Known as the Bivens class action suit, Hodge claims that in 2004-5 legitimate shareholders saw their stock watered down by the sale of 2.25 trillion “phantom” shares in the company. The SEC and the Justice Department combined to trap those guilty of naked short selling of the stock and cellar boxing the company. (2)
The CMKX scandal was one of several well-known individual or class action suits in which a small band of determined people fought back against the excesses of the cabal at great personal risk. The Wanta Funds and the farm claims were others.
These various claims are now being settled in favor of the claimants. They are part of the wholesale action being taken against the cabal and dovetail with broader initiatives like the World Global Settlements, the Global Currency Reset and others that are bringing in the new economic order.
Recently Al claimed victory in their class-action suit against the short sellers.
One interesting aspect of Al’s article is that he describes the manner in which several sting operations against the cabal have been run. They are one of the reasons for the Reval’s delay.
Prominent currency holders, many of them sitting in Congress, were cashed out upon making the promise that they would not use their cash-outs to buy further currency and they promptly then bought more currency.
These people will be or have been arrested and/or made to resign from Congress, etc. My own personal belief is that the delay in the Reval is not so much because people stood in the way as it is that the Reval has been in part used to entrap the corrupt. I believe that this clean-out will make the Reval safer for the rest of us.
Encouraging Al Hodges Update Emailed To Recaps
Hodges and Associates – 12/25/13 “THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM”
“Every indication from every credible source is that the Reset will become public today, tomorrow, the next day, or certainly by January 1, 2014.”
To dream … the impossible dream …
To fight … the unbeatable foe …
To bear … with unbearable sorrow …
To run … where the brave dare not go …
To right … the unrightable wrong …
To love … pure and chaste from afar …
To try … when your arms are too weary …
To reach … the unreachable star …
This is my quest, to follow that star …
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far …
To fight for the right, without question or pause …
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause …
To fight … the unbeatable foe …
To bear … with unbearable sorrow …
To run … where the brave dare not go …
To right … the unrightable wrong …
To love … pure and chaste from afar …
To try … when your arms are too weary …
To reach … the unreachable star …
This is my quest, to follow that star …
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far …
To fight for the right, without question or pause …
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause …
That is the real reason I became counsel for seven brave travelers of similar mind and spirit some five plus years ago.
I was frustrated by all the B.S. continually being fed to the CMKM Diamonds Inc. shareholders, I was confused by the fact that no one appeared to ‘be in charge,’ and I was perplexed by so many years having already passed since I had been told by the “founders” that “…. it will all be history within no more than a year.”
I was simply overcome with a compulsion to get to the bottom of what was taking place with my not insubstantial investment in this public company, CMKX.
Accordingly, because I then enjoyed the luxury of time and resources, I dove in head first and was soon consumed on a full time basis with pursuing the answer to my quest; I can assure you all that it seemed at that point to be an impossible dream.
I did not begin this quest out of a sense of arrogance, power madness, or other such motive; I began this quest because of the vacuum that existed.
After some reflection I began to appreciate that I might be the only substantial shareholder with the proper mix of professional skill, investigative skill, intellectual impetus and stimulus, and where-with-all to pursue it.
I do not intend to recite here the efforts and travails of the intervening years; some have already been published – the rest will have to await another time.
What I do wish to discuss in this message is some of the reasons for the extremely protracted delay in achieving resolution.
In that regard, please understand that circumstance still constrains what I can relate and what must remain, at least for the moment, hidden.
To repeat myself again, “…I have previously stated, we have confronted, with added pressure from the ‘lien-holders,’ the vilest, most contemptible, well financed forces for evil on the planet – and we have won!”
As I have previously stated, some many months later, that must seem to have been an idle boast. However, it does reflect the mighty struggle that has been raging in the shadows.
The essence of the delay relates directly to the relatively small role CMKX has played in this developing correction. I use those words specifically, and intentionally, to convey what this has been all about.
It has not only been about Wall Street, or financial corruption, or fiat currency, or political corruption, or concentration of all the world’s resources in the hands of a few such that the rest of the population become slaves, or the allowance by the American public of having their Constitutional Republic craftily usurped and replaced with a Corporation, or any combination of such ‘horribles;’ it has rather been about all of these things and more.
It has been about the US of A and every other civilization on this planet; it has been about returning the US of A to its rightful intended form of government; it has been about crafting a successful and transparent global financial system based on real values;
it has been about agreeing with all of our neighbors to a system of trade balance such that the playing field is equally available to all and represents fairness to each;
it has been about allowing the world’s resources, both natural and financial to be equitably allocated among all civilized nations; and, it has been about preparing the world for the future.
You’ve heard me state repeatedly that we’ve won; in the face of that you wonder all these many months later why I would lie to you and/or misrepresent the state of affairs.
Indeed, I would not do so under any circumstance of which I can conceive, so, let me be perfectly clear: we won the battle over CMKX and our right to be compensated for those wrongs perpetrated against us .
I did not mean to suggest when making that statement that the battle was over – if some were left with that impression, I apologize for the inadequacy of my expression.
I tried repeatedly to make clear that the battle raged on, and would so continue, until such time as we had received ER [Economic Receipt].
