To learn more about Agartha, please read the very first posting: Scroll to March 17th, 2011. Otherwise, enjoy nearly everyday updates of worldwide news --with an alternative news twist, which shares with you how the Spirit World views what's being reported on mainstream media. In other words, here is where you get to learn what's REALLY GOING ON in our world --not what the TV & radio report, which in my humble opinion is simply programming designed to keep us living in fear.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Understand that when we say you are Gods, you have the full potential to be one which tells you that you have unlimited power. Once you ascend, your powers of creation will commence to be returned, and you will become co-creators with God. So do not underestimate your abilities and go forward with confidence, as it is you who are setting the scene for your time in the higher dimensions
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension, it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons, we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.
After Ascension, you will soon forget the past difficulties and delays, as there will be so much to interest you. Learning about your life in the higher vibrations will be exciting and uplifting, and joy and freedom will draw people together as true Brothers and Sisters. It is your natural inclination to share your love with others, but you have been taught that many countries and their people are your enemies. The fact is that the majority would live in peace if only there were no barriers erected between them. As trust is restored, so you will see a great change take place in people's attitude toward each other. Sharing and love for what each other represents, will become the new level at which other cultures will be accepted.
Understand that the changes we speak about are simply the first of many that will transform your different societies. They are a stepping stone to further your advancement towards not just becoming a Galactic Being, but becoming part of a Galactic Civilization. So even the present changes that are in-hand will be short-lived, because you are destined to leave the last aspects of a 3D civilization behind. However, rather than leave you confused or bewildered by moving too quickly, we do it in way that will enable you to be fully prepared. Even we are not sure what changes will come first but we do know that when they commence, as you might say, they will be fast and furious. The point is Dear Ones, that we are ready to go speeding ahead as soon as we are given the signal.
At present, it is not so much that the dark Ones are a problem, but the size of the tasks that have been undertaken require a lot of coordination. Much of the plans are now in place, and to do much of it in secrecy to protect those involved has been demanding. Fortunately, there are now so many Lightworkers continuing to uplift the energies, they are preventing the dark Ones from having any real impact. Their days are over to all intents and purposes, but even individuals can be troublemakers. We simply keep on reminding you the need to keep focused on Ascension, and sending your Light to any point in the world that is not at peace. Of course it can also be directed at any individual, for example one who talks against the Ascension process to distract them.
Stay positive as you are almost at the portal that allows you to step into the 5th dimension. You will feel the change in vibration, and it will be a most uplifting experience. Imagine never having to feel those heavy lifeless energies again, that are cold and uninviting. You will be surprised at what a vast difference there is, which is why people that have already experienced it... never want to leave the higher levels. It is your more natural state of being but you have been pulled down by the lower vibrations, and it has been a hard challenge finding your way back. However, with great perseverance and determination, you have found the Light again, and it will continue to grow and carry you through many dimensions.
As you must know by now, love is all there is and it is what everything is created of and may be changed in form, but cannot be destroyed. It is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it is what you must learn to control and use wisely. God is that power and has shown how it can be used in the most gentle and beneficial way, and that is what you are also experiencing and learning to do. Understand that when we say you are Gods, you have the full potential to be one which tells you that you have unlimited power. Once you ascend, your powers of creation will commence to be returned, and you will become co-creators with God. So do not underestimate your abilities and go forward with confidence, as it is you who are setting the scene for your time in the higher dimensions.
Even now some of you have developed powerful healing abilities, and it is belief in yourself that enables you to do so. Most of you do it subconsciously and do not even realize what you have done. When you do realize, be aware that you may not necessarily be successful, as some souls do not wish to be healed and desire to go through illness as a means of experience. So do your best with a positive intention that any healing you send out will be for the best results. Instant healing has taken place many, many times as has been recorded. It may not however last unless the recipient is prepared to eliminate the causes that brought it on in the first place. Most illnesses are self inflicted even to the point of causing the body's immune system to weaken, and making them vulnerable to disease. A healthy body often goes with a healthy mind and habits.
