I’d like to continue with our composite interviews, this time looking to Archangel Michael for as full an explanation as possible of what awaits us in Ascension.
Let me say by way of introduction that the Ascension that’s happening on Planet Earth is a first in the multiverse in many ways.
(a) It’s the first mass Ascension anywhere. Previously individual initiates studied at mystery schools and passed initiations before they ascended. For example, all of the Ascended Masters of our many religions have Ascended ...but individually --not as a group (as ALL of humanity is doing now): Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Parahansa Yogananda, Isis & Osiris, Confucius, Abraham, etc.
(b) It’s the first physical Ascension. Always, in past times, it’s been necessary to leave the physical body at death to ascend. In the past, Ascension would have meant entry into the second sub plane of the Mental Plane in the afterlife world. (*1) This time all who ascend will do so in and with their physical bodies. Now we’re entering the Fifth Dimension, which is the equivalent of the Mental Plane, and I’m not even sure if this space has ever existed before or whether it too is new.
(c) It’s the first time that Ascension has involved the creation of a whole new society, which Werner Erhard called a world that works for everyone, with no one left out. Usually initiates go off and live in caves. But never has an Ascension been simultaneously accompanied with the building of a new world.
(d) Never has an Ascension been accompanied by such a public presence of the Divine Mother, the celestials, the ascended masters, and galactic masters from many other areas of space and other dimensions of existence.
Thus, in so many ways, what’s happening on Earth right now is without precedent. While the main contours of the Plan are assured because what God commands is irresistible, the details may not be.
The biggest change that’s happened in midstream is that the voice of humanity through the collective consciousness asked that as many souls coming as possible be permitted to ascend and that has brought a year and a half’s postponement of the Ascension date. That delay is soon coming to a close.
Ascension, as we’ve discussed on An Hour with an Angel, is both gradual and sudden. The entire planet is bathing in the Tsunami of Love at present and rising in vibration gradually because the human body could not take the shock of too rapid an increase in energy.
But, when we reach the right vibrational frequency, then what the Divine Mother has called “ignition” and what Sanat Kumara has called “the snap” will occur and the mass of the population will ascend.
Everything up till then will have been gradual but the moment of mass Ascension will be sudden. With that introduction, let me now turn to Archangel Michael for the full discussion.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(*1) As much as we might like there to be consistency in naming the various planes and dimensions of life, there never has been; hence my desire to construct New Maps of Heaven. (http://goldengaiadb.com/New_Maps_of_Heaven.)
Biblical prophets and apostles called the Fifth Dimension “heaven” and more contemporary afterlife reporters called it the “Mental Plane.” The enlightenment that betokens Ascension is Sahaja Samadhi. We don’t attain that in the afterlife until we reach the second subplane of the Mental Plane. The Divine Mother recently told us that we won’t attain it in the Fifth Dimension until we’ve made some progress into the Fifth Dimension. What the gatekeepers experience prior to our mass Ascension has been called “Ascension Lite.”
Here is the extract from the interview with the Divine Mother:
Steve Beckow: When does Sahaja Samadhi occur?
Divine Mother: It occurs with a more
gradual awakening and lifting up. So there is the abrupt “I am not the
same,” then there is the working and the anchoring, the integration,
then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you
don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And
then you will be there.
SB: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes?
DM: You can think of it as sub-planes,
dimensional sub-planes, yes. (“The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New
Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 2/10

What is Ascension?
Steve Beckow: Archangel Michael, what is Ascension?
Archangel Michael: Ascension is the elevation of your being into an entirely different, higher, expanded realm of heart consciousness. And with that, the attendant abilities to create, co-create and bring forth Nova Earth. (1)
It is about not being stuck in your body, but having the integration of all parts of your being, and having it anchored in your body in such outrageous, miraculous joy that you want to be in body; that it isn’t a struggle or an obligation, or even a responsibility, it is simply joy. (2)
It is not just about dimensional shift. It is about the unfoldment of our glorious Mother, of the Divine Plan upon the planet, of this magnificent Gaia and the impact it has, which we have not spoken much about, but the impact it has throughout the multiverse. (3)
It is not like a big bang. It is more like a whisper of the heart, the coming of the dawn. It is a shift in where you live, in where you have placed yourself within the domain that is available to the humans and to this reality that is occupied at this moment by Gaia. (4)
S: So on one side of Ascension we’re in 3D or 4D, and on the other side we’re in 5D?
AAM: Or higher. (5)
But yes, the shift is into the fifth, and will continue – no, probably not in your lifetime – through to the seventh. There are some of you who will want to stay within the realms of the seventh in terms of the realm of pure love, of Christ consciousness, of oneness. There are some of you who love to be in the realm of magic [i.e., the Fourth Dimension].
It matters not. You will have access, but your new home, your new dimension, your new reality will be in the fifth. That is where Gaia is anchored. And we would suggest to you that, by and large, she is already there. (6)
S: What does Ascension feel like?
AAM: It is a feeling of complete and utter surrender and bliss. It is a sensation — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — of union. So there is a moment where you feel, oh, I have died. Because that is the sense of such release and reconnection.
But of course you are not dying. Quite the contrary. Now, in much of your history or literature — and I do include sacred books in that — ascension is also related to a keeping of some kind of physicality and form. Now, some will choose not to do that, and that is fine. But that is a choice.
But let us talk about you. Let us use you as an example. Because you have done your very deep work, and your heart is committed to this path for many, many years. There will be that sense of blissful connection that you have experienced a couple of times, but it will be even more so.
The sense will be that you are flying upward. It is a physical sensation of movement. And a remembering, or a sensation of remembering, that you have wings, or the ability to fly.
So that is the feeling of ascending up the sacred spiral. There will be a — also in that period, which can be moments or a few hours of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, that you were to look at a floor and you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.
So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, you will see very differently. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold. So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all.
Then, you will settle into this knowing, and of course that choice of physicality. But also know that if you choose to keep physicality, immediately what you have noted as, what we would call human aches and pains are gone. But the biggest shift is you no longer live or exist — you can visit, you can exhibit, but you do not live — within the third dimension, where you are in that movement of what you think of as going up the sacred spiral.
That is the best analogy I can give you. It is the elevator to the fifth. And further, for some who choose. And there will be some who simply choose to keep going. But as the collective, that is the plan. And it will be the place of love. It will be all of a sudden that the decisions, the actions, the existence, the form is from love; is love, and is from love, and is of love.
So that sense of either/or, of what you traditionally have thought of as yes or no, of duality, of polarity, it is gone. It is the alignment. The entire journey in this third dimensional existence is reaching this place of alignment, of placing yourself beyond the either/or. And when you are doing that in this ascension process, it is like a Roman candle: off you go. …
This is what you will see when you open your eyes. You will see that you are part of that infinite mosaic. The connectedness will be there and the loneliness will be gone. The yearning? It will not be there. Not in the same desperation that we witness in so many. And that is not a criticism. It is that they yearn to be part of One again. They know that that is who they are. (7)
S: Who is it that awakens, Lord?
