(photo: FRB's international headquarters: Bank of International Settlements ...Basel, Switzerland)
"The complexity of an operation like this is staggering -- as this cabal effectively controls the media, and literally uses murder, torture, blackmail and bribery to insure it is never exposed.
I became personally involved by interviewing Fulford several times now -- and posting the transcripts, which have never ceased to be fascinating.
In addition, I began directly working with some of his top contacts behind the 134-nation alliance of countries ready to end Financial Tyranny -- as of last November.
If these mass arrests do occur, and I very much believe they will, this will be at least as significant as 9/11 in world history -- if not far more so. And in this case it will be significantly positive, not negative."
Thank you David, your Spirit Guides, and your informants ...And so it is!
*** gavin
MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake -- Transcript!
Written by David Wilcock
Thousands of top conspirators in finance, media, pharmaceuticals and government are about to be arrested. Read this landmark interview transcript with "Drake" now -- before it becomes front-page news!
The problems we face in today's world are extraordinary. You may feel as if there is no way out.
There is a core group responsible for the majority of these problems. If this group is defeated, it will be much easier for us to heal our planet.
Mass arrests of this core group have been planned since at least the 1970s -- according to Drake, a new whistleblower I recently interviewed.
This is the official, full transcript of that discussion -- where we combined the strength of what both of us have heard independently about this plan.
Like it or not, a civilian uprising alone would never have the logistical and tactical ability to resist such a well-armed and deeply-entrenched group.
There is an absolute requirement that the military, or at least a significant majority of it, supports the will of the people in a case like this -- in order for us to have a real chance at succeeding.
Despite the intrinsic paranoia and fear associated with any change of this scale, I firmly believe this will be a quantum leap in the healing of our planet. Freedom is not a pipe dream. The people demand it.
Although a certain percentage of people are not strong enough to face the truth, just yet, everyone is aware at some level that we have occult forces manipulating finance and government.
Movies like "Thrive" lay it all out for you -- including the fact that these groups hope to kill billions of people, reducing Earth's population to a size they feel would be easier to control.
Foster Gamble recently made a video announcement that Thrive will now be distributed free of charge online -- as of today's date, April 5, 2012. See for yourself -- this is not a hoax:
Official Announcement that THRIVE Will Be Free
Here is the new, dedicated link to the FULL version of Thrive. When I checked it there were still only 203 hits, as it had just gone live. You can copy this, distribute this to your friends, and it will remain stable:
Official Link to Full-Length, Free Version of THRIVE Documentary
If anyone still doesn't believe that these genocidal plots are real, send them this link and watch this movie with them -- together.
They will have a lot of questions -- and will probably need to pause it frequently and talk.
It may seem impossible to believe that anyone would want to install a global dictatorship -- but genuinely sociopathic people do exist.
In this case they are very well-organized, and have seized power very effectively -- particularly in the US, UK, Germany, France and Italy -- the G5.
My own definitive statement on this is the Financial Tyranny ebook, featured here at Divine Cosmos.
The real core of this group's power lies in the control of the money system -- through the Federal Reserve banking families and their international equivalent, the Bank for International Settlements or BIS.
This Financial Tyranny is the underlying root of a staggering number of problems on Earth.
Starvation and disease is epidemic in much of the world, and even in the modern countries there is widespread poverty and economic hardship.
The majority of the world is completely fed up with Financial Tyranny, and has formed an alliance to stop it -- using as non-violent a means as possible, while still achieving the necessary results.
Drake has revealed startling new information. The plan was already developed into a five-inch-thick briefing document as of 1979.
This plan will be carried out by a 60-percent majority of heroes in the Pentagon and US military -- who do NOT support Financial Tyranny, and genuinely have our best interests at heart.
There are now signs that this majority has recently become a lot more than 60 percent.
Drake just told me on the phone that he is now in direct contact with the underground on a mass level.
He is now working with every significant group having to do with freedom. The numbers are incredible. There are crushing demands on his time as a result. Everyone wants to get clear on how they can help.
His latest show, after our interview, consumed more bandwidth than every other program in the entire history of Blog Talk Radio -- combined -- and strangled the server.
An estimated 1.3 million listeners tuned in -- live. There are already YouTube copies of my interview with Drake that have over a hundred thousand views each.
The original MP3s have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times from this website as well.
Former Asia-Pacific bureau chief Benjamin Fulford was the first to break this story, as far as I am aware. He has been talking about it for at least three years now.
The complexity of an operation like this is staggering -- as this cabal effectively controls the media, and uses murder, torture, blackmail and bribery to insure it is never exposed.
I became personally involved by interviewing Fulford several times now -- and posting the transcripts, which have never ceased to be fascinating.
In addition, I began directly working with some of his top contacts behind the 134-nation alliance of countries ready to end Financial Tyranny -- as of last November.
If these mass arrests do occur, and I very much believe they will, this will be at least as significant as 9/11 in world history -- if not far more so. And in this case it will be significantly positive, not negative.
