Friday, May 31, 2013

Thank you Karen, Alex and your Guides!
*** gavin

World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption and Federal Reserve

By Alex Newman, New American
A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too, she explained.
In an interview with The New American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts. Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success.
This is a separate video interview with Karen Hudes:
Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the “network of global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” she explained, adding that the “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”
According to the peer-reviewed paper, which presented the first global investigation of ownership architecture in the international economy, transnational corporations form a “giant bow-tie structure.” A large portion of control, meanwhile, “flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions.” The researchers described the core as an “economic ‘super-entity’” that raises important issues for policymakers and researchers. Of course, the implications are enormous for citizens as well.
Hudes, an attorney who spent some two decades working in the World Bank’s legal department, has observed the machinations of the network up close. “I realized we were now dealing with something known as state capture, which is where the institutions of government are co-opted by the group that’s corrupt,” she told The New American in a phone interview. “The pillars of the U.S. government — some of them — are dysfunctional because of state capture; this is a big story, this is a big cover up.”
At the heart of the network, Hudes said, are 147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress but is owned by essentially a cartel of private banks. “This is a story about how the international financial system was secretly gamed, mostly by central banks — they’re the ones we are talking about,” she explained. “The central bankers have been gaming the system. I would say that this is a power grab.”
The Fed in particular is at the very center of the network and the coverup, Hudes continued, citing a policy and oversight body that includes top government and Fed officials. Central bankers have also been manipulating gold prices, she added, echoing widespread concerns that The New American has documented extensively. Indeed, even the inaccurate World Bank financial statements that Hudes has been trying to expose are linked to the U.S. central bank, she said.
“The group that we’re talking about from the Zurich study — that’s the Federal Reserve; it has some other pieces to it, but that’s the Federal Reserve,” Hudes explained. “So the Federal Reserve secretly dominated the world economy using secret, interlocking corporate directorates, and terrorizing anybody who managed to figure out that they were having any kind of role, and putting people in very important positions so that they could get a free pass.”
The shadowy but immensely powerful Bank for International Settlements serves as “the club of these private central bankers,” Hudes continued. “Now, are people going to want interest on their country’s debts to continue to be paid to that group when they find out the secret tricks that that group has been doing? Don’t forget how they’ve enriched themselves extraordinarily and how they’ve taken taxpayer money for the bailout.”
As far as intervening in the gold price, Hudes said it was an effort by the powerful network and its central banks to “hold onto its paper currency” — a suspicion shared by many analysts and even senior government officials. The World Bank whistleblower also said that contrary to official claims, she did not believe there was any gold being held in Fort Knox. Even congressmen and foreign governments have tried to find out if the precious metals were still there, but they met with little success. Hudes, however, believes the scam will eventually come undone.
“This is like crooks trying to figure out where they can go hide. It’s a mafia,” she said. “These culprits that have grabbed all this economic power have succeeded in infiltrating both sides of the issue, so you will find people who are supposedly trying to fight corruption who are just there to spread disinformation and as a placeholder to trip up anybody who manages to get their act together.… Those thugs think that if they can keep the world ignorant, they can bleed it longer.”
Of course, the major corruption at the highest levels of government and business is not a new phenomenon. Georgetown University historian and Professor Carroll Quigley, who served as President Bill Clinton’s mentor, for example, wrote about the scheme in his 1966 book Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time. The heavyweight academic, who was allowed to review documents belonging to the top echelons of the global establishment, even explained how the corrupt system would work — remarkably similar to what Hudes describes.
“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole,” wrote Prof. Quigley, who agreed with the goals but not the secrecy. “This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”
But it is not going to happen, Hudes said — at least not if she has something do to with it. While the media are dominated by the “power grabber” network, Hudes has been working with foreign governments, reporters, U.S. officials, state governments, and a broad coalition of fellow whistleblowers to blow the entire scam wide open. There has been quite a bit of interest, too, particularly among foreign governments and state officials in the United States.
Citing the wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers in creating a federal system of government with multiple layers of checks and balances, Hudes said she was confident that the network would eventually be exposed and subjected to the rule of law, stopping the secret corruption. If and when that happens — even if it may be disorderly — Hudes says precious metals will once again play a role in imposing discipline on the monetary system. The rule of law would also be restored, she said, and the public will demand a proper press to stay informed.
“We’re going to have a cleaned-up financial system, that’s where it is going, but in the meantime, people who didn’t know how the system was gamed are going to find out,” she said. “We’re going to have a different kind of international financial system…. It’ll be a new kind of world where people know what’s going on — no more backroom deals; that’s not going to keep happening. We’re going to have a different kind of media if people don’t want to be dominated and controlled, which I don’t think they do.”
While Hudes sounded upbeat, she recognizes that the world is facing serious danger right now — there are even plans in place to impose martial law in the United States, she said. The next steps will be critical for humanity. As such, Hudes argues, it is crucial that the people of the world find out about the lawlessness, corruption, and thievery that are going on at the highest levels — and put a stop to it once and for all. The consequences of inaction would be disastrous.
You can find out more about Karen Hudes via her website

Before you set out making grand goals to reach, it is essential dear ones to change your thoughts and let go of mindless indulgences. To achieve certain goals, sacrifices are required –-this is known and understood. In order for your plans to work successfully, you must be able to think clearly without any cluttering distractions that often sway to the negative side of things. Learn to develop a methodical mind and see your plans before you begin working and becoming all that you envisioned. Don’t limit yourself by holding onto limiting thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you change the course of all your actions. Any progress you have made so far is because you were WILLING to sacrifice something. You learned to rely on yourself rather than others, you at certain times were the master of your thoughts. You can be this master at all times, and you will achieve more success as a result in all matters that cross your path and you will achieve divinely.

Thank you Melchizedek and Julie!
*** gavin

YOU are the Maker of YOUR Self 
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ May 26 – June 02, 2013

We begin with a reminder dear ones, the total sum of your thoughts is demonstrated through your character. It is important on this journey that you embrace your whole being, reaching every condition and situation with your complete heart. 
Everything you do is because of thoughts that are created by you. What you do, is not done out of thin air, but from you consciously choosing by what your thinking mind has created. And this is also the case for any spontaneous actions that were executed by you. You carried the thoughts that birthed them into action. 
Every action you take is considered as the blossom, or the flower of your thoughts. Any joy or suffering can be described as fruit of your labour. How you harvest your fruit, makes a great impact on how you will proceed in any situation. Will you react with bitterness towards the fruit of your labour or with sweetness regardless of the outcome? 
From what you think you build and create. If your thoughts are dark, many times you feel pain and discomfort and not necessarily physical pain. We have observed many dear souls become ill when they foster dark thoughts, even if they do not act on them; they carry destructive energy just as they are. But if your thoughts are pure of heart, joy and happiness will follow you in all things. 