The Galactic Federation of Light is working hard to bring conclusions to a number of projects that are in their final stages. It is touch and go whether you see them this side of Ascension, but if it has to be afterwards, the way will be clear for them to go quickly ahead. Be assured that events are creating their own path forward, and are like a snowball gathering speed and mass. Clearly, nothing now is going to stop progress, and we stand by ready for action. We see the Light on Earth reaching new heights as the grids are stabilized, and ready for the final input before Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you our blessings to keep your spirits high, as we do not want to see anyone falling back at this late stage in your preparations. We love every soul, and work for each ones release from the dark energies.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 30nov12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
We, your Ascended Masters, are ready to introduce ourselves to you, and our sacred associates are prepared to make their broadcasts, concerning specific sacred truths you need to know, shortly after the governmental and financial changes formally happen. In this way, the Galactic Federation and your Light families can present themselves and explain the grand gift of Spirit which will soon transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light
Thank you GFL, SH and Sheldan!
*** gavin
Dratzo! We return! At present, we continue in blackout
mode. We are busy establishing oversight committees to guide our Earth
allies' organizations that are responsible for promulgating the new
financial and monetary systems for your new realm. These committees will
remain active only for the first six to nine months after the new
systems come into force. The fiat financial systems still holding sway
around your world are getting closer to collapse. The overwhelming debt
accrued by your dark cabal is impinging more and more on the system's
day-to-day operations. An enormous charade is being perpetrated for
public consumption, by referencing only the amount of debt legally
allowed to be carried on the books; In fact, this stated amount is about
one quarter of the actual total debt. Your global economy is sliding
quickly into the next series of crises that are to unravel it forever.
Our earthly allies have wisely slid the new system into a position where
it can take over when the 'death fall' happens. This death fall of your
financial system will propel the cabal-controlled governments out of
Our primary responsibility is to shepherd all
of this toward Disclosure and First Contact. Our liaison personnel have
formulated a complex set of agreements that fits into the basic tenets
set up by the nations that signed the Monaco and Paris accords in the
spring of 2011. These nations uphold the termination of the Dumbarton
Oaks monetary and financial agreements as well as the subsequent pacts
established at various conferences since the end of World War II. These former documents have now been replaced by those drawn up in the last
two years by our sacred societies and a number of nations of the world.
Several court cases and the existence of gold, silver, and platinum
depositories, sufficient to cover the move to a new global hard-currency
system, further legitimize these agreements. The primary stumbling
block continues to be the major cabal-backed governments. However, these
governments are being de-legitimized by a number of international court
As we mentioned before, your world's
governmental system of nation-states is in reality an illegal
perpetuation of the illegal modus operandi of the Roman Empire. All the
present governments of your world owe their original sovereignty to
'permission' granted by the Pope, acting as stand-in for the Emperor of
Rome. This de facto form of Roman governance is now ready to accede to a
more legitimate, common-law version, in which sovereignty is truly
returned to the people (its citizens). This change is already being
proclaimed by means of a series of agreements that were recently signed
off on by a group consisting of the original chieftains and shamans of
your world. These registered changes to your legal governance are now
ready to shift the governance of your planet to a whole new level. Many
newly appointed officials authorized by these ancestral groups are to
take the helm in this new governance and ensure the instituting of the
new financial system and the formal Disclosure of our benevolent
presence in your skies.
Disclosure is vital to what we consider as
the best way to introduce ourselves to you. The dark cabal has long
portrayed us as some sort of 'dark invader with a nefarious agenda.'
This is far from the truth! We are here under the auspices of Heaven on a
sacred mission of First Contact. According to Galactic protocol, as we
have often told you, you are a society that our Science and Exploration
teams deem 'not yet ready for contact.' As a result, this mission has
presented us with many unique situations which required Heaven to grant
us formal dispensations to enable us to push forward. Using these
decrees as a guide, we reorganized this mission's priorities on many
occasions but our objectives remained the same. Another non-standard
aspect of this mission is the way these goals were to be achieved. Now,
finally, we are getting to the point where the fruits of these labors
are to manifest. First Contact will bring you the means to return you to Full Consciousness and permit you to reunite with your spiritual and
space families, with all the wonders of new knowledge and new adventures
that that entails.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many
events continue to make good progress. We are in constant contact with
our Agarthan brothers as they coordinate the changes which are scheduled
to take place shortly. Our Inner Earth brethren inform us that the many
complex moves required to complete the formal alteration of your
reality are still on schedule. We are watching as your present
governmental systems begin an operation that is the forerunner of the
official transfer of governance. These preliminary moves are taking
place according to a series of international legal decisions governing
the reasons for the changes. On the financial front, your present
systems are in the process of a systemic failure, which for some time
now has been quite evident to the experts who follow these trends
closely. We are excited that the precursors of your new reality are
manifesting, bearing in mind that these initial changes are merely the
beginnings of what is, quite soon, to transform this dark realm.
