Mystery of the Orca: Masters in Our Midst? (Excerpt)

This man spent over 20 years studying Orca Whales in the Pacific Northwest. His experiences with them are numerous and served to expand his awareness of the role that whales and dolphins play at this time on Earth. Here he gives us a glimpse of what can easily be described as astonishing and endearing behavior by our cetacean kin.
Orcas Confirm Predictions of Exobiology
Orcas surely are not above God, but they just may be ETs. For decades now we have broadcast into outer space a radio frequency based on the hydrogen atom presuming that intelligent life out there would recognize it as an effort to communicate and so would respond in an appropriate way. This would indicate that, “We know you are trying to communicate with us and we’d like to communicate with you.” That’s the prediction.
In the mid-70s, the same experiment was conducted in British Columbia by Erich Hoyt, the sound engineer aboard a sailboat where a film crew was making the first documentary about orcas. In his book Orca: A Whale Called Killer, Hoyt says that he assumed that the one sound he heard most often from the resident orcas might be a greeting call. He went to work with the synthesizer on board to produce an imitation of the call, but even the crew could distinguish the imitation from the real sound.
In the late 1970s with the help of the Applied Physics Lab at the University of Washington we discovered that audible orca sounds (including whistles like the one Hoyt thought was a greeting call) go to extremely high frequencies, more than ten times higher than our upper hearing range. The upper frequency that humans can detect is about 20,000 cycles per second (cps), but the orca sounds we recorded with the world’s leading technology at that time went up to 250,000 cps, implying that orcas emit enormous amounts of information in a short period of time.
(Orcas use sonar to monitor their underwater world; derived from sonar, their language is based on sound holography; they employ sound as a weapon to stun prey, and I suspect they use sound to heal one another; and they emit sounds to humans in the water that are spiritually transformative and expansive.)
Hoyt broadcast his imitation call to the orcas coming down Johnstone Strait. Keep in mind that the human ear could detect the imitation, and that the actual sound made by the orcas extends far above the capacity of his synthesizer. Even so, according to Hoyt, the orcas swam directly to the boat’s hydrophone and made a “perfect imitation” of his imitation.
Hoyt’s experiment confirms the prediction of exobiology: if there is intelligent life out there, they will perceive the intent of our broadcast and respond in such a way that confirms that they perceived our effort to communicate and would like to communicate with us.
In the late 70′s I wrote a letter about Hoyt’s experiment and submitted it to the A.A.A.S. journal Science, precisely because it demonstrates that orcas are intelligent lifeforms and that we may be able to communicate with them. The letter was returned, rejected without comment. I wondered if perhaps there is intelligent life only in the sea.
It was the afternoon of July 26, 2003, at Orca Project camp on West Cracroft Island, B.C., when for hours we observed the most unusual behavior we had seen in 27 years of observation. The volunteers at the observation station overlooking Johnstone Strait brought everyone’s attention to the gathering of orcas a half mile offshore.
The adult bull and six teenage orcas had formed a circle and all were spyhopping, rising straight up with their heads out of the water, over and over. In an average day while following orcas we might observe a few spyhops, the maximum we ever observed was 30. Usually only one or two orcas spyhop at a time, but never in a circular formation with all orcas facing inward.
In the first three hours the orcas spyhopped thousands of times. What were they doing and why, we wondered. And why one adult with a group of youngsters, was this some sort of ritual, perhaps a rite of passage. We all felt they must be responding to something overhead, but there was nothing we could see, no birds, no airplane, no blimp.
The orcas also were making audible sounds above water as they spyhopped as though they were communicating with something, but what? There were no other orcas nearby, no tourist or fishing boats and no ships on the Strait.
The spyhops continued throughout the day and into the night, and while we could barely see the group in the dark we could still hear them phonating repeatedly from the same location as they had during daylight. Then around midnight we all observed UFOs above the location of the orcas. Three of them hovered and darted above the orcas for an hour as the orcas continued their ritualistic behavior.
We suspected that the UFOs had been present all along though apparently cloaked, and though we cannot prove it, my best guess is that the adult orca was introducing the youngsters to ETs, and for all we know there was direct communication between them. I knew from direct experience over 27 years that orcas are surprisingly telepathic and have published accounts of it which cost me a lot in professional scientific circles.
Robert Temples book, The Sirius Mystery, documents the story of the Dogon tribe of Mali and its ancient records…both in etchings on the wall of their cave of records and their oral tradition…and their interaction with the nommo, dolphin-like creatures, ETs from the Sirius star system. (See my article posted here, The Dogon and the Nommo.)
As giant dolphins, orcas also may have ancestry off planet, possibly Sirius. Certainly the dolphin family including orcas stand out in so many ways as being a step above 3D humanity. For thousands of years around the world they have been intelligent teachers of compassion, playfulness and presence.
I invite you to reflect for a moment on the behavior of orcas, their social nature and their interactions with humans. Imagine a world in which we do not make war on other humans. Imagine a world in which females govern our societies instead of egotistical men. Imagine the orca, masters in our midst, peaceful rulers of their world.
Anyone can open their hearts to the dolphins and whales and ask to receive their wisdom. I also urge you to pray for the welfare of dolphins, whales and all beings during this transitional period on Earth.
(For those interested in the full article, write in to Contact Us and we’ll send it to you.)

You can view his award-winning film, Orca: The Sacred Whale, at his website, www.randalleaton.com where you also may access his dolphin/whale website
by Randall Eaton, www.randalleaton.com
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