There is an enormous amount of unnecessary and totally unjustified pain and suffering as anger intensifies and conflicts rage, but be aware that this is the essential raising into humanity’s conscious awareness of the futility of these ways of behaving, relating, and attempting to resolve differences between peoples.
For eons conflict has totally failed to resolve disagreements, let alone establish peaceful co-existence between warring factions. Finally humanity is getting the message, but it has taken this recent escalation of conflict across the globe to really bring this message home.
Consequently enormous numbers of good and loving people are working together to persuade those filled with hate and resentment to take a break from conflict and to meet with one another, initially to end the hostile activities that are tearing families and societies apart, and then to work together to establish a loving acceptance of each others right to live in peace.
It does seem to you that people have been futilely attempting this for generations, which they have, but now there is such an intensity of Love bringing peoples together that the angry reactionary excitement of those you might describe as “hotheads” will be calmed down in order that their often intense rage ceases to fuel the fires of dissent that it seems can never be extinguished.
It is a time for acceptance, for accepting that enormous numbers of people have been killed, tortured, and injured, and that nothing can alter that fact, and for also accepting that to continue burning with rage, just as before, will bring not solutions but only more utterly unnecessary and horrific suffering.
Up until very recent times it had been considered logical by humanity generally that the way to win a conflict was to increase the size of their armies and the effectiveness of their weapons. However the nuclear ending to the second world war made it clear that this was becoming an increasingly dangerous and indeed insane attitude to maintain or encourage.
Humans are social beings who chose to limit their access to their individual spiritual natures, and as a result they divided into different races, creeds, and cultures, further separating themselves from their oneness with their divine Source.
However, deep within every human being, hidden under a dark and divisive cloak of fear there burns an inextinguishable flame of Love. As a consequence of the escalating violence across the planet over the last few decades, and the realization that the threat of a worldwide nuclear holocaust has not yet been totally removed, many, in desperation or perhaps frustration, are lifting that dark cloak within themselves and finding their true nature beneath it waiting to embrace them.
And this is why, here in the spiritual realms, we are so excited, uplifted, and encouraged, because we can see the absolutely amazing and elevating effects that the Tsunami of Love is causing and promoting very rapidly across the planet and throughout humanity.
Realization of the absolute futility of conflict of any sort is dawning on humanity, and many are now getting together to gently and lovingly restrain those who, as yet, cannot see this and would continue engaging in senseless, wasteful, and in fact insane conflict.
So what we are seeing is that the futility of conflict has finally been truly recognized by the vast majority, consequently it will cease. From your perspective, reliant on the mainstream media for much of your inadequate information about the state of the world, the situation seems increasingly alarming. That is not a bad thing because it strongly encourages people to take notice and focus ever more intently on being loving in every moment.
It is humanity’s total embrace of Love, All That Exists, the Power Source and creative Intent of God, that will stabilize the New Age allowing it to grow and prosper as divinely intended. When Love is locked out, avoided, or denied, chaos ensues and the illusion is a state of chaos.
Love is One. Separation, the illusory state in which you appear to have your existence as humans, is chaotic because your ability to communicate is severely restricted by the limitations a human vehicle imposes on the divine being who chooses to experience life from that perspective. Your free will choice to separate from your Source and from all the infinite skills and abilities that state provides meant that only chaos resulted.
It was initially very exciting for you, you had brought limited skills to the illusion – the rules of the game – but they were quickly found to be inadequate, and then its chaos overwhelmed you. Your different languages, cultures, religions, skin colors, and apparent differing levels of intelligence further divided you, and meaningful communication, which had initially been difficult, became virtually impossible.
Over the last few hundred years or so there have been ongoing attempts to improve humanity’s living conditions, although those who had inherited power and influence strongly resisted alterations to the status quo. Nevertheless, it marked a turning of the tide, and then the nuclear devastation at the end of World War II brought the realization that either you had to find a better way to live together in peace and harmony on the planet or you were doomed to destroy yourselves.
This has not happened, and it will not!
However it remains essential that you all embrace the eternal and inextinguishable flame of Love buried deep within each one of you – and daily meditation within your quiet inner sanctuary is the way to do that – because that is the way to return to the state of oneness that is your eternal nature. As One it is impossible that you would do anything that would harm another. It is as One that you have your eternal existence, and in that state communication is instant, clear, comprehensible, and utterly loving.
Remember, your awakening has been divinely assured, so focus on bringing it to fruition by intending to be loving regardless of any situation that might suggest to you that Love does not work. It does, and that is why you are moving forward so positively and determinedly to your inevitable awakening.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by JohnSmallman2. Wordpress.com
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