Holy Brother: The Lives and Work of Saint Germaine – Part 1
t. Germaine is so important to the whole of the abundance program that we’ll be interviewing him next week on An Hour with an Angel and present this series on his lives and exploits. I know of no more colorful personality than him. I cannot vouch for every detail in this series but, if you’re anything like me, you consume anything about the man. If you want to read more about him, here are two sources:

(1) Isabel Cooper-Oakley, The Comte St. Germain athttp://www.sacred-texts.com/sro/csg/.
(2) “The Mysterious Rosicrucian who was the Father of the American Republic,” at http://ascension-research.org/Father_of_the_American_Republic.html.
Change is on the Horizon: St. Germain’s World Trust
Sanctus Germanus (Holy Brother) is the Western Latin name for an Ascended Being whose Tibetan origins as a High Lama are only just being made known. The Great Divine Director gave this Lama the name of Sanctus Germanus as he took on more and more western incarnations, one of which was as the mysterious Comte de St. Germain. It has remained his favorite name. In deference to this preference, we shall use the name Sanctus Germanus or St. Germain interchangeably throughout this website.
Sanctus Germanus works under the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, who millions of years ago, came to earth with seven other beings, including the Archangel Michael and the Goddess Kwan Yin, to set up the earthly experiment. The Planetary Logos has remained as an ever present “brothers keeper” throughout the downward cycle of earth, serving as teacher and guru to other Great and Holy Masters as Kuthumi, Morya, the mysterious K-17, and Jesus. He is also known as the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, an advanced racial stock that will eventually people the New Age.
In the 1950′s Sanctus Germanus assumed the position of Hierarch of the New Age. As Hierarch, Sanctus Germanus will direct earth’s affairs for the next two thousand years.
Sanctus Germanus is to prepare the earth for the coming of a new Avatar, the new World Teacher, who will be under the responsibility of the Lord Kuthumi. The exact shape and form of the new Avatar is just emerging in a flood of new ideas and concepts onto the earth plane. It is conceivable that the new Avatar could take the form of a reformed worldwide media: the Internet and all its possibilities, radio, and television rather than of a person. This is yet to be revealed.
Nevertheless, a new era, a new Golden Age, will be ushered in based on these teachings, and the project of Soul Liberation, so dear to Sanctus Germanus, will be implemented so that mankind can achieve its ascension by the end of the two-thousand year period.
But before this can happen, the Great and Holy Master Sanctus Germanus will make his presence more and more obvious to mankind as He leads us through a period of upheaval and conflict to banish all vestiges of the dark forces from earth. As the “old” makes way for the “new” and the slate is wiped clean, the roots of the new teachings will start to bear fruit.
Past Lives of One Who Evolved on the Earth Plane
Each one of us here on earth today represents a different stage of spiritual evolution that will eventually lead to our Ascension, a point at which our souls will no longer be required to incarnate on earth to further our evolution. Just as Sanctus Germanus incarnated countless times before he ascended, each of us will have a chance to follow His or other Masters’ examples.
We see below how the Master Sanctus Germanus helped to shape the course of mankind’s history since the demise of the civilization known as Atlantis. Throughout the thousands of years of reincarnations we can observe two major themes: 1) the nurturing of Truth of the Ancient Wisdom from the child Jesus to the founding of the secret mystery societies that have endured until today and 2) the liberalization of secular political thought over the centuries that has slowly freed mankind from the tyranny of authority and laid the foundations for future soul liberation.
King of the Golden Age in the Sahara
Sanctus Germanus revealed to Geoffrey Ballard, the founder of the I AM movement, the akashic records of a Golden Age civilization that existed about seventy thousand years ago in the Sahara Desert . In this civilization, Sanctus Germanus ruled as King over a Fourth Root-Race population that had emigrated from Atlantis. His reign was complemented by a Council of enlightened beings who brought about this Golden Age of Peace and Tranquility. In the midst of his reign, the people became more and more obsessed with material and sensual matters, which in their way caused conflict and the scattering of a once cohesive and peaceful civilization. At one point he decided that his people would have to create their own salvation from their ways. He retired into the etheric dimension from where he could influence but not directly rule the people.
Another prince, who took over Sanctus Germanus’ rule, drove the civilization into ruin and within a two thousand year period, the fertile fields and rivers of the Golden Age civilization had been reduced to desert sand.
(Continued tomorrow in Part 2.)
by Steve Beckow
Holy Brother: The Lives and Work of Saint Germaine – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1.)