AAM: It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of life; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint.
It is that integration into the aware human being, and from that place of being able to create Nova Earth, because what we can only refer to as the old human, the human had very dim memory and was not the human that decided to take this leap of faith into Ascension. (8)
S: Who is experiencing through me?
AAM: You, in your consciousness, right now, are realizing that Source, that Mother/Father/God/One, however you are thinking about it, is having the experience of you in all those forms integrated into your body and more specifically your expanded field, because that is truly who you are.
And at the same time you are having an experience of God ― no, not full reunion, but you are experiencing the love and the connection, the joy, the sweetness, the elevation. So you are returning to the original design. (9)
S: I don’t think there is anyone, Lord, that I am aware of who has told us what actually occurs when we ascend. What actually takes place that the word ascension refers to and applies to? What are the events that we would be aware of, or even not aware of, that constitute ascension?
AAM: Well, I could tease you and tell you the key point of ascension is you get a new bank account. [laughter] And it has unlimited funds! But that is not the case. But in a way it is.
S: As in my being a co-creator?
AAM: That is correct. So, it is the elimination of what you think of in many ways of effort. But let us now — I am going to say it will be the process, or the elongation, the period of time that this process takes can be slightly different for different people. As I have said to you there will be many at the last minute rushing through the door, and that will not be as smooth a journey as someone who has done their preparation adequately. And soulfully.
S: That’s interesting, Lord. And the work we do in completing our old business and upsets, that makes for a smooth transition? Is that right?
AAM: Yes, it does. Think of it in terms of when a baby, a human baby is birthed, sometimes it is a very easy delivery, sometimes it is 30 hours of labor. Sometimes the mother decides to birth in the fields, sometimes she births in the ocean. Sometimes she goes to a beautiful room, other times she goes to an operating room and has a C-section. But the birthing still occurs. So this is what happens. (10)
S: What do we realize and remember as a result of Ascension?
AAM: A very significant part of the renewal and the Ascension process is about … remembering and re-embracing the fact that you are nothing more than love, and that you have always been connected to the Mother/Father/One, however you conceive of it, whatever your culture or your background or your religious patterning has been. (11)
S: What is the purpose of our work together – lightworkers and the Company of Heaven?
AAM: The purpose of all of our work together — and let me preface what I am saying by saying I am not trying to eliminate faith or hope or belief; but let us proceed from there — the purpose of your Ascension, of your coming into the fullness of your heart consciousness, the purpose of aligning with universal law, with Mother/Father One, is to move you, to awaken you, to shift you, however you conceive of this, from a place of belief to a place of wisdom, of knowing and of simply being, to be in the same assurance that you have when you walk out the door with your eyes wide open, that, although you are not seeing your cheekbones or your nose, that they are there.
So, the entire purpose of what you are all going through — whether you acknowledge it or believe it, doesn’t matter; it is still underway. And you are shifting from a position of, “I believe this; I don’t believe that,” to a simpler place — a place of simple knowing and being. And that is the beauty. That is the gift of letting go of the old Third realm. (12)
(Continued in Part 3.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: Being, Knowing, and Sharing the Love,” Oct. 27, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/archangel-michael-being-knowing-and-sharing-the-love/.
(2) Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/27/archangel-michael-you-are-god-having-an-experience-of-you/.
(3) “Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 19, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/12/19/archangel-michael-let-us-ease-this-flight-to-freedom/.
(4) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 23, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-archangel-michael-jan-23-2012/.
(5) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother,” Sept. 5, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/archangel-michael-this-is-the-unfoldment-of-the-promise-of-the-mother/
(7) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/.
(8) “Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) “Archangel Michael on NESARA,” ibid.
(11) “Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” ibid.
(12) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” July 7, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangel-michael-the-first-form-you-assumed-was-angelic/.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 3/10
Bodily Changes
Steve Beckow: Can we discuss the transition from a carbon-based body with two strands of DNA to a crystalline-based body with 12 strands? Where are we at with this transition [in May 2013]?
Archangel Michael: You, as a collective, and particularly within the lightworker community, are almost complete in what you would think of as this transition. Now, it is not so for the general populace, but it is well underway, certainly well above what you would think of as the fiftieth percentile.
Now, let me talk to you, if I might, about this. You have come – and notice that I am using past tense – you have come from a place, an old dimensional reality of polarization, of duality. So there has been a tendency to think, “Carbon is undesirable; crystalline is my goal. And that is what will tell me that I am bright and shiny.”
Do not make this differentiation. The carbon structure of humanity, of your frameworks, of these wondrous vessels that you have inhabited, have served you very, very well. And it was appropriate, and useful, for where you were in your journey.
But the crystalline format, rather than the carbon format, is simply because it contains and has the capacity to contain, emit, transmit, and receive greater information, transmission and connectedness.
It puts you in a greater position of receptivity and transmission, of sending, of transmitting throughout the multiverse the clarity of who you are. It is the diamond structure that is really known throughout the universe and the multiverse, and it is the return in many ways to the original form that the Mother had designed.
But with this shift in form to crystalline — and those of you who are listening are about, hmm, 86 to 90 percent there — what you are able to do is to receive greater clarity. That is the primary gift. But you are also able to hold more energy.
You are also able to truly be your multidimensional self, your transdimensional self. It is a vibratory situation where you are able to communicate telepathically and physically, more clearly with your star brothers and sisters and those far beyond, and certainly with us, as well.
One of the primary essentials of shifting into a crystalline format is that you are able to have your chakra system amplified to full measure. And so in that, the restoration of your chakras, of your energy system — because that is what your chakra systems are — is at full operational strength while still being in a human form.
So that is the only reason why the shift is taking place to this, can we say, a different… yes, many of you think of it as an upgrade. And of course in practical terms it is, because it allows you to operate more fully as yourself. But it is not that the old was not useful and should not be appreciated and honored, because it performed its function in your journey.
Now, there have been many, many different forms of discussion about this shift to crystalline. But truly, this is part of the collective process into Ascension. Now, what you are going to say to me, “Lord, does that mean that if you are still mostly carbon-based that you cannot ascend?”
Understand this, my beloved friends: transformation can take place in a moment. So all of you will be crystalline, one way or the other. But it has been mostly an evolutionary process. But that does not mean in the final moments that there will not be some last-minute renovation…
S: It’s my understanding that the chakra system relates to third dimensionality. Will there be a chakra system in fifth dimensionality? And if so what are the differences going to be in that system, and how will it perform and operate?
AAM: The chakra system that you have been working with was already altered years ago. And yes, there will be a chakra system, simply because… think of it as energy centers.