ER was then defined on multiple occasions as receipt by another of my clients of the BASEL approved funds due to be paid to him for the express purpose of conducting the US Dollar Refunding Project, a part of the World Global Settlements (WGS), as is the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
As I have set forth in essentially every legal document and every CMKX Update, achieving ER was a sina qua non to the CMKX shareholders being paid; the reason is a simple one – THAT’S THE WAY THE ENTIRE GAME PLAN WAS STRUCTURED.
The fact that the game plan was set up that way became a great stimulus to me to get involved with the WGS and GCR; it simply became the only means available to ‘hurry up’ the CMKX pay-out.
No one insisted I become involved and no one has paid me to be involved; however, I have picked up several new clients along the road, and I hope to assist them in their socially responsible efforts after these WGS/GCR programs become realized.
I tried originally to focus the attention of the shareholders on receipt of ER because I had received advice that such receipt would not only be public, but in fact would be the last item completed on the G-20 approved BASEL List of items to be accomplished necessary to support the World Global Settlements and the Global Currency Reset.
Accordingly, I concluded, based upon all the information I had discovered, that the CMKX ‘packages’ would be delivered right after the receipt of ER, mostly as a result of the mandate that CMKX moneys be paid out in asset-backed currency.
However, the miscreants came to the very same conclusion and have focused intensely on preventing Economic Receipt by any and all means possible.
Their efforts have involved literally every means possible; if you can conceive of it, it is a method/approach the cabal has taken advantage of and utilized.
To counteract such behavior, the “sting” approach has been utilized frequently and repeatedly by the ‘good guys.’ The most recent example of this concerns the expected RV of the Iraqi Dinar [IQD] currency, part of the Global Currency Reset.
Because of their high exalted status, many Congressional seat holders and other D.C. ‘bigwigs’ were originally allowed to convert their IQD holdings to Bank SKR’s, or Safe Keeping Receipts; these were originally done at various rates of expected exchange value which was in most cases substantially below the rumored $32.00 rate.
These same people were recently [w/i the last six weeks] given the opportunity to convert these SKR’s to GFR’s, or Guaranteed Fund Receipts; at that same time they were generally provided approximately 10% of the GFR value in cash equivalents with the express promise that said cash would not be utilized to purchase more IQD.
We are currently advised that many thousands violated such proscription almost immediately.
Some of these people will be resigning their offices and some others will undoubtedly be prosecuted.
Use of these continuing “sting” operations has helped to weed out those who continue to support the cabal and accede to their instructions; most of the other ‘miscreants’ have been arrested one or more times [Timothy Geithner for example has been arrested more than four times] and currently face prosecution in the near future.
The cabal is finished!
Most of the high-level and medium-level people, both in and out of government, have by now either been “stung” or arrested, and now face some combination of disgrace, loss of financial advantage, loss of position of power, loss of official office, and/or near term prosecution.
In my opinion, having closely monitored the events as they occurred, we have reached the position of imminent conclusion.
Although it is very difficult to appreciate the length of time this has taken, I can now accept that the acts involved were necessary to accomplish the goals sought.
As a result of this opinion and now having a fuller understanding of both the goals, and the accomplishments to date, I will once again stick my neck out to advise you all that your journey is all but over.
It is my opinion, based not only on what I am told each day by those at the top of the new powers that be, but more importantly on the status of the imminent Global Currency Reset. Its status is important because it cannot become a public fait accompli without the US Treasury becoming a hard-metal asset backed issuer of US currency.
Accordingly, when you publicly see the Global Currency Reset you will know that we have an asset backed currency, and you will know that we have received ER.
Every indication from every credible source is that the Reset will become public today, tomorrow, the next day, or certainly by January 1, 2014.
I cannot guarantee this of course, but it does represent my best opinion based on all available information. I can absolutely assure you that the wonder of what you are so soon to experience – REALITY – will mightily blow away any doubt, disbelief, bitter humor, or unhappy memories that recent experiences have encouraged and supported.
As I have said in the past, “you will be paid a great deal more than any have the right to expect [based on the amount of [your] investment]. In addition, you will receive a payment for the unconscionable length of payment delay.”
Al Hodges
Ps. Let me take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Joyous Holiday Season.
(1) “CMKM Diamonds and the $3.87 trillion lawsuit you didn’t hear about,” Examiner, March 30, 2010, at http://www.examiner.com/article/cmkm-diamonds-and-the-3-87-trillion-lawsuit-you-didn-t-hear-about
(2) “Cellar boxing” … has to do with the fact that the NASD and the SEC had to arbitrarily set a minimum level at which a stock can trade. This level was set at $.0001 or one-one hundredth of a penny. This level is appropriately referred to as “the cellar”. This $.0001 level can be used as a “backstop” for all kinds of market maker and naked short selling manipulations.
“Cellar boxing” has been one of the security frauds du jour since 1999 when the market went to a “decimalization” basis. In the pre-decimalization days the minimum market spread for most stocks was set at 1/8th of a dollar and the market makers were guaranteed a healthy “spread”. Since decimalization came into effect, those one-eighth of a dollar spreads now are often only a penny as you can see in Microsoft’s quote throughout the day. Where did the unscrupulous MMs go to make up for all of this lost income? They headed “south” to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets where the protective effects from naked short selling like Rule 10-a, and NASD Rules 3350, 3360, and 3370 are nonexistent. (http://www.hotstockmarket.com/t/68486/facinating-article-on-cellar-boxing.
by Steve Beckow
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