Now here's a beautiful integration of exactly what's been happening and WHY it's happening!
Please enjoy & rejoice ...if this is NEW INFORMATION TO YOU, then it'll take a few hours --maybe a few days-- to sink in and to start making the connections.
*** gavin
UFO/ET Disclosure – What, Where, When, Why and How?
What is Meant by Disclosure?
“Disclosure” is the name given to the announcement by various world governmental leaders that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of galactic human beings are here around this planet and have been for some time. They are here on peaceful missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from their people until very recently.
Disclosure ends the period of secrecy that extends back to at least 1947 and probably much earlier. The practice of denying that UFOs or spacecraft exist has been a policy followed by most governments for varying reasons, some laudable, most unfortunately not. However, for reasons to be discussed below, the era in which the existence of other civilizations technologically and spiritually more evolved than ours has been denied is now ending and a new era of galactic contact and cooperation is beginning.
Where and When will Disclosure Occur?
Resistance to Disclosure comes primarily from governments whose militaries have benefited from technologies gifted from extraterrestrials most of which were intended for peaceful use by the entire population of the planet. These technologies such as anti-gravity propulsion systems and free-energy devices, have been reserved for military use and often bent to aggressive ends. Other technologies have been back-engineered from downed or crashed spacecraft. The computer itself is one example of a technology derived from the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Few of the planet’s citizens are aware of these technologies or the uses they’ve been put to. Governments have opposed Disclosure since Roswell and many committed citizens have lost their lives trying to lift the veil of secrecy. These include President Kennedy, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, and CIA Director William Colby, among others. That secrecy is now no longer possible to maintain. Neither the galactic visitors nor the Earth’s own spiritual hierarchy will permit the knowledge to be withheld from the populace any longer.
The people of this planet should begin to prepare themselves to meet what is essentially our space family; namely, those cosmic humans who seeded Earth with its population in the first place and who are now here to benefit this planet and ensure that a Divine Plan for the end of this cycle (as predicted in the Mayan calendar and other native or non-native traditions) succeeds.
If their aims had been nefarious or imperialistic, they could have subdued this planet a long time ago. The fact that they don’t force their will on others, even though they could if they so desired, is what has taken Disclosure so long to happen. The galactics could have subdued the elite and military but to do so would have violated their own standards of conduct. They were invited here by the masters in charge of the Earth’s wellbeing, better known as the “ascended masters” or the “White Brotherhood and Sisterhood,” and familiar to mystics of all ages here on Earth.
Although some races of negative extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past and have created hardship for its inhabitants, no negative beings are able to approach the Earth now. There’s nothing to fear from the arrival of the galactic contingent from such space coalitions as the Galactic Federation of Light and much to look forward to from peaceful and harmonious contact.
Why is Disclosure Occurring?
The arrival of our galactic brethren in millions of cloaked spacecraft around Earth has both a short-term and a long-term explanation. The short-term explanation goes back to the Second World War, when we exploded the first atomic bomb on Earth. This explosion apparently caused death and destruction in other dimensions of space and brought extraterrestrials here to persuade Earth’s governments to stop using these weapons.
In this they were unsuccessful, following which the galactics neutralized all nuclear weapons on the planet. Although governments like the Americans and Israelis have been threatening to bomb countries like Iran of late, in fact no nuclear bombs have been capable of being detonated for aggressive purposes since decades ago, as whistleblowers like retired captains Robert Salas and Bruce Fenstermacher have been reporting for years.
The long-term reasons why the galactics are here are connected with the Divine Plan for this era. While it may seem difficult to believe, the era that Hindus call the Kali Yuga is ending and the era they call the Sat Yuga or Golden Age is beginning. Westerners are more familiar with the shift from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, which is another way of talking about the same events. The Mayans also agree that the calendar they’ve been custodians of for many centuries shows a cycle of many thousands of years ending in 2011/2012. The close of this era will see a global transformation occur on or before Dec. 21, 2012. The galactics are here to see that the global elite that has held Earth’s population in its grip for many centuries releases that hold and that the planet’s inhabitants are prepared for that culmination.
For decades now it has been known that the time between now and Winter Solstice, 2012 will see freedom and abundance restored to Earth’s inhabitants, the planet cleared of all pollution including radioactivity, and humanity prepared for the expected global shift or transformation. One might ask how information about the galactics is known.
