To learn more about Agartha, please read the very first posting: Scroll to March 17th, 2011. Otherwise, enjoy nearly everyday updates of worldwide news --with an alternative news twist, which shares with you how the Spirit World views what's being reported on mainstream media. In other words, here is where you get to learn what's REALLY GOING ON in our world --not what the TV & radio report, which in my humble opinion is simply programming designed to keep us living in fear.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Each of you must decide when it is time to focus purely on the communication between you and God. It is through YOUR efforts that are based on unconditional love that allow you to reach the Freedom of God’s brilliant light and comforting love
Thank you Djwal Khul and Julie!
*** gavin
Begin each day in humbleness dear ones. As you present yourself to others and to God, understand the immense power you hold every time you re-establish your connection with God. It is okay to ask others for a little help once in a while but your spiritual progression must be met by your own efforts. Even with the guidance you receive from us and others who you seek advice from, we cannot make your choices for you. What we are doing is directing you to other ideas that develop into new opportunities to make decisions that will further you along your path to gather knowledge and wisdom based on the experiences you have endured. Each of you must decide when it is time to focus purely on the communication between you and God. It is through YOUR efforts that are based on unconditional love that allow you to reach the Freedom of God’s brilliant light and comforting love.
Your Ascension in this lifetime or any other is based on honour, compassion, discipline, and wisdom. And you gain these dear ones through experiences that provide you with incredible life-changing lessons. Each one is to be embraced and understood. Yes it does sometimes take a while before some lessons are learned. We urge you to reduce negative self-talk when expectations do not go as you had hoped. Look at the progress you have made and see the good that has occurred. Even the mistakes acquired by making certain choices can be looked at in a positive light. You learn through your mistakes, they help nurture your growth and development, they provide the pathway to great wisdom. Any area within yourself, that you know full well that could use a little polishing, is your opportunity to gaining more mastery of yourself.
Your journey brings you along to many diverse people from many cultures. It is essential to your own growth and to theirs to understand and accept them as members of your cosmic community. There is much you can learn from each other when you drop defensive walls and allow the love to flow freely from one heart to the next. Even if you are not blood-related, you are all family dear ones as you are all deeply connected. When you allow yourself the time to think about the Unity you share with all life forms, deep inside you stirs an energy of knowing – this knowing is the Divine Light and Love from God providing you with the inner knowledge that He is a living part of your life.
Your spiritual heart is your central point of all your experiences and it is also where you begin your connection with your inner spirit that eventually expands to your God Spark that rests in the central core of your beautiful heart. When you start stoking your God Spark dear ones you will come to learn the sacred Threefold Flame is there waiting for you to build this into your spiritual growth and development, to push yourself forward from the knowledge you will find through the wisdom you gain from this sacred fire. The Threefold Flame is where you begin building your foundation and bridging the Light of the Divine to be manifested fully for the good of you and all of mankind.
You learn to give respect to Karma because you begin to understand Karma crosses your path to help you create further developments from all those experiences you have endured and to put those learned lessons where they belong where they no longer cause any pain or harm. Karma does not only cross your path for just you, but through your other dear souls are brought further ahead on their journey as well. How you handle your trials and tribulations are noticed and affected by others dear ones. The choices you make, the actions you choose do not go unnoticed. You are shifting into a newer way of life; You have been ever since you began making your own choices. Change has always been part of your growth. You are learning other ways to evolve that will propel each of you into a reality that is different than what you are currently familiar with. We of the Divine have for some time now have been helping many of you through our teachings, love and guidance to move away from the darkness of ignorance and enter into the light of knowledge.
I see many dear souls come to the aid of the Ascended Masters to learn of the gifts we often share through your consciousness. How is it you developed your consciousness to the perfect awareness state is in now in? Your consciousness develops when you learn to utilize constructively all of your gifts by following the teachings of the Masters and by listening to God’s divine direction. It does require mindful willpower to carry the understanding of what you are required to do and not give up until you are triumphant in mastering each point within yourself. Too often dear ones, many dear souls want to rush their development and growth. Not realizing they were missing out on a fundamental part on the building of their inner selves that reflects and demonstrates their victory and freedom that is gained from self-mastery and understanding how the Threefold Flame fits into their lives.
It is well understood that many of you are on a journey that will bring you to Ascension. Understand dear ones, Ascension does not come if you are dawdling about and not taking seriously the basic and primary teachings to build your spiritual foundations. The sacred Threefold Flame requires concentrated devotion. To understand the Threefold Flame, you need to understand the representation of each plume within yourself. Realizing each colour holds an essential part to understanding yourself as whole that is dearly required and understanding the importance of infusing these plumes within your creative endeavors in order for solid mastery to be brought forward into the life you are currently living. You are urged dear ones to seek to understand the Threefold Flame and to stoke this beloved flame that sits in the central core of your beautiful heart.
The Threefold Flame --blue, pink and gold-- all have their own distinctive meanings that speak a certain vibration within your heart that radiates a divine glow throughout your entire body that you learn to build on from your developing understanding and awareness. When you learn to work with each flame through meditation you will begin to grow enormousness and the extent of the whole Threefold Flame working together. Just like your chakras, they expand through growth and understanding from you, so does the Threefold Flame. As you become one with the understanding of what each plume is to you, you will come to know and possibly feel this nurturing flame soak every part of you – mind, body and spirit. In time dear ones, you will wear your Threefold Flame as a favourite garment of choice. It is here dear ones when you finally begin to moderate the pure action and vibration of the Threefold Flame with your mind that radiates the purity and perfection of your Christ Self.
Realize dear ones, each time you send out a thought form that includes the full representation of the Threefold Flame, focus on your inner power, holding on to the energy that fills your Solar Plexus firmly reflecting upon the Threefold Flame during time you have given yourself for solace you will discover how to intensify whichever masters of the Seven Rays of Light you are trying to focus on through your heart chakra. Understand dear ones, each Ray of Light carries a certain quality of God, and they are available when you need them throughout your journey.
As you discover through your own study, the Threefold Flame is an all-important key to your spiritual development. From the beginning of your reality, every aspect of God has radiated through these plumes and has been unfolding every time you reach a pivotal phase of understanding within each plume. You will become more skilled and you will discover by the act of pure Will you are able to allow your Christ-like mind and your perfected God Presence to reach through any blanket that has covered a potential area of growth that can be achieved by activating the power within your Heart Chakra by using your inner mind, learning to separate your emotional self from your spirit self. You will reach this particular attainment if you have constructed an established momentum by allowing your God Presence to intervene in all aspects of your life.
Before any attainment is reached dear ones understand the Threefold Flame, learn it and expand this Divine flame that is alive within your beautiful heart. Comprehend the complexities of its involvement with your own unique creativity. Then dear ones, the blessed association with your own God Presence becomes stronger and you will demonstrate more of your God Self more often in all your actions, words, thoughts, and feelings. Within each of you is the understanding of your call that is directly in-line with the Light of God. This call may be subtle; the wisdom within each of you provides each of you with the opportunity to embrace every opportunity presented to you. The call dear ones is simple it is listening to the Divine Word of God, knowing the direction your path will lead you to will bring you to successful accomplishment of the transformational development of the Threefold Flame within your heart.
Look at the Threefold Flame as food for your heart, as your spiritual life force. Become master of your heart by becoming one with each plume: Wisdom’s Golden Flame, Love’s pink Flame and Power’s Blue flame. As you inhale each breath of air, include an inhale of understanding of this precious flame. Just like your chakras, the Threefold Flame can become imbalanced. You must have this sacred flame dear ones working in perfect harmony with each other. Do not hesitate to engage the pink Plum of Love when you find yourself wanting to spend more time with God’s Love. Learn to know when you are not balanced. The more balance you have of this sacred flame, the more balance you will notice of your own personal life during every day affairs.
