"It is important dear ones to remain focused on your journey even during the most frighteningly difficult times. This focus will most definitely aid you from having any lingering negative effects that usually would weaken you for a time. Remember even during the hard times to love, love ALL, even yourself unconditionally. You cannot truly love another person until you can fully love yourself. Love is not only healing, but uplifting and something every person can aspire to. Each of you has the ability to love so purely. You have had this since you were born, but many life situations have got in the way that has caused some dear people to shield their dear and precious hearts. They fear risking further pain and hurt. But at the same time, they miss the opportunity of being loved fully and completely....
The best thing dear ones is that you DO NOT have to be very creative as an artist. You only have to LOVE doing what it is that brings you this joy and harmony, that gets filled with the overwhelming love that lives inside your precious hearts."
Thank you Moses and Julie.
And so it is!
*** gavin
Liberate Yourself: A Message from Moses
Many blessings are being sent to all of you, as I introduce myself and begin our discussion. I AM Moses. The very same Moses that created three civilizations and I was the one who received the Ten Commandments from the Almighty God on Mt. Sinai. I AM considered by some the foundation of the Old Testament of the Bible. And, I will leave the rest for you to investigate and learn.
As you will learn from you read of me, you will see that I not only understand the many emotions, such as anger, I also understand the personal repercussions that resulted from not following God’s direct instructions of me. God is a most merciful God that loves all the children that roam this fine Earth now and from long ago. All HE ever wanted of us was to follow in the way of God; the way of your pure heart dear ones.
So much has happened since my time here on Earth. I see not just the technical change, but the adaptions of your mental, physical, and emotional selves; not to mention your spirit self for it also has changed and adapted. Many of you from the tiny age of being a babe, you have been taught a version of what is right and wrong by parents or caregivers that they understood during those times. As you went on to begin your own life, you have met many situations that taught you pain, sacrifice, you have witnessed suffering either from personal experience or from what the media provides. All this learning and the negative aspects of what life has the possibility of showing you as awakened inside you a DEEPER knowing of what is right and what is wrong. These are morals dear ones. What is right and what is wrong is as individual as the one determining which it is. Listen to you hearts dear ones. Your heart will not send you astray; your heart only knows how to love. Many of you that are discovering much of what was taught to them at an early age to be of little or no longer valid as you have learned what resonates with you as being right or wrong.
You are going forward with this newer knowledge and thought process with so much more wisdom that when you first began to shine your independence. Not only have you grown personal wisdom, but spiritual wisdom as well. For those who do not consider themselves spiritual might have a little trouble with this. Being spiritual doesn’t mean you follow a specific religion or code. To be spiritual is being aware of a great spirit that is alive within your body, heart and soul. Many people from many cultures have different names for this Great Spirit. For some it’s simply that, the Great Spirit, God, the Source, the Creator or the All Mighty. There are probably a few more, but you get the idea. You identify with this Great Spirit in a way that fits you and a way that YOU understand. Growth is all around you dear ones.
It is a trying road that you have endeavoured and committed to. You have had many challenges and have more to come. You have been faced with issues of Faith, not only in yourself, but in that Great Spirit that many call God. Through it all, you always manage to find your way back into the Light that has being progressively moving you forward after each lesson has been learned. And your Faith becomes restored once again; usually stronger and filled with more AWE power that before.
It is important dear ones to remain focused on your journey even during the most frighteningly difficult times. This focus will most definitely aid you from having any lingering negative effects that usually would weaken you for a time. Remember even during the hard times to love, love ALL, even yourself unconditionally. You cannot truly love another person until you can fully love yourself. Love is not only healing, but uplifting and something every person can aspire to. Each of you has the ability to love so purely. You have had this since you were born, but many life situations have got in the way that has caused some dear people to shield their dear and precious hearts. They fear risking further pain and hurt. But at the same time, they miss the opportunity of being loved fully and completely.
You will notice there are many things that bring joy and harmony to you and those that are in your life. It’s these things, possibly cooking, gardening, making greeting cards, drawing, or another activity that allows your creative side to shine and also brings in Light, Joy and Harmony. The best thing dear ones is that you DO NOT have to be very creative as an artist. You only have to LOVE doing what it is that brings you this joy and harmony, that gets filled with the overwhelming love that lives inside your precious hearts. Sometimes going about your mundane tasks appear to be dull and boring, but they help ground you, and allow yourself to open to clear thoughts and away from burdening ones for even a few precious minutes. These mundane tasks, such as various areas that go into housework can be included as causing harmonious feelings because it takes you away for a few moments from what burdens you. The mundane tasks allow a mental vacation because you focus on doing the task in front of you as well as you can and nothing else. You come out of this with tired muscles but a clearer mind that is ready to tackle the burdens again and possibly find newer solutions.
Take your time dear ones with the life that evolving around you. With so many changes happening, don’t get lost in the flow, but go with the flow that is inside of you. Listen to your heart, your guides and call to them when you are in need of guidance. They cannot aid you unless they call for them. I am ready now to leave this dear child. It has been a wonderful pleasure to speak to all of you. I am thinking of returning in the future to speak through her again and to all of you.
And so it is,
by Julie Miller
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