Monday, March 3, 2014

Montague Keen - March 2, 2014

Thank you Monty and Veronica!

Veronica, my dear, when you started the Ley Lines Project, you never in a million years expected the amazing results that we have achieved. Every day, hundreds more people are getting involved. Your tears flowed today when you were told that the BUDDHISTS have become involved in removing the dark energy that has engulfed your world. When people of the Light work together as one, MIRACLES HAPPEN, and this is what you can expect. The work on the ley lines had to happen first, before you could attempt anything else. As you know, my dear, one always has to set the stage. Also, the energy that has been released along with the intentions of all those good people, will give more energy to our other projects. We are on the right track, have no doubt about that. The goodwill of the people who have come together, will enable all our projects to succeed. It was important for people to wake up to the significance of energy and how it is used against humanity.

Eventually, everything will blossom into life and man will reach his full potential. The land will recover, and once more, yield good wholesome food, so that people can recover from all the chemicals that they have had to endure during the dark times. You have taken the first steps and we will guide the way for you.

Do not lower your vibration by being angry or vindictive towards those who have held you hostage, even though they have continued with their evil plans to destroy you and your planet. Remember that those who made the original plans have long since left the Earth. Raise your own vibration as much as possible. This will protect you and yours. Many of the dark ones have already left your planet; others are desperately trying to leave. Some, on the other hand, will never accept defeat --and it is those of your corrupt 1% who currently impede rapid progress. They will hold on to the bitter end. They can be dangerous, so do not provoke any interaction with them. Just smile and wave them goodbye.

Look to the future and leave the past behind you. Your new beginning is what you must concentrate on; such as how you will create a world of peace, with humanity working as one.

You are --and will continue-- to get so much assistance from other intergalactic species who have waited patiently in the wings --thousands literally hovering in your skies just out of sight in the 5th Dimension invisible to you currently dwelling in the 3rd and 4th Dimension on the Earth School. They are ready and willing to help with technology and know-how that will take you completely by surprise. It is beyond anything you can imagine. Man will never have to work so hard again just to exist; all that will be a thing of the past. Life will become what life was intended to be. I know, right now, that it is hard to imagine living a life without stress. All your stress, of course, is man-made: Intentionally caused by the banks, and the illnesses that have been created in laboratories (such as AIDS and SARS), as well as the contrived wars that have served to destroy so many lives. This will never be allowed to happen again, as it will not be possible in the higher vibrations of Light. Look forward to enjoying real sunlight again. Although they have blocked all the healing rays of the sun, these blocks will be removed, and all will flourish again as it should. This is what you are working towards and you have just taken the first steps.

Please be aware of what you eat and drink. Check the small print that they would prefer you not to see. The more a product is advertised, the more suspicious you should be of it. Why are they so desperate for you to use it? So much is hidden in your food that causes the illnesses to which you are prone. These are dangerous times. The cabal is putting so much effort into keeping you asleep, and thereby under their control. Do not fall for their propaganda. They are not to be trusted on anything at all. Seek help from your Guides.

Leave all the false gods that were used to hide the truth from you. The Light of Truth is in all of you. You are now rediscovering it, and the Light in others; this is, in fact, the Light of the God of Love. Everything in your world has been geared to blind you to this fact. Material possessions have been promoted in order to replace real love. You and I, my dear, know for a fact that when you truly love one another, you have everything that you could wish for in life. Love is all, and no number of possessions could ever replace it. Those you have loved never leave you, since the bond of true love is forever.

You have come a long way in the last four weeks. At this speed, you will bring about all the changes quite quickly. Nothing can stop you now. My dear Veronica's lungs are still giving cause for concern, so she needs to take things easy. The cold air is too much for her, just now.

I ask that you keep up the good work on the ley lines. Let's wait and see what next week brings. We may be able to take things further. Be happy, knowing that your effort will bring about everything you have ever dreamed of!

My dear, take it easy. We will get there.

Forever your adoring, Monty.
by Veronica Keen

A Note from Veronica Keen
We would like to apologise for the confusion caused when we had to remove the video of Sunrise on Glastonbury Tor for a couple of hours, a few days ago. This was due to the fact that the person who filmed it wanted his name to be removed from it. Though he is still part of our team, I fully understand why he made this request and we were happy to oblige. We are grateful to him for providing us with this historic piece of film.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

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