If there is any area along your spiritual journey you wish to change, look into the Threefold Flame, through each plume you will discover new ways of making change and adopting newer and fresher ways of being you. Always take the time to re-examine your inner-self. There is always work to do be done dear ones. Your development is a never-ending road to success and fulfillment. Your pure effort that is guided by your heart will bring you there dear ones. There are many wonderful opportunities waiting for you through the building of your foundation of the Threefold Flame. The more you work on cultivating you, the more patience you will encounter and patience you know is very much needed in all aspects of your life.
Before we close our discussion on my favourite topics, I would like to remind you the use of the Violet Flame. Throughout your journey and the process of developing your fundamental foundation within the Threefold Flame, you discover the need to express forgiveness to any grief that was experienced as part of development will help free all negative pressures letting go some of your old painful memories can have. The Violet Flame is merciful and divinely nurturing. Call forth the Violet Flame every day to heal yourself from the pressures that come with condemnations and judgments. Allow yourself to be healed dear ones. Allow yourself to be directed to choices that could take you out of repetitive mistakes. And realize the dear souls that do not ascend in this lifetime ...are still perfect. Learn to make use of the Violet Flame even if you are a person who has a habit of being criticizing. The healing flame, if you let it in dear ones will direct you to a more loving way of interacting with others that will illuminate your God Presence.
The Awakening of yourself dear ones will release profound levels of gratitude that will come from your heart through great positive thought forms of brilliant light. Each step you take you are perfecting your consciousness. Know dear ones that no matter where your path may lead you, God has permanently blessed you with his infinite love and light.
I AM Ascended Master Djwal Khul
through Julie Miller
Reality is a truly amazing experience from which you have collectively shut yourselves off for far too long, and that is about to be put permanently to rights. You were created one with God; His Will and yours are eternally in alignment; Misunderstandings of any kind are therefore utterly impossible; And your Awakening will return you to that magnificent state
"The fact that you do not experience that state demonstrates quite clearly that you must be deluded. And your Awakening will put a permanent end to that unhappy condition....
Everything that disturbs your peace and causes you anxiety or fear will be gone because they are all totally unreal. The suffering that you have been experiencing has played a major part in distracting you, and in making the Illusion seem so real, because you could for the most part, only experience happiness momentarily before some thought broke into your awareness and distracted you. In the Illusion, you live in an almost constant state of “what if?” and worries and anxieties cloud your every moment and influence your every decision."
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
Whenever you feel attacked, you are allowing the unreal to affect your mind
You will know that you are Home because you will know and experience the Reality of creation as part of yourselves, and yourselves as part of creation --eternally inseparable, one with your Creator-- and the joy of that is beyond description. Reality is a truly amazing experience from which you have collectively shut yourselves off for far too long, and that is about to be put permanently to rights. You were created one with God; His Will and yours are eternally in alignment; Misunderstandings of any kind are therefore utterly impossible; And your Awakening will return you to that magnificent state.
Your path Home has been arduous because with your powerful collective imagination you were able to build into the Illusion a vast selection of distracting “attractions.” They only seemed attractive at first, until you began to discover the enormity of the chaos and confusion in which you had decided to envelop yourselves by immersing yourselves within it. Now your collective desire to return Home has become far stronger than the desire to play at being deluded, and so that is where your are headed.
The state of delusion has long been one of the most distracting and confusing conditions that the Illusion has imposed upon you. You have all known someone whom you would happily describe as being at times deluded because you observed him behaving in ways that made no sense. But, within the Illusion, most of you have spent incredible amounts of time in a deluded frame of mind. Whenever you feel attacked, misjudged, or offended you are allowing the unreal to affect your mind. It is a fact that you are each eternally one with God, utterly inseparable from Him or from each other, but you have become unaware of that because you chose to enter the illusory state, where nothing is as it seems. Being one with God you are perfect Divine beings, fully alive in Love, where nothing assails you or could even conceive of doing so. The fact that you do not experience that state demonstrates quite clearly that you must be deluded. And your Awakening will put a permanent end to that unhappy condition.
Everything that disturbs your peace and causes you anxiety or fear will be gone because they are all totally unreal. The suffering that you have been experiencing has played a major part in distracting you, and in making the Illusion seem so real, because you could for the most part, only experience happiness momentarily before some thought broke into your awareness and distracted you. In the Illusion, you live in an almost constant state of “what if?” and worries and anxieties cloud your every moment and influence your every decision.
If you watch young children playing and completely absorbed in their games, you can see that they are at ease and at peace; No anxieties disturb their focus. As they grow, your various cultures impose increasing restrictions on them, leading them also to start worrying. And how often have you told your own children not to worry, that they are worrying unduly, because to you their issues seem so inconsequential and unimportant? Who is fooling whom?
You are divinely loved and cared for. The Illusion is just that — and you will Awaken. Focus on that truth; Remind yourselves of it every time anxiety invades your peace and contentment. When you do, it does bring you some peace because you know it is true. Yes, while you remain within the Illusion, its distractions will continue to arrest your attention, but by reminding yourselves of its temporary and insubstantial nature you prepare yourselves for your Awakening and your energy field has a peaceful and calming influence on those with whom you come in contact. They see you as you are – a warm and loving soul offering comfort and stability in a world gone mad – and to be who you are is your reason for being embodied at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution. And for this, as you know, you are greatly honored.
With so very much love, Saul.
by John Smallman
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
Access to the inner depths of your being are opening up
From a perspective that engages only scientifically, and not spiritually, with its environment life is a puzzle and a disappointment – “What on earth is its point.” Things grow and die in an endless and painful cycle of birth, development, and decay, and the awareness of this that humans have offers absolutely no hope of real meaning.
And yet life and consciousness of it are not something you want to lose. You want this state to last, because despite all the problems it presents to you, there remain sensual, physical and intellectual pleasures and satisfactions that can make it worthwhile – life just for its own sake, like the enthusiastic way that small children engage with it – and you hold on to it ferociously. Also, each of you has within a sense, an ineradicable hope that there must be a meaning to it, that it should not just end after such a brief passage of time, and you wish that you could discover what it is.
So, for as long as you have been experiencing human life you have been searching for its meaning, and also searching for the cause of the disasters that befall you – illness, earthquakes, droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, and death – and inventing terrible gods whom you believe choose to punish you and whom you must appease. Some still believe in these kinds of gods and use them as justification for the killing and maiming of others!
Always, however, there have been hidden, deep within each one of you, the glowing embers of the inextinguishable fire of God’s Love for you. To find it you have to go within and distance yourselves from the egoic distractions surrounding you. And that is not easy for you, even though there are many who would teach you how, because the majority of those teachers are themselves almost as lost as you are, and are trying to find themselves through your success, should it occur. All of you have been seeking but very few have been finding, because the distractions of the illusion discourage openness to anything that is not of it, anything that its scientific reasoning and logic is unable to prove and disclose.
Rugged persistence and determination are not enough; in fact they act as a block. To access these inner depths you have to surrender to the emptiness or space that appears between your thoughts as you watch them passing while not engaging with them. As all your cultures encourage constant engagement with the contents of your minds, it takes much practice to reverse that habit and disengage for any length of time. A few have managed it and have written about the wonderful experiences that occurred when they succeeded, but for most of you it remains inaccessible. You may well achieve a sense of peace, a quietness that brings stress relief, but those inner depths have remained for the most part hidden and, to all intents and purposes, unknowable.
Now, as the divine field of Love encompassing and enveloping Earth intensifies, access to those inner depths of your being are opening up for you. The quiet sense that you all have, that there is indeed a powerful and mystical meaning to your lives is seeping into your awareness and demanding your attention. Those glowing embers within are being breathed into flame and your desire to join with their Source is becoming irresistible. It still seems unreal, indefinable, and yet you are no longer able to disregard the inner promptings encouraging you to allow your inner world to open up and show you how dearly you are loved, and how inseparable you truly are from the Source of all life.