Now, what you have thought of as your chakra system in the old third dimension has been a system of separation. And traditionally you have worked with seven, although you know that there are hundreds of chakras, even in the third dimensional reality.
But you have thought of these, even when you have adjusted them and attuned them and had them open and operating, you have thought of them as separate centers, and that each center was defined and, might I say, limited to certain functionalities.
Now, of course that is not so. So you are thinking of a system of chakras that is completely interlinked. And it is, within your body, certainly 13 above; many below, many. So and throughout your quadrants, many. And all of it is activated and harmonious.
You are still going to have a physical form so your chakra system is akin to your spiritual generators, and in your crystalline form they are all humming, spinning, receiving, sending, activated, at once.
Now some of you have had this experience. You feel quite literally like you are humming, like your body is humming, that you are filled with more electricity than magnetic energy, that you feel that you are highly charged. And, my friend, you are.
So yes, there will be a chakra system. Now, this was given to you and introduced a while ago. Some of you are working with the expanded chakra system; some of you are not. That does not mean that it is not activated. It is…
S: Perhaps we could turn to the subject of our DNA now. And can you tell us, when you say we’re 86 to 90 percent done, does that apply to the DNA as well? And what can we expect to see or know or feel as result of the extra DNA strands coming on line?
AAM: Now, be very clear. You are talking about the activation of the DNA, not that somehow you are being re-braided, or re-gridded, although there is a sense of re-gridding. And there are many of you who have gone to the 13th octave, at which the activation of your 13 strands of DNA, 12 woven into one, which is the thirteenth was a potential gift, which you could receive.
What happens with the recalibration of the DNA is that you are able to be active within your physical, mental, emotional — all of your bodies, your capacities — to bring forth what you desire, not only in terms of rejuvenation, but also in terms of mental capacities, mental understandings, expansion of your mental capacity, health. (1)
(Continued in Part 4.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Awaken Fully Now – Part 1/2,” June 11, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/archangel-michael-it-is-time-to-awaken-fully-now-part-12/.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 4/10
Steve Beckow: As of Dec. 21, 2012, how many terrestrials would have ascended had ascension occurred then?
Archangel Michael: As you know, in our private channelings, we have indicated to you thirty percent. Think of it as a family decision, saying, slow down, because we all want to come. The plan has still need to go forward with great rapidity, by the way. But we will slow down because we want to accommodate everybody [who wants to ascend]. (1)
S: For the sake of listeners, let me say that that number had risen by May 2013 to around 50 percent. Sanat Kumara said:
Steve Beckow: How many people are now ready to ascend, if full restoration occurred today?
Raj [Sanat Kumara]: You have not made great progress, I am sorry to say. So you are still at about 50 percent. And you say, “Well, how can that be?” There has been a lot, a great deal, of back-and-forthing.
Now we do not see this — I can hear the collective sigh that is going out around the universe! — we do not see this in a negative light. And again, we are asking you, let go of that pass/fail, negative/positive way of looking at things. …
Think about it this way. There are people who, when they are going on a trip, they pack, they have everything ready and sitting at the door, or even in the trunk of the car, days beforehand. Now, that is basically your 50 percent.
Then there are those who pack the night before. And they dither. And they go back and forth and wonder what to wear, and wonder if they have forgotten something and go back into the house 12 times to double check. And that is where many, many of the human collective are “at” right now. (2)
S: Then the game changed, it seems. What was the game changer in the Ascension Plan?
AAM: Humanity made the collective decision [to ascend together], which strengthened our partnership. That is what the game changer was. (3)
S: What happened at that moment?
AAM: Humanity, in a very mature, expansive position has said, “We wish to have the opportunity, we wish to ascend as one community in the unity of heart, in the unity of purpose. Because that is why each and every one of us came.”
And that plea was heard and received by the Mother, and the plan given flexibility, altered somewhat to accommodate the full request, this prayer. (4)
S: What did that collective decision do to the timeline?
AAM: It created some delay, it opened the door for more — and to make a higher quantum leap, by the way, which is something that we’ve never discussed — and it truly marked a shift, a very significant shift in what we perceive and how we act in partnership with you. (5)
S: Could you expand a bit on how the collective decision was communicated to you or communicated to the Mother?
AAM: Yes, in very practical terms and in terms of your society you can almost think of it as a vote or a consensus. These are not conscious decisions. But we call it, not an unconscious or subconscious or conscious decision, but a soul decision.
So within the populace of Earth, of this magnificent Gaia whether they were aware or unaware – every soul has been aware of the Ascension process and the plan to go forward interdimensionally, multidimensionally and to bring the attended adjusted physical form along, and the impact that that would have on not only upon Gaia and amongst yourself, but throughout the omniverse.
As the time grew nearer, much, much progress was made —– and that was something perhaps we’ve not spoken enough about. We’ve talked during our many discussions, prior to December 2012 of the enormous progress the human collective, not just Light workers and Light holders, but the many very positive strides that were being made by humans.
Now that also entailed help shall we say, from this side of things – like containment, some moderate adjustment, the, beaming of love with increasing frequency from moment to moment from the heart of Mother/Father One, as well as your star brothers and sisters, different frequency, different rate of receiving. So much was done.
Now as you know, during our latter conversations, it was still felt that about 30 percent of the population was, shall we say, good to go. Then there was the gray area, and then there were those who were well behind the fence.
Very married to, very connected to, very reliant upon, very much in love with the illusions of the old Third Dimension.
Now there comes a window and you tended to think of that window – and I do not just mean you personally, I mean you collectively, you who were actively working on such things – as actually being open for well over a year. It then shrunk in November 11, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 21, 2012. But the window was actually quite broad and momentum was gained and being gained every day.
Now on our side, yes, we understand time, but we ask you to bear with us as I try to explain this in ways that will be comprehensible to the readers.
There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place – even though some were already through the portal and anchored, but many were not; most were not.
The collective of humanity, the soul-decision consensus, plea vote – however you wish to think of this – the plea went up to ask the Mother, not for a halt, nor even for a pause, that was not the plea.
The plea was, we came together as one family, to do this, to make this monumental change that not only changes each of us and our family and Gaia, but has effect so far beyond. We are aware and we choose to make this shift, but not all are completely ready, but we are asking, and it was a request, in that instantaneous moment: May we do it together? And the answer was yes.
The heart plea was the most earnest perhaps that we have ever witnessed from the collective. Now it wasn’t instantaneously put on hold or halted. The process is still very much underway – giving you, but we did not put a timer on it, but you – humanity, your soul collective, said that we want to do this – and we don’t want it (listen to what you are saying to us,) to take hundreds of years or decades.
Just (what is your expression) just give us a chance to get our ducks in a row. And that is exactly what you are doing, and might I say, that you are doing it with surprising rapidity.
So when we say or indicate to you that it was a collective decision – that is what we are saying. It has nothing to do with whether the collective had earned it, whether they were ready. You were ready the moment you incarnated and made the decision to return. So the readiness has always been there on the soul level.