Your growth and evolution as a physical being is part of the laws of nature, nothing of your fundamental nature that you were born with is artificial. You were born pure of any deviant thought or action. Understanding cause and effect as absolute came later when you developed understanding and a certain amount of awareness of yourself and others. Cause and Effect continues even now unswerving within your shadowy realm of thoughts in a world that is drastically emphasized by materialistic things. Achieving your God-liked-ness of character does not just happen overnight dear ones. This achievement is natural and it is the outcome of your continual effort to be in the right frame of thinking each time a situation is presented to you. By remaining with Un-God-liked-ness thoughts what is observed and felt is a brutish and cruel nature and many dear souls that continue in this process is because of their exaggerated thoughts that are not pure of heart or in nature. 
Through your thoughts dear ones, you either create yourself or you unmake yourself. You can be the creator of joy and build strength and peace from your thoughts that will have positive effects and benefits on those closest to you and will help to raise the Earth’s Vibration. The choices you make from the thoughts you carry does hold tremendous weight dear ones. Within each of you are the extreme sides of your nature, light vs. dark. These polarities are always with you. It is up to you to balance your energies and learn to harvest balanced thoughts that will demonstrate the goodness of your character through the pureness of your spiritual heart. Remember dear ones you are the maker of your Self. 
Each truth you face is beautiful as it holds many opportunities to better yourself and restore any diminished light in any area of your being. Because you are the Master and Maker of your Self, you alone hold the promise of how your personality will shape, and how to proceed within any condition, what will be your environment and how your future will unfold. It is you dear ones that make your life happen, and it is you as well that can destroy it. 
Due to your Inner Power, Wisdom and Love you have the innate capability to transform and regenerate every situation just because you Will it to be. Many of you have forgotten this fact, each of you have always been the master of your thoughts and of where your path goes as a result. No matter how weak you may feel, you are still the master of your thoughts. By allowing yourself time to reflect on matters that brought out certain situations, you will see through the purity of your heart how things became degraded and through your diligent search for inner answers you will discover profound wisdom on which you will act upon with intelligence and mindful of your thoughts. Becoming a conscious master of your thoughts, you explore within your Inner Being who you really are and this incredible helpful discovery will direct you to apply this new found knowledge in practical application through every experience you meet. 
Through your constant search for Inner Knowledge, you will achieve greatness as you discover your truth and your truth is Golden dear ones. With continual searching within your soul to learn of your Self, you will learn how to be more observant and how to make conscious and positive choices; you learn how to positively change your thoughts due to their impact on your whole self and journey. You learn from any mistake you created, you discover newer and more efficient ways of doing things by practice and exploration. By making use of the knowledge gained from every experience you have had, you are able to obtain peace of mind and become the master of your Self. 
Any thoughts that hold the image of weakness, strength, purity or impurity are yours and not anyone else’s. It is your individual responsibility to make the appropriate changes that will bring about joy and happiness. Even if the dear soul is weaker by character to someone who is stronger, the weaker one must want to be helped and even when the weaker one accepts help, they must find their own strength within the help they are receiving in order to develop strength that will help change his/her own perception of themselves. 
During moments where you may feel weak within yourself we remind you to practice compassion. Compassion is not only for the ones perceived to be weak and oppressed but is a necessary Right Action even for the ones who are untroubled. Compassion is not meant to be seen as one-sided. When you finally conquer your moment of weakness you will come home to the freedom of your whole and complete self. It is up to you to remain feeling weak and miserable. When you rise and lift your thoughts, then you become in control of your journey. 

Before you set out making grand goals to reach, it is essential dear ones to change your thoughts and let go of mindless indulgences. To achieve certain goals, sacrifices are required –-this is known and understood. In order for your plans to work successfully, you must be able to think clearly without any cluttering distractions that often sway to the negative side of things. Learn to develop a methodical mind and see your plans before you begin working and becoming all that you envisioned. Don’t limit yourself by holding onto limiting thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you change the course of all your actions. 
Any progress you have made so far is because you were WILLING to sacrifice something. You learned to rely on yourself rather than others, you at certain times were the master of your thoughts. You can be this master at all times, and you will achieve more success as a result in all matters that cross your path and you will achieve divinely. 
There is no favouritism from the Universe or even from God to those that demonstrate greed and dishonest selfishness. These dear souls may appear to have much in a material sense, but those that have virtuous thoughts have more. The dear souls that demonstrate this greed and selfish nature provide helpful reminders to those of an altruistic manner to remain this way noble and unselfish. The teacher isn’t always of a pure Faith or Right way of being; Some of the teachers you will cross paths with will be quite the opposite. Every person becomes the teacher and the student. 
Any intelligent achievements you have made is because of your thoughts and your search for deeper knowledge that feeds your soul and resonates with your heart. You find yourself in these discoveries and unravel many truths. The achievement of discovering your truth requires arduous effort by you with the understanding that your truth may not be EXACTLY the same as another’s. You cannot push your truth on another soul, as that would be an infringement of their own beliefs and their own truths. Learning to accept respectfully that each of you has your own truths to discover and each truth is worthy to be shared and accepted even if you do not agree with another person’s truth. You are grateful to learn of their thoughts, their beliefs and you honour them with your love and compassion instead of demonstrating any kind of indignity towards them. Each of you has something worthy and special to share. Be mindful and always act from the Goodness of your thoughts. 
Comprehend dear ones that all your achievements are the crowning of all your efforts that were born from your thoughts. When you maintain self-control, purity of thought and heart, up-righted decency in all things you will grow and develop in positive Light and Love bringing ways. By now you have learned those that maintain a lack of self-control, impurity and corruption of thought will not achieve in a positive Light and Love manner. There are always opposites to everything; two sides to every coin. It is up to you how to change your thoughts in order to change the direction of your path. Your thoughts become your actions; remember this dear ones. 
We have witnessed many dear souls rise in great worldly success even with great heights in the Divine Realm of Spirit only to fall because of their change of thoughts…they become lofty and arrogant instead of remaining mindful and pure of heart. Any victories that were achieved through your Right thought requires careful observation by you. Don’t lost what you have worked so hard to gain by losing control of your thoughts by becoming selfish and greedy. It makes little difference if victories won are through any form of business, intellectually or within the Divine Realm of Spirit because they became successful because of your definite directed thoughts and you applied yourself completely in order to attain the victorious object of your goal. 
To achieve greatly, you must be willing to sacrifice greatly and maintain order of your thoughts, as they do become action. 
I AM Melchizedek 