That Source, God Himself, intends that you become aware of Him because He knows that experiential knowledge of Him will bring you infinite joy, and that is what He wills for you. To know Him is to be one with Him, and the dissolution of the illusion will remove the veil behind which you have been shielding yourselves from Him for far too long. Your awakening is near, and is assured.
With so very much love, Saul.
by John Smallman
[FYI. A new book was published yesterday (October23rd) called “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife.” It was written by Eben Alexander, M.D. It tells the story of his quite amazing NDE – a scientist who did not believe in heaven visited there while in a coma. It is most uplifting and inspiring. I read about on The2012Scenario web site where a review of it from Newsweek had been posted. I ordered it and received it and read it yesterday. For me it was a “WOW” experience. John.]
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
We are here, at this right Divine moment, to be reunited with you, and begin some essential personal teachings with each of you as a requisite to your return to Full Consciousness. Part of this will be your introduction to a great book: The Book of Understandings. It is a compilation contributed to by each star-nation from the time they first colonize their home world. Each book contains an immense amount of wisdom about humanity and physicality, and is in essence a giant compendium of history and galactic anthropology
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We return! Events, which our sacred allies
have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which
will forever change your world. The power structure that rules your
globe is collapsing in on itself as the center can no longer hold
together. The dark cabal has dreaded this moment ever since the Anunnaki
left, at which time these off-worlders demanded that their on-planet
minions return dominion of your reality to the Light. This
recommendation by the Anunnaki was vetoed by a sizable majority of the
groups that make up the on-planet minions of the dark; Their leaders
were utterly unable to fathom why they would be asked, for any reason at
all, to give up what to them was their life-blood: Power. Power is
basically all they know. Under the aegis of their former off-world
masters, the minions had run roughshod over Earth and surface humanity
for nearly 13 millennia. Now they were being asked to give up,
literally, their throne! To the dark ones this was unthinkable. And
outrageous! No one, not even their former masters, was going to separate
them from the one thing that gave them their very identity: Their
'natural' superiority. It formed the core of their being. And for nearly
17 years they have struggled to retain the only world they know.
Meanwhile, our sacred allies requested that
we use our advanced methods of negotiation to prevent these
now-woebegone dark Beings from creating another world war as a means to
maintain their status as your unchallenged rulers. These ones still feel
greatly ill-used at being commanded to leave. However, a series of
events and a chain of documents are finally ready to achieve their most
necessary removal. The time comes for the final 'swoop' that is to drive
the dark from power. Then we intend to permit our allies to detain
and put on-trial those who so mercilessly controlled you, and the fears
that have for so long defined your lives can at last be laid aside.
Released from these fetters, you will be able to joyously acknowledge our
existence and to begin to create a society that favors the good and
benevolent over greed and manipulation. Your new governance is to smooth
the way to full consciousness by, first, rolling out universal
prosperity and by ending all wars! These will not be so easy to
accomplish as your world has been manipulated for millennia to view
competition, hate, and strife as inevitable components of existence.
These ways of keeping you divided are to be
transformed into cooperation, peace, and Love. You are to realize and be
able to fulfill your innermost needs for a joyously creative life. We
are here, at this right Divine moment, to be reunited with you, and
begin some essential personal teachings with each of you as a requisite
to your return to Full Consciousness. Part of this will be your
introduction to a great book: The Book of Understandings. It is a
compilation contributed by each star-nation from the time they first
colonize their home world. Each book contains an immense amount of
wisdom about humanity and physicality, and is in essence a giant
compendium of history and galactic anthropology. We intend to start you
off with the works compiled on Mars, Venus, and Earth around the time
when the Anchara Alliance made the destructive raid on your solar system
a million years ago. The history of Agartha and the book that your new
star-nation begins will be added to the whole, making a complete
chronicle of your astonishing odyssey and of who you really are!
You are the wondrous Beings who have
incarnated at this time to bring forth a new reality, and in consonance
with this, Heaven was very strict about who was allowed to embody here at
this time. This is why we have come from so far afield to help, despite
the fact that your world falls short of any of the usual conditions for First Contact. Heaven summoned us here to use our fleets, at the
divinely appointed time, to liberate you from your recalcitrant rulers.
When Anchara joined the Light at the designated time, Earth's surface
humanity was to move into the Light as well. But, as mentioned earlier,
these calls from both the dark and from Heaven went unheeded by the dark
earth-minions, who were in no mind to relinquish their insatiable power
addiction. The result is this first-contact mission. When our fleets
got here, we turned your solar system into a vast 'parking lot' and
waited patiently for the divine signal to act. This mighty decree has at
last been permitted to resound throughout Heaven: Physicality and
this clarion call will most assuredly be answered! This is the moment
for your freedom to be secured!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We
arrive on this day with good news! Our sacred associates have reached
the stage where their many projects can finally manifest. But first,
dear Hearts, we need to begin to apprise you of some of the truth of
your present setup. The dark cabal planned over a decade ago to put in
motion a train of events designed to lead to several wars and ultimately
a global situation that would permanently enslave you. Then conditions
would be introduced to drastically reduce the world's present population
to fewer than 600 million. These numbers were to be regulated by means
of a series of roving plagues. This horrifying plan has been averted by
the activities of our associates since the time of September 11, 2001.
Our blessed ones in Heaven came and used their abilities to prevent this
horror from fully manifesting. Now you are on the brink of freedom, and
we are ready to implement events to bring you prosperity and full
Prosperity is a natural state in Heaven and
in physicality. Yet, on your world, you have watched the dark use its
power to turn this natural state upside-down, creating poverty,
ignorance and hate all across the globe. These imposed conditions were
used to disguise who you are. You grew up in this unnatural, artificial
state and, knowing no other, you began to believe that what you saw all
around you was natural. Nothing is further from the truth! Life in this
universe is hugely abundant and all-interrelated. You are part of a
magnificent unity ...A state that the Creator has graciously spread
throughout the many realms comprising physicality. When you Ascend, this
glorious state of unity becomes the experiential basis from which you
think and act. This Oneness is a soul-stirring melody that flows through
your very cells, birthing a never-ending sense of joy. Joy suffuses
you, and becomes the wellspring of other songs that takes your bliss on
to ever-greater heights.
Heaven is preparing you for an 'expressway'
to Full Consciousness which dispenses with the many lifetimes that it
took us to reach our present sacred state. Heaven decreed many
dispensations for you, which permits you to avail yourself of an
individually tailored, sentient device that removes the many epigenetic
blockages and re-knits the many DNA scramblings carried out on you in
the past. This allows you to move easily into your divine-Self state.
This gracious act is stipulated in the life contracts you presently
possess. You will be made aware of these contracts once this rapid Ascension operation is complete. So much lies ahead for you, including
the beginning of your own grand Book of Understandings for your new
star-nation. We will be at your side during all this, as we are here,
after all, to use our collective wisdom from numerous Earth lives to
guide you in your Divine service as you do your part in moving this
entire galaxy into the Light.
Today, we reviewed what is happening on your
world. Great events are to come which can swiftly alter your reality.
This transformation is to bring you joy and a much-needed answer to your
prayers for a change in the way your world operates. Be in good
Spirits, and prepare yourselves for a new and joyful world! Know, dear
Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven
are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be
One! and Be in Joy!)
by GFL, SH thru Sheldan Nidle
Thank you Ascended Master Christ and John!
*** gavin
*** gavin
All has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason for massive changes
The intensity of your expectations continues to increase as do the energies of Love surrounding you in preparation for your Awakening. Do not be discouraged by the negative news – of wars, of dishonest politics and economics, of corporate disregard for the environment, and of general corruption – because it is merely bringing out into the open what many of you have long known. All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being.
