Setting an intention officially is a function of the mind. Setting an intention is accomplished by consciously choosing a focus upon which to direct your thoughts and energy. As such, it is your mind which engages you as you focus on completing your intention.
On the contrary, these New Earth energies flooding our planet are teaching us to stay in our hearts. In our hearts, there is no ego ...and no judgments, which can skew the "proper" intention Heaven had planned for us! In other words, our limited mind may set an intention by choosing to heal a symptom we're experiencing, for example, a fever blister. But Heaven, your Highest Self, and your Angelic Council decided it was time to finally heal the energetic event of your childhood (or past life) which is the original cause for your fever blisters. So by setting an intention, you in effect, are missing out on your opportunity to heal completely, instead of partially as understood by your limited awareness afforded by your limited mind.
Of course, there is a place for "setting an intention," which the healers of the past two decades have encouraged us to do! Let's say, for example, you are facing cancer, and are setting your intention to focus on healing the cancer. "Survival" is first and foremost, so focusing all your energy on your survival and defeating cancer is to be expected ...and encouraged!
Another time "setting an intention" is most helpful: When saying our prayers before eating. What we are actually doing is raising the vibration of our food so we receive the optimal nutrients and highest frequency of energy available. So one focuses their thought on energetically increasing the frequency of their food, in order to ensure the impurities and lower energies attached to it have been adequately removed.
Thank you Lisa for this easy-to-do and easy-to-contribute 11 minutes of breathing!
And so it is.
*** gavin
Breathe With Me on 11:11 at 11am (your time) for 11 Minutes
Our Light Filled Breath is the Greatest Power on Earth.
On November 11th, 2011 at 11am (your time), please join me in exhaling pure radiant Light for 11 minutes that encircles the capital. If you are in another country, encircle your country's capital. Here in the United States, that would be the White House.
Every state in our nation gathers in the white house and therefore, no aspect of this country will be left untouched by our Breath of Light.
Inhale the energy of the earth, with each exhale imagine you are at the Nations Capital and exhaling pure white light energy. Or simply pure breath. That is to say, no intention set into it. Light is quite intelligent and always serves the highest good in the best way.
There is no right way or wrong way of breathing. If you are currently breathing, you will be adding to the energy of this purposeful 11 minutes of Life changing breath.
Me personally, I will imagine walking clockwise on a spiral around the white house, each out breath covering the fullness of the White House as it seeps into every nook and cranny (in its right time).
Please join me in 11 minutes that can and will change the world we live within.
Date: 11/11/11
Time:11:00am (wherever you are)
Duration: 11 minutes
End Time: 11:11am (where ever you are)
If you know anyone that is still breathing... pass this along and ask them to join in.
No programming... no intention... just pure breath
Light ALL-WAYS trumps the Dark!!
One in breath and purity for the higher good of all,
Lisa Gawlas
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