And so it is.
*** gavin
From Ascended Master Maitreya: Take JOY in Yourself
I have seen your toils, your hardships; I have also seen you lose heart after working so hard at something and the results didn’t turn out as you envisioned or planned. I too have experienced much discord and disarray in my lifetime. All your life experiences dear ones, including your challenges and lessons is helping to recreate a newer, wiser YOU. Oh yes, you know this deep down. Look within yourself dear ones and see what all you have done so far and that wondrous changes that have occurred as a result. Look at all the removal you have done to bring about a higher state of awareness. YOU are quite simply, precious and amazing.
I know now hard it is for you when you do the same work every day, no matter if it’s a fulltime job at being a parent, student, full or part time employee; it’s only natural for you to want to see results beyond the norm that come from scheduled tests, evaluations and meetings. Try dear ones to look beyond the expectations of what you are looking for and find the joy from what you are doing. Master what it is that you do. If you work in the fields, see with your heart the bounty you are creating from your love and care. I know this becomes tedious, but if you look at it with feeling of love in your heart that is God felt, it will make the tedious work not so bad. When you wash the dishes by hand, look at how well you make the dishes shine. As you parent, see the smiles that are ready for you to notice.
Look and find JOY in all things that you do, not just the big things but the small things also. Simple joy can easily be found in most unexpected places. And that is the best joy of all, when you don’t EXPECT. Does it fill your heart with joy when you decorate your home and windows for a festive holiday? Does it bring you joy when you see a baby smile or laugh with the kind of giggle that makes you laugh too? Or, does it bring you joy to play with tail wagging puppies, and purring kittens? I know many people visit pet stores just to see a roly-poly pup, or they visit the new born wing of their nearest hospital to see the babies even if they are crying. In some neighbourhoods at Christmas they provide bus tours to look at decorated homes, knowing this brings much joy to those who may be unable to see them without this service.
Being able to find JOY throughout the path you have taken is like breathing fresh air from all the suffering you have experienced. Take JOY in yourself when you clear burdens that are from the past. See the good that has developed as a result. Feel your heart opening with the flow of unconditional love and compassion that you share eagerly and willingly to all people, not just a select few. The more you are able to give selflessly dear ones, the more you will feel your heart grow from the kindness you have shown. To love unconditionally dear ones is loving without expecting anything in return. You love for the sake of loving. I know there are times you wish to feel that love returned, and it is returned in many other creative ways. There are some people that are of the purest heart, but have difficulty opening up verbally, so they show their way with written words, or by their actions. See them smiling within their words, and know in their own special way that you are indeed loved in return. And not only does your family and friends love you, we of the Divine love you immeasurably.
You have grown so much knowledge and wisdom from so many challenges you have moved past. You are beginning to see the focus of the importance to become one not only with yourself but with ALL that is Divine. Becoming One with God and uniting the world with a universal consciousness is where you are needed. Love is bringing more and more together. Not only your own unconditional love, but as more are accepting and receiving God’s love in their heart, they are able to reflect that love onto others and enable their growth, awareness to do the same in their own way. Feel the JOY that is a result of such a Divine and Perfect Love. When you feel God and HIS perfect, Divine love enter your heart, body and soul, you will know PURE joy.
Ascended Master Maitreya
by Julie Miller
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