*** gavin
Neil Armstrong Dies – Along with Secrets of What He Saw on Moon
Posted by Andrew EardleyStephen: They are saying Armstrong died from complications during heart by-pass surgery. ‘Possibly’ (he was 82, after all) is all I will say…
By Michael Salla, www.exopolitics.org – August 26 2012
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died today from heart failure.
For many, Armstrong is the all-American hero who performed the seemingly impossible. He fulfilled President Kennedy’s vision of putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade.
Armstrong’s walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel.
What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened.
According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions.
According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.
During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception.
What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes:
Modern People magazine published what they claim to be Buzz Aldrin’s photographs of two UFOs watching Apollo 11 on the moon in their June 1975 issue.
Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384.)
The HAM operator’s radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media, but in 1975 it received unexpected support. Maurice Chatelain, is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote:
“Only moments before Armstrong stepped
down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead.
Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs
have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People magazine. (p. 25)”
Later, in 1979, Chatelain said that Armstrong’s sighting of two UFOs over a lunar crater was being deliberately kept from the media and public by NASA: “The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now.”
Even more remarkably, Chatelain claimed that: All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin – flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.
Was the missing two minutes of radio silence during the Apollo 11 moon landing an attempt by NASA to cover up what Armstrong really saw on the moon? Were UFO sightings a common occurrence during Apollo missions?
According to Buzz Aldrin in a number of press interviews, Apollo 11 was indeed watched by a UFO during its journey to the moon. Aldrin describes how the Apollo 11 astronauts avoiding mentioning the word UFO in reporting what they were witnessing, and instead asked Houston about the location of the Saturn V launch rocket.
Aldrin’s admission that Apollo 11 was being shadowed by a UFO does give credence to belief that UFOs did witness the moon landing, and Armstrong had reported this to NASA in a radio communication that resulted in the missing two minutes of radio silence. Aldrin’s admission also supports Chatelain’s claim that one or more extraterrestrial vehicles watched the Apollo 11 moon landing as Chatelain claimed in his book.
Is there any other source supporting the controversial claims that Neil Armstrong had witnessed two huge extraterrestrial vehicles over a lunar crater watching the Apollo 11 moon landing? According to Timothy Good, Dr Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University at the time:
Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public – because NASA censored it. (Above Top Secret, p. 384)
So why did NASA eventually terminate the Apollo missions if extraterrestrial visitors were there and watching the Earth? The answer according to Armstrong, as relayed by an unnamed Professor at a NASA symposium is as follows:
Professor: What really happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible …
of course, we had always known there was a possibility … the fact is, we
were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station
or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean “warned off”?
Armstrong: I can’t go into
details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both
in size and technology – Boy, were they big! … and menacing …. No, there
is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally – NASA was
committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth…. But it
really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186)
So what’s the truth? Did Neil Armstrong really see extraterrestrial vehicles on the moon, who eventually warned NASA not to return? With Armstrong’s death we will perhaps never have his personal version of what really happened on that July day in 1969.
By Michael Salla
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