through Julie Miller

"Your collective power is quite strong indeed, which is why you have been kept separated (by religion and invisible borders) for so very long by the powers that control your world through money." "When it is understood that no man is different from another, and that all are Loved equally by the Creator who doesn’t judge or send any souls to any hellish landscape if they do not follow a strict set of rules or dogmas (remember, you create your reality through your beliefs --both here on the Earth School and in the Afterlife), humanity will unite with the grace, ease and desire of our Creator. We excitedly await such a time when you can fully come together and express yourselves as facets of your infinite Oversoul of Consciousness, which currently resides in the Heavens outside of your limited awareness awaiting your own Awakening."

Happy Birthday Wes, you ol' fart --LOL!
I thank you again, and your Guides, SanJAsKa, and the PHC!
*** gavin

Note from Wes: It’s my twentieth birthday today (May 27). I give this message from the Pleiadians with exuberant happiness and Love. :)

The awakening of the collective of humanity is proceeding quite marvelously, though we know that it does not seem to be so from the point of view of those of you who continue to struggle. We ask you to stand strong in your efforts, dear souls, for the Divine is much closer than you would readily believe and we are, in fact, with every one of you right now.

We feel such a strong Love for the awakening collective of humanity and indeed, for all of Creation.

We feel the strongest Love and desire to assist you along your personal and collective evolution processes because truly, what you are doing is unprecedented. You are allowing a planet whose surface has been brimming with negativity for far too long to find the Light and find ascension as a result, and your efforts up to this point have been more than needed.

This is because every single Earth soul is feeding their thoughts and emotions into a grid of energy, which has been discussed before. You are feeding your thoughts and feelings into the collective consciousness, and what you manifest comes as a result of those thoughts and feelings.

This is why we encourage positivity and Love in all endeavors because truly, those emotions and energies will not steer you wrong.

Peek Into the Unknown
Souls on your world throughout a plethora of ages have taken to mental means of understanding Life and the Universe around you, and this has proven an ultimately-fruitless way to look at your Lives for truly, everything around you is brimming with the purest of spirituality; even when it doesn’t seem to be so.

Yes, your lower realms will boast continual physicality that seems to be quite unchangeable at times, but a simple meditative peek into the unknown will help remind you that Divinity and spirituality are present everywhere and that all one needs to do is honestly search for such things to find them.

Those on your world who refuse to believe in the existence of spirit or realms beyond your conscious perception will find their increased understanding of these realms in their own perfect timing; it is simply that the density and physicality of the Earth experience have fogged the minds and hearts of too many Earth souls who feel as if the reality they experience is the only one in existence.

We ask for you to see how untrue such an idea truly is in the face of the vast planets, galaxies and Universes that lay beyond this one. Indeed, it would make little sense for an entire Creation to be envisioned up only to have one small, blue planet in the corner of the Cosmos be the only one hosting Life and conscious experiences.

The purpose of Creation is for you to experience yourselves as the Creator in a more distorted form than you had originally existed in, and your return to full consciousness will herald your complete and uninhibited understanding that you are God, in every single form God has come about.

Source Created the Lower Realms to Experience
This is because the Creator; Source; God; whatever you wish to call the entity who Created and continues to sustain (all of) our conscious experiences until we grow back into the understanding that we are such Creator; this soul has formed lower, dense realms from His/Her own omnipotent structure, for fragmented aspects of His/Her ultimate Being to experience, play around in and eventually grow away from.

You have certainly had your fair share of play on the Earth, but we again note the level of trouble and difficulty experienced by many of you who simply wish to feel and remember what it is like to exist in the realms of full consciousness.

You are gaining small yet potent glimpses into the higher realms with each bit of intent and effort you make to seek them and as has been said, your connection to Creation; the Source of all that is, is perfectly instantaneous. You need only make a request that the Creator be with you and quite instantly, you will find yourselves in the vicinity of the Creator’s energies.

Indeed, in so many senses we all already feel and exist as a part of the Creator’s energies, but we know that many of you dear Earthly souls would like even more of a glimpse into the energies making up your conscious experience of reality and leading you ever onward toward purer dimensions of consciousness.

Cleansing and Healing Orchestrated Pollution
We are constantly in your skies, helping to mitigate and in some cases, neutralize altogether, the pollution that is continually manifested and fed on your dearest Earth.

The cabals have quite purposely taken to harming Gaia by way of polluting Her ground, skies, waterways and atmosphere and as such, we take to stationing ourselves in dearest Gaia’s sky so that we can send out formulas and energies that help in the mitigation of the negative affects the massive pollution being fed would otherwise have.

In so many areas of your world the cabals have established refineries, mills and other things that are intended to produce commodities and foods on your Earth, but that pollute Her surface and atmosphere drastically.

We ask for the collective of humanity to begin getting as active as you possibly can in raising awareness of the massive pollution that is being fed, because as a collective you can truly get so much more accomplished than you would readily believe.

Your collective power is quite strong indeed, which is why you have been kept separated for so very long.

When it is understood that no man is different from another and that all are Loved equally by a Creator who doesn’t judge or send any souls to any hellish landscape if they do not follow a strict set of rules or dogmas, humanity will unite with the grace and ease of our Creator. We excitedly await such a time when you can fully come together and express yourselves as facets of an infinite oversoul of consciousness.

Merging with your Twin Flame & True, Unconditional Love
As humanity comes together and finds an unprecedented collective growth and learning, your Oneness will become increasingly clear and some of you who are particularly close may eventually find yourselves merging as you discover your ability to do so.
What we mean is that you are all comprised of the same spiritual energy, and many of you who feel very close with each other at present may eventually choose to merge back into a fragmented aspect of the One oversoul that you truly are, which is made up of both (or more) individual souls who wish to rejoin together.

Many twin flames have incarnated on your world and physically separated despite the fact that at a spiritual level, they are aligned and united. Pure Love Creates and sustains your realities and when we use the term Love, we do not use it in the hollow sense many on the Earth have been accustomed to.

Rather; we speak of true, pure unconditional Love, which is sent out to every facet of our Creator’s inexplicably-large Creation. Every single Godspark on your dear Earth and far beyond can begin to unlock and understand the true, full and awesome power of the energy that is Love.