Everywhere the Light is working miracles on
our behalf and we graciously give blessings for this each day!
Nevertheless, the dark is maintaining the Illusion that nothing is
changing, which is how they have operated for the past 13 millennia. We
understand the way that change comes suddenly into being, and the
alterations just ahead will happen in this manner. Our associates report
that the dark is grudgingly permitting the prerequisites of this
reality shift to go forward, thus precipitating the key moment when this
multitude of changes actually happens. We are in joy that our space and
spiritual families are overseeing these changes, with groups
specifically assigned to manifest the changes regardless of what final
shenanigans are attempted by the dark! The Creator and the Divine plan
have decreed this move to the Light and it shall indeed come to pass.
Each of you has been blessed and is on a Divine highway to Full Consciousness.
As the Light increases in intensity across
your world, so the presence of our space brethren can become more
marked. The craft you see in the night and daytime skies are here to be
the heralds of this divine change. We too are ready to introduce
ourselves to you, and our sacred associates are prepared to make their
broadcasts, concerning specific sacred truths you need to know, shortly
after the governmental and financial changes formally happen. In this
way, the Galactic Federation and your Light families can present
themselves and explain the grand gift of Spirit which will soon
transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. This sacred
transformation will reunify your physical, spiritual, and higher mental
and emotional bodies. Then you will become able to create your
auspicious new star-nation and be welcomed back with open arms into the Galactic community which awaits you with joyous anticipation!
Today we reviewed the conditions that are
shaping up rapidly to present you with an exciting transformation. The Divine plan and the decrees of the Creator have brought us to the brink
of this wondrous new realm. It is time to rejoice and prepare to welcome
these events as they manifest before your eyes! Know, dear Ones, that
the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed
Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be
in Joy!)
by GFL, SH thru Sheldan Nidle.
Monday, November 26, 2012
There are many civilisations keen to make friends with you, who see themselves as on a similar path to you. They are all humanlike or humanoid and often linked to you through genetic engineering. By your true nature, humans are friendly and benign Beings, and you attract like Beings: The Law of Attraction
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
Each day now may provide the first real evidence of what has been happening behind the scenes, that will convey to you the ongoing changes. The media will not handle the "good" news regrettably because it is still controlled. However, your Internet is so vast that you will have no problem in finding references to Disclosure and other anticipated events, and often from those who have a genuine source of information. Yet you still have to beware of some authentic looking websites and reports that are put out to confuse you. When the true announcements are made there will be no doubt in your minds as to their truthfulness. Disclosure is for example of world wide importance, and accordingly it will be down to your leaders to handle it.
With all that is happening the path to yours and Mother Earth's Ascension is still forging ahead, and no problems exist. As with the Universe all are in the latter stages of readiness, and your Ascension is as important as any other changes, if not more so. You are the only ones who are unable to do it entirely for yourselves, and of course we of the Galactic Federation of Light and others are very active in helping you. It is our privilege to be chosen in that role, and serving others is the reason we exist. Ascension is only the start, and afterwards we have much to do by way of quickly moving you into the life changes that go with it. We believe that many of you are now aware of what that means as far as raising your quality of life, and restoring your sovereignty. Instead of having your path created by others, you will create your own reality. That will bring souls of a like mind together, and why some with different desires will go their separate ways.
If you consider that you will be moving into a new frequency, you will. Understand that there are various levels within each dimension. You will not therefore all be within the same one, and some people will disappear from your view. We would therefore stress once again, that each soul will find itself exactly in the right level. It will be one that is in harmony with their own vibrations, where they will feel comfortable and at ease. It is the perfect answer for those concerned about other people, and those who accompany them to their level. Where families are concerned, let us put your mind at rest, as most members will normally stay together. Clearly if people have quite contrasting ideas of what Ascension means to them, they will be creating different realities for themselves in parallel worlds. There would not be much point in allowing you free choice if somehow it was curtailed.
The true extent of the coming changes has not been taken in by many people, as it will be quite different to your present experiences. If you look for Heaven upon Earth that is what you will get, but it will of course be on the new Earth. One of the bugbears of your life is dust, that you spend many hours trying to remove. It will be no more because of the purity of the air, and the ground below your feet will be of a different texture to what you know now. Without aging or decay there is no residue from plants or other sources. Cleanliness and brightness go hand in hand with the higher vibrations, that also give you a greater range colours than you have at present. So Heaven is really the word that describes the higher dimensions of Light.