And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity. The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.
An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns, the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment.
God’s Will for His creation is that it endlessly and joyously expand to provide in abundance every possible opportunity of which its participating communities could conceive for yet further enjoyment. Creation is a state of infinite and ever-expanding joy, in which all its participants are fully consciously engaged, eternally. Joy is the natural state of creation. It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the Illusion, and all its concommitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love.
God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides.
Your will is truly in perfect alignment with His Will. You have just temporarily forgotten this while you have hidden yourselves behind a thin and practically transparent veil to investigate whether the possibilities and opportunities contained within an illusory environment there could offer anything that might please or amuse you. You are discovering that it cannot, and you are preparing to let it dissolve back into the infinitely small pool of nothingness from which you imagined it, so that you can once more know Reality.
Reality is where all that God creates has its eternal existence; there is nowhere else. But there is a paradox here, in that with your free will it seems that you constructed some other reality in which you could have experiences that differed enormously from what is actually possible.
Those experiences became darker and darker as you let your imaginations run riot, until you reached the level of darkness that now seems to envelop you, by shutting your selves almost completely off from the Love of God. To do that is of course impossible, but you have been able to dramatically reduce your awareness of It as you entered into an imaginary realm of fear, deceit, and betrayal that has caused you much pain and suffering.
The desire to end that ridiculous experience has finally moved firmly into humanity’s collective field of consciousness, and you are now opening yourselves up to allow the divine field of Love, which has always enveloped you even though you chose to be unaware of it, to gently and irresistibly influence your thoughts and feelings to show you the way to your awakening. The effects of this are becoming unmistakable as you see people everywhere, who have lived for so long in fear, releasing their inflexible beliefs in the need to be able to protect themselves from the violence of others with all sorts of weapons, and seeking instead to engage lovingly with one another.
A sea-change in human relationships is under way, which will lead you out of the darkness of your illusion and Home to the warmth and joy of oneness with your Father and of all creation. An exhilarating and magnificent welcome awaits your return.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
BY John Smallman
And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity. The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.
An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns, the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment.
God’s Will for His creation is that it endlessly and joyously expand to provide in abundance every possible opportunity of which its participating communities could conceive for yet further enjoyment. Creation is a state of infinite and ever-expanding joy, in which all its participants are fully consciously engaged, eternally. Joy is the natural state of creation. It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the Illusion, and all its concommitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love.
God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides.
Your will is truly in perfect alignment with His Will. You have just temporarily forgotten this while you have hidden yourselves behind a thin and practically transparent veil to investigate whether the possibilities and opportunities contained within an illusory environment there could offer anything that might please or amuse you. You are discovering that it cannot, and you are preparing to let it dissolve back into the infinitely small pool of nothingness from which you imagined it, so that you can once more know Reality.
Reality is where all that God creates has its eternal existence; there is nowhere else. But there is a paradox here, in that with your free will it seems that you constructed some other reality in which you could have experiences that differed enormously from what is actually possible.
Those experiences became darker and darker as you let your imaginations run riot, until you reached the level of darkness that now seems to envelop you, by shutting your selves almost completely off from the Love of God. To do that is of course impossible, but you have been able to dramatically reduce your awareness of It as you entered into an imaginary realm of fear, deceit, and betrayal that has caused you much pain and suffering.
The desire to end that ridiculous experience has finally moved firmly into humanity’s collective field of consciousness, and you are now opening yourselves up to allow the divine field of Love, which has always enveloped you even though you chose to be unaware of it, to gently and irresistibly influence your thoughts and feelings to show you the way to your awakening. The effects of this are becoming unmistakable as you see people everywhere, who have lived for so long in fear, releasing their inflexible beliefs in the need to be able to protect themselves from the violence of others with all sorts of weapons, and seeking instead to engage lovingly with one another.
A sea-change in human relationships is under way, which will lead you out of the darkness of your illusion and Home to the warmth and joy of oneness with your Father and of all creation. An exhilarating and magnificent welcome awaits your return.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
BY John Smallman
The Presidential elections in the US are a key focal point, that will determine when we exercise our divine authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. Much hinges on the outcome and it will be a victory for the Light: BARACK OBAMA!
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
We are pleased to see you demonstrating for your rights, which is a timely reminder to your authorities that they are in their positions to serve you, the people. The number of good-hearted souls amongst them are few and far between, and that is why far-reaching changes have to take place. If your representatives are not keeping to their oath, then they can have no complaint when they are removed. The problem is that corruption and greed spreads like a cancer, and before long is accepted as a normal way of working. In the future, you will become more involved in the decision making, and consulted before action is taken. Clearly you need the right type of people leading the way forward, who have the foresight and understanding to take you into the New Age. The last cabal would be totally unsuitable, and will be unable to interfere or influence what will happen.
Your Spiritual Age is about to begin and your progress will be astonishing and very quick. Imagine how wonderful it will be to be able to trust all of those around you, because you know that they are Ascended Beings like yourself. The Love and Light will have permeated everywhere, and there will be no doubting that you have arrived in the Higher Dimensions. Life will be a big contrast to what you have now, and will be of no comparison. To live in peace without any threat to it will be a wonderful feeling of freedom and joy. The problems of health and the challenge of mere existence that beset you in the third dimension, will no longer be a factor in your lives. It is difficult to convey the absolute feeling of happiness and contentment, which has to be experienced to be appreciated.
The mind set of those who have opposed your evolution and aimed to prevent Ascension, is focused on self power because they lack the understanding of Oneness, and in turn, lack love for their fellow man. However, they still have their GodSpark even if has become very dim, but one day it will light up again. They have the same opportunities to be of the Light as every other soul, and God will welcome them Home like every other Being. You all started out together, but as you decided your own path of experience, some were engulfed by the lower vibrations and fell by the wayside. There will always be a way back into the Light, but the lower you fall the harder the journey. However, as with any soul there are always many willing volunteers who will guide them homewards. Everyone of you without exception has Higher Beings in close attendance who guide your life for you.
In the future, we of the Galactic Federation of Light will work with the Ascended souls, until you become our equals. You will then become very independent and decide your own future, but that does not mean that we will lose contact with you. We will literally only be a thought away at anytime, and that applies to any soul that you have links with. Indeed, as we have previously indicated you are likely to join with those of a similar level of consciousness. Your experiences are unlimited, even moving from one Universe to another to extend them into new areas. On Earth, you are obviously much more restricted, and with your lower level of consciousness have lost touch with your Higher Self. In consequence, the truth of your real self becomes clouded by the Illusion of 3rd Dimensional life.
You are about to witness the real beginning of the end as the old system falls into chaos. No attempts to restore it will work as it is destined to complete its time in its present dimension. It has well served its purpose where you and Mother Earth are concerned, and the new paradigm is moving into place. You will not miss the final outcome as the changes are so far reaching everyone will be affected. All souls will achieve what they desire and most have already exercised their freewill choice. It is the reason we ask that you do not attempt to override another souls decision, but allow them to be satisfied that it has been made with their future in mind. The fact is you cannot move higher than your vibrations allow, and clearly that would be the level at which you would feel most comfortable.
We are as ready as we will ever be to play our part in ensuring your experience of Ascension. Our involvement will soon be apparent, and you will already know that we have been keeping the peace on Earth. That is with reference to our actions to prevent present troubles escalating into another world war. We are eager to become more involved and help ensure that our allies are able to bring matters to a head. The Presidential elections in the US are a key focal point, that will determine when we exercise our divine authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. Much hinges on the outcome and it will be a victory for the Light.