This energy helps to sustain and keep your conscious experience of reality in place and as you evolve and find purer dimensions of consciousness, perception and understanding, you will see that the energies formulating each experience on each octave of consciousness you are to undergo remain the prevalent force helping you to Create the realties you will exist in upon evolving.

So many aspects of your current experience will fade away or be transmuted altogether as you grow into greater perceptions, but the energy that is Love will only come to be understood more and more as the ultimate, infallible energy that it is.

Your Infallibility & the “Barriers of Negativity”
Being comprised of this energy, you too are infallible and you can affirm this to be so in every moment.

You have had to deal with very real barriers that would and will attempt to get you to feed the strongest of negativity, separation and hatred, but we trust that you dear souls can recognize when a clear malevolent influence is attempting to take control over your emotions and rightly work to transmute the aspects of those barriers attempting to hold negativity in place.

Psychic attacks are indeed real, but we do not want for you dear souls to fear any type of malevolent entity coming through and “attacking” you. Rather; psychic attacks will come in the form of being sent discordant energies and impressions, and negative or low emotions are usually attached to such discord as the entity sending them attempts to get the soul receiving them to feed such negativity.

If an attempted psychic attack comes your way, there is truly nothing to fear as you can call upon dear Archangels Michael, Raphael or any one of us to help you with the full and clear (stopping) of such attacks. Your and our blessing energies will go to the entity attempting to send them to you.

The cabal-heads specifically (who have been behind many of such attacks) have had their day in the sun, and currently experience pure forms of containment that we are indeed stepping-up, until their influence has dwindled down to nothing in terms of what they are able to do or achieve.

Intensification of Containment & Humanity’s Responsibility
Your society as it is today has been quite fabricated and planned-out, and the cabal heads who have played very large parts in the engineering of your society have, for quite a while, attempted various different schemes and attacks against the collective of humanity which, little did they know when planning them, were not to ever be brought about because they are not in alignment with what humanity is intended to experience via your ordained freewill contracts.

We speak of these souls existing in a holographic reality wherein they think or assume they are pulling a massive, malevolent deed off, only to find that the events they planned so rigorously have not happened at all.

This is one of the strongest aspects of the containment the cabal heads are experiencing at this time and along with this, they are fruitfully contacted in their dream state and are being worked with so that the malevolence that’s closed off their hearts for so long can no longer have the effects or cause the massive suffering and hardship it has.

We do not want for discussions of containment, disclosure or anything else to soften humanity’s personal drive to enact change on your world as while we are assisting you with so many facets of your evolution and this truth simply cannot be overstated; we can only work within the perimeters we are allotted and we must allow your experiences to largely play-out as you Create them.

We can help to neutralize the cabal heads and the dastardly deeds they would attempt to perpetrate upon the Earth, and we can help clean up your environment so that the playing field is fair and humanity does not experience a grand catastrophe as a result of the cabal’s actions or the general unawareness as to the massive pollution being fed on your world but beyond all of this, we must look toward you the awakening humanity to bring-forth exposure and peace for your entire collective to feel, radiate and benefit from.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we again ask every one of you to get as active as you possibly can in restoring the Earth and working to expose to the entire collective, everything about your planet that isn’t in alignment with the freedom and sovereignly every soul deserves to feel and understand.

We will be and have been with you in your inner-realms and so very soon, we will be able to be with you on the ground. Then, the real celebrations can begin.

Thank you to SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You are not puppets. Take responsibility. Do not do the dirty work of the cabal; By doing so, you are assisting in your own demise. Do not attack your fellow human beings. You must all come together as the 99%, for you have a common enemy who wants the planet for themselves --again: the 99% are not included in their plans. Would you, by your own actions of blindly accepting what they tell you on mainstream media, assist them in achieving their goal? Is this what you really want? The Vatican, through fear of punishment that never existed in the first place, has ensured that you willingly sign over to it your babies, by means of baptism. So they alone, have dominion over their souls. This evil practice must stop. The Vatican stands on a precipice and each new exposé pushes it nearer the edge. Soon, it will fall without trace. Their evil empire is being exposed and dismantled. Never again will mankind be exposed to such evil. The FEAR it thrives on, will be exposed; For the Vatican is based on lies that are all designed to keep the masses under control. It controls every aspect of your lives; but at last, people are waking up to this.

Thank you Monty and Veronica!
*** gavin

The light of truth is exposing so much. Those within the cabal are desperate; they are floundering. People no longer accept without question what they are told. They now check the evidence, and they wonder how they could have just accepted what they were told in the past.

You believed that those who governed you, had your best interests at heart. Now, you can see that this is not true. The cabal rules and has plans do not include you! You have watched one false flag operation after another, all along designed to cause FEAR and to create enemies that foolish and mindless people attack without question.

You are not puppets. Take responsibility. Do not do the dirty work of the cabal; By doing so, you are assisting in your own demise. Do not attack your fellow human beings. You must all come together as the 99%, for you have a common enemy who wants the planet for themselves --again: the 99% are not included in their plans. Would you, by your own actions of blindly accepting what they tell you on mainstream media, assist them in achieving their goal? Is this what you really want?

Listen to those who are speaking out at this time. They are brave souls who put their lives on the line for the good of humanity. David Icke, Kevin Annett, Gilad Atzmon, Miko Poled: These are four such men, who risk all to expose what is planned for humanity by those you are encouraged to trust.

Remember that the cabal has used the Divide and Conquer technique throughout history. This was done to ensure that mankind never came together as one and realised that there is a problem and that it is necessary to WAKE-UP and deal with it.

Religion was devised to keep people apart and to create suspicion and mistrust. This has created differences that were all man-made with a distinct purpose in mind. There will be many more false flag operations, so it is good that people are awake to them now. Sooner or later, the cabal will have to accept that its plans will never come to fruition.

The Vatican, through fear of punishment that never existed in the first place, has ensured that you willingly sign over to it your babies, by means of baptism. So they alone, have dominion over their souls. This evil practice must stop. The Vatican stands on a precipice and each new exposé pushes it nearer the edge. Soon, it will fall without trace. Their evil empire is being exposed and dismantled. Never again will mankind be exposed to such evil. The FEAR it thrives on, will be exposed; For the Vatican is based on lies that are all designed to keep the masses under control. It controls every aspect of your lives; but at last, people are waking up to this.