The galactics first communicated broadly with Earth’s population on Nov. 27, 1977, when the Ashtar Command interrupted the evening news on Britain’s Southern ITV (which covered London, the South, and South East), to make a broadcast lasting 5½ minutes, superimposed over the voice of newsreader Ivor Mills. Part of that message was as follows:
“We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on other worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.” (1)
In addition, galactic beings have appeared in person to officials of the United Nations, the militaries of many nations, and government leaders. They have stated their intentions and tried to persuade the leaders to cooperate to end war on the planet and begin preparations for the global transformational shift, the service of which is their main reason for being here. I am led to believe that President Obama is well apprized of these developments.
How will Disclosure Occur?
The galactics and spiritual hierarchy or ascended masters have arrived at many plans for Disclosure, but these have changed to meet changed circumstances. At one time, 36 hours of broadcasting were planned, introducing terrestrials to all elements of the galactics’ culture, technology, and mission. But, when those plans failed because of resistance from the global elite, the galactics were obliged to modify them. At present, the latest form Disclosure may take appears to be an announcement from global leaders, followed by a decloaking a short time later, and then initial landings and introductions afterwards.
Because the global elite has responded to the nearness of Disclosure by causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, and wildfires, the Galactic Federation has become more and more reticent to be overly-specific about dates or arrangements to prevent further harm to terrestrials – not from them, but from the rogue-government elements possessed of weather-control technology which they use even against their own populations. The tornadoes and floods afflicting the American midwest are examples of these elements attempting to ensure that Disclosure does not happen. But they can only postpone the event, not defeat it.
What will Follow Disclosure?
Disclosure is simply the bringing up of the curtain on the main events destined for this period. The first event will be the rounding up of the dark figures who have been responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, torture, financial treason and other acts which the mass of the population hardly suspect. Most of the “natural disasters” that have occurred to countries like Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, the United States and other countries have been caused by this dark cabal. Some readers may be aware of them under names like the Illuminati or the New World Order.
Bent on reducing the world’s population from 7 billion to 500 million, that elite has caused manmade pandemics, chemtrails, depleted-uranium pollution, and the release of other toxic substances throughout the environment. They have disrupted food production through the use of GMO seeds and foods and the causing of droughts and floods. They have engineered false-flag operations such as 9/11, the London, Madrid, and Oklahoma City bombings, which they blame on “terrorists,” planned a nuclear World War III, and followed other strategies that have resulted in thousands if not millions of intentional deaths. They whittled down constitutional rights, created vast surveillance networks, planned the introduction of martial law and the incarceration of dissidents, and undermined the financial, legal, educational, medical, religious and other institutions of nations worldwide. Their control of the mass media ensured that very little of this leaked out to the public, who refuse to believe “conspiracy theories” in any case.
At probably the same time, a planetary abundance program which has generally become known as NESARA will be enacted. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress which has been ratified but not proclaimed. By its provisions, debt will be erased, income tax will be scaled back or ended, prosperity will be assured every citizen, and many other steps taken to relieve the planet of poverty, hunger, homelessness and other lamentable conditions. Before that act is promulgated however, the dark elite must be deprived of their sources of finance, which is why we see the economy around us inexorably crumbling. Its fall will be followed in quick time by the announcement of NESARA.
At the same time, the galactics will bestow on humanity technology that will permit worldwide communication, a revolution in health care, ease of travel, ample production without labor, and other benefits at present undreamed of.
Once the conditions of disease and discomfort have been relieved around the globe, the galactics and spiritual masters will set about mentoring the population to prepare for the global transformation expected in 2012.
There will be movements of the Earth’s crust needed to relieve negativity and stress within the planet’s own physical structure but these will be overseen by the galactics so that minimal inconvenience occurs for the planet’s inhabitants.
The planet itself will move towards a uniformly-temperate climate. Many people worry about “global warming,” but that trend is itself an intentional and beneficent one overseen by the galactics that will see the Earth enter a climate that is evenly pleasant around the world. Some animal species will leave the planet, but will find themselves migrating to other worlds where their continued evolution is ensured. However to appreciate that, many of our existing beliefs will need to expand, such as our belief that life ends with the physical death of the body. All life forms exist eternally and are not harmed by death, but this truth has been distorted and hidden by our religions. Our beliefs around death and many others like them are not accurate and will be corrected once the masters and galactics have the opportunity to address them with us and reveal the truth.
We’ll move into an era in which all of Earth’s inhabitants will regard themselves as one people, worshiping the same God who created this world and all others, and evolving towards a future that is unimaginably more fulfilling than the one we experience now.

So welcome to a new and unimaginable world, the world of the Aquarian Age, the Sat Yuga, the Golden Age. Welcome to the world of your dreams in which Earth becomes Heaven and life becomes Heaven on Earth.
by Steve Beckow
(1) “1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command,” at
(2) In my estimation, the best of these emanates from SaLuSa of Sirius, through Mike Quinsey, to be found at
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