On Earth, there is so much criminal activity that your lives are spent securing your home and property against crime. On a personal level you fear being robbed or assaulted, or even worse. Dear Ones, in the higher realms such dangers or threats simply do not and cannot exist, all souls express themselves in love and caring for each other. Abundance takes away the need to accumulate wealth whatever form that may take. When you have all you need you do not covet another's goods or belongings. Think upon the idea that doors do not need locks and your property does need to be hidden away. You will soon get used to such changes and need not worry about anything, as life is just one continual experience in utter joy and happiness.
There are many civilisations keen to make friends with you, who see themselves as on a similar path to you. They are all humanlike or humanoid and often linked to you through genetic engineering. By your true nature, humans are friendly and benign Beings, and you attract like Beings: The Law of Attraction. Some of them have already made some individual contacts with you, but we have controlled such contacts so as not to distract you from the more important issues like Ascension. The first meetings with us will be to introduce your main families who are already Federation members. By then, you will have raised your levels of consciousness and will soon recall your past links.
As you are beginning to realise, Ascension is a quantum leap in your vibration and level of consciousness. Check if you are ready, go back a few years and you will surely recognise a great shift in your consciousness. It has been a gradual growth in the past, but now it has speeded up and you could notice the difference almost on a daily basis. We tell you that the Light is streaming on to your Earth from all quarters of the Universe. You have never been without support, and now because of the nearness of Ascension, it has been intensified. We want to see every soul that has expressed the intent to ascend, to do so full of confidence and well prepared.
You are all adored and loved throughout the Universe, and that includes all souls regardless whether they are currently acting of the Light or of darkness. That is because in Duality on the Earth School, you have all played your part in it, and therefore one should not be in judgment of any soul. That takes a bit of getting used to as your laws prosecute and imprison those who break them, and you tend to pre-judge their crimes and decide their punishment. It doesn't mean that you should not have an opinion, but often your judgement carries thought forms of energy that would eke out your idea of punishment. It is not your place to make such judgments, and you can rest easy that justice will always be done, even if someone appears to get away with their crime. Nothing can ever be hidden forever that no one could know about it, as the energy of all actions continue to exist in the ethers.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to see that many are planning a special event for 12.12, which is of great importance in releasing the coding to complete your personal preparations for Ascension. Be in the Light, be Love.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 26nov12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Many are already ascending, and that floodgate, that portal is already open, and many, many, many are taking advantage of it. Hundreds of thousands now have taken advantage of it
Again Steve, another wonderful compilation of articles and information!! A big thanks to you and your Guides.
*** gavin
What Do We Need to Keep in Mind about Dec. 21, 2012?
Today is said to be an important day unto itself – the activation of the Eleventh Gate “at the turning point of the second Window of Opportunity.” (1) A worldwide meditation was held, here on the West Coast of North America at 3:11 a.m. and whatever time that corresponded to in other time zones.
It is also a master number day generally – 11/22. And there isn’t a person of my generation that will not remember it as the day that John Kennedy was assassinated.
You heard Archangel Michael on Monday’s An Hour with an Angel, explain what will and will not happen around Dec. 21, 2012. And that’s really what I want to talk about here.
I tried to pin him down on the matter of Dec. 21, 2012.
Steve Beckow: I’d like a really clear and
unequivocal answer to the question. And that is, will we ascend as a
planet with all its inhabitants to the 5th dimension on December 21st,
2012, or will we not? Will something else happen?
Archangel Michael: Yes, you would like a very clear, unequivocal answer, would you not?
SB: I would, yes.
AAM: But as you know, I have been very
hesitant not only in this forum but in other forums to give this answer.
Let me put it this way. And I am not trying to avoid your question, but
it is not as clear-cut as you are presenting. (2)
Why was it not as clear-cut as I was presenting? He went over the matters that make him reticent to emphasize the date too much or that make it difficult to represent it as a “one-size-fits-all” situation. In the first place, he said some time ago that he did not want us fixating on that date and not doing our preparations beforehand.
Archangel Michael: When you are talking
about a specific date, the reason that I am avoiding it is because too
many people in your collective become fixated on a date and time. Is
this [i.e., Dec. 21] a moment in time that is highly significant in
terms of the shift? Yes. Do I suggest that you wait until December 19th
to get ready? No. Do I suggest that if you arrive on December 22nd that
you have missed the boat? No.