So you say to me – well Michael, Lord, what happens if some of those beings are slower than others don’t hurry along. And what I am telling you is that not only we, because we have not stopped doing what we do, but you, each of you, in your own way, as builders and determiners of Nova Earth have stepped up your activity. You have moved it from a point in time to a completion. So you have moved it from a simple event to something you are creating and doing with us.
So you have entered into a much stronger form of partnership and you may see this – you see it in your energy fields, you see it in how you feel, you see it in what you are experiencing, you see it in your level of exhaustion, your ascension symptoms and in what is happening. And yes, I know, you will say to me – Lord: it is still not fast enough. And my brother, I could not agree more with you, but it is still happening.
Does this help?
S: Yes it does Lord. (6)
(Continued in Part 5.)
(1) “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 2/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/12/archangel-michael-on-211212-and-other-ascension-related-matters-part-22/.
(2) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.
(3) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2, channeled by Linda Dillon, January 9, 2014 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/01/archangel-michael-swept-away-in-a-tsunami-of-love-part-22/.
(4) Transcript – “Archangel Michael: Expect Miracles – Part 2 The Event and the Chaotic Node,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 5, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-michael-expect-miracles-part-2-the-event-and-the-chaotic-node/.
(5) “Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 23, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/01/archangel-michael-we-are-all-aligned-with-the-heart-mind-and-will-of-one/.
(6) “Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration,” Feb. 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-on-the-pause-and-full-restoration/
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 5/10
Full Partnership and Early Risers
Steve Beckow: What are some of the impacts of the human collective expressing its desire to ascend as one?
Archangel Michael: The human collective, the soul collective, wrested control. This is something that many, many lightworkers, light-bearers, love-holders, are shying away from. …
Many are viewing this wresting of control into the phase of full partnership as something negative. We do not view it that way.
If it was viewed as contrary or absolutely interfering or disrupting, or attempting to sabotage the Mother’s Plan, then it would not have been permitted, and it certainly would not have been seen as a grand gesture.
But what we are talking about, before we even discuss this issue of Ascension – which we are very eager to do, by the way – is we are asking you to adjust your thinking and feeling around this word of control. Because what you are saying is, “Well, heaven is still in control. The Mother, the Company of Heaven is still in control, and we are at their mercy.” And that is simply not the case.
You have taken control, so, let us say, think of it as copilots, if you would and then think of it as copilots of two massive groups, not even considering the ancillary groups, two massive groups with their hands on the controls. (1)
S: In what way have we become your partners?
AAM: You are not simply junior partners. Do you have the same overview, the same capacities as we do? No, but you are almost there. And the reason why we are sticking so close and making ourselves so available, from the ascended masters to your star brothers and sisters, to the archangels, to the Mother, is that you are doing this while in form. You are becoming your divinity — inter-dimensional, trans-dimensional, divine, whole selves — in form. And that is the truth of Ascension.
It is the reunification not only of you, but of all of us. Now, does it mean that you are completely reunified and back, that you have traveled all the way back to the source of One? No. But you will have those moments of ecstasy and bliss to remind you, to catapult you, to inspire you.
So, now we are in a different phase of partnership. You are no longer — think of it as a low level manager. You have been promoted and you are senior VPs — yes, all of you. And you are working on a very high level. And then you say to me, “Well, Michael, if I am working in concert with you and the ascended ones, and I am a senior VP, then I expect to be paid that way.” (2)
S: Now it’s almost as if a hiatus set in. How long will that apparent hiatus last?
AAM: The hiatus that has been created by the collective desire of humanity to go forward [together] in this undertaking of magnificence … is not indefinite. The plan of the Mother does not get put on hold, on pause, indefinitely. (3)
It is the Olympic sprint. (4)
Now we have spoken very recently about the many lightworkers who have been flying in and out of the Ascension portal, not only doing U-turns but the most popular movement at the moment is a very graceful figure 8, an infinity sign (∞). They are just doing it continually. It is quite interesting to watch.
And so since we have made that observation, that initial observation, more and more lightworkers have said, “Well, if that is possible I am going.” And that includes all of you who are listening.
So yes, you have been going, receiving the energies, coming back to, shall we say, your collection route and flowing back through. The Tsunami is the preparation and the helping of the general humanity. Yes, again the lightworkers are the anchors. The lightworkers are becoming the tsunami. The lightworkers are the breakwater. The lightworkers are key. The lightworkers are our partners. (5)
S: Have many people gone through the Ascension portal so far?
AAM: Many, we would suggest thousands and thousands and thousands of people have ascended and have had the experience of the ecstasy, the bliss, and the significant shift within their very cores insofar as they do not see or experience being human or being in Gaia in the way that they had previously. Let me explain.
These souls ― and yes, they are everyday people; they are not those who have been vying for sainthood, but they acknowledge their mastery, and part of each of you ascending is acknowledging your mastery ― but they have basically gone through the Ascension portal.
They are primarily way-showers. They have anchored in the higher dimensional energy ― Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and so on.
They have what we have called made a U-turn and are still exhibiting on planet, in form, in everyday reality, because their promise ― as part of their sacred journey, and as part of the collective’s commitment, decision ― is that they would be the way-showers for the rest of humanity.
So they have, shall we say, Ascension Lite, insofar as that they have experienced the bliss, the higher realms. They have released the sense of restriction. They have embraced the sense of their inter-dimensionality, their ability to create and co-create. (6)
S: What should the gatekeepers remember when they go through the car wash of “Ascension Lite”?
AAM: Be the clear frequency, and receive with wide open arms. And if you feel it is too intense, then lie down. Do not try or ask to turn it down, because that is not going to happen. We are not going to slow down at this point. We will help you manage it. Simply ask. But we are not going to turn it down. (7)
We continue to say both through this channel and through every single time we speak to you is that it is vitally important that during this time of change, of shift, of Ascension, that you are anchored firmly in the heart of Gaia. You cannot do this too often. It is keeping your feet firmly on the ground. …
Because as you are travelling interdimensionally, as you are beginning to have more clearly the interdimensional experiences, there are feelings that you will feel – disembodied, floatey, disconnected and out of time and space, dislocated in time and space.
So you are adjusting to that feeling. And one of the ways in which we would recommend to you … to do this and to practice with is to go into your heart, go into meditation as deep and as quietly and peacefully as you may, and I would suggest that if you call upon the blue flame or or course your triflame, that this will help anchor within it and then direct yourself from this place of connection and say now I am going to go and I am going to experience the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth dimension, and then send yourself.
Feel as if your body, not simply your astral body, but your body, your experience, within the very room, the very chair in which you are sitting, has shifted into that reality. It is not that you are going on a trip somewhere or it is somewhere distant. That is not it at all. It is exactly where you are.
