Thank you GFL and Greg ...and so it is!
*** gavin
Look inside yourselves and you will see a wealth of growth in so many areas that you have planned out for yourselves before you stepped out into this journey that is now winding up for many of you. It has been many long years and many long lifetimes for some of you since you have taken a breath of air that was not encapsulated by your current home. You will be stepping out of this eggshell you call Earth very shortly, to begin taking your first breaths of true freedom here where it has always been that you were heading no matter which temporary course or heading you set for yourself, as the winds that were steering your ship were to finally deliver you to our port one day, it was inevitable, it was always promised, it was always guaranteed, and now that day is finally arriving for you.
Do you feel it? Do you sense it with senses you have rarely used here in this 3rd dimensional world? Are you sensing it now with your intuition? Do you feel now that it is so close? It is so very close and we, from our side, can almost reach out and touch you physically right now, that is how close many of you have come.
Nothing can or will stop you now. The game just has to be played out a little while longer, that is all. It is merely a matter of time now as all the cards have been dealt and we of the light, of love hold the winning hand.
Looking back at so much of what you have gone through to reach this point, it is so incredible that you are here at this point. So much has happened to and for you, so many tales that could fill volumes of novels on library shelves. Your stories could be recited to others for literally centuries of time, as one tale and then another could seamlessly sow together a tapestry of adventure, of passion and suspense, mystery, triumph, conquest and survival. Your stories could fill libraries so great each would be named just for you. Look at everything that you have experienced here in this lifetime as a tale to add to your ever expanding novel of adventure. Do not allow any of your past experiences either here in this lifetime or experiences you may soon remember from any of your previous lifetimes to hurt you or cause you any further emotional pain or anguish, for these experiences in many cases were carefully designed and played out for you, for this is what you wanted, this is what you asked for, because this is what you needed to reach the point where you stand today.
Do you understand this dear ones, that there is nothing that you have suffered through here in this lifetime that was not a manifestation of your creation in somehow and in some way? You have created all of this. You have carefully outlined so much of what you have experienced that to look back in indignation, regret or shame at some of the things you have experienced makes little and no sense whatsoever, as you put all this together. You designed it, you created it, you pushed the buttons to manifest it and experience it, and to now look back with some kind of regret at your creation, a creation that you designed to further your growth and advancement is a complete waste and misuse of your energy and your focus today. We hope many of you can begin to see your past experiences in this new light, for this is the light that shines upon them and no other.
Journeys such as this are rare in this universe, and being able to take part in this has been an absolute blessing for all of you, as your advancement has increased many times what it would have been without you coming here to, in many cases, suffer through the lessons of this rather harsh reality. There have been many experiences for you, some joyous, some painful, some disappointing, but in the end all will be a triumph, and that is the one thing and the one thing only you may wish to take home with you.
Carry on through each and every day knowing that you have triumphed over all and everything you have designed for yourself to challenge you. Think instead of all the hardship and struggle you have endured as obstacles that you have set up for yourself and have successfully cleared from your path. Do not think of these experiences as painful memories stored within your memory banks, but instead picture them as precious gemstones that fill the treasure chest of your life, for that is what they indeed are, treasures, keepsakes, mementos for you to cherish, for without these precious gems you could not have become the powerful, wise and experienced being you are today who stands now at the foot of the doorway through what awaits is true freedom and every dream you had never had.
Building bridges are what we have talked about with you and we'd like to take this time to discuss with you where it is the bridge you are building leads. It leads to us. It leads to our front door. The bridge you are building transcends dimensions, it transcends time, it transcends your current reality. This bridge you are building is much more than metaphor, as you are literally constructing a means for you to exit this reality and enter a new reality. Do you understand this? Do you understand that you will be crossing over, if you will, into a new world, a new universe from your point of view, as everything you have come to know as your one true reality will be left behind and you will begin an entirely new adventure with new rules, friends, homes, careers and so many new and thoroughly rewarding things to spend your time on.
We hope to see you all as prepared as you can be for this step across this bridge, and it is very important for you to understand just how monumental this step will be for you. It has been and continues to be one of our most important tasks to prepare you as much as we can for this shift in your perspective, in your world, in your reality, for this step cannot be taken lightly, it cannot be overlooked, it cannot be disrespected, as this advancement in your evolution commands your attention, your focus, your drive, your determination and your respect, for this step is a great leap for you and it is very important you do whatever it is you must do to adequately prepare yourselves for this experience.
This is all we have for you today dear ones, and we hope that you follow our suggestion and think about what it is that awaits you just up ahead, as what awaits cannot be taken lightly, and it is strongly advised that you take this very seriously and ground yourselves as firmly as you can to prepare yourselves for what awaits just beyond the door you stand before today.
We are your friends and your family waiting here on our side of the Door.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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