Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thank you AAM, Geoff and Steve!
*** gavin

Archangel Michael on Disclosure and the Olympics

Posted by Steve Beckow

We publish Archangel Michael’s comments on Disclosure from the July 30, 2012 Hour with an Angel separately because we know people will be interested in reading them as soon as possible.
AAM says here that the galactics have been given a green light to go ahead with Disclosure but he states that the divine deadline had already been passed when he made his comment about the boulder going downhill. (1) That comment was made in An Hour with an Angel on May 14, 2012.
The date of Aug. 4, 2012 he encourages us to look upon as a day of celebration, much like Independence Day in the States, Canada Day in Canada, and the Queen’s Birthday in England. He says that things are unfolding rapidly but he does not give and Geoff does not seek a definite date for Disclosure. Thanks to Ellen for this timely transcript.

Archangel Michael on Disclosure and the Olympics

Geoffrey West: Welcome, Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: Welcome, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love. And I ask all of you, once again, my friends, to ignite your blue flame of truth, to ignite it in your head, your brain, your third and fourth eye, your throat, your heart. Allow the truth to reign, and allow discernment to reign as well, for you have shifted away from judgment, and that is positive. And we invite you to stay there.
And where do you wish to begin, dear Geoff?

GW: Well, I think the pertinent questions that appear to be on a lot of peoples’ minds at this moment is with regards to an alleged meeting that took place on the morning of the Olympic ceremonies, and perhaps some added validation that that has occurred, and also this date of August 4th.
Some people are interpreting this date as an actual date of Disclosure, and we are trying to communicate that it is a divine deadline whereby something may not necessarily happen on that day, but the celestial and galactic forces do have the divine freedom after this date by which to begin the process of communicating disclosure to humanity and our planet.
Can you confirm these events?

AAM: I am not going to comment one way or another on anything about the meetings that may or may not have taken place. And what we have suggested to you, time and again, is that we are working on containment of certain individuals or groups that have need to be irradiated with light and love.
And that is well underway. And that is the method in which a great deal of what you would think of as resistant energy has and will be dealt with.
The galactics and inter-galactics have basically been given a green light for their beginning to arrive upon the planet, and preparations are underway already for that to occur. It is not because this is what you have called a result of a meeting. It is simply that the populace has reached a point where they are fully open to these sightings, and to this arrival, to this interaction.
So, there has been a great deal of opening of the hearts and the minds of the human collective, and that is also part of the transition, it is part of the penetration of love from above and below. It is part of the work. It is not simply this meeting or that meeting. It is part of a process, my friend.

GW: Great. That’s a question that I, as a journalist, felt I had to ask, as I know some people would be thinking that. So thank you for clarifying and for speaking the truth on that.
There have been videos that are showing sightings of ships allegedly around Olympic Stadium. There are sources also indicating that these ships are closely resembling some of the cabal ships, and that perhaps it was the cabal ships that were hanging around. And I understand that the messages have indicated that no ship of the cabal nature would be allowed to operate or fly at this particular time.
So, is it safe to say that any ship that was seen around Olympic Stadium at the time of the opening ceremonies was in fact a Galactic Federation ship?

AAM: Yes, that is correct. You have many of your star brothers and sisters that are enjoying the events and participating in the events, and simply sending light and love — and protection, by the way — to this undertaking to insure that it is peaceful and harmonious, and loving.

GW: Right. If I was to ask how you might see things unfolding over the short term, how might that be? Because I know that we certainly don’t divulge or go into specific dates of events, so I certainly don’t want to go in that direction. But in term of the energies that have now begun building, that … the energies of Disclosure, the videos that are surfacing, the fact that everything seems to be going almost viral, as we call it, on Earth, how might you see things unfolding over the next week to ten days to two weeks?

AAM: I suggest to you that things are unfolding very rapidly. And that is why the humans are also confronting and receiving extensive energy adjustments and attunements. And so it is important that the individuals who are feeling this way also take time for that integration, for that shift, not only in their consciousness but in their hearts, as well.
So, yes. We are suggesting that the events .… And do not tie this simply to the Olympics. This is something that has been planned for eons, and certainly for thousands of years. You are playing with dates, and I think that is a good idea, and a very novel and fun idea, and it is as good a day as anything else.
Earth is preparing for some major transitions. Now, the biggest transition that you are going through, both your planet — well, she is already there — and the human beings, is the shift into different dimensionalities. You are become your interdimensional selves. And therefore, because of that, your ability to interact with the intergalactics, with the galactics and all star brothers and sisters has also shifted.
So, your ability to see them, for them to participate with you more fully upon the planet in peaceful and loving ways that have no quota, no shadow of fear, has already begun. And it does begin not simply with the Olympics. And we ask you not to simply continue focusing on one event. This is an event that has been planned for a long time. Look all over your globe, dear heart. And look very quickly.

GW: Great. Thank you, Michael. Just for confirmation purposes, are we able to establish whether or not a divine deadline has been passed or not? I’m just being passed a message here that perhaps, just for clarification purposes, can we establish if a deadline has been passed, or if that deadline is what exists coming up?

AAM: No, the divine deadline has come and gone. And it came and went around the same time as I spoke to you about the boulder going downhill. That was the beginning of the new.

GW: Great. Thank you.

AAM: So what you are thinking of in terms of August 4th is more like a July 4th for you who live in America, a July 1st for those of you who live in Canada, the Queen’s birthday for those of you who live in the UK, and so on. It is a date that you are thinking of as a celebration.
And the President’s birthday is a very good day to honor this inter-galactic being.



(1) “You have reached the top of the hill. And that boulder that you have been pushing is picking up speed going downhill. Stay behind the boulder, not in front of it. You do not want to be run over, my friend. But it is the collective energy that is building, and it is building rapidly.” (“Archangel Michael on the Transition’s Impact on Us and World Leaders,” May 15, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/05/archangel-michael-on-the-transitions-impact-on-us-and-world-leaders/)


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