Zap says:
Hi all,
Grandfather is plowing through the naughty and nice list. The big meetings with all the right (and wrong) people are taking place all over, and the list of who will do what and how are getting finalized. World changing stuff takes more than five minutes, and everybody is working overtime.
In the meantime, the rumor mill that receives snippets of this this stuff here and there is working overtime, as well trying to glean meaning and putting palatable spin to it to feed the blogs. Sigh.
The truth is much simpler and as above.
Now that Grandfather is back in charge, the bad guys are on the run, or trying to suck up to him and position themselves while smiling and kowtowing. This does not work on him, and he sees right through them, so we can be assured he will do the right thing for all of us.
Soon, everything will get settled, and the current circus will be replaced by real, clear, and sharply defined parameters that will be effected for the benefit of our humanity, and we can all get to the real work at-hand on the project side for the betterment of our world. Enough of this silliness of lack. We have purple flying pigs on our side, so we cannot go wrong.
Oh, and it looks like we will be merchandising stuffed purple pigs with white wings of all sizes in plush. This was suggested by one of our guys, and marketing loved it. So besides a financial institution (Bob’s bank and Sally’s savings) we have the purple pig mascot franchise, and the dial a dinar rumor center. Do not forget our wonderful Miss Phipps, whose services are also now available for a modest fee.
On another note, ‘Upstairs’ is doing much more for us here on this blue ball (Earth) than expected, and much work has already been done to that end to give us all the best possible chance of success in the coming times. So many of them are helping us it is truly extraordinary.
I wish I knew the timing of when they will do the formal thing and say hi, but I bet it will not be long. I had a couple of chats with them, and have learned good things, so I know we will have the best possible scenario literally given to us on a silver platter, and it will be up to us to do the right thing, or screw up.
So the bottom line here is more patience as grandfather winds things up and sets things to motion. This will revolve around the RV (revaluation of the dollar), the global (currency) reset, new financial system, arrests, etc.
I expect this to finalize before the 15th of September or sooner. They will tell me.
August 31, 2014
Copyright ZAP 2014
August 31, 2014
Copyright ZAP 2014
Contributions continue to be needed to keep this going until the money is flowing. Thank you for your support. Paypal.com account is goneforthfornow@gmail.com ..if you have a problem contact us @2goforth@safe-mail.com .....Consultations continue.
Namaste, Susan
Namaste, Susan
Love and Kisses,
Susan and Staff
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