Everyone will be talking about it. There will be no possible way NOT to talk about it. The scope will be that vast -- and all-encompassing.
The full details of the plan, including its origin, are classified -- as some of the people involved are still alive. Any attempt to attach it to a particular time window could significantly increase the threat of exposing them.
However, in Operation Northwoods, the US government seriously considered terrorizing its own cities to provoke a war with Cuba -- as of 1962.
ABC News published the details of this plan on May 1, 2001 -- before 9/11.
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001
In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.
America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
You can read original scans of the entire document, in all its chilling clarity, here.
The Wikipedia page on Operation Northwoods is also quite good -- at least right at this time.
Kennedy turned the plan down after it was offered to him. This plan also undoubtedly caused a great deal of alarm among many top military brass.
Seeing Kennedy assassinated, in broad daylight, not long thereafter made them very aware of what they were up against.
The same types of operations detailed in the Northwoods document had now been used against their own Commander in Chief.
For those who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and its people, against all enemies -- foreign and domestic -- this was certainly a powerful wake-up call.
Very likely this is when the plan for mass arrests started to gain momentum and support.
When I did the interview with Drake, it occurred to me that Nixon's planned coup, which he circulated amongst all the top military brass, undoubtedly influenced the plan for mass arrests.
I had first read about this in William T. Still's epic work, New World Order. Here are a few excerpts from the first chapter, which spells it all out.
Excerpts from New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies by William T. Still
7 On about October 15, 1973, I was given a memorandum by my father, Lt. Col. William L. Still, a retired Air Force officer, one of the architects of the military’s defense communications network.
On October 3, 1973 he was approached by an acquaintance, Joe Josephson, who claimed he had connections with the White House of President Richard M. Nixon.
This acquaintance asked my father how he and his military friends would feel about a military takeover of the U.S. government….
The Watergate hearings had gone on throughout the summer and now President Nixon was refusing to comply with court orders to surrender the White House tapes as evidence….
My father was dumbfounded by the suggestion that a coup was afoot. Fortunately, he was able to conceal his shock long enough to learn some of the details from his associate, Mr. Josephson.
8 Shortly thereafter, he wrote a memorandum detailing the incident and circulated it in military intelligence and FBI channels. This startling memorandum reads as follows:
Subject: Rumor concerning planning for a Military Coup within the USA.
My name is William L. Still, Lt. Co., USAF (Ret). I am not an alarmist, and consider myself to be intelligent, objective and an analyst of above average capability. I am writing this statement only after careful consideration of its potential impact on both the country and myself…
A committee exists which is dedicated to… keeping Mr. Nixon in office by any means – INCLUDING A MILITARY COUP BY HIGH RANKING OFFICERS!
I heard this rumor on 3 October 1973. The man from whom I heard this story stated that he had recently been “sounded out” on a writing job for the committee, and that there was apparently unlimited money behind it as “price was no object” in salary discussions….
We then entered into a discussion on the tactics which could be used to execute such a coup.
During the course of the discussion, I was questioned as to the feasibility of the plan, and asked whether I thought senior military men could be enlisted for such an effort.
Part of this plan to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution involved assassinating the vice president in broad daylight, and bombing American cities.
Then, the whole thing would be blamed on terrorists -- and would force a declaration of martial law and the suspension of the Constitution.
Nixon's continued power would be ensured -- regardless of the public uproar over Watergate. That was part of the plan.
A mass-market paperback book entitled The Glasshouse Tapes was published by Louis Tackwood, who claimed that he was a member of a super-secret domestic intelligence unit of the Los Angeles Police Department which was working on a plan to create a chaotic domestic political situation in the U.S. that would give President Nixon the justification for declaring martial law.
Tackwood claimed that he helped set up a secret operation which would allow anti-war demonstrators to break onto the floor of the 1972 Republican convention, then scheduled to take place in San Diego, just as Vice-President Agnew began to speak.
Tackwood and his accomplices would then cause a riot on the convention floor, with the demonstrators battling police. During the resulting uproar, the vice-president would be shot on nationwide TV to gain maximum impact.
This incident would be followed by a wave of nationwide bombings, for which the revolutionary left would openly take credit.
In response, President Nixon would then have the justification to declare a state of national emergency, and essentially suspend Constitutional rights….
11 The idea in such an assassination strategy is, of course, to create a chaotic condition. This is usually considered a necessity in coup-making. At the peak of chaos, you move quickly and ruthlessly to seize power by force and kill your opposition during the turmoil….
This next set of excerpts are only two of the most powerful examples of people speaking out about what almost happened back in 1973. We are very fortunate that these plans did not take place.
Again -- I believe that in the fullness of time, we will find out that the plan for mass arrests significantly accelerated as a result of these events.
12 In June, 1982 Watergate grand juror Harold Evans appeared in a segment of the ABC news magazine 20/20 and said that [Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon] Jaworski had warned the grand jury that if indicted, the president might have “surrounded the White House with armed forces.”….
