I did not understand then what I understand now. My awareness had not expanded. I was feeling frustrated. I was feeling angry. I was feeling betrayed by life itself.
Fortunately, I listened to these feelings. I did not ignore them. Feelings are the language of the soul. They tell us what the soul wants us to look at now. They lead us to greater and deeper understandings. They are the doorway to wisdom. They are wisdom itself, cloaked in the garment of our illusion.
As we remove illusion from life expressed, the garment falls away, revealing the naked truth. We see this naked truth as the most beautiful aspect of life itself.
This same experience occurs in physical life when we see the naked body of humans. We continue to try to enhance our body by cloaking it with all manner of garments. And yet, in the end, all these garments do is cover the beauty of who we are, and not enhance it. We think we are covering that of which we ought to be ashamed. But we cover, in fact, that of which we ought to be fully celebrating.
We judge ourselves for being too fat or too thin, for being too this or too that. And yet, through the eyes of God, we are stunningly beautiful exactly the way we appear. When we stand in our nakedness, we reveal our true beauty to the world. That is why lovers are never more excited about life than when they stand naked before each other.
It is the same way with wisdom. It is most exciting when it is revealed as the naked truth. And that occurs when we drop away the garments of our illusion.
I have learned in my life that I live in a world filled with illusion. This was never made more clear to me than in the extraordinary book, Communion with God.
(I want to tell you right now that if you’ve not read that book you are missing something extremely important in terms of your overall understanding of the Conversations with God cosmology. Communion with God is the single most informative book in the With God series of books with regard to the illusion of humans. Never has a text given us more insight into how to recognize the illusion and how to step aside from it. Never has a book told us more about how to live with the illusion and not within it. Never has any data been given us which more clearly reveals how to use the illusion of life rather than be abused by it. So, by all means, if you have not read Communion with God , thinking that you have already read all you need to read in the With God series, or out of some mistaken thought that the later books simply repeat what the earlier books have already said, go find a copy and read it. You will find it to contain rich and new explanations of life’s deepest mysteries.)
On my own journey, I have found that once I understood the illusions of life, the Ten Illusions of Humans as described in Communion with God , everything changed. How I felt about life itself changed as my awareness expanded. I could then go back to Conversations with God and more richly understand its teaching that thought, word and deed are the three levels of creation. I could see how, in my own life, so many of the outer effects were created by things that I thought.
I then understood that what I was saying also arose out of my thoughts, and that what I was doing arose out of what I was both saying and thinking. First came the thought, then came my expression of it through words, and then came my experience of it through deeds.
Often my thoughts, words and deeds are not in alignment. This is something I have observed in my own life more than once.
That is, I may think one thing, and say another, or I may say something, and do something else quite the opposite. Only when my thoughts, my words and my deeds are in alignment, all expressing the same understanding, do they produce in the most powerful way manifestations in my physical life.
In the instance when these three aspects of divine creation are not in alignment, I find that I create in fits and starts. The manifestations of my life are incomplete, or temporary at best. This is because I am thinking one thing and saying another, or saying one thing and doing another, or thinking one thing and not doing what I’m thinking, or saying something and not thinking about what I am saying, or in some way or another am disconnected from my Self.
I therefore learned in my life to examine all three of these tools of creation because they are very powerful.
I have learned to look closely at what it is that I am thinking, to do as some philosophers would call it, think about what I am thinking. I’ve learned to talk about what I am talking about. When I talk about what I’m talking about, which is something that I am doing right here in writing, then I more clearly see what I am talking about. And when I think about what I am thinking about, I more clearly see what I am thinking about. And when I do something about what I’m doing something about, I more clearly see what I am doing something about. So I use the tools of creation to turn back on creation itself and to create what I’m creating.
When I begin to create what I am creating, rather than create unconsciously, I have moved into life with what I call New Consciousness.
This is what is referred to in contemporary society as the consciousness movement. It is about expanded consciousness. It is about expanded awareness. When I move to the second level of awareness, I become aware of what I am aware of.
So the most powerful tool I could give anyone and the most important thing I could say to anyone in my commentary on this statement of truth from Conversations with God is this: Think about what you are thinking about, talk about what you are talking about, do something about what you are doing something about.
That is, reflect upon yourself. Be a mirror. Show yourself to yourself. Reveal yourself to yourself. Take off the garment of your illusion by removing yourself from the illusory experience and placing yourself into the space of Ultimate Reality. Come from the place in which God resides.
And this can be done by meditating, or praying, or whatever other means that you find is effective in achieving communion with God. Chanting is another way. The whirling dervishes do this by dancing. Music is still another path to God and the place in which God resides. So too, poetry. Some people can achieve this wondrous state of communion with God through a simple walk in the woods.
However you achieve it, you will know when you have experienced it. And you do not need to experience it as a constant state of being, but only once or twice in your life. Once you experience God in you, and come from the place in which God resides, you need no further explanation concerning the truth that thought, word and deed are the three levels of creation – or any other truth, for that matter.
Communion with God eliminates the need for life to be explained. Life becomes the explanation itself.
With Love,
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