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Be in Balance of Who YOU Are:
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly ~ June 19 – 26
Understanding and balancing all your seven main chakras is essential for good spiritual health dear ones. Learning these powerful vehicles will reveal so much understanding of yourself and instantly discover a deeper knowing when this knowledge sinks into your heart. The purpose of the throat chakra is many things. Through the throat chakra, the fifth chakra you learn how to speak articulately and clearly. You learn how to express yourself demonstrating compassion and knowledge easily and with respect to all that share your time with. Everyone knows how to talk, but not everyone speaks or writes effectively. This is a skill that can be mastered by anyone who is willing to make the effort to make some conscious changes.
Working with this specific chakra you will gain understanding of why it’s important to take responsibility for what you say through written and spoken word. Your words once spoken and written carry a life of their own. I encourage each of you to ensure when you are speaking and writing that you are coming from your God Self and you are not responding in anger. Responses made in anger do not demonstrate your God Self and they carry heavy negative energy that can have devastating effects on another person depending on their sensitivity level is.
When your throat chakra is balanced and working properly dear ones, you are then able to express yourself articulately and your good naturedness will be demonstrated wherever you go and in all your interactions. The honesty of who you are and what you represent will be easily felt as you are moving through your day in a representing God in the best of your abilities. As you learn to maintain this chakras balance you will observe yourself not participating in as many confrontations, you will be able to exhibit the Free Will you have been given and you will consciously choose what it is you are willing to discuss and you are in full control of your inner self and emotional and mental states.
Just like all chakras, the fifth chakra does become unstable and requires cleansing. How to tell if your throat chakra is unbalanced is up to you observe yourself well and know your chakras and how they function for you. Generally and unbalanced throat chakra illustrates a person’s more critical and deceiving side. Someone with an unbalanced throat chakra may talk excessively and choose to not hear you. Taking a look at the chakras will introduce understanding and will open doors that will invite healing in. An unbalanced throat chakra can cause infections in the throat and sometimes as far as the ear.
An effective method of balancing all chakras is through a balancing meditation, choosing each chakra in its proper order to be opened, cleansed and restored. There are many guided meditations that offer this. Taking practice in singing, humming your favourite chants, the list is numerous and the choice is yours. With determination and concentration you can have all your inner energy centres working at top notch levels at all times because you will learn how to recognize when it’s time to cleanse and attune your chakras.
The path of your journey will take you to many places and people. You are building strength at every interval and your own unique character is becoming mastered thanks to your pure intent and love that you have shown yourself. Your strength building and character mastery is propelling you forward in total divine placement with your own specific divine plan and mission for this incarnation. When you invoke my presence dear ones and we create momentum and a good working team you will feel compelled to express your Divine Truth in your God Like way in all forms. Love will be witnessed through all your words and actions. The more often you make a point in demonstrating your actions through your God Self the more you and others will observe a greater tolerance level of the many diverse people that share your beautiful planet. The more tolerant you become the more patience you will exercise. All the changes dear one you wish to see in the world and in others must be demonstrated from your own efforts to change.
Trust in yourselves dear ones and in God’s Word. When you let your heart guide you each step, you are in fact letting God lead you. Open your hearts wide and let God in. End the disturbing criticisms and animosity that is well observed from our heights. Trust dear ones in your intuition as it flows and connects you to the route of your Divine Plan and to knowing yourself at a soul level. I know absolute trust has its risks; you risk being viewed as vulnerable, making mistakes or just not following through. You can only move forward with your best intentions and efforts if you wish to receive optimal results. There are no such things as mistakes dear ones, everything thought to be a mistake or accident is a lesson to learn a new way of doing something. Your experiences are how you learn to broaden your boundaries and extend your limiting perceptions of yourself into being unlimited which is all about your complete spiritual growth.
One of the flames I will urge all of you to work with is the Threefold Flame. This sacred flame is essential to your growth in your love and faith in God’s Will. The truth of God’s love dear ones will compel you to strive to become ONE with the Light and Clarity of God’s radiating Love. There are three flames of distinct colour on the Threefold Flame: Blue, Gold, and Pink.
The blue flame represents the want of your soul to do God’s will. This is your quality of drive and effort towards your goal, where you find your innermost tenacity and authority to achieve whatever your goal is. The blue flame represents your ability to take responsibility of yourself and others while in the form of leader. The gold flame represents the correct use of your knowledge and wisdom and knowing NOT to criticize or demonstrate discrimination. Your truth is yours; it is not expected to be the same for everyone. Here the gold flame ignites your love to learn and the need to share what you have learned to others in a kindly and respectful manner to others. And lastly, the pink flame represents love and compassion, the very essence of God. This pure love understands the different between sympathy, a draining emotion, and empathy. The pink flame is strengthening and supportive and provides spiritual freedom from negative burdens and discord.
It is ideal just as your chakras to be in balance and perfect harmony, so is the Threefold Flame. Your inner power must be tempered with love and smothered with wisdom dear ones. Encompassing yourself with true love is the perfect balance of the three flames – demonstrating wise compassion that expresses the essence of God in all ways that approves and assists everyone.
We covered a lot in a short time and as we prepare to conclude today’s transmission always employ all your efforts from your God Self. Even though some of your daily challenges can become tiring and occasionally straining, stay true to yourself and your beliefs and believe in your heart and in my words that God is always with you, He is forever a part of you.
I AM Ascended Master El Morya
through Julie Miller
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