13 Seymour Hersh, writing in the August 1983 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, stated: …
"The notion that Nixon could at any time resort to extraordinary steps to preserve his presidency was far more widespread in the government than the public perceived in the early days of Watergate -- or perceives today."
I've just shared two very powerful examples with you, each of which has been thoroughly documented, where certain high-ranking members of the military planned on attacking American cities and blaming it on terrorists.
The Nixon coup in particular made it clear that this wasn't just to go after a commonly-perceived enemy like Cuba -- it was to establish a military dictatorship in the United States, and take away all freedoms promised in the Constitution.
The most significant new data from Drake's testimony, to me, is how these mass arrests have been planned since at least 1979 -- and the briefing document was already five inches thick by then.
It is ridiculous to assume that "everybody is in on it" if they are in finance, media, government, corporations or military. That is a cartoonish, ignorant view -- and actually constitutes a form of mental illness.
The reality is that most of the people working in these areas are good. Only a very small number of folks at the very top have been causing all the trouble.
Drake and I discuss many other subjects in our interview as well. Everyone would be well advised to read this and get informed.
My own insiders have told me that this plan for mass arrests has been in very high gear ever since 9/11. However, they cannot move until they have everything lined up properly -- and legally. That moment has finally arrived.
Now that I have posted this transcript, I will get back to finishing its companion piece, DIVINE INTERVENTION.
Here are the links to the solid MP3 copies of this interview that you can download and store on your hard drive.
These are ZIP files. All you have to do is download them, open them and tell them where you want your MP3 to go. It's that simple -- just like our downloadable products. Here they are:
These MP3 files will load into ALL standard MP3 players and also into iTunes. However, iTunes has had some issues with MP3 files lately.
If you try to load these files into iTunes and it crashes, you need to update your iTunes. The current iTunes version 10.6.1 fixes most of these bugs.
Please update your iTunes to load them into your iPhone, iPod, or iPad in order to listen to these files on those devices.
And now, without further ado, let's launch right into the interview transcript itself.
DAVID WILCOCK (DW): Hello. This is David Wilcock. You're listening to a Divine Cosmos audio blog. Today's date is, let's see ... the 28th of March. It's a Wednesday. It's 6 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time.
I'm here with a remarkable new whistleblower who has just come forward. His name is Drake. That's what he's going by.
I contacted him because I have been covering this story about pending mass arrests.
You have to understand the scope of what we're talking about here. We're not talking about 10 people, 20 people.
We're talking about a systematic, potentially world-wide effort -- although most of these conspirators are in the G5 countries, so I've heard.
[The G5 countries are the US, UK, Germany, Italy, France.]
This is a very wide-spread effort to effectively give us, as a planet, a massive dose of antibiotics -- against an infection that has been threatening to almost completely destroy its host.
The host would be the Earth and its people; the animals, the plants, the trees and everything.
DW: Drake came along on the Internet recently. I was sent an email by him, announcing that he was going to have some radio shows.
But, when the email first passed by my desk, I didn't quite catch the impact of what it was saying.
Up until now, the only people who have really been reporting on these pending mass arrests whatsoever have been Benjamin Fulford and myself.
In both cases, we have, together and independently, sets of contacts, some of which are deeply embedded within the Pentagon, who have reported to us that this is VERY REAL.
In fact, I had heard from an off-the-books source -- this is not somebody who's gone public at all -- that this had been sparked by 9/11, to a large degree.
Many people in the military realized that they were not in the chain of need-to-know.
This was not Arabs with box cutters that caused these buildings to fall into their own footprint.
If that could happen -- if kerosene can melt steel -- then every kerosene heater ever built is a massive hazard; but yet they're all sitting there just fine.
DW: Something is going on here. People know about it. They're scared of it.
And, in what I call the Sheep Effect, they feel that if they keep their head down, then the wolf won't know that he's been spotted.
The sheep who's dumb enough to look up and stare the wolf in the eye is going to make him charge. That's the one who ends up dying.
I'm not afraid of death. Neither is Drake.
He's here, and he has put a public face behind something that, up until now, has sounded like two guys stroking their egos -- trying to say something that makes everybody feel good, but has no teeth behind it.
[to Drake] And now, here you are. I want to hear what you have to say.
Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into all this? [Sound of an elephant roar]
DRAKE (DK): [laughs] What I'd like to do ... in conjunction with that is let people know what we're not.
DW: Okay, great.
DK: This will give everybody a better idea as to what's going on.
DW: Oh, I'm sorry, one more thing I should point out is that I called you the other night. We spoke for ... 4 hours and 22 minutes is what the phone said when I hung it up.
DK: [laughs]
DW: I called you jointly with one of my very senior top insiders. You will now be able to vouch that you spoke to him, and how amazing that discussion was.
More importantly, I've trusted him, built it up over years, and he vetted you out.
He actually identified dozens of specific points you said that are not on public record, that you could not have known unless you are the bonafide, authentic, real deal.
I wanted to make that point first.
DK: Cool. [laughs]
To continue reading David's post, "MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake," please click here, or cut & paste:
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