Yes, how exciting as President Obama removed several from his cabinet including Hillary Clinton... Yahooey! I too thought she was one of the "good ones," but clearly not.
*** gavin
Matthew Ward summarized the old politics earlier this year.
“Divisiveness has long been an effective
tool of the dark ones. Not content to divide the peoples only through
religions, they have separated you into other conflicting camps by
attaching labels to social strata, ideologies and philosophies, types of
governing and political parties, and by labeling as a ‘conspiracy
theorist’ anyone who disputes official claims about any situation or
“These separations have kept duality
flourishing down through the generations, thus miring the population in
third-density mentality. Rejoice with us that duality is acting out the
final scene of its very long play on the planet!” (1)
He warned us that the old politics would continue until we exit Third Density.
“During the short time before Earth exits
third density, the remaining dark ones will make last gasp efforts to
cling to their remnants of influence and vast fortunes. Blatant lying by
recalcitrant politicians will go on for a short while and so will
people’s polarized views about what best serves their personal
interests.” (2)
As we approach the New Age, Matthew Ward told us that “your leaders, all of whom will have spiritual and moral integrity, will continue to add or amplify reform measures.” (3) As far back as 2007, he was telling us that eventually “all unjust laws and policies will be struck down.” (4)
“The transformation at hand is your
desire and soul level vision-if this were not so, it could not happen.
Looking even farther ahead, during the past decade or two some souls
have come in with the advanced spiritual clarity and ancient wisdom that
will naturally put them in leadership roles.” (5)
Ker-On of Venus advised us in 2008 that:
“The truth is that very few governments
have the answer or ability to deal with your present worldly problems.
They muddle through governance in the old ways that do not reflect the
new age, that is pressing hard to overcome the adversity and manmade
problems that are holding you back. Even with good will and intent, your
institutions have little idea as to how to move out of what is soon to
be an impasse. The size of the problem grows day by day, and the old
structures crumble under the weight of them.
“The answers lie with us and the divine
plan for your release from the thraldom and control of the dark forces.
Time passes faster than ever, and we approach that magical date when we
will be allowed to take a big hand in your destiny. It was never
intended that you would be indefinitely subjected to your present
conditions, and we are excited at the prospect of bringing an end to
this cycle of duality.” (6)
Matthew offered us a picture of how new governance would come into being.
“The first reforms are in governments.
Many of the populace who are unaware of the ongoing transformation see
governing policies leading to the brink of planetary disaster, and even
among lightworkers there are concerns about what will happen in this
critical world arena. Not only is it difficult for you to imagine
systems dramatically different from what you are accustomed to, but in
reforms of the magnitude required, it is realistic to anticipate
confusion and foment.” (7)
Certainly we’ve seem conflict and foment aplenty this last year of duality. The Arab Spring is probably the best example and that doesn’t seem to have finished yet, even in early December 2012. He went on:
“Please know
that trustworthy souls with spiritual integrity and expertise in the
various fields of governing are ready to take the helm and bring order
as rapidly as possible as corrupt, tyrannical government leaders are
unseated. A great deal of “shuffling” in the United States government
will lead to ending its engagement in war and internal and international
strife, and the unseating of other self-serving heads of state will end
civil wars, genocide and longstanding conflict.
“Many wise and
able leaders in previous Earth lifetimes chose to return to the planet
to complete their groundwork for this unique time at hand, and others
are members of your “space family”-many are your ancestors-who
volunteered to assist during this transitional period. In no way are
they there to ‘take over,’ but rather they came in response to your
thoughts, feelings and actions for peace, fairness and stability in your
world.” (8)
Remember that Matthew was saying this back in December of 2007.
Archangel Michael, speaking through Celia Fenn, remarked: “You may ask how [all] this is possible, given the state of politics on your Earth today?” He answered:
“The new multi-dimensional Earth is
taking shape and the ‘old’ energies of conflict and duality will have
little importance in the Future that is being manifested.
“The frequency of duality and conflict
belongs to the old third-dimensional world, and it is fading away. The
new fifth-dimensional Earth is based on flow and harmony, and the
shifting of polarities into unity.” (9)
He described what governance would be like after Ascension, in words which echoed Ker-On’s earlier counsel.
“Yes, Beloved Family of Light, after 2012
and the Earth’s Passage through the Portal of Light in December, the
Earth will be entrusted to the keeping of those of you who are chosen
and elected to the first New Earth Council of Earth Keepers and its
associated Council of Elders.
“These Beings will be initiated into the
8th and 9th Dimensions where they will work with the Solar Councils and
the Galactic Councils of Light. At last, Earth will take its place as a
‘star of Light,’ whose evolutionary path is determined by Divine Will
and Divine Creative Intelligence, and those who follow the Divine Will.
“Those in your Earth society who are
advanced seek to bring polarities into unity through dialogue and
discussion. This is the way of the New Earth and it will become the
predominant mode of political life in an awakened fifth-dimensional
Earth. “ (10)
He described the Earth-Keepers and Elders who will determine the future path of Earth, leaders of destiny’s path whom even Fifth-Dimensional beings are not readily familiar with.
“The real power to determine the future
path of the Earth is passing into the hands of the Earth Keeper Council
and the Council of Elders. These ones are called and chosen in the
higher dimensions and they have access to the Solar and Galactic
“They are not ‘obvious’ to those in
fifth-dimensional society, but they are those who are multi-dimensional
and can access Higher Consciousness and create and manifest according to
Divine Will as it is expressed in your Golden Rose Galaxy that is
birthing and forming now. …
“These are “elected” by their soul communities on the higher level for their wisdom, commitment and courage.” (11)
Once these changes have taken place, Earth will be able to assume her new role in the universe, he says.
“With these structures in place, Earth
ascends into her new ‘orbit’ as the Blue Star Planet, the first planet
within the Galaxy to achieve full multi-dimensional status and to be
governed by a Council of Earth Keepers and Elders.” (12)
He ends by telling is about the excitement that’s being generated as these new structure arise.
“Indeed, Beloved Ones, there is much
excitement as these new structures are put in place and connected with
the New Earth grids. We know many of you have thought that the Beings of
Light would come down to the Earth, but we say that it is you who will
ascend to meet with the Beings of Light in the Solar and Galactic
Councils and take your place as part of the Golden Galaxy.” (13)
So that’s what is being said about the fall of the old political order and the rise of the new. In the last few days before Ascension, people are expecting much to be revealed – perhaps the descent of the new City of Light over Sedona, the arrival of the galactics, a wave of love sweeping over the planet, the arrival of abundance. And all of these will result in the creation of a new political order that will restore our sovereignty and respect for one another’s freedom.
by Steve Beckow
(1) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.
(3) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.
(4) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(7) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” ibid.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) Archangel Michael, “The Multidimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” through Celia Fenn, March 2012,
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) Loc. cit.
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