It does not matter one jot, which religion you belong to, since the Vatican controls all. Its tentacles reach far and wide into every aspect of your lives, irrespective of race or creed. It is time to embrace your own spirituality and become who you truly are. Live in love, not fear.

You must return your planet to the Light and civilisation to the path of love and forgiveness. Extend the hand of friendship to the countries you have waged war against and to the people you have been encouraged to mistrust and fear. It will all come together as it should, for the time has come when it must come together. You will have all the assistance that you need. Then, soldiers will remove their uniforms and refuse to kill. They will come to realise how they have been used to keep the cabal in control.

You, my dear, have experienced first hand, how the cabal operates. It is sometimes difficult to help others to see what (to you) is blatantly obvious. Money is always used to entice people to leave the path of light and to become controlled like a puppet. It is foolish, at this late hour, to fall for this, as soon, money will be a thing of the past. It will not be needed. This is hard to imagine now, but I promise you, this is what will happen. The more the cabal tries to block the changes, the bigger mess they get themselves into [by process of the Law of Attraction]. Change is inevitable. It was planned by greater minds than theirs, so it cannot fail.

The energy changes are obvious to many of you. Bear with them and you will understand, in time, that all is done for your higher good. The end justifies the means. When you look back and see what it took to bring light and love into your world, you will see that it was worth every moment of pain and discomfort. You will see humanity living in peace and harmony. Communication will be telepathic, so no misunderstandings are possible. Gradually, food and sleep will not be necessary and will fade from memory. You are embarking on an incredible adventure. So enjoy it.

Be prepared to assist those who are still caught up in the old way of life. It takes courage to embrace the new, and as yet, untried. Doors are opening all over your world. Doors that had kept secrets hidden behind them, like your true history and your origins, etc. The important fact is that you are powerful beings of Light, whose Light was deliberately darkened in order to enslave you.

It is time for the shackles to come off and for you to take back your power. All the countries need to come together and encourage each other through the hand of friendship. Presently, you have an 'US and THEM' scenario: You know who THEY are, and it is obvious who the US is. When the US come together in friendship, you know you are home and dry.

Refuse to see differences, as they are man-made in order to separate you. You, my dear, being Irish, should feel at home in many countries, as you will find pockets of Irish DNA, thus proving that in ancient times, the Irish travelled far and wide spreading love, light and knowledge. All one big, happy family, until the Cabal forcibly took control and used the sword to destroy all that was good.

Now, you will come together, for the love of humanity and your planet will be all that is necessary as you expose the dark deeds of the past that have led to the destruction of all that was good and pure. You will look at the greed of the past with disgust and you will refuse to be part of it, ever again. It was called the Rat Race. How appropriate! Look forward, and never seek revenge. For it brings you down to the level of the cabal, and you are better than that. Study the history of ancient times, as all you need to know is there for you to explore and move on.

You, my dear, learned recently, that in ancient times in Egypt, there was NO WORD FOR DEATH. Egyptians believed that they would return to the WEST from where they had come. When someone died, they would say that they were "WESTING." How interesting. Take note of what it is telling you . . . Were they returning to Ireland? Did they believe that they were?

You will have such fun researching your history, my dear. I do not wish to spoil it for you. There are many pyramids yet to be discovered, and some underwater cities also ready to reveal their secrets. Exciting times ahead !

The truth will excite and amaze you. Go for it. Share it. The time is right.

One word of caution . . . be ever vigilant! There are those who are happy with the status quo. They want to keep things as they are, so they will try to infiltrate and disrupt, causing mistrust where none exists. You all need protection from the dark cabal and its minions. Always remember to ask for protection and keep grounded. Be alert at all times, as you know people are sometimes overshadowed and are not personally responsible for what they do. This must be taken into account. The cabal will do everything in its power to hang on to control. It will fight dirty, as that is all it knows. But it can only hurt you if you show fear of it.

Appreciate friends and family, and extend this appreciation to all who work in the Light.

My love, together, we will walk this path.
Your adoring, Monty.  26may13

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Divine continues to ensure that the dark cabal and its covert adherents are graciously pushed from power by the overwhelming transformative powers of the Light. Meanwhile, we focus on the plans for the upliftment of all. Each of us, at one time or another, proved able to ascend into our full spiritual and physical potential, and this ascension ceremony is to be provided for you when you begin your own sacred ritual in your personal Light Chamber. This blessed ceremony is to give you access to wonders and abilities that have been denied you since your ancestors' fall in Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Think of this procedure as a sacred dispensation that Heaven is granting you en masse. This amazing technology, devised in part by Heaven, is simply the vehicle chosen to realize the divine promise made to you just prior to your fall.

Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!
*** gavin

Selamat Jarin! We come with many things to tell you! The dark cabal continues to search for a way to escape from its many predicaments, but every turn they take leads them into a dead-end. There remains no way for these dark ones to resolve their ever-deepening dilemma. Meanwhile, the world their ancestors built proceeds to crumble around them. We continually draw their attention to the new economic and political reality that is starting to manifest before them. Truly, their only hope is to surrender and place themselves at the mercy of the Ascended Masters' sacred secret societies, in whose keeping they can confess and seek the inner remorse that can provide the relief each one of them so dearly seeks. This course of action is also truly compassionate considering what they have perpetrated on humanity. If they spurn the offer of surrender, their deleterious activities marks them for a dark fate; If they choose the option of a civil arrest... then likely vengeful prosecution. As their powers decline, these groups need to take a good look at where they now stand and acknowledge the spiritual assistance being offered. But the cabal seems frozen in its tracks and unwilling to compromise with the inevitable.

   The Light is working its sacred magic, putting all its dominoes in place. Soon a great fall is to overtake the dark, along with the release of a lot of previously unknown facts that are to become common knowledge. Humanity, unavoidably, will be outraged by some of the content of this sudden flood of startling information, the nature of which will be so appalling that it will successfully prevent any inclination to return to the old, callous ways of the dark and allow the new realities to be welcomed in. The power of the few will end and prosperity for all will wash over the planet. Further, a formal disclosure will permit us to interact directly with you. In a series of truly astounding broadcasts, the very foundation of your reality will be first shaken and then reduced to rubble! Our appearance alone is to shatter your core beliefs about yourselves, namely, that you are alone and unique in the universe. All your histories, the tales of your origins (religious and anthropological), and your self-perception are to be changed forever. In one grand swoop, your long romance with limited consciousness ends!  ["HIP HIP HOORAY" screams this blogger!]