Change is on the Horizon: St. Germain’s World Trust (Continued)
Joseph, The Father and Protector of the Child Jesus
We see the reappearance of Sanctus Germanus as the Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, many eons later at the start of the Piscean dispensation. When Mary reached the age of womanhood she was betrothed to Joseph, son of Jacob, and a carpenter of Nazareth . Joseph was an upright man and a devoted Essene. Mary told him all the words that the Angel Gabriel had spoken to her, and they rejoiced, for they believed that he, the man of God, had spoken words of truth.
And when the time was nearly due for Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth , the wife of Zechariahs and mother of the future John the Baptist, so Joseph took her in the direction of the Judean hills. They arrived at Bethlehem at nightfall and decided to spend the night but Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem ; the inns and homes were filled with guests. Joseph could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there he took Mary to spend the night.
At midnight came a cry, “A child is born in yonder cave among the beasts.” And lo, the promised son of man was born. Now, when the morning came, Joseph sought out a shepherdess whose home was near, and they prepared a room for Mary and the child. They stayed there many days.
In the meantime, Joseph sent a messenger to Zechariahs and Elizabeth saying, “The child is born in Bethlehem .” Zechariahs and Elizabeth took John and headed immediately to Bethlehem with words of cheer.
According to Jewish custom, the child was circumcised. And when the temple elders asked, “What will you call the child?” Mary said, “His name is Jesus, as the man of God declared.”
Beyond the river Euphrates lived the Magians. They were wise, could read the language of the stars, and they divined that a master soul had been born. They could see his star above Jerusalem.
Among the Magian priests, there were three who longed to see the Master of the coming age. They took costly gifts and headed west in search of the child, the newborn king, that they might honor him. One took gold, the symbol of nobility; another myrrh, the symbol of dominion and of power; and the third, gum, the symbol of the wisdom of the sage.
When the Magians reached Jerusalem the people were amazed, and wondered who they were and why they had come. And when they asked, “Where is the child that has been born a king?” the very throne of Herod seemed to shake. King Herod then sent a courtier to bring the traveling Magians back to his court where he queried them “Where is the newborn king?” And then they said,” While yet beyond the Euphrates we saw his star arise, and we have come to honor him.”
And Herod blanched with fear thinking, “Perhaps, the priests were plotting to restore the kingdom of the Jews!” He wanted to know more about this child that has been born a “King”. Then Herod called the Magian priests again and said, “Go search, and if you find the child that has been born a king, return and tell me all, that I may go and honor him.”
The Magians went their way and found the child with Mary in the shepherd’s home. They honored him; bestowed upon him precious gifts and gave him gold, gum-thus and myrrh. Yet these Magian priests could read the hearts of men; they read the wickedness of Herod’s heart, and knew that he had sworn to kill the newborn king. And so they told the secret to Joseph and Mary and advised them to flee beyond the reach of harm.
Then the priests returned homeward skirting Jerusalem . Well warned, Joseph took the infant Jesus and Mary in the dead of night and fled to Egypt , where they lived with Elihu and Salome in ancient Zoan for a few years.
When Herod found out the Magians had bypassed him in Jerusalem , he declared that all baby boys should be killed. Elizabeth fled with John to the Judean hills but her husband Zechariahs was slain by Herod’s men.
It was during this time in exile with Elihu and Salome in Zoan that the infant Jesus grew up learning the secrets and mysteries of the Ancient Wisdom. Elihu and Salome taught him about the Zorasterism, the mystery schools of Egypt , and Buddhism in India . These teachings would provide him the impetus later on to travel by foot to Persia , India and Tibet to study under the Masters of Wisdoms. He would return to Palestine imbued with these teachings and prepared for the World Teacher, the Lord Maitreya, to overshadow him during the last three years of his life on earth.
When it was again safe, Joseph secretly conducted his family back to Nazareth . By the time Jesus was ten, he was already sitting with the temple elders and teaching them. When Jesus reached the age of twelve, Joseph realized that it was time to release him into the hands of the sages and elders of the Jewish religion for more training.
He also took charge of John, son of Elizabeth , after Zechariahs had been slain by Herod’s men. He saw to it that John was inducted into the Essene sect. John, overshadowed by the spirit of Elijah , became the forerunner, the harbinger, to Jesus’ mission on earth and in the process, was beheaded by Herod.
So it was that Sanctus Germanus’ incarnation as Joseph was to assure that the child Jesus was protected from the dangers posed by the political rulers of the times and to see to it that he was properly instructed in the ways of the Ancient Wisdom.
(Continued in Part 3.)
by Steve Beckow
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