From hereon, each week that passes should reveal where matters are heading, and there will be the fulfillment of events that are necessary to bring peace to your world. As you would imagine, nothing happens that we are not aware of even if it is out of our sight. We know the true intent of the different nations regardless of what they say to the outer world. They are in fact divided into those who encourage war, and those who now seek peace even if their history suggests otherwise. What is happening is that the Light upon Earth is transmuting the lower vibrations, and whole nations are waking up to the Truth. There is a powerful move to unite within those countries that desire peace, and a wish to disassociate themselves from those who do not. The warmongers of the corrupt 1% are gradually becoming isolated, and without support ...their plans are doomed to failure.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see that the various peace movements are reaching more people than ever before. It is the blooming of people power that will bring about the desired results. It is also boosted by the continual input of higher energies from outside of your Earth. As we have often said, you have already won the battle with the dark Ones, and it only needs to clear up the remains of their activities to go speeding on with Ascension. That Dear Ones is well in-hand as you will see before very long.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 22oct12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Hi Friends,
As I will be in Sedona from Tuesday the 23rd. October at the 2012 Scenario Conference, my next message from SaLuSa will not be until the 5th. November. There may be still a few tickets available for the second conference ..
Thank you
LAW OF ATTRACTION: Like attracts like, so when we have lower vibrating thoughts, we in turn call them into our lives --inadvertently and unintentionally creating MORE problems. OUCH!
Thank you Matthew, Suzanne and Steve!
*** gavin
This article is reposted from August 2010 and is posted to lend support to President Obama in his re-election bid.
After a long absence (since late June) following his father’s transition, Matthew Ward has returned.
I want to reproduce his passage on President Obama here. If this does not stop the anti-Obama meme (a meme is a catchphrase that is taken up by people), then people who continue spinning it have an axe to grind.
Here are those passages:
“Yes! There is no reason for us or other messengers in high stations to
doubt that, but we understand why some of you do. Assessments and
conclusions can only be according to information available to you.
about Obama’s light-filled intentions is arming his opposition — that
is why we urge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and your
world in golden light. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama’s
leadership are reducing his ability to persuade his own government and
other leaders to act in harmonious cooperation to achieve a peaceful
world with shared wealth and well being for all.
So we need to know that we are holding up the show and incapacitating President Obama by holding or spreading negative views about him.
President Obama is the political leader here to lead us into the New Age fast approaching. His detractors on the left and right are mistaken in their estimations of him and it’s up to us to set them right.
*** gavin
Matthew Ward: "Doubt about Obama’s Light-Filled Intentions is Arming His Opposition"
2012 October 22 (doesn't this pic of Matthew below look a lot like Anthony on Oct 22nd??? wild ;^)
Posted by Steve Beckow
After a long absence (since late June) following his father’s transition, Matthew Ward has returned.
I want to reproduce his passage on President Obama here. If this does not stop the anti-Obama meme (a meme is a catchphrase that is taken up by people), then people who continue spinning it have an axe to grind.
Here are those passages:
“Suzy: Are you still convinced that
US President Obama is a highly evolved lighted soul who came from an
advanced civilization to lead us into the Golden Age?
“You don’t have our vantage point in the
universe or our information sources, and you have no way of knowing all
the undercurrents that will be ushering in your new world.
This is not his
failing, but rather the law of attraction in operation — negativity aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more negative situations.
“Along with vibrations intensifying the
best and the worst of human traits, the law is producing divisiveness in
politics, ideologies and philosophies that form all systems and
organizations that regulate life in your world. Each side of any issue
is blindly digging in its heels instead of giving an inch. But do not
despair — that stubbornness to keep the status quo and to resist reform
attempts is but one element in the picture whose full design soon will
“come to light.” (1)
So we need to know that we are holding up the show and incapacitating President Obama by holding or spreading negative views about him.
President Obama is the political leader here to lead us into the New Age fast approaching. His detractors on the left and right are mistaken in their estimations of him and it’s up to us to set them right.
(1) Matthew Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at, October 21, 2012
"This is why we constantly remind you of the absolutely essential need to spend quiet time — down time, time alone praying or meditating — in order to renew your strength, and to renew your awareness that you are LightBearers and WayShowers with a very important mission: The awakening of humanity, for which we in the spiritual realms are providing you constant and unfailing assistance. If you were to succumb to the belief that you were doing this enormous task unaided, you would be overwhelmed. You cannot possibly do it alone. Therefore you must make time and space, each day, to connect with us, so that you constantly maintain awareness that you are NEVER ALONE. Doubts you will have, but you will also know that you most definitely are not alone."
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
The Earth date December 21 2012 is on many people’s minds as they look forward to humanity’s Awakening, and wonder what will actually happen, if anything, on or before that date. Despite all the inspiring channeled messages addressing the importance and significance of this date, many are but hoping for the best, while wondering if anything much will really change – they are preparing themselves to handle a big disappointment. And the mainstream media continues to focus on the same old stuff – “new” bad news on the economy, on politics, on threats of terrorist plots or wars, on climate change, on earthquakes, and on and on – so where, you ask, is the Good News?
The Illusion does hide from you your eternal spiritual connection to God. You believe in it, it makes complete sense to you, but you have no experience of it – no sense of the feel, taste, smell, sound, or sight of God’s Presence in your lives. You have prayed, meditated, read inspiring spiritual books by a few mystics who have experienced the Divine, and by people who have had personal Near-Death Experiences. But the majority of you have had no personal experience through which you know God. Bodies can only experience through those five main senses, so you have to rely on your faith, on your hope, but as the due date draws ever closer your doubts tend to intensify. If you are not experiencing doubts, then maybe you are not being honest with yourselves — perhaps you are in denial of them.
This is a very demanding time for you as you wait apprehensively for the moment of your promised Awakening. The divine field of Love surrounding the planet and all of humanity is sensitive to your anxiety. Take comfort in the knowledge that however unreal or inadequate your experience of your divine nature may be, the fact remains that you are, always have been, and always will be Divine Beings, the beloved children of God. That is the Truth. It is eternally true, even within the illusory reality in which you are presently experiencing life such an exceedingly limited form.
Your unreal unknowing is a heavy burden that you willingly chose to bear when you reentered the Illusion of Duality on Earth to be LightBearers and WayShowers to those who remain deeply asleep. To help those who are so deeply asleep, you had to leave behind your memory of Reality so that you could experience what they are experiencing and fully understand their fearful and confusing predicament, which makes no sense at all unless you are enclosed within it. From outside it, from Reality, there is nothing there; it does not exist. But from within, it seems totally real, and all the issues, problems, pain, and suffering with which it presents you are very threatening and convincing.
To assist the sleepers, you needed to walk in their shoes. Although you left behind your memory of Reality, your knowledge of It is held deep within you, as it is with the sleepers, but you, unlike them, do have an awareness of it. This awareness is the tool you use to guide yourselves unerringly Homeward, and by doing so, you show others the way. But the effect of the Illusion is to raise doubts in your minds as to its efficacy, especially when you, too, become bogged down in the worries and anxieties of daily illusory living.
This is why we constantly remind you of the absolutely essential need to spend quiet time — down time, time alone praying or meditating — in order to renew your strength, and to renew your awareness that you are LightBearers and WayShowers with a very important mission: The awakening of humanity, for which we in the spiritual realms are providing you constant and unfailing assistance. If you were to succumb to the belief that you were doing this enormous task unaided, you would be overwhelmed. You cannot possibly do it alone. Therefore you must make time and space, each day, to connect with us, so that you constantly maintain awareness that you are NEVER ALONE. Doubts you will have, but you will also know that you most definitely are not alone.