So what you are doing is you are focusing on one point rather than getting on with the process. (3)
So on the one hand we need to refrain from postponing our work of clearing ourselves of our negative attitudes and vasanas (4) until Dec. 19. And on the other hand, if we don’t ascend on Dec. 21, we need to refrain from lapsing into thinking we won’t ascend at all. But I’ll leave this latter point to a fuller explanation later in this article.
In the second place, he did not want to focus on Dec. 21 over all other dates because many lightworkers and lightholders will be ascending before Dec. 21. He said this past Monday: “Many are already ascending, and that floodgate, that portal is already open, and many, many, many are taking advantage of it. Hundreds of thousands now have taken advantage of it.” (5)
He had previously reported this development on An Hour with an Angel on Nov. 12, 2012:
Steve Beckow: Well, I think one question
that is on many listeners’ minds, and it may be primarily on my own, is:
Did many lightworkers ascend and did they return as gatekeepers?
AAM: Yes, yes. And it is not a
coincidence that many, many went through the portal. And what we are
suggesting is that it is about a 24-hour portal and so many are
anchoring, re-anchoring today back in what they feel is some physical
form. So yes, many ascended. Well over a hundred thousand. (6)
If we can keep the sense of people ascending at different times in mind, then we can understand why, when I asked him if Ascension would be sudden or gradual, he replied that it would be “incremental.” It will be sudden for people when it happens and they will disappear from 3D. But they will ascend at different times. Here he explains the point in detail:
Steve Beckow: Is ascension sudden or is it gradual?
Archangel Michael: It is incremental. But
let us be very clear, people will disappear. Now, in conjunction with
that, they will also become a dim memory. You’ve had situations like
this where you have had a pain or a bad habit or something that used to
bother you very deeply, and you let it go. And then a year or two later,
this situation will arise again and in a very vague way, you will say,
“Oh, … yeah, that used to bother me,” and then you will continue with
your day.
The shifting can be incremental.
[Depending] on the readiness of the population, what we are seeing right
now is that it will be in shifts. And there will be steps and doorways
where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then
more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process
is completed.
Now there still will be those
unfortunately, (or fortunately for they are doing what they wish,
although it is not my desire), that will choose to continue on in this
type of a reality, of the Third as you could think of it as … and they
will be shifted to an alternate situation. The people, say, who are
sitting there, may blink and not even remember … or have dim sense, ‘I
wonder where so and so went?’
People will disappear. It will not be
cause for trauma or mayhem. It will not be the same grieving as someone
in the physical realm dying. It will just be a slight shift in the case
of friends. But, in the case of husbands and wives, parents and
children, there would be a knowing. (7)
In the third place, he did not want us to think that Ascension would be an all or nothing affair on Dec. 21, 2012 because some people who were not quite ready would remain behind in a temporary 3D holographic world and ascend a little later when they are fully ready, as he explained this past Monday:
Archangel Michael: If you are determined
that you still are requiring [a 3D experience] in terms of your own soul
journey, for a very brief period of time, there will be a window open —
and this has been a part of our work – if you are choosing to still
have partial, and I do mean partial, experiences of what you consider to
be the 3rd dimension, then you can do so. But the reality is not going
to be there. You will experience a hologram.
Now, I am talking about the portion of
the human race — not those who absolutely refuse to go and therefore
have chosen reassignment — that is ready to go, holding love, but still
clinging to some false belief systems. Now, I do not mean the false
belief systems that are of the lower vibration, such as control, greed,
death, destruction, despair.
So there will be some who find themselves
in an intermediary position. But for the majority of those who have
said yes, you will find yourself in very rapid transition into the 5th
dimension. And perhaps even higher, for some of you. (8)
He said that “by and large, that is not the people who are listening to this program tonight.” (9) The people who are not quite ready include these people who, for instance, would be furious if nothing happened for them on Dec. 21. He asked them to let go of their fury because it will stand in the way of their ascending.
Archangel Michael: There are also those
who are still clinging — and we do include the lightholder, loveholder
community who are still clinging to some fear, to some anger, to some
You need to let go of this, my friends.
This is the last push. We have been flooding you with energy, but we
cannot do this completely to you. This is a joint undertaking. This is
the creative partnership.
