miniscule. Once the cleaning is done, Gaia can easily quadruple the pace of this action every other week. We are watching how the oceanic and continental aspects of your planet's normal tectonic movement are being prepared for the enormous transformation which will raise the three lost continents from the ocean floor.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We have all been through the sacred focusing that made each of our past lives on Earth so special. We salute all of you who, over the centuries, supported each of our missions to bring the Light to Earth's peoples. We number over a thousand strong and we joyously stand behind your path to full consciousness. The secret sacred societies that uphold our work have anchored their blessings in the Himalayas, the Grand Teton, and many other sacred mountains on Mother Earth. The enormous wealth we have accumulated is now to be used to bring Love, Light, and peace to you all! Events are reaching a point where the dark's influence can be lifted from you. Our Agarthan family in Inner Earth is ready to welcome you into the special crystal cities that are to be used to return you to full consciousness. Our job of revealing to you all the long-suppressed technologies and your true Earth history is soon to begin. We are jubilant that quite shortly we can openly appear and teach you many things about who you really are and where we are divinely going!
Our many secret sacred societies are completing the preliminaries to presenting the truth about how the dark manipulated your societies for their own benefit for nearly 13 millennia. New governance will come into being and immense wealth will be used to create an era of abundance and creativity for all. In anticipation of this moment, we sequestered this wealth to keep it safe from the greedy fingers of the dark cabal. The power conferred by this money is to assist you in your search for the truth behind the many institutions created by the dark to control you and keep you enslaved, and now the divine power of Heaven has a great surprise in store for these recalcitrant ones! At the same time, you are now ready to receive the amazing truths and technologies that will set you free. We welcome all who have come from afar to assist in your return to full consciousness. This is indeed a gift from Heaven!
In freedom and joy, you are to graciously accept your place in Heaven and in physicality. You will be physical Angels who carry out, in Love and service, the unfolding of the Creator's Divine Plan. This sacred mission will lead to a collective mission which involves all of humanity throughout physicality. We embrace with Love and Light the divine tasks we are to perform together. We will gather much wisdom and use our Divine Will to bring Light to every corner of this physical Universe. Much is expected of us! We are a wondrous collective of physical Angels who were temporarily lost in a dark cave filled with misery and ignorance. Mother Earth, like us, is returning as a grand Light Being whom we are to sustain and Love with all our hearts and our sacred Beingness. Let us rejoice and bless Heaven with our Love and Light!
Today, we carried on with our discussion of what is going on around you. Gaia is ready to move to full consciousness. Let us all come together and use our collective abilities to throw off the chains of the dark. We are here to assist you and celebrate your return to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by Sheldan Nidle
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