So go into that dimension and simply sit and experience the qualities and enjoy the beings you meet there. Decide how you like it and what you wish to take from that dimensional reality as well and to anchor it within your heart, your being and your body.
Then when you come back into your body, when you say OK, now I’m going to go back and I’m going to anchor into third dimension and reality, the sense is again like a reaching down not a pulling back. Come like a feather, floating on the wind gently, into that reality that you wish to occupy and then rest. The rest and reanchoring in Gaia and of course the expression always of thanksgiving and gratitude is mightily appreciated. (8)
(Continued in Part 6.)
(1) “An Hour with an Angel, March 11, 2013, with Archangel Michael – Part 1″ at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/archangel-michael-ascension-is-not-distant-but-very-current-and-underway-part-12/.
(2) “Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 23, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/01/archangel-michael-we-are-all-aligned-with-the-heart-mind-and-will-of-one/.
(3) “Archangel Michael: Prepare for the Celebration – Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 19, 2013 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-michael-prepare-for-the-celebration-part-12/.
(4) “Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration,” Feb. 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-on-the-pause-and-full-restoration/ .
(5) “Archangel Michael: The Mother’s Essence Within and Without are Colliding – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, June 12, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/15/archangel-michael-the-mothers-essence-within-and-without-are-colliding-part-22/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/05/18/archangel-michael-you-are-about-to-reach-ascension/.
(7) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, May 14, 2012 at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/05/archangel-michael-on-the-transitions-impact-on-us-and-world-leaders/.
(8) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 6/10
The Tsunami of Love and Ascension
Steve Beckow: What is the Tsunami of Love?
Archangel Michael: What is the tsunami of love? It is the outpouring of the essence of love from the Source, from the Creator, the Unified One that has been the creative force for the creation of many, many universes.
Now you know, again, particularly over the past couple of years, that you have been actively and consciously receiving increases in your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more light, higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the blue — but in fact it does come out of the blue! But let me explain…
Has it reached the fullness of what is required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you could not maintain or stay in your body, because, of course, the entire purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while maintaining the physical vessel, which is something that is brand new…
Has it reached the fullness of what is required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you could not maintain or stay in your body, because, of course, the entire purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while maintaining the physical vessel, which is something that is brand new…
So, do not think that the day of the tsunami is not at hand. And will it sweep you away with love? Will that sense of the creative force of all be overwhelming? Yes. Will it be sweet? Yes. Will it anchor firmly and permanently within your being? Yes….
Steve Beckow: So you’re saying that the tsunami of love is beginning and we’re about to step into a circumstance that possibly could be discombobulating for people. How should we maneuver, how should we navigate this wonderful event that we’re about to walk into and participate in?
AAM: Go with it. You have various things at your county fair, do you not, or other forms of amusement where you will begin a process of going down a chute or a roller coaster ride? You don’t jump off halfway. You don’t stop the water slide halfway.
Once it begins, dear heart, you have need to simply breathe deeply, extend your heart, know that you are not in danger, that this is what you have worked, prayed and prepared for, and allow the expansion, the lightness, to come.
That expression that you have, “the lightness of being,” that is what you will experience. But do not fight it. Simply allow it. So if it means that you are so overwhelmed, blissed out, that you cannot go to work that day, then stay home. If you feel that you cannot put one foot in front of another because you are in what you may feel is an altered state, then do so.
Now, understand, also, that pretty much everyone upon the planet is going to be feeling the same way. So it is also a day where there is elimination, absolute disposal of many of your previous concerns, judgments or fear.
So let me be very practical in this. For many of you, my sweet angels, you would wake up or you would be getting ready for work, and you would say, “I am just so full of love that it makes the importance and the potential of being able to drive to work safely impossible.” And then you would try and do it because you would be concerned about letting someone down, not being responsible, being in trouble, being docked a day’s pay. Put all that aside and allow the energy to do its transformative work.
We are speaking of an outpouring from the Mother. There is nothing more important, not in this or any other life.
S: In previous times, if we felt afraid, that could block love. But at this time, this love seems to be dissolving fear. Is that correct?
AAM: That is absolutely correct, and that is why we are using the term of tsunami, and even the term of storm, of sailing, of moving from the North Atlantic to the placid crystal cove. So, yes, it is pushing it out so that you look at it and you may think, “I used to be afraid. I should be afraid. I am not afraid,” because that is the residual illusion of the old third, and it is being swept away….
That fear has never been part of who you truly are. So the Mother’s love is pushing it, dissolving it, not simply leaving it on a distant shore, but completely eliminating it…
Is it guaranteed? Yes. That everyone will receive? Yes. Will some choose to say, “Oh, no, thank you”? Yes. But that decision, that choice also has the ramification — and we’re not talking five minutes here — but it has the ramification of consequently not being able to live on Nova Earth, renewed Gaia, because it is in a vibration of this higher realm of love. So if you do not want that within or without, it is not that we are going to alter the universal law. (1)
All upon the Earth are equally penetrated — yes, some fight it. Most — most! — are embracing it. When the tsunami of love comes to the shore of your being, there is no resistance that can prevent penetration.
It is not within your structure, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it is not part of the design that you can resist this, that you can turn away from this infusion of love. And as soon as you begin to feel it, even as the waves are approaching, there is such a deep knowing within your heart, within your self, within the very core of your being that this is what you have waited for, that you would not dream of resistance. (2)
S: Hmm. Okay. Well, in the midst of this tsunami of love, a very real and practical event probably will happen, and that is probably the Reval. So, here we are, swept off our feet in love and in some circumstances that actually need handling. How does being in a tsunami of love affect the need to make practical decisions?
AAM: It does not incapacitate you indefinitely. For some of you, it may be hours or minutes or days, but you emerge from the waters, the waters of life, the waters of love, transformed.
So it is a form of cleansing, but restoration, recovery, rejuvenation. So you emerge from those waters better prepared, more acutely aware, more able to multitask, more competent to see the bigger picture of your actions, the ramifications of your actions, the clarity of what is really required.
So it is helpful. So you find yourself in a position where in fact it is as if you have had the best night’s sleep ever, and you can jump out of bed ready to go…
S: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?
AAM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed, it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may be brief.
But even if you are in the tsunami for a lengthy period of time, dear heart, you will be able to navigate. What you are concerned about is, “Do I lose my capacity to operate? Do I lose my sensibility?” And the answer is no. It is increased.
S: But the actual tsunami itself, will that go on over a week’s time, or two weeks’ time? Or a shorter time?
AAM: The initial outpouring will be brief. But we have used the analogy of a tsunami in a purposeful way, because you know that a tsunami approaches, withdraws, approaches, withdraws.
So it is not a destruction. It is a creation. It is a destruction of the old, yes, a clearing and a washing away.
The initial tsunami will be brief. We will say, hmm, about a 24-hour period in your reality. Then there will be another wave, and then — and you will adjust — and then, another wave.
