*** gavin

The plans to attack your internet could not be carried out, as good people shared their information worldwide, thus making it impossible for the Cabal to carry out its plans. It is important that you learn from this experience. Realise that you are not powerless. So many countries were aware of the plans to attack the internet. So the Cabal is finding it increasingly difficult to keep its plans secret.
By cooperating, coming together, and acting as a whole, mankind will survive. You do not need the Cabal for your survival. Their plans for humanity are horrific, but they are being exposed. Together, we can prevent them from carrying them out. Do not be taken in by their fine words, false displays of friendship, and the pretence of working for the good of humanity.
As the Irish Member of Parliament, Clare Daly, stated so eloquently, it is time to call it what it is. It is time for the women to retake control. With good men at their side, working together, peace, harmony and equality, could be restored in no time. Those in power are all part of the Cabal, just puppets obeying orders, prepared to say whatever it takes to keep the masses under control.
Ask them where their true allegiance lies. As you wake up, you will see this more and more. When the full picture of your situation becomes clear, you will be inspired as to what action you should take and whom to trust. Always ensure that you are grounded. This is very important at this time. Send much love to those who plan to destroy all that you hold dear, as they cannot handle love. Send love also to those who have been taken in by members of the Cabal, so that they may return to the Light once more. Ask their Higher Selves to please accept the love and protection you send them. The power of Love knows no bounds.
Many of you are concerned by the tiredness that overcomes you all of a sudden. Just close your eyes and allow the process of change that must happen to your bodies as this is essential for you to move to a higher dimension. Welcome these changes. They are what you have been waiting for. Obviously, those in the Cabal, will do all in in their power to prevent you from raising your consciousness. But you have nothing to fear. It is a natural process, welcome it. Your bodies are having to cope with some discomfort and pain as they deal with these changes. What you need to understand is that this is a natural process and there is no need to be alarmed or seek medical advice. There is no need for drugs of any kind. You are raising your vibration, that is all.
Be alert to all the misinformation that is being directed at you. Check all "facts" yourselves. Look with eyes wide open, and never again accept what you are told that you are seeing. Accept only what you can see for yourself. Take control of your lives and stop acting as sheep, allowing others to control you.
Religions were created so that you would accept, through FEAR and without question, what you were told. They failed to remind you that you all have FREE WILL, so it is up to you to decide what you accept. All religions rule through fear. This was done to control you. It is time to allow LOVE to replace that fear. It is when you see with the eyes of love that everything changes for the better.
This is a time of great change, so go with the flow. The right people will lead you forward into the Light. Most importantly, the killing will stop. The abduction of innocent children will stop and those responsible for this will be exposed, as this is the most heinous crime and it can never happen in the Light. There are some who are so corrupt that they will have to remove themselves from the Earth. Worry not, everything will proceed as it should. We in spirit are overseeing the Transition, and we encourage and support those who speak out. This is their chosen path. The Cabal is aware of those who have a mission to carry out. So they watch them until they become active, they then try to entice them away from it or attack them and implant them, to try to prevent them from completing their mission. Sometimes money is used as an enticement to lure them away. Those of you who are on Earth at this time with specific work to carry out, must be on guard. Protect yourselves as there are predators all around you, offering every enticement to get you off your Path.
One of your most trusted people is being used to get to you, to cause you problems. You, my dear, are only too aware of how they operate. When such people suddenly show an interest in you, offering financial assistance, it does not take a genius to know that they have an agenda. They know that if you follow your true path, you may expose what they are up to. The Cabal will go to any lengths to hold on to power. They will even "befriend" those they despise.
This is a most important time on Earth, as there are so many changes happening on many levels. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you are becoming who you truly are: Spirit Beings of Light. You know that darkness cannot exist in the Light. The shackles that the Cabal has imposed on you are falling away and you are beginning to feel free. Free to think your own thoughts. You are opening up to who you are and what you are capable of. Those within the Cabal are frightened of this, as you are so much more powerful than they are. Once you understand this fact, the Cabal is finished. They planned the destruction of the human race as you know it, and this could not be allowed to happen. You, all of you who are of the Light, are on Earth to see to it that this will not happen. You will succeed.
Forgive me for being so serious today, but these are serious times. My dear wife feels a great sense of responsibility. She has much to do.
My dear, we will continue to carry out our plans, regardless of those who may fall by the wayside.
Always, your adoring, Monty. 24june13by Veronica Montague Keen
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