   Waiting for you with open arms is the embrace of full consciousness. Our mentors intend to provide you with a thorough understanding of what this divine state implies. Their teachings are part of the last leg of the journey which culminates in your individual Light Chambers and the crowning transformation of your Beingness into a fully conscious Being of Light. This process will remove your millennia long state of amnesia and reunite you with your Heavenly Self, enabling you, first of all, to become responsible for the stewardship of Gaia and her magnificent diversity of Life. This responsibility will be expanded to include guardianship of this entire solar system and the cornucopia of life forms which inhabit her worlds. Your rise in consciousness will also make you eligible to take part with others in creating a Lightbody for those Beings who were used by Anchara to spread chaos and strife throughout this galaxy. This is to bring us all a true and enduring galactic peace. At the same time, it will bring you the fame and accolades you truly deserve.

   As you move through the coming days, know that you are experiencing the final moments of your time in limited consciousness. Take these moments to reassess who you are, consider what you have accomplished, and what you feel you are here to do. Take this personal vision and prepare for it to be enhanced by the information your mentor brings you. These two interweaving information streams will form the foundation of what you will shortly become. Your mentors comprehend how consciousness operates and fully intend to impart these abilities to you. Armed with this knowledge, you can get a better understanding of how your particular life contract was negotiated by your heavenly council of guides and you. This heavenly document is a living contract and thus changes slightly as you move through your life on Earth. It is one of the subjects you will discuss fully with your mentor as you need to learn how your contract can be transformed once you become fully conscious. Truly, if you could see the many fascinating vistas that are to open up to you during your final journey to full consciousness, it would take your breath away!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We appear to you at this time through our messages which continue in the blessed vein that has marked our recent reports to you. The Divine continues to ensure that the dark cabal and its covert adherents are graciously pushed from power by the overwhelming transformative powers of the Light. Meanwhile, we focus on the plans for the upliftment of all. Each of us, at one time or another, proved able to ascend into our full spiritual and physical potential, and this ascension ceremony is to be provided for you when you begin your own sacred ritual in your personal Light Chamber. This blessed ceremony is to give you access to wonders and abilities that have been denied you since your ancestors' fall in Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Think of this procedure as a sacred dispensation that Heaven is granting you en masse. This amazing technology, devised in part by Heaven, is simply the vehicle chosen to realize the divine promise made to you just prior to your fall.

   The Light Chamber eclipses the necessity for many generations of intense spiritual focus, which all of us Ascended Masters were required to undertake, and is being allowed only by a most special, divine dispensation. In the short space of three days, you are being permitted to forgo reams of special prayers and practices that were our supreme taskmasters. During this short period, you will be infused with a Light that unzips all the biological elements imposed by the dark on your ancestors, and your forgotten memories and vast creative abilities are to be 'plugged back in.' Your responsibility is to use this potential to reactivate your grand status as a full-fledged physical Angel. You will have our assistance during your post-Light Chamber training, and once this is finished you will require a lot of information concerning the setting-up of your galactic society. Here you will be assisted primarily by the Agarthans and by each of us.

   Establishing a new, fully operational galactic society has implications beyond just creating a new star-nation: One of your first responsibilities will be to put together a group dedicated to using its unique abilities to assist others and thereby firmly cement into place a most needed galactic peace. This special star-nation, which carries such a powerful energy of 'home,' is to be the site for a series of conferences focusing on the expansion of the Light's jurisdiction to galaxies so far distant that their known location from us is measured in quadrillions of parsecs. We are to be blessed with sacred duties which are to unfold the divine plan and permit us to carry out our many sacred tasks. These activities will permit us to cast out the dark and bring in the Light to every part of this sector of physicality as prophesied eons ago. You have reached the end of your harrowing odyssey through the shadow lands and are now to blossom in the glories of the Light!

   Today, we continued with our discussion of what is unfolding around you. Your surface realm is poised to transform from a land of ever-tougher survival and hardship into a place which can soon be reunited with the Light realm that is Inner Earth! This reunion will initiate a new star-nation which is to be a most welcomed addition to the Galactic Federation of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
by GFL, SH and Sheldan Nidle.

Your abilities, your competences, and your talents are far more powerful and effective than you have been led to believe, because all human cultures have for eons worked on convincing the young that they were inadequate and should therefore follow the example of their “elders and betters” who would teach them the skills they needed to live fruitful lives. And indeed there has always been much that the young can learn from the older and more experienced people in their lives. Unfortunately the elders often used their positions, their authority to subdue and repress the bubbling and creative enthusiasm that the young have in abundance, then taught them to distrust those of whom the reigning hierarchy disapproved, and finally sent them off to fight wars against them in their stead. And it became a pattern that seemed irreversible as war followed war.