Will you all be in angelic form? No. But will you be in the form that, like us, you are anchored in that constancy of the love? Yes. So there won’t be a need for a continuation of the tsunami because you will have already absorbed it.
S: Externally in the world after this event, what can we anticipate? Will things happen right away, or will there be gradual examples of more love and peace?
AAM: In fact, we anticipate — and we know that the human beings have the capacity to constantly surprise us, but from where we stand, in this eternal now as you would call it — we suspect and anticipate that peace will reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles and be in the love. We are talking widespread laying down of arms…
S: Is the ability to benefit from the tsunami of love restricted by — and I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this —but by extent of intelligence, or by means, or by any external factor or previously considered disability, or any of these factors? Would any of these factors prevent a person from fully participating in the tsunami of love?
AAM: Absolutely none. Say one is disabled mentally, or emotionally disabled, or of a lesser intelligence — and we are using your terms — then, in fact, it is more welcomed. Because these beings, these souls, know how they have been trapped…
S: Let me ask you another even more difficult question. In the case of a person who’s deeply affected by cancer, very deeply affected by cancer, and they’re open to all of this that’s happening, what would be the impact of the tsunami of love on that person?
AAM: There it depends on the individual. But they will have the opportunity to be healed, because that is what love does, it re-creates. It is recovery. It is rejuvenation, or they will be swept away home in a blissful state. And that would be the individual choice.
S: Now, just to confirm again, I think you said earlier in the show that this is happening soon, not weeks and not months in the future, but soon. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
S: So how should we prepare for this?
AAM: You are preparing. My sweet listeners, yes, that I reach out to and call family, you have been diligent in your preparations. Oh, could they improve? Yes. There is always room for more! Even with us, there is always room for more. You have pointed that out to us time and time again, that we could be clearer, we could be more proficient, we could be faster in delivering.
So there is always room for more. But understand, you are preparing, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously. Our guidance and our deep request to each and every one of you, each in your own way, is please, do your work.
Now, what do I mean by that? You are reading information. You are listening to this show. You are doing your meditations. You are doing whatever clearing is necessary. You are working with the violet flame, the blue flame, the pink flame, the golden flames. You are working with the energies that are available to you. You are following your own sacred practice, and you are surrendering…
The Mother and all of us have said to thee, the time of waiting is over. Now, what does this mean? It means that on our side that many of the hitches, glitches, delays and frustrations that you, and we, have experienced, albeit in very different ways, are over.
So you are not waiting on the Company of Heaven. But it also means, sweet angel, that the waiting on your side is over. So we are encouraging you, we are begging you, jump into action, not from a place of neediness, but from a place of joy, of celebration of this expansion that you are experiencing.
So when you would say, prior to now, “Oh, I will try to get to it next week, or maybe on the weekend. Or maybe if I call a friend we can arrange some time this month to get together and meditate,” no. Do it now.
S: All right. And I suppose this will be my last question, Lord, but is this part of the Olympic sprint to Ascension?
AAM: It most certainly is. So, grab your torch and run. (3)
(Continued in Part 7.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 9, 2014 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/01/archangel-michael-swept-away-in-a-tsunami-of-love-part-22/.
(2) “Archangel Michael: A Process of Deconstruction and Reconstruction, channeled by Linda Dillon, February 27, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/archangel-michael-a-process-of-deconstruction-and-reconstruction/.
(3) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2,” ibid.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 7/10
Parents, Children and Ascension
Steve Beckow: Question, Lord, on some listeners who have aged parents, some of them on their last legs, and they’re all saying, “Will they be brought along? Will they be able to ascend? Is it possible that someone could pass over at this late date and miss out on Ascension? And of course then there’s the question of whether they would ascend from the other side, but can you address their fears that their aging parents would not be able to ascend please?
Archangel Michael: Their aged parents will ascend if that is what they have chosen to do prior to contract. Now there are many who have been on this cusp and some have said – and this is a soul conversation that they are consciously or unconsciously having with us and with their guardians – some have said, “I just want to stay long enough to see it.” Some have said, “I want to stay long enough to go through and be revitalized.” And some have said – and these are about equal pockets by the way – some have said, “I will go and I will pull them through from the other side.”…
So, they will support [them], until the very last moment, pop over and then pull them through.
In all instances, the elderly, the wise ones, even those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, severe conditions, they know what they’re doing. And we also do not simply address those who have aged parents, we also address those who are “terminally ill.” It is about the same break-out.
S: I know a fellow who has multiple conditions, from myeloma to kidney failure. He’s on a kidney machine, on his last legs, and it really does appear that he’s holding on for Ascension and so somebody that plagued with conditions can still make it, you are saying?
AAM: Yes. It is the purity of the heart. Now do we want as many recovered bodies as possible? Yes, because that is the jettisoning. Is there room for a few who will be restored? Of course there is. (1)
S: There are parents who are worried that they will ascend against their will and leave their children or spouse behind when they don’t want to. Is it possible to ascend against one’s will?
AAM: It is absolutely impossible.
S: So that, so the simple thing then is just to say, I don’t wish to ascend at this point?
AAM: You see, this is the power of no. …
Part of the ascension process is the act of will. It is the alignment of your heart, your mind, your spirit with your will, not just the will of all, but with your will. We are not going to override that.
S: Okay, so that’s the brake.
AAM: That’s the brake.
S: Right, all right. Well, I’m sure that will reassure them. Two questions on children. I’m under the impression that children below a certain age are regarded as innocent and will automatically ascend with their parents. Is that a true statement?
AAM: Yes. Most children are of pure heart. They are of love. And that is particularly true of the children that have come in in the last 20 years. That is why so many of them are completely disillusioned and feel disenfranchised. They don’t understand what on earth they are doing here and how they got here. Because they still have that core of innocence and of love. There may be some confusion, but they are still in that state of innocence. They are like little cherubs.
So, under eleven.
S: Under eleven. Okay. Will children who appear not to understand ascension or issues dealing with ascension still ascend?
AAM: Yes. The issue isn’t intellectual. It is a heart decision. It is a heart knowing. Each of you on Earth have had situations where your guide or guardian angel has nudged you and you say, I’d better get out of here, this doesn’t feel right. And so you leave a place where, perhaps, danger is lurking. That is the sensation many of the children will have: “I don’t think I’m going to stay here; I think I’m going to go.” And it will be that simple. (2)
S: Has a parent who chooses to remain behind when Ascension occurs for the sake of a spouse or a child forfeited their chance to ascend for the next 26,000 years, or will they ascend upon the death of the physical body?
AAM: They will ascend on the death of the body.
S: All right. So it’s not the case that there’s a window that briefly opens and then shuts and these people have lost out altogether?