What you agreed to do and are doing is truly amazing. You reentered the Illusion freely and willingly to aid your brothers and sisters as they struggled to find their way Home. It is not the first time that you have voluntarily chosen to assist the sleepers seemingly trapped in the Illusion, and your determination and persistence as you go about this task is divinely acknowledged and honored. It is a task in which success is inevitable because it is God’s Will that this be so. Remind yourselves again and again, especially when your doubts assail you, that you are divinely loved, protected, and guided in every moment of your existence, and that failure is not an available option because your success is divinely assured.
With so very much love, Saul.
by John Smallman 21oct12
Friday, October 19, 2012
"In the early days of UFO sightings, we regularly contacted what you would call "ordinary individuals" yet even so, their experiences were deliberately held back from you. We even took them on trips around your Solar System, proving that other planets had intelligent life on them, and still attempts were made to suppress the details. With Disclosure, the evidence will be totally undeniable as you are introduced to humanoids from not just your system, but from other star systems. We have been separated from you for far too long, and share your excitement at the thought of meeting you."
*** gavin
Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration. It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. When you can accept all others as One with you, and live your life in the manner of giving out Unconditional Love you are a perfect example of one who is ready.
If you do not consider yourself to be ready but nevertheless wish to ascend, focus on raising yourself up by doing your best to succeed. You will almost certainly do so as at this time, there are massive inputs of energy to your world and you will attract them to yourself. You will know it is happening as few souls can receive the energy without feeling the affects. It can be felt as a slight dizziness and a general feeling of lightness within your body. There are other conditions that may lead you to believe that you are about to fall ill, but will soon pass without any affect. You will certainly find yourself able to remain controlled when faced with disruptive forces, and it is the taming of the emotions that will enable you to reach such a level. At the same time, you will be a model example to others who will benefit from your presence.
The Light as ever continues to grow exponentially, and is carrying you forward faster than ever. It will meet its optimum level on the 21st December 2012 and will trigger the Ascension of Mother Earth and all those souls that are ready to go with her. By then, you will have been re-assured about the safety and future of those who take a different path, and all happens as it should according to Universal Law. Put simply it states that no soul can move upwards until they have reached a similar vibration. All are cared for and by the time Ascension comes around, each one will be aware of what is to take place. As a cycle ends, there are natural changes that open up the next phase of your journey that endeavors to take you higher. The opportunities are always there for every soul.
To some extent life continues as before, but already you see the signs of change that are inevitable. How much suffering occurs depends on your Governments, and how quickly they adopt the new ways that are being offered to them. Military might will not delay the changes, although the Illuminati proposed to use it against us if we attempted Disclosure and appeared on your Earth. We can easily deal with such threats but do not wish to create conditions that may rebound upon you. We are all for Disclosure as soon as possible but it must be against a peaceful background. However, it may come when you least expect it, as there is more than one country that will back such an Announcement.
You have been patient for such a long time and that is appreciated, but know that events must get underway very, very soon. We are ready and rely on our allies to prepare the ground so that we can follow on. Until then, proceed as normal and take things as they come a day at the time. In time all of your needs will be taken care of, even though some of you will bear more of the inconvenience than others. We are well aware of what is likely to happen, and will not let matters get out of hand. We have looked after you and guided your path for a very long time, and we have a greater presence now than ever before. We are still unable to de-cloak more of our craft until we have removed the threat against us. Once it is however, we shall put on a glorious display to greet you all.
In the early days of UFO sightings, we regularly contacted what you would call "ordinary individuals" yet even so, their experiences were deliberately held back from you. We even took them on trips around your Solar System, proving that other planets had intelligent life on them, and still attempts were made to suppress the details. With Disclosure, the evidence will be totally undeniable as you are introduced to humanoids from not just your system, but from other star systems. We have been separated from you for far too long, and share your excitement at the thought of meeting you.
The Galactic Federation of Light is not in any way a military set up, but within the Universe, there are forces that we need to protect ourselves against. They are mostly the dark Ones of the Reptilian group, but we hasten to add that there are others of peaceful intent. In your Galactic history, there are many stories of mighty wars between civilizations. However, that era has passed and peace has been declared between the warring factions, and part of our duty is to ensure it is kept. On your Earth, there is still evidence of their visits, but they are not always recognized for what they are and ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted version of history. In fact, much of your history is fiction and bears little resemblance to the truth. These are areas that we shall address, as it is important that the facts are known.
Keep looking ahead as events are about to take off, and you will not be disappointed. The dark Ones are as good as finished when it comes to exercising their will upon you. They are like the toothless tiger, but still to be avoided and kept down until they can be removed. Many of you know who the leaders are as well as we do and we will not allow them to rise up again. Money still buys them time, but will never buy them their freedom to escape justice for their crimes against you. It is never too late for them to change and would do their record a lot of good, if they relinquished their quest to carry on as before.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see that the midnight hour is starting to chime, so the countdown has begun. So please keep your cool for a little while longer, as all comes to Him who waits. God Bless You All.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey 19oct12
It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the Illusion, and all its concomitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love
"God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides."
Thank you Christ and John!
*** gavin
All has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason for massive changes
The intensity of your expectations continues to increase as do the energies of Love surrounding you in preparation for your awakening. Do not be discouraged by the negative news – of wars, of dishonest politics and economics, of corporate disregard for the environment, and of general corruption – because it is merely bringing out into the open what many of you have long known. All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being.
And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity. The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.
An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment.
God’s Will for His creation is that it endlessly and joyously expand to provide in abundance every possible opportunity of which its participating communities could conceive for yet further enjoyment. Creation is a state of infinite and ever-expanding joy, in which all its participants are fully consciously engaged, eternally. Joy is the natural state of creation. It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the Illusion, and all its concomitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love.
God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides.
Your will is truly in perfect alignment with His Will. You have just temporarily forgotten this while you have hidden yourselves behind a thin and practically transparent veil to investigate whether the possibilities and opportunities contained within an illusory environment there could offer anything that might please or amuse you. You are discovering that it cannot, and you are preparing to let it dissolve back into the infinitely small pool of nothingness from which you imagined it, so that you can once more know Reality.
Reality is where all that God creates has its eternal existence; There is nowhere else. But there is a paradox here, in that with your free will it seems that you constructed some other reality in which you could have experiences that differed enormously from what is actually possible.
Those experiences became darker and darker as you let your imaginations run riot, until you reached the level of darkness that now seems to envelop you, by shutting yourselves almost completely off from the Love of God. To do that is of course impossible, but you have been able to dramatically reduce your awareness of It as you entered into an imaginary realm of fear, deceit, and betrayal that has caused you much pain and suffering.
The desire to end that ridiculous experience has finally moved firmly into humanity’s collective field of consciousness, and you are now opening yourselves up to allow the divine field of Love, which has always enveloped you even though you chose to be unaware of it, to gently and irresistibly influence your thoughts and feelings to show you the way to your Awakening. The effects of this are becoming unmistakable as you see people everywhere, who have lived for so long in fear, releasing their inflexible beliefs in the need to be able to protect themselves from the violence of others with all sorts of weapons, and seeking instead to engage lovingly with one another.
A sea-change in human relationships is under way, which will lead you out of the darkness of your Illusion and Home to the warmth and joy of Oneness with your Father and of all creation. An exhilarating and magnificent welcome awaits your return.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by John Smallman
And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity. The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.
An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment.
God’s Will for His creation is that it endlessly and joyously expand to provide in abundance every possible opportunity of which its participating communities could conceive for yet further enjoyment. Creation is a state of infinite and ever-expanding joy, in which all its participants are fully consciously engaged, eternally. Joy is the natural state of creation. It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the Illusion, and all its concomitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love.
God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides.
Your will is truly in perfect alignment with His Will. You have just temporarily forgotten this while you have hidden yourselves behind a thin and practically transparent veil to investigate whether the possibilities and opportunities contained within an illusory environment there could offer anything that might please or amuse you. You are discovering that it cannot, and you are preparing to let it dissolve back into the infinitely small pool of nothingness from which you imagined it, so that you can once more know Reality.
