Beloved Ones,
The pressure within increases as the energy intensifies from the cosmos. The activity of purification is intensifying in all quarters of life. There is no escape for anyone or anything upon the earth plane. All are as one in the eye of the cosmic storm that is passing through.
The energy sensitive among you will find yourselves moving into the next step of your journey in wonderful and unexpected ways. With a suddenness that is startling, you will find yourselves in a blessed space as you find the longed for peace within.
As this alignment and recalibration takes place yet again, you enter a new phase of healing within your human operating system. The healing will become noticeable in your daily life as you go about your duties.
There will be more energy flowing through you, and you will have the energy to create all that you desire in your lives. Your ability to remain focused upon your goals will see a marked improvement.
There will continue to be a choosing of the crossroads for each and every soul upon the planet, and it can be difficult for many as the rifts within families and friendships continues to occur. Many times, these rifts are temporary, as those who are confused about what is occurring or totally unaware of it move away in rejection of the awakened ones.
Hold your ground and remain centered in your own truth. Each person on Earth is responsible for their own choices and decisions at all times, and must accept the consequences that come about as a result. Those who hurt or harm others will find that energy coming back to them in numerous ways that will keep them having to look within themselves in a clear and honest manner, until they understand that the energy they give out into the universe comes back to them in equal measure, no matter if it is positive or negative.
In times past this energy took some time, sometimes years, to manifest within a person’s life, but what will now start to occur with more rapidity is the manifestation of focused thought, so it is wise to become disciplined in your thought processes so that only good will come to you.
When you notice recurring thoughts that make you feel unhappy and sad, let them fall away and immediately replace them with empowering thoughts or ideas. As you practice this regularly, life will take on an added lustre as you begin to see life through the lens of joy, beauty and contentment.
People everywhere will start to do things for others just for the pleasure of bringing joy to others. There will be spontaneous and random acts of kindness that will blossom all over the planet. The spirit, energy and force of love will uplift the hearts and minds of many people as they feel into these waves of love coming into the atmosphere, into and from the very Earth itself.
The now floundering and chaotic shadow energy will become balanced both within each person, and within the outer world in daily life. Each person will see in their mind’s eye, the outcomes of each energy input they choose to make and will be able to instantly correct any action, thought or behavior that could bring them an unhappy experience.
As this continues, the mastery of self on all levels of being takes place, and opens the way for the further downloading of one’s higher essence into the physical human operating system. More enlightened beings walking upon the planet bring a more enlightened society and civilization. This is already taking place and will only grow stronger as each person brings in their higher essence, the higher aspects of their soul.
Love is the greatest force in the universe and this force will have its effect within and upon the planet. The unseen will become visible and will open up a new vista of experience and sensory delight to all who have attained this level of frequency. As more people attain this level, it paves the way and makes it easier for others to rise to greater levels of consciousness and understanding. The golden age of Terra will rise in glory and majesty remembered and lived.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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