What’s Happening with Ascension?

It’s about as extensive analysis of what was happening at that time as I think I may ever give. Not sure I could do it again! I hope I didn’t completely overwhelm poor Laura and the doctor!
(Takes about a minute to load. 46 minutes long.)
But being able to discuss the whole matter at one go showed me how much we’ve accomplished over the last few years – and when I say “we,” I mean all of us: Defeating a planned World War III, FEMA camps, pandemics, vaccine scams, chemtrails, weather warfare, financial swindles, political corruption, judicial corruption, on and on the list goes. No matter how it was done and no matter who did it, we all had a hand in it.
And then the arenas of life that are slowly growing or improving – immense clearings, acknowledgement of a corrupt medical system, corrupt figures leaving our institutions, first hints of impending prosperity, rising levels of emotional wellbeing, collective compassion, a desire to share, the truth being revealed, events in consciousness in the offing, disclosure always in the background, on and on that list goes as well. It isn’t often that we get to speak or hear the full picture.
It was the first time I’d heard the tape since making it when I listened to the tape yesterday. And I myself really got it. We are absolutely building a world that works and there’s no reason to fear.
by Steve Beckow
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