Reality is where all that God creates has its eternal existence; There is nowhere else. But there is a paradox here, in that with your free will it seems that you constructed some other reality in which you could have experiences that differed enormously from what is actually possible.
Those experiences became darker and darker as you let your imaginations run riot, until you reached the level of darkness that now seems to envelop you, by shutting yourselves almost completely off from the Love of God. To do that is of course impossible, but you have been able to dramatically reduce your awareness of It as you entered into an imaginary realm of fear, deceit, and betrayal that has caused you much pain and suffering.
The desire to end that ridiculous experience has finally moved firmly into humanity’s collective field of consciousness, and you are now opening yourselves up to allow the divine field of Love, which has always enveloped you even though you chose to be unaware of it, to gently and irresistibly influence your thoughts and feelings to show you the way to your Awakening. The effects of this are becoming unmistakable as you see people everywhere, who have lived for so long in fear, releasing their inflexible beliefs in the need to be able to protect themselves from the violence of others with all sorts of weapons, and seeking instead to engage lovingly with one another.
A sea-change in human relationships is under way, which will lead you out of the darkness of your Illusion and Home to the warmth and joy of Oneness with your Father and of all creation. An exhilarating and magnificent welcome awaits your return.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by John Smallman
Thursday, October 18, 2012
War is a brutal game and has become more devastating as technological advances are made in weaponry. Like everything else that has no place in the future, it cannot maintain its existence and must fall into disuse. You know, and we know that if the same energy had been put into achieving world peace, you would have had it many, many years ago. You could have been living in complete unity and enjoying a good standard of life, without poverty or need
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
Do you realize that this year in particular you have grown in levels of consciousness to the point where you have more than balanced the dark energies. You have achieved it by attracting the Light to yourselves and grounding it upon Earth. It has helped to end the domination of the dark Ones who can only hope to create fear, and delay their inevitable defeat. They are not finished but now we can fully contain them and protect our allies. Their ultimate removal is therefore going to be a mere formality. They can no longer look to the Reptilians for advice, and are but a pale reflection of what they used to be. It means that the final weeks before Ascension will not be as catastrophic as some of the older predictions indicated. Indeed, with the presence of the Galactic Federation of Light who have the authority to prevent any major setback, you are going to have a fairly comfortable ride for the rest of your journey.
Meantime we call upon all LightWorkers not to relax their efforts to forge ahead with the changes within their own communities. There is much you can do at a local level to help restore your sovereignty, and we note that there are moves to become more independent. We encourage this approach as it will lay down the foundation for what is to follow, when any laws and legislation taking away your rights will be reviewed. The cunning of the dark Ones has gradually taken them away without you realizing what has been happening. As you must know by now, you have all but been on the verge of total enslavement, but that is no longer possible. It will not be long before you are freed from the controls that have taken away your freedom.
Progress is always slow on Earth but is nevertheless still heading in the right direction. You will not have to wait much longer before events occur that will signal that the end times are really underway. We know you would have wished for our presence on Earth a lot earlier, but in the long run you will have lost nothing. All that you have been promised awaits you, and matters have long moved beyond the stage where the dark Ones can prevent them. What you have achieved so far without us is remarkable, and your awakening is still growing faster. It will make our appearance much easier for people to accept, and we are still talking with your leaders about it. Clearly we would rather do it with them, but we have set our own deadline for it. If necessary we will do our own thing to ensure disclosure takes place without too much delay.
We have much admiration for those Lightworkers who have worked hard at their missions, often without knowing how long they would have to do it. For everyone the end of duality comes ever closer, and they will learn that their hard work has paid off. Their dedication will be rewarded when they learn how much difference they have achieved, and understand how many souls they have helped evolve. After Ascension life will become so much easier, and there will be no conflict or negativity to deal with. If you can imagine what it is like to be with souls of a like kind, you will have some measure of how wonderful it will be. By then you will also have met with your brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth who have long moved into the Light. There will truly be a time of great celebration and naturally we will also be a part of it.
You may be tiring and anxious to move out of duality, but you should intuitively know if your journey has been completed. The final days are going to be quite hectic for some of you, who still have karmic issues to finalize. Do what you know to be right as you cannot take anything of the old vibrations with you. It most likely applies to you in a very personal way, and if you are not sure about it try to find those quiet times when you can go within for the answers. You do in fact have all knowledge within, but normally do not remember to use it. Simply make sure that your ego does not get in the way and override your Higher Self, as it acts on behalf of your old self. In time you will of course have no problems with such issues, as you will have acquired a greater level of consciousness.
The power in the world still lies with you the people, which is why the Illuminati tried to take away your rights by false and foul means. It only takes sufficient of you to come together with a common purpose and strong intent, and you would be surprised to learn how much energy it carries. Thought is powerful, but it needs to be backed by belief if you are to have any chance of achieving your aims. Over a period of time you have contributed to different peace movements, and that has taken you so much nearer to gaining it. World peace must come and it will be declared before very long. Wars are like a pestilence and have achieved nothing but misery and debt amongst the nations involved. Think of the number of families torn apart by senseless war action and the loss of loved ones.
We can tell you that those serving their countries are becoming disenchanted by what they are experiencing. Also that as the consciousness levels rise, so will the numbers of those who wish to leave the services. War is a brutal game and has become more devastating as technological advances are made in weaponry. Like everything else that has no place in the future, it cannot maintain its existence and must fall into disuse. You know, and we know that if the same energy had been put into achieving world peace, you would have had it many, many years ago. You could have been living in complete unity and enjoying a good standard of life, without poverty or need.
Of course the peace that we talk about is to be yours anyway, and will come much quicker than you might anticipate. We have been working with your authorities for a long time to bring it into being, and if possible we aim to bring it in before the year is out. It is something that we will be allowed to enforce, and have the capabilities to do so. Nothing can be hidden from us, and we will also know if we are being lied to when agreements are drawn up. We would consider that unlikely as by then the "right" people will be leading each nation. There is no time to play around with the future of you all, therefore we will only deal with those who are positive minded and have your best interests at heart.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank those who work diligently and honestly to bring back your freedom.
Thank you SaLuSa.
by Mike Quinsey 17oct12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
If it is your intent to Awaken — and it is the intent of each one of you to do so, even if that intent is presently hidden below your level of conscious awareness — then you will succeed, because it is divinely ordained. Only a few, who still feel that they are not ready or willing to step out of the Illusion, will remain asleep
"Now, because of all the work you have done over the eons, and because of the intense and abundant help you are receiving from the divine energy field enveloping the Earth, and because your Father – Who has never ever required, demanded, or imposed suffering of any kind upon you – wants to see your suffering come to an end, there is no longer any need for any of you to continue those cycles of reincarnation that have been an obstinate, intractable, and painful part of the whole Illusion. You will finally be completely free — free from the exile you chose to endure within the nightmare that the Illusion became — when you Awaken, as you most assuredly will."
Thank you Saul and John!
*** gavin
There is no longer any need for you to continue the cycles of reincarnation
Over the eons of illusory time and place, you have all without exception endured much personal suffering and needless to say, you have also imposed much suffering on others. It was illusory, it was self-inflicted, and it never happened. But the power of your collective imagination is enormous, and you have succeeded in convincing yourselves that your history of deceit and betrayal of, and violence to one another is absolutely real.
So real in fact, that to enable you to awaken from the illusion it is essential that you completely change the attitudes it formulated and encouraged, and release all beliefs that in any way conflict with your innate ability, desire, and intent to offer indiscriminate and unconditional love to all sentient beings. It is innate because, like all of God’s creation, you were created in Love with Love as the energy that empowers and motivates you in every moment of your eternal existence.
