Congratulations, Sun Family! Mission accomplished. As an awakened group consciousness, it’s a proven fact that we are a major economic catalyst for the multitude.
More than 10,000 beautiful souls joined as one impressive forcefield this Solstice to initiate opening of 44 portals of light in the global financial sector. Through the impressive power of group ‘omnipresence’, we set into momentum a mass domino effect to occur through all interrelated financial organizations.
This was an enormous undertaking for our collective group to say the least. It proved to be a super intense transmission for many of us as we commanded high frequency energy to move through us. No matter where each of us were, we certainly lit it up big time. Thank you for your brilliant light and loving service. See testimonials below.
Share any news..
Please share any relevant shifts in the field of global finance on the Children of the Sun Foundation Facebook page. This will greatly support our mission in gathering further evidence that proves the positive efficacy of these types of group meditations. [Connect with Children of the Sun on Facebook here.]
The Solstice Transmission was mega, Mega, MEGA and victorious, Victorious, VICTORIOUS!
A powerful spiritual Presence was moving through us all. We exemplified Group Omnipresence!
This was the most powerful meditation I have ever been part of.
I felt the portals of light opening and the light flooding my body, then the grid and then the whole globe.
I felt an enormous heart opening and heart connection to the other transmitters.
Testimonial #2 – Lezlie
This is the most powerful experience of Spirit moving through me I’ve ever felt! Thank you and the Foundation for initiating and facilitating this very important transmission and co-creative experience.
Testimonial #3 – Marilyn
I felt we participated in correcting our course for global abundance for all. It was so very deeply felt.
Testimonial #4 – Patrick
I was immediately ‘carried along’ by your audio support, and stayed ‘cradled within it’ all along. It was powerful, and very moving. ‘Having sobered up’, I am still amazed at the perfect wording and invocations.
Testimonial #5 – Steve
I watched as all darkness had the light of love, truth and transformation shined in all its hidden closets, corners, and hideouts. I felt the hearts of those involved in perpetuating this darkness open and accept the love being directed to and through them. I have no doubt we have pushed the door firmly open, in yet one more way, for the transformation we all are living for.
Testimonial #6 – Natalie
Great JOB! I could feel the shift even today… and see each of the 44 entities bathed in love and light with showers of energy coming down into each location, each building.. Amazing work we all did yesterday ,6/21!
Testimonial #7 – Sonja
What a profound experience this Saturday’s meditation turned out to be. I was filled then, and continue to be filled, with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. I got a call from a prayer partner who said she could feel the vibrations from her home thousands of miles away and had to call to see what was up.
Testimonial #8 – Kathleen
I grew angel wings and they folded the small building in an embrace. Love began pouring from my heart in to it. Just pure unconditional love…. It was an incredible feeling to love the federal reserve!! Simply incredible.
Testimonial #9 – Becca
I have participated in many of these global meditations, but this one was superbly POWERFUL far beyond any other I have experienced to date! At one point in the 2nd half I raised my hands upwards and began to feel the group energy of 10,000 souls flowing through and between my hands. It felt as if huge bricks were coming down on my hands – the wall of energy was THAT intense – and it just continued to strengthen right until the very end.
Testimonial #10 – Elarel
Wow! That was so amazing! Just finished my meditation and feel so blessed to have participated with everyone in this shift. Truly transformative!!
We encourage continuation…
Children of the Sun Foundation requires financial assistance to continue this activity. We are called to continue in this powerful work of Goodwill Activism…
We have produced two audio sequels to serve as prosperity activators, either for yourself or for continued planetary transmissions on your own. See here. [These are downloads offered for donation.]
The astounding success of the Solstice transmission proves that we have a dedicated and powerful Legion of Light that is ready to take greater action. Link to donate here [tax deductible].
©Children of the Sun Foundation. You have permission to share our free public information through any medium as long as it is offered at no cost, it is not altered, and the proper credit is given to the Foundation.
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