Please enjoy my new series, "Everything You Wanted to Know...," as I address many terms and concepts associated with our Ascension, which will officially begin at the end of the Mayan Calendar: December 21st, 2012.
QUESTION #1: What is Our Ascension and Who's Invited to Attend?
The short answer is that Ascension is our return to our Full Consciousness living within the Higher Realms where the lower vibrations physically cannot exist: Neither anger, hurt, envy, deceit, betrayal, selfishness, greed, sickness, etc ...nor even death.
The long answer is that our Ascension is the result of our solar system, including Planet Earth and Her people, re-entering a new energetic cycle. Just like it takes 365 days for our planet to revolve around our sun, it takes our solar system (as a whole, including all 13 planets) 25,920 years to revolve throughout our Universe --passing countless other galaxies also on their own revolving elliptical patterns-- making one ginormous circle (cycle) ...taking us nearly 26,000 years to complete this specific circle. On December 22nd, 2012, we begin that very same cycle (circle) all over again --ending with another energetic shift for those people living on beautiful Mother Earth at that time.
This is not something we can stop or change, just like we cannot stop the sun from rising nor the seasons from changing. So the sooner you recognize THIS IS, then the sooner you can start to accept your personal role in your own evolution, and in turn, prepare yourself accordingly.
Who's Invited to Our Ascension Graduation Party?
WE ALL ARE... EVERYONE! We ALL are energy, and as such this new energetic cycle has NO DISCRIMINATING CRITERIA. If you are living on Planet Earth right now, this is your formal invitation.
Given everything is energy --people, animals, plants, earth, sky, mountains, oceans, rocks-- considering everything carries energy, everything will be effected and influenced by this energetic shift starting on December 21st.
This has nothing to do with religious beliefs, cultural practices, or family traditions. But has everything to do with the fact that we are energetic beings, and as such, we are influenced by energetic changes in our world.
Although, we are energy and WILL BE effected by this energy shift, we do have free will and the choice to Ascend, or not to Ascend. Again, whether you believe or not in the Spirit World or believe or not in ANYTHING paranormal, has NOTHING to do with this energy shift. This specific energy shift IS HAPPENING --has been happening for decades-- and will continue to happen whether you believe in it or not ...capiche?!
How very cool: The free will part is where YOU GET THE CHOICE of Ascending or not Ascending! But when you consider just one advantage of Ascending is the end of all our pain, suffering, disease, smog, mean people, frozen computers and cellphones, broken appliances and cars, financial debt, taxes, mass shootings, etc etc etc ...and even death --who in their right mind would choose not to Ascend??? That makes no sense, unnecessarily prolongs your own suffering and your own evolution, and which YOU WILL eventually get there --so why wait and stay in our own self-created hell on earth?
Welcome to our New Earth.
Welcome to your new life ...should you choose to accept your Mission!
by Gavin Anthony Harrill
Catch my next posting when we address the question "How Does One Ascend? What Do You Have to Do In Order to Ascend?" on the new series: EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT OUR ASCENSION ...BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK!
Do you have a specific question about Ascension? Now is your chance to no longer "be afraid" AND ASK --lol! No genuine inquiry will be ignored ...I'm listening. Love & Light to all.
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