When you have said, for example, if you
wake up on the 22nd of December and it seems like you are in the same
old same old, then you will be angry – then you WILL be angry, because
you are holding onto anger. It has no place! It cannot exist, within
your heart, within your being, within your essence, and it cannot exist
in the air you breathe and the vibration of New Gaia, of Nova Earth.
So if you are holding on to it, if you
are sitting there with your arms folded and saying, “If this doesn’t
happen I am going to be furious,” I am begging you, let go of the fury.
Let go of the fear. Let go of the reticence. This is a co-creation with
you. It is the only reason you came to Earth at this time. (10)
These potentially-unnerved ascenders would have a period of rest and adjustment that he called “incubation.”
Archangel Michael: Now I have said that
this is a process and not quite a snap. And what do we mean in terms of
divine understanding when we say that? Because when we say [it is not
quite a] snap, we mean that it is not completely instantaneous.
So for example, there are many, many, many upon your planet who have no
idea about such a shift occurring. We are not trying, nor do we wish to
set up a situation where people wake up and feel that they are
psychotic. So for them, there will be a transition, somewhat of an
incubation, while they attune themselves to the new reality. (11)
So will Gaia and her inhabitants ascend on Dec. 21, 2012? The answer is yes. But will there be others who do not ascend on Dec. 21 but ascend either earlier or later? The answer is also yes. And will there be those who ascend and are not made conscious of their ascent until they have adjusted, acclimatized or become aware of what has happened? Again, yes. Moreover, would he prefer that people not focus on Dec. 21 and do their work now? Decidedly yes.
So these are the extenuating circumstances that prevent Archangel Michael from simply saying that we ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 (period). Most of us who intend to ascend and are ready for it will do so, but, for one reason or another, others will ascend but either not on that day or else will not be conscious that they have ascended on that day.
by Steve Beckow
(1) “Eleventh Gate 11:11 Activation – November 22, 2012,”
(2) “Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2″ at
(3) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother” at
(4) A vasana is a dormant habit pattern born of earlier traumatic
incidents, a sleeping volcano that erupts into life when some event in
the present that looks like the event in the past sets it off.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) “An Hour with an Angel: Archangel Michael and St. Germaine on 11/11 and NESARA” at
(7) “Archangel Michael on Ascension” at
(8) “Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
Friday, November 23, 2012
You will have great experiences visiting other planets, that are of a mixture of sizes and sometimes larger than your present Sun. Most advanced civilizations find it more acceptable to live inside their planets, and most are hollowed out for that reason. As with your Inner Earth Beings, they have their own Sun and you would not necessarily know you were underground. They are more evolved than you are will very soon choose the right time to make themselves known to you
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
*** gavin
To launch world peace all warring has to stop, and if necessary we have the means to ensure that it does. There is absolutely no place for such low vibrations in the New Age. It is in fact somewhat easier to achieve success now, as the rising levels of consciousness are resulting in more souls rejecting anything to do with war. Even some of those hardened veterans are ready to change track and see the virtues of working for peace. They are beginning to see that their calling to protect their homeland, has been insidiously used for ulterior motives. When such people start to awaken to the truth, you know that the Illuminati is rapidly losing its power and control over the armed forces. They are indeed a spent force to what they were, and will not be allowed back.
In your immediate future, you will not in fact need armed forces at all, but will have systems of protection to keep away unwanted intruders from your Earth. There is also our Galactic Federation of Light that acts as the policeman of the Universe. Our technologies are such we can easily detect craft entering the space of another planet. If the need arises we can move around faster than the speed of Light, and have our responsibilities for different sectors of the Universe. There is also the Ashtar Command that also works very much like we do, and have their own particular responsibilities. All in all every planet is well protected and their people can live in freedom and peace. Your old Earth has also been protected against interference, so as to allow your free choice evolution. However, with such low vibrations we had to allow similar civilizations to contact you.
When you have passed through the coming point of Ascension, you will also be open to visitors of a similar vibration of Love and Light. As such you will be able to trust them, and enjoy learning of how other civilizations live. You will have great experiences visiting other planets, that are of a mixture of sizes and sometimes larger than your present Sun. Most advanced civilizations find it more acceptable to live inside their planets, and most are hollowed out for that reason. As with your Inner Earth Beings, they have their own Sun and you would not necessarily know you were underground. They are more evolved than you are and will very soon choose the right time to make themselves known to you. They are your ancestors who escaped to the Inner Earth with the demise of Lemuria. Some of your own people have visited them in comparatively recent times (such as Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd --click here to read more), and their stories are still able to be found.