In the spiritual realms, we are very well aware of the strain that waiting for Awakening to occur is placing on you, the LightBearers and WayShowers.  Many of you are perceiving the state of the world as steadily deteriorating as bad news follows bad news in so many areas.  And indeed there is a great shake-up in progress as the New Age makes its presence felt, and awareness grows of the enormous changes that must be made in your attitudes and behaviors if humanity is to avoid destroying itself, either by making the planet virtually uninhabitable through the continuing damage being wrought by rapacious harvesting of its natural resources, or by self-annihilation through conflict and war.
Neither of these depressing scenarios will occur!  The divine field of Love is making inroads into the collective heart of humanity and the shake-up resulting from it is a wake-up call that is being heard and responded to by ever larger numbers of Earth’s population.  You are not alone.  Assistance is pouring in from the spiritual and galactic realms in response to your prayers for help, and those who would suppress the world populace for their own selfish agendas are no longer able to maintain either the authority they unlawfully gathered unto themselves or the support of the enforcement agencies they built to suppress those they would control.
The incredibly damaging activities which have been going on for decades all across the planet are to end.  The materials supposedly essential for running your economies via excavation, mining, and drilling are not needed because far more user-friendly materials are readily available to replace them – knowledge of which has been concealed in order to create a belief in scarcity and to maintain the power of the self-serving and self-appointed elite.  The knowledge and technology necessary to release and develop this abundance of ecologically sustainable materials is soon to be unveiled, and this will enable the total eradication of world poverty while providing abundantly for all your physical needs.  The New Age has arrived and the evidence of that is becoming apparent to all who choose to see it.
Be uplifted!  Be inspired!  Then share your energy and your love with enthusiasm wherever you are and in whatever you are doing, and be aware of it being returned to you intensified and with boundless gratitude.  You are beings of Love, and although that Love has lain seemingly hidden and unrecognized within you as you searched for It outside yourselves, It has always been there awaiting your choice, your decision to recognize and engage with It.  Now that you have made that choice, immerse yourselves in It with enthusiasm because that increases your energy levels, and the light of optimism that arises within you will dispel the darkness of habitual patterns of pessimism, enabling you to deal with all your issues and problems far more easily – until you find yourselves saying “That was easy!”
Your abilities, your competences, and your talents are far more powerful and effective than you have been led to believe, because all human cultures have for eons worked on convincing the young that they were inadequate and should therefore follow the example of their “elders and betters” who would teach them the skills they needed to live fruitful lives.  And indeed there has always been much that the young can learn from the older and more experienced people in their lives.  Unfortunately the elders often used their positions, their authority to subdue and repress the bubbling and creative enthusiasm that the young have in abundance, then taught them to distrust those of whom the reigning hierarchy disapproved, and finally sent them off to fight wars against them in their stead. And it became a pattern that seemed irreversible as war followed war.
This will no longer occur because the pattern has been broken.  The wisdom of the elder ones amongst you will be freely propagated, as it should be, while the inflexible, rigid, and ingrained beliefs that have turned you one against another in your multitudes will be abandoned, as the damage they have caused bursts into the awareness of the collective and its insanity is acknowledged.  You all chose to be here at this time to help humanity (which naturally includes all of you) change course.  And that is what is happening as Love blossoms and entrances those with whom It connects, enticing them to engage with It and release all within them that is not in harmony or alignment with It.
And that is what you are doing – aligning, harmonizing, and engaging with your true nature.  And nothing could be more natural, more appropriate, or more satisfying.  At first you are a little nervous because it feels unfamiliar, strange, even unwise after eons of distrust and betrayal, but as you find others doing likewise and experience the shared joy of trust and cooperation, your confidence in the rightness of the path you are following grows.
There will still be instances where you experience attitudes that are unloving, even hurtful, but because you are now choosing to accept the incontrovertible fact that you are beings of Light, permanently in communion with the divine field of Love which embraces you, you will recognize these instances as calls for Love to which you will find the strength and confidence to respond lovingly.  Already many of you are doing this, and as others observe you, they too are finding the courage to recognize attacks as calls for love and to respond accordingly.  Your path to awakening has been firmly established and recognized, and more people are turning to follow it daily, and your arrival there remains divinely assured.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by JohnSmallman.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thank you Barbara and your Guides!
*** gavin

Getting Smart About Your Choices: Third Uranus/Pluto Square—May 20, 2013.
During the first two Uranus/Pluto squares many people woke up, actually intensely feeling their real connections to others. This is the awakening of the human heart. Of course, with so many people lighting up, chaos is rampant in the world. Sometimes I wonder if we are right in the middle of the Second Coming! One by one, people sense that the fabled return is not Jesus coming again: the Second Coming is about awakening love in our hearts. I actually think this is what’s going on. No wonder everything is so intense.

Pluto turned retrograde April 12th, so the third square is quickly closing in now. At this point, many people realize that our species is in extreme crisis. If we want to survive, we have to balance human needs with planetary resources, only the very first step back into balance. Also, each person must remember what it feels like to be a sensitive and happy human. This is feasible because so many are integrating the negative side—befriending the dark. This involves seeing things that have always gone on in our world instead of just being nice. Some are responding very courageously to this polarity expansion, while others drop out because they just don’t want to see ugly side of life. I understand; I take a total break from it at least once a week.

The covers for evil acts—such as rampant sexual abuse of children, governments orchestrating mass trauma events like 9/11, and bankers fleecing the public—have been stripped off! The only difference between now and the past is that a majority knows what’s going on, for example publicizing that women get raped in India. They always have been! The condition of our sacred world is depressing, overwhelming, and sometimes seems hopeless, but it is changing. When enough people face cold hard reality, it changes. And, this is it!

If you will recall my reading for the previous Uranus/Pluto square on September 19, 2012, I suggested that we all need to make some very clear intentions because our reality—3D—is governed by quantum principles, such as Entanglement. We are all tangled up together amidstconstantly changing probable outcomes, so the changes in the collective
 are horrendous, yet magnificent! Since everybody has free will, some choose to kill people, such as little children in a New England school or shooting Malala Yusafzai on a bus in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the majority is now realizing the murderers are those who get power and profit from weapons. Soon after the second Saturn/Pluto square, violent acts against Western powers that occupy far distant countries became a dominant theme. The Libyan US Ambassador was murdered in the Benghazi Embassy; Afghan and Pakistani soldiers and policeman ambushed their American trainers; and a second Korean war may be in the making. As we come to the end zone of the second square, North Korea is screaming at the US over its 60-year occupation of South Korea. If this does not happen, then the US will end its expensive commitment to South Korea. Regardless of all that, many beautiful intentions were carried out by each one of you. In the quantum, the dark shares equally with the light so with so many people opening their hearts, ugly truths seep out like sewage in the basement.

What am I talking about when I say we live in quantum reality now, the experience that many call the ascension? As a result of the great cataclysm around 12,000 years ago, our species got locked in 3D—solid world—because we were overwhelmed by terror. We lost our multidimensionality. Now that we are facing the demons—encapsulated evil beings and events trapped in 3D—we are liberating these forces. They need this final choice, and I will discuss the liberation of evil more in the upcoming readings. As this is happening, those who are assiduously committed to love and ethical behavior are learning about the 4D chessboard, where the demons play their games. So, what are we to do? First, we must remember everyday that we are not locked in 3D anymore. We cannot negotiate our path according to 3D techniques, such as getting money and power. Those who still pursue 3D gains are playing chess with the demons, a very dangerous game. It is just a choice. Secondly, we must remember how to utilize probable realities, that is, functioning by synchronicity, parallel events, and detecting other-dimensional parts of ourselves that lovingly entangle us. We do this by surrendering to love, our guide to higher realities.

Since the previous Uranus square Pluto, many of you have been struggling with serious health issues, horrific family madness, financial breakdown, and searing shock over the violence in your communities and in the world. Since September 2012, especially since December 21, 2012, we have been in massive overwhelm, such as the searing pain most people feel about the Newtown massacre of the innocent. Anybody who isn’t in pain about the death of loving little children is a demon, and we all know who they are. The ascension through the fourth dimension is madness, which can be so easily seen by the blindness of the NRA president, as well as the killer of the children who started first with his mother. These great squares are the most difficult in places around the world that are militarized and heavily armed, the places where the demons are shockingly active. Not forever!