To forgive yourselves for all the offenses and suffering that you seem to have caused to yourselves or to others is the first step that you need to take. Then you need to forgive all without exception whom you believe have in any way hurt or offended you. Many of you have been working on this for numerous Earth lifetimes, and are now also working as Light-bearers and way-showers because, having gone through much of what the majority of humanity needs to address individually, you are ideally suited and qualified to assist others in their awakening process — simply by demonstrating love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness in your daily living.
With the intensifying field of divine Love surrounding the planet and enveloping each one of you, there is also an overabundance of assistance available and constantly offered to you from those in the spiritual realms to ensure that you succeed in releasing all those inflexible beliefs that have served you so dismally. If it is your intent to Awaken — and it is the intent of each one of you to do so, even if that intent is presently hidden below your level of conscious awareness — then you will succeed, because it is divinely ordained. Only a few, who still feel that they are not ready or willing to step out of the Illusion, will remain asleep. However, when they are ready to take that step they, like you, will be afforded every opportunity to Awaken, and will then do so. No one will fail to Awaken, no one will be lost, because Reality allows no loss.
Knowing, as you indubitably do, that you are divine beings having an illusory experience, then it is also impossible for you not to know that your existence is eternal. Death is just an illusory concept that you have invented to describe the situation that occurs when you make the decision to lay down your physical vehicle and re-enter the spiritual realms. Until very, very recently this normally then involved a self-assessment of the life you had just lived in the Illusion, in the presence of your loving and compassionate guides, to enable you to choose and plan a further Earth-life that would provide you with the lessons that you chose to have presented to you.
Always, within the Illusion, you have had abundant opportunities to explore and examine the beliefs and opinions that are part of the life path that you had chosen, prior to your incarnation on the earth plane, to experience, and they constantly present you with the appropriate experiential lessons. But frequently you were unable to take full advantage of these learning opportunities because the energy of the Illusion is so dense and so dark.
Now, because of all the work you have done over the eons, and because of the intense and abundant help you are receiving from the divine energy field enveloping the Earth, and because your Father – Who has never ever required, demanded, or imposed suffering of any kind upon you – wants to see your suffering come to an end, there is no longer any need for any of you to continue those cycles of reincarnation that have been an obstinate, intractable, and painful part of the whole Illusion. You will finally be completely free — free from the exile you chose to endure within the nightmare that the Illusion became — when you Awaken, as you most assuredly will.
With so very much love, Saul.
by John Smallman
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
It is time for the surface world to rejoin galactic humanity by returning to its natural state of divine service and full consciousness
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We return with more to discuss. Presently,
several areas of activity are being brought to completion, forming the
foundation of your new reality. As we informed you recently, your world
is based on the original legitimacy of certain institutions dating back
thousands of years. The individuals who represent these ancient power
bases are in the process of creating new documents that will constitute
the legal platform for your new form of governance. A series of meetings
whose sole agenda is to focus on the complexities of creating a new
world are currently underway. Try to imagine the intricacies involved in
such an undertaking! Our sacred allies are uniting the ancient
foundations of many tribal nations with that of the old monarchies of
Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Numerous documents need to be
discussed, modified, and interwoven into a specific prototype that
renders invalid and thus unseats the current de facto regimes of your
world. This authentication process needs to be done properly and in the
right order to confer legitimacy on this lofty goal.
Our sacred associates understand that what
they are doing is producing a legal fusion of the elements that form the
essential 'scaffolding' of modern nation-states, whilst also bringing
up-to-date the legitimacy of present global tribal governance. What is
required are documents that honor common law concepts while forging a
new and unique form of global governance. Ultimately, this operation
will change the basic concept of government as you know it. Your present
indirect (representative) system of governance needs to change via a
well-thought-out transfer of power to enable true transparency in
government to come into being. The aim is to establish a judicious
'people-power' contract with you. The great thinkers of the late 18th
century created documents that achieved this within the context of their
times. Now it is necessary to modernize these documents as part of the
process of preparing you for your grand shift in consciousness. This is
just one of the tasks presently being accomplished behind the scenes.
As you know only too well, you live in a
society that constantly threatens basic human rights and this taint is
no longer viable. You are also on the brink of forming a true galactic
society. You need government documentation that is flexible enough to
reflect your growing needs as you morph from your present state of
consciousness into your fully conscious one. The first step is to
restore all that the dark cabal has illegally taken from you; Next, enlarge the body politic to include your Agarthan kin and us. Your
world is moving swiftly through a series of inevitable, Heaven-decreed
events which will disassemble the evil that this global cabal has put in
place over the last few centuries. Your economies are crumbling and the
cabal's system of carefully selected leaders is failing to save this
group from the multi-faceted catastrophe that it has brought about over
the past half-decade. Behind the disintegrating facade, a new epoch for
humanity is taking shape and it is a process that needs to be supported
and actively promoted. Many things, and especially Disclosure, need to
be brought out from the shadows.
What our sacred allies are doing is thus much
more than merely replacing an illegally appointed series of
governments. They are opening up your reality to the changes you so
desperately require. Heaven has chosen this time for a radical altering
of your consciousness, which is being carried out in a series of steps
that have taken over two decades to reach this point. The next phase is
to be done rather rapidly, which is why we have come to set up a First Contact mission for a world that currently does not meet any of
our normal criteria for contact. Once you become fully conscious, you
will require our immediate mentoring and advice on how to swiftly create
your own galactic society. For nearly two decades, we have been
watching and assisting both you and Gaia, and carefully interacting with
those on your world who are dedicated to changing how your societies
function. The transformation is both spiritual, based upon the decrees
of Heaven, and technological; About a century's worth of sequestered
devices are to be released.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We
come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your
reality. Long ago, we were put on this Earth to provide a means for the
Light to prepare humanity for distant change in its reality. Over the
millennia, we have grown both in number and wisdom. Our mission has
remained the same: To be messengers and mentors to every
surface human. In recent months we have been joined by Ascended Masters
from every corner of this galaxy. A grand covenant among us has
forgathered to bring this realm to the Light! Together with our sacred
associates, we forged a bond to enable us to use our abilities to change
this realm and oust the dark from the vast power it still retains. This
task is reaching a most exciting point. Certain actions are ready to
begin which will lead to success in our many ventures.
As we mentioned in previous reports, our
sacred secret societies are now working with a number of groups which
represent the origins of your present power structure and those who have
long kept the wealth of past ages in their care. These individuals and
groups have come together to begin building upon the work that our
sacred associates started decades ago. Various legal decisions have been
put forth which set the stage for several documents to possess now the
power of law. These 'anchor documents' are just the beginning. Many
others are ready to be processed, which will establish the legalities
for the global governmental changes that we intend to manifest. What is
being created is a chain of documents that leaves the dark no
alternative except to resign. The other issue being pursued is putting
an end to a decaying financial system. The end is indeed near!
Our blessed task is to see that what we have
described actually happens. This reality is being squeezed, suffused
with Light, and transformed by Heaven. We dearly require a move upward
in consciousness. What we are doing with our sacred associates is to
ensure that Heaven's edicts are truly manifested upon this realm. We
work therefore with joy and determination as we prepare the dark ones
for their inevitable exit from power, despite their ongoing commitment
to finding a way out. In fact, there is none. A new timeline is being
set which requires their immediate resignation; Hence our blessed
resolve. This drama is set shortly to end. A new reality is rising,
which needs new governance, prosperity, and a formal Disclosure. It is
time for the surface world to rejoin galactic humanity by returning to
its natural state of divine service and full consciousness.
Today, we used this message to inform you about what is brewing on your world. Many different activities are taking place that are bringing in the longed-for great changes. These will prepare you for a full disclosure and your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by GFL, SH and Sheldan Nidle
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