We’re easing into a greater sense of freedom and livelihood, and an essential element of doing so is enjoying everything we do with a sense of wholeness and invigoration. Let’s reignite our burning flame and pursue everything that lies ahead with passion and excitement, because this life is worth little if it can’t be lived from a brimming and excited place.
A lot of spiritual teachings tell us about the importance of calmness and zero point to achieve enlightenment, and I’ll admit that some wonderful meditations can be experienced from that place. If your goal is full-on enlightenment, feel free to take the zero point route and blank your physical perception so you can feel the much purer energy that awaits.
However, if you’re here on a mission to help awaken people and restore jubilance to the planet, you’re encouraged to find every exciting and constructive thing you can and pursue it with passion. Passion and excitement are experienced far more in the higher realms than they are here, but we can bring them back to earth now.
We can become the lively higher-dimensional forces we hear so much about, and in my developing opinion, the greatest way to do this is to embrace livelihood and cease holding ourselves to rigid expectations about what we should be doing or how we should be doing it.
Especially with our creative work, we should encourage ourselves to think outside the box and become inventive with the things we want to do. If we try to create in a format that worked before but that we’re outgrowing, we’ll only douse our burning flame and make the process uncomfortable and unenjoyable.
For this reason, you’re encouraged to continuously step outside of any personal paradigm you’ve crafted for yourself and challenge yourself to do something better; something greater. You can always reach new heights with your creative pursuits, but if you try to work through an outdated format, you’ll only go creatively numb.
There’s a part of all of us that craves challenge and the opportunity to excel. When we don’t act on that craving, we disable the deeper facets of our own creativity that’d thrive with new challenges and opportunities. Challenging ourselves can be fun and exciting, because it enables us to feel passionate about our mission and life in general.
It feels great to challenge ourselves and rise to the occasion, and doing so helps us develop and excel until our ultimate goals are reached. Instead of working away at things that don’t inspire us or enable us to shine like we really want to, let’s let creative passion back into our lives and step our pursuits up a notch.
The higher dimensions brim with excited, evolved souls who continuously challenge themselves and their ability to bring light and awareness to dark places. If we want to realign with these realms and the souls in them, it only seems natural that we align with the brimming and passionate qualities they possess.
If you’ve bound yourself to anything that you don’t enjoy, you’re encouraged to either expand on it or seek something else that’ll ignite your burning flame and inspire you to work as much as possible from an enthusiastic place.
The greatest changes we have yet to make will require more from us than we realize, and for the time being, we can do things that fill us with passion and inspiration. We can move everyone around us in beautiful ways if we find what we enjoy doing and work from there, and we can share the inspiration we’ve felt with potentially millions of people.
Everyone who’s successfully stood up against the powers that were or reintroduced spirituality to the world felt passionate about what they were doing, or they wouldn’t have excelled. We can all adopt this immense level of passion for our work in awakening the planet, and I think we’d sell ourselves short if we didn’t.
The great thing about passionately challenging ourselves is that we never have to stop. Even if we fail some of the challenges we give ourselves, we can always move on and pursue other things that require more than basic effort to accomplish. Even if it sounds cliché, what matters in the end is that we gave it our all.
Our goal isn’t to complete the race, but to enjoy what we do along the way.
With that said, let joy and passion fill the hearts of every seeker out there who wants to help people in the immense ways they’ve seen the trailblazers of our era do so. Let the reignited burning flame propel us into doing challenging and exciting things, because we’ll be able to look back on our experiences with the knowledge that we did something great.
We’re being called to do numerous revolutionary and paradigm-shattering things, and whether or not we can handle the task is up to us. Can you step to the plate with creative pursuits that inspire you and fill people with the excitement you’ve felt from the work of others?
This is the role we’re being called to play, and no matter what’s worked for us up to this point, we’re encouraged to forever expand our service to humanity if we feel as if it’s becoming stagnant.
The nature of the common seeker is to forever expand their perception and understanding, and it only seems right to integrate this nature into our creative pursuits. Expansion doesn’t just have to be in the information and consciousness we gain – it can be in the service we provide as well.
Our personal and collective paradigm needs to constantly expand, and we need to give it the room it requires to grow. Passion and livelihood will help us expand our respective paradigms and the work we do, and even an article typed away in silence can be filled with invigoration.
Personally, I try not to do any one thing if it becomes dull. It’s probably become clear by now that I write a lot, but I’m not yet in a place where I can constantly write. I choose to keep my work fresh by delving into other things if writing becomes stale, and I also make it a point to continually expand my perception of what writing is and can be.
Like I’ve said before, writing can be much more than we give it credit for, and likewise, the missions we each take on could be much more valuable than we realize. This is why I mentioned that we can try to expand the things we’ve been doing if they become dull before we all-out abandon them, and we might surprise ourselves if we do.
We have a lot to look forward to in the future we’re creating, and this moment of now can be just as bright as the future if we adopt a sense of invigoration with everything we do. We’re destined for greatness, each one of us, but we have to work toward it before it’ll gracefully flow to us.
by Wes Annac – Encouraging enthusiastic creativity.
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as writings from Wes and more. Come check us out!
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