AAM: Why would we ever punish? We are not in the punishing business. And we would certainly never punish for love. When one stays because their love and their caring is so intense, their commitment is so intense – that is always taken into account. They will have their chance. (3)
(Continued in Part 8.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: The Mother’s Essence Within and Without are Colliding – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, June 12, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/15/archangel-michael-the-mothers-essence-within-and-without-are-colliding-part-22/.
(2) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 3/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-33/.
(3) Loc. cit.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 8/10
Post-Ascension Gaia
Steve Beckow: All life forms on Gaia must be integrating the new energies the Mother is sending us.
Archangel Michael: The integration of newly-distributed energies must occur on all planes: physical, emotional, spiritual, and material. And each and every cell of each organism dwelling on Gaia is to be prepared for even more of what is to come.
Now, understand what we are talking about. Gaia, your beloved Earth planet, has already begun her ascension. And we have said this repeatedly, but again we have had many confused looks or heads that have shaken and said, “Well, no, I don’t think that is possible.”
But Gaia has, and continues her Ascension into what you think of as anchoring in the higher dimensions. She has taken along with her the kingdoms. The only group or kingdom that has not fully begun this process ― but we are going to answer this question about some ascending ― as a group is humanity, is the human collective.
S: Will Gaia appear different to a person who has ascended, or will it not?
AAM: It appears more sparkling clean. The complete communication with the elements, the elemental, the kingdoms and Gaia herself is completely open. There is an understanding and a vision of the subtle cleansing and reorganization of what you can think of as the light body and the particles of Gaia herself. So yes, she does appear differently.
And so do the animals. So do the creatures. But it is not a different planet, and that is what so many are looking for. And then I would say to you, well, then, what would be the point? For the planet to appear completely different, to shift like in an ice age, is not desirable. It is not what she wants. She is tired of all the pollution and devastation. So the changes that you witness are the clean-up.
So, does she, and will she, and will you look different? Yes.
But will you be in form? Yes. (1)
S: What should we remember when the time arrives to ascend?
When you ascend, it is important that you anchor with and on Gaia. Otherwise your feet, quite literally, are not on the ground. So when people can experience and go, jump, to the higher dimensions available within the human experience, it is important in the Ascension, both individual and collective, that you stay connected with Gaia.
Think of yourself as a helium balloon and Gaia is holding your string. So, as you ascend you will be at this time within the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, brushing the Eighth, brushing the Third, but not really in those dimensions. So for people to think that they are going to ascend and simply go directly to the Eleventh or Twelfth would not be fully correct. (2)
S: Well, I have often said ― and I think I may be mistaken, so I need you to tell me whether I am or not ― that we’ll be entering the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension and we’ll move to higher and higher sub-planes over time. Is that part of what you mean when you say that Ascension is a process? And if we do move to higher and higher sub-planes of the Fifth Dimension, can you give us a little bit of a preview of what that will look like, what it’ll result in?
AAM: Yes. And you are correct that I also have need to emphasize that you will also be assisted inter-dimensionally because you will be free to access inter-dimensionally, but you will be at the beginning stages, yes ― that is a good way to put it ― the first planes of the Fifth Dimension.
What does it look like? Can I quote St. Germain and myself? It looks like freedom. It looks like restoration. And when I use the word restoration ― yes, Jesus Sananda has said that this is the year of rejuvenation, restoration, recovery and rediscovery. And that is the truth of what the Fifth begins to feel like.
But the Ascension process does not begin in the Fifth Dimension. It has already begun. You are already experiencing it. But when you reach there ― as you are about to, by the way; that is as close as I can come without breaking my promise with the channel.
S: Well, now, Lord, I think I need you to confirm that you’re talking about everyone and not just talking to me.
AAM: That is correct…
You will feel no pain. What you have thought of as dis-ease is gone. What you have experienced as financial strife or lack, gone. Because you know how to co-create. It is as if the light switch, the understanding of your place in the co-creation has been switched on.
There is an end to strife. There is an end to war. There is an end to murder and mayhem. Because you do not murder and have no inclination to murder yourself. So how can you murder your brother when they are connected to you on the grid? Because that is the equivalent of murdering yourself.
There is a knowingness that expands beyond your comprehension currently. And that knowingness is in your brain, in what you would think of as your mental body, your emotional bodies, your intellect, but primarily your heart. Because that is your anchor. It always has been.
Now, as you enter this, does that mean that everything is done? Well, might I be humorous, and ask you ― what fun would it be if you arrived at the party finally only to discover that everything was done? No. What it looks like is humanity coming together, not to cleanse the Earth. Gaia is taking care of that. You will help cleanse, and so will your star brothers and sisters, but you will cleanse the rivers, the streams, the oceans, the soil, the air. But Gaia is already busy at work.
But what about your piece? What do your communities, your cities of light ― that is one of your first, primary objectives, is the full anchoring in physicality of the cities and centers of light, of anchoring communities… and when we say cities of light we do not merely mean bustling metropolises. (3)
(Continued in Part 9.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/05/18/archangel-michael-you-are-about-to-reach-ascension/.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 9/10
Vasanas, Relationships and Ascension
Steve Beckow: Are there some people for whom the thought of Ascension raises fear?
Archangel Michael: What we are seeing in many corners of the human collective is that there is an anxiousness, an excitement and an openness to going forward. And it is particularly the light-workers, light-holders, who are saying, “Now is my time and I shall ascend.”
But there is also this other side that you are seeing, as well, and that is why we speak of it this day, that are also saying, “But, but, but, but, can I wait a while? Do I have to give up this or that? Can I bring my family?” These are the traumas that are being integrated, both the difficult and the beautiful.
So there is this push and pull that is going on right now in the hearts of many. Now, this does not concern us as in we know it is part of the process of that integration. But it is something for each being simply to look at and be aware of. (1)
S: The love that we’re being bathed in is welcome by most but for some people it seems to be raising all their unfinished business. Can we bring our baggage with us through the Ascension portal?
AAM: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love is, it moves through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.
So, for some, will it be dramatic? Yes. But it will also be gentle, because it is love. So the human beings can choose to have high drama or not, but the essence of the love is not high drama.
It is pervasive. It is not something that you can stop and start. Does it ebb and flow? Yes, because it is in constant motion. It is the Mother giving you the preview, and the upgrade, as it were, evolutionary upgrade, which will affect also your physical being, your DNA, so that you are prepared, freely and openly, to fly through your Ascension portal without your baggage.
You cannot bring all of your baggage, all that you have clung to, through that portal. And that is particularly true for the collective. There would not be enough storage space for all of you to bring your baggage.
So it is a cleansing, it is an upliftment, it is an upgrade, it is a nourishment, it is the Mother getting you ready to go to the prom.
S: I think some of our listeners just might want to know what you mean by baggage. You mean our vasanas and issues and upsets, is that not correct?
AAM: That is correct. It is your vasanas. It is your issues. It is your collective false belief systems. (2)
S: Will our relationships survive Ascension?