Thankfully, this third square is going to be very different! As the square sets up on May 20th just a few hours after the Sun moves into Gemini, the collective will quicken. Many of you will be getting very smart about how your personal world is a freedom zone in the quantum field, an island of opportunity as defined by Chaos Theory. These islands are nine-dimensional nodes that attract people in the heart, just like lily pads attract frogs in the summer. The massive collective wave of understanding about what’s wrong with our world offers each one of us the hope that we can do something about it together.

Certainly we were never going to get anywhere as long as people remained ignorant. Considering the dire straits in the collective, more people spontaneously intend what they need with everyone else in mind. Working on how we really want our life to be—personally and collectively—creates a flow that will grow and grow and draw people together. Eventually, the lily pads will cover the water’s surface. The overblown and callous elite has over played its hand, such as the National Rifle Association in the US. Outrageous! From May 20 to the fourth square on November 1 of this year, you will feel the importance of your own role in the drama. This will feel good and improve the collective as you take action.

Since September 19, 2012 many have felt stuck, used, abused, sick, and hopeless, but now we will travel on unique Gemini tracks. Greedy bankers, warmongers, murderers, and cheats will still be in control of the chessboard, but they will be making very bad moves. They probably will run the world through 2015, but will not be held for consideration anymore in the collective heart. Once the frequency of the heart dominates the field by 2016, their hiding places will be gone.

We all have the divine right to happiness, not just a few! Keep moving with your intentions firmly in mind. Visualize how you want the world to be every day. We are getting somewhere, so the trick is to trust the unique importance of who you are and what you give to the world. It’s time to identify what’s possible and then to make it happen. The intentions you chose after the second square are all part of the awakening of the collective field; quicken this like bees pollinating spring flowers. There are so many potentially wonderful things, yet there is a corresponding dark side to everything. When you see dark things, go deep inside to find your participation in it, and change yourself.

I know how confusing this is because it’s about changing probabilities and outcomes. Your intentions never cancel out the intentions of others. Only they can choose to stop doing these hideous things. What is manifesting during these great squares is directly proportional to each person’s clarity, will power, and trust. In my analysis of the third Uranus/Pluto square [May 20, 2013, 7:02 PM EDT, Washington, DC] I’m looking for ways that we can utilize the remarkable genius in its chart. It is going to trigger a massive waking up in smart people living in a very difficult collective field.

You will be experiencing shifts in the collective mood, rather like the moment when a prison riot starts because people can’t take it any more; they organize to fight oppression together. The dark issues that tug at your heart will reward you with joy if you take action to change them. From September 2012 until now, we’ve seen just how bad things can get, yet most of us know that the vast majority is sickened by what’s going on. Remember to be shocked by these great events, not just dulled! So few agree with how things are that they will start to change things. We already see this with the great movement being led by the grieving parents of Newtown, Conn. against arming everybody. These changes will accelerate during the third square, so let’s go for the reading!

The Sun goes into Gemini right during the most intense phase of the great square, so Gemini’s intelligence and flexibility take over the planet until November 1, 2013. Our feelings are aligned and harmonized because the Moon in Libra closely trines the Sun in Gemini. The Moon in Libra’s love of beauty and grace dances with the Sun in Gemini’s lucidity
and brilliance. This singing resonance makes all humans into dancers in the great global ballet. And, the Sun moving into Gemini is exactly conjunct the Pleiades, which means the human heart is profoundly activated.

Gemini rules Mercury, so next we look to Mercury to see how we can move this exquisite energy into the ugly, locked up mess on our planet. Well, Mercury is in his own sign, Gemini, which doubles his genius for changing everything. Mercury is exactly sextile Uranus in Aries, which is, of course, in exact square to Pluto: Therefore, Mercury quincunxes (150 degrees) Pluto. The quincunx of Mercury to Pluto pushes the dark forces out into the open, like guilty lovers caught en flagrante. This potent configuration is the strongest influence in this Uranus/Pluto square: Smart Mercury in Gemini simultaneously activates transformation by Uranus and deep cleansing by Pluto.

This is a hot sextile and quincunx, so I will speculate a bit about some things that could happen in the coming months: Bashar Assad of Syria might find himself in a back alley running for his life; the Americans will probably be hastily pulling out of more of their occupation zones; and who’s at the top of the global sexual abuse pyramid could be revealed. Mercury sextile Uranus in Aries quincunx Pluto in Capricorn screams to all of us, do it! You can do it! Many people are going to very inspired at this point, which can force the Blue Meanies to run with their tails between their legs, especially the bankers in expensive suits.

Saturn retrograde in 7 Scorpio trines Neptune in 5 Pisces. Spiritual strength (Neptune in Pisces) is ours if we pursue truth and allow no compromises (Saturn in Scorpio). These truly are the times that try men and women’s souls, the moment when the strongest begin to shine. Expect to see some truly remarkable acts of truth and courage from the least expected places and people, especially when Saturn goes direct at 5 Scorpio on July 8. Meanwhile, as you take difficult steps, it will be uncomfortable because Venus in 14 Gemini exactly squares Chiron in 14 Pisces.

Chiron in Pisces has triggered a massive wave of pain in the collective since May 2010. Chiron’s exact square to Venus in Gemini suggests that human suffering will overwhelming for many this summer. This square does not bode well regarding the possibility of an Avian flu pandemic which may be spreading now. Whatever goes on,
there will be great awareness of the suffering and limitations of women. Great compassion will arise for women and children living with distress. Yet, Chiron trines the lunar North Node in 17 Scorpio, so these great events are healing our species, the great wave of compassion that makes us all one.

Putting Saturn trine Neptune together with Chiron square Venus, we may experience astonishing weather changes, such as the breakdown of the North Atlantic current and a really intense El Nino. Already everybody knows the seas are rising and threatening coastal areas. Great events blast people hearts open to offer the experience of surrender, the joy of being a human that can assist others in need. We are so slow to change, but now we’re forced. Astonishing events are likely this summer; I’d be shocked if things are tranquil.

Putting all these aspects together, firm attention to what you’ve chosen to create is a must! Don’t let up on your visualizations. My collective visualization for months has been that the rats that created 9/11 would be publicly exposed. Stay on track with your intentions no matter what’s going on “out there” because this is going to be a wild and fascinating summer. This phase will be the long-awaited transition on our beautiful planet, the melding of humankind so we can return to caring for each other and the world. And, for those who have not heard, our grand daughter, Luciana Orsini Clow was born when the Sun rose on December 21, 2012.

by Barbara Hand Clow