Thank you Steve and your Guides!

The task facing us is simple but complex. It’s easy but it seems hard.
Put as simply as I can make it out, we’re being asked to love unconditionally and forgive universally.
If I were to reduce things to their lowest common denominator – or perhaps elevate them to their highest common denominator – that would be it for me. That seems to me our only marching order.
If I were to translate that into the basic spiritual movement, (1) I’d say discriminate between the Real and the unreal, forgive the unreal, and love the Real.
The Divine Mother asked us to use the criterion of love to measure everything we encounter, everything we say, everything we do. She said last September in a conversation with Suzi Maresca:

"Is it of love? We’re not talking about …
doing an analysis because, dear heart, your societies tend to analyze
things to death. We’re talking about heart discernment. Does it feel
like love? It is a very quick yes or no.” (2)
We’re in the midst of a Tsunami of Love and what is that exactly? Archangel Michael tells us:
“What is the tsunami of love? It is the
outpouring of the essence of love from the Source, from the Creator, the
Unified One that has been the creative force for the creation of many,
many universes.” (3)
“Particularly over the past couple of
years, … you have been actively and consciously receiving increases in
your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more
light, higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or
an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the blue — but in fact it
does come out of the blue! [The Mother’s blue.]
“Now you have been given, and you are
continuing in the receiving of, the Mother’s gift of clarity, and even
more importantly, shall we say, the twin, purity, which carries with it
wisdom and truth. You know this. But these are all, yes, pre-requisites.
“They expand you, they allow you to feel
in different ways, experience in different ways, and enter into the
truth of the human experience as it was intended for the collective. And
many of you are experiencing this. And for this we say Alleluia.” (4)

“Has it reached the fullness of what is
required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the
planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you
could not maintain or stay in your body, because, of course, the entire
purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while
maintaining the physical vessel, which is something that is brand new.”
“Do you know, my family, how rare
something new is throughout the multiverse? It is rare and it is
precious. And therefore it is being very carefully monitored. I wished
to say orchestrated, but that would give you the impression that it is
us simply doing to [you], and that is not the nature of this
unfoldment.” (6)
When I forget, remind me. When I stumble, send it to me. And when I keel over from the majesty of it all, forgive me.
by Steve Beckow
(1) “The Basic Spiritual Movement x 2,” at
(2) “Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Change, September 3, 2013, Part 2/2,” at
(3) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love – Part 2/2,” Jan. 11, 2014 at
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
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