AAM: You cannot ascend if you are tied down or you are corded or you are cording anybody. So even the very thick cords that come out of your heart, let them go so that you may all fly free, so that you can rise up unencumbered by choice. Because this is the rule of your planet. It is a zone of free will. (3)
For those who ascend, … the memory and the presence of those who have been left behind or who have chosen a slower lifetime of unfoldment is clear and perfect and ever-present, because you have passed that point where the veil that has always been an illusion anyway and does not exist any longer, although humans cling to it as though it is the precious pearls. But they will always have that fullness of knowing of who is present, who is not present, who is in the third and who is even elsewhere. (4)
S: Will those who are left behind remember us with pain?
AAM: Those who are in the, shall we say, the slow lane of Ascension will also have full memory of who has gone before and who has chosen not to go. Will those memories eventually fade with a feeling of love? Yes, of course they will. The few – and I emphasize, because our plan, and we do not give up, is that everybody goes, everybody – but if there are a few who, by free will, free choice, choose to relocate elsewhere, they will feel and think that nothing much has changed.
There will be an explanation of where you have gone or not gone. There will be a sense of that imprint of who you are. But they will continue in an illusion which has been very dense and very thick for them regardless. So it will not be heart-breaking; it will be taken care of. For this is not in any of these scenarios a cruel, unfeeling, punishing process. This is an upliftment. This is the miraculous unfoldment.
So even for those who choose not to engage at all, it will not be painful and harmful. And they will be given their opportunity also to progress as they choose. And the only thing we say, there is a window there. So we are not talking about 20,000 years. We are talking a window for them to decide to come and join in this miraculous process. (5)
(Continued in Part 10.)
(1) “The Integration of the Parts of Our Being,” Aug. 18, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/the-integration-of-the-parts-of-our-being/, from a reading on Oct. 11, 2011.
(2) “Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/04/05/archangel-michael-go-with-the-ebb-and-the-flow-of-love/.
(3) Archangel Michael, Heavenly Blessings, through Linda Dillon, March 8, 2012.
(4) “Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/11/archangel-michael-this-election-clears-the-way-for-obama-to-step-into-the-truth-of-his-being/#more-151450 .
(5) Loc. cit.
Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 10/10
At the Time of Ascension and After
S: Does Ascension require effort?
AAM: Each of you, every human being, hybrid, Starseed upon the planet is being penetrated by the essence and the love of One. You are lifting up naturally, buoyantly. It is not something you need to try to do. It is something that you allow. (1)
S: Will the experience of Ascension be the same for everyone?
AAM: Each individual is having, and will have, a different experience of Ascension. Now I am going to describe, in general terms, what this Ascension looks, feels like and what that experience is like. But it does not mean, even though you come as a collective, it does not mean that each of you perceives and experiences this sacred union, the rising up through a higher-dimensional realm, in the same way. (2)
The process, or the elongation, the period of time that this process takes can be slightly different for different people. (3)
S: What should we remember to do during this time of transition?
AAM: Take time during this period of the glorious transition to simply allow the energies that are penetrating each of you, for this is true of all of you, take time to allow yourself to absorb, to bathe in the love and in the shift, the openings that are taking place within thee.
So it is not a time of rushing about, of feeling that you must accomplish or bring to completion so much. It is a time of allowing the energetic changes to truly take place. That does not mean action does not take place. Quite the contrary. But it takes place with a different perspective, with a different speed of action. This is the time to relax. Yes, we know that this is a foreign word to many of you and so we will teach it to you. It is to relax, to be, to simply be. (4)
You will be going through a feeling of euphoria. You will be going through a feeling that perhaps you are not fully anchored. You will be going through even some feelings of disassociation, of not knowing or really caring about what is going on around you. But that will not be a permanent state of being. Already you are feeling more deeply within your body. So, it is simply a period of adjustment. It’ll take about a month.
Allow it to take place. As we say, it is not something you can really physically, emotionally or mentally – or spiritually, for that matter – fight. It is something that you have invited in to begin to allow to…this process of engagement, as it were. So, when you are exhausted, rest; when you are blissful, enjoy it; when you are feeling full of energy to do, then do. But this adjustment will not be difficult, it will just be different than what you have experienced to date.
[You’ll have] the feeling that you wake up not only rested, but blissful; that the, what you have thought of as challenges, as troubles – it is not that they disappear, but they do not weigh you down; that you have the energy to take on whatever tasks at hand you choose, but that you do not feel burdened, that you simply feel that you are doing almost without doing. It does not feel like a sense of disengagement, but rather higher engagement.
A sense of vision, of the ability to see into and through a situation, a person, a problem – greater clarity will simply be there. So it is waking up and knowing that you are in this state of being. You are ready for the day, and more interestingly, the day is ready for you. It is the sense that you are shaping the day rather than being shaped by the demands around you. (5)
S: What will it be like in the last days before Ascension?
AAM: As I have said to you there will be many at the last minute rushing through the door, and that will not be as smooth a journey as someone who has done their preparation adequately. And soulfully. (6)
S: Just generally, not specifically, so as not to break your agreement with the channel, when will the ignition happen for the mass of the population?
AAM: It will be before the Fall [2014].
S: How much longer after that before the mass of light workers are restored to their native powers?
AAM: It will basically happen pretty much simultaneously. It is a rather much like a domino effect. So it is not that everyone turns on at once, but it is very rapid ignition. (7)
S: And, after Ascension, what then?
AAM: Once you have done your Ascension, are you free to move about? Of course you are. But the building and the creation of Nova Earth ― and we are talking about the human piece of Nova Earth, the human co-creation of Nova Earth, because the kingdoms and Gaia are already creating Nova Earth, and they are already participating in the higher dimensional reality ― if you have your mission and purpose to assist, or desire to assist in the anchoring of what you, my friend, and I have called the Golden Age of Gaia, then you are primarily going to anchor in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimension. (8)
S: And final question, Lord: At some future date will there be a further Ascension?
AAM: Yes, [Gaia] is already inching up, as it were. And that will occur. And yes, there will be some who, once they have completed their commitment, shall we say, to the Mother, of Ascension in form and the ripple effect throughout the multiverse, the anchoring, the full anchoring of the love, then they may say, “Well, I think now I am going to primarily go back to my comfort zone,” or my home zone of an alternate dimension.” That is fine.
But the fulfillment of the promise of this phase of the Mother’s plan is for the humans to accompany Gaia and all into the higher dimensional reality, and particularly into the love. (9)
(1) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, May 14, 2012 at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/05/archangel-michael-on-the-transitions-impact-on-us-and-world-leaders/
(2) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/05/18/archangel-michael-you-are-about-to-reach-ascension/.
(3) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Geoff West, through Linda Dillon, May 9, 2012.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 25, 2012.
(6) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/.
(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.
(8) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
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