There is so much knowledge that has been deliberately held back from you, and you have a lot of catching up to do after Ascension. No longer shall you be kept in the dark and told falsehoods, and as you often say, "the truth shall set you free." The time warp you have been kept in is breaking open, and we shall help you identify what is truth or otherwise. If some people are skeptical we have the means to prove what is given to you as the truth. We do not impose it upon you, and some will still hold fast to their false beliefs. That does not matter, as in time only the truth will be able to exist. You have your own Hall of Records called the Akashic Records (click here to read more) and that covers all of your lives, so there cannot be any dispute where they are concerned. They are used when you have your life review after each incarnation, which is a sobering thought for some people.
Believe us Dear Ones, when we say that we are not so serious about life that we cannot joke and have fun. We live our lives in joy and our bonding becomes closer when we can share humour. Of course we do not have your worries or concerns, but you can lighten up your day and that of others by having a good laugh together. Laughter is Universal and all souls have the inner understanding to appreciate a funny situation or comment. Laughter is so uplifting and raises the spirit and the vibrations. However, good fun does not gain laughs by ridiculing someone. At heart, you are all still children but you acquire a measure of aloofness, as you grow up because you consider yourself beyond what you call childish fun. Let yourselves go and become that child again, and see the funny side of life.
You are so near to seeing the first signs of big changes to come, and our allies are working hard to create the opportunity we seek to join them. They know what their responsibilities are, and are dedicated to serving you to enable the final push towards Ascension. It will of course happen anyway, even if it means that some events are put off for a while. However, certain changes carry more importance than others, and we are seeking the first indications of Disclosure being announced. In one sense, as it is generally known that we exist and are with you now, you may not see any urgency involved. Yet we need that acknowledgement from your authorities, so that we can at last come into the open.
We still have the option of forcing the issue but that would be our last course of action. In all respects, we would rather that you were the ones who brought about Disclosure through your own efforts. To be fair, you have pleaded and petitioned your leaders so many times to go ahead, but so far none have had the temerity to do so. We appreciate a cautious approach, but now is the time to throw caution to the wind and announce what a large section of the public already know. Regardless of what happens we are still making ourselves seen more often, and are pleased that we are accepted without the fear that once existed. We feel that you are ready to greet us, and that is speeding up our response.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring the wishes of the Galactic Federation of Light, that you should all spread your love throughout the world. There can never be too much, and you will help it grow exponentially at a time when you are almost ready to Ascend. The Earth is presenting a wonderful display of Light that is coming from you all, and it shows how well you have responded to the call to prepare for Ascension. You have had much help and it was never intended that you should face these challenges alone, and so it shall be as you make your way through to the higher dimensions.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 23nov12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
From our vantage point, what you are achieving makes a magnificent spectacle as the Light of God’s Love shines out brilliantly from an ever-increasing number of you, and from the planet herself. The tide has turned and the dark is melting away and disappearing in the Light as the brightness of the Love field into which you are weaving yourselves, making yourselves integral and inseparable aspects of It, intensifies and strengthens daily
"Living the change that you want is the only way to bring it about, but the cultures that you have established and maintained within the Illusion insist that to actually practice living lovingly, peacefully, and compassionately only leaves you open to certain attack and likely destruction. With war, conflict, disagreement, dishonesty, and self-serving agendas filling your environment, that appears to be a very valid viewpoint, and it appears to be confirmed for you by your history and when bad things happen to good people. But as long as you believe in the illusion and follow its guidance you are energetically supporting and maintaining it."
Thank you Christ and John!
*** gavin
And of course you cannot agree on what is right!
Many are now helping to change the collective perception that maintains it unquestioningly. The time has come for your unawareness of its unreality to dissolve. The phrase “You create your own reality” has been bandied about for the last thirty or forty years, falling in and out of favor as fashions and the seasons change, but that is how you invented the illusion and how you continue to maintain it. You can see its effects in action as the political moods in a country change in response to events, and waves of despair, anger, or exhilaration sweep through a population. And your elected officials are always attempting to use the mood swings that occur to their own personal advantage.
However, many of you have become aware of the unfortunate effects and the irresponsibility of responding to mood swings with corresponding changes of intent. You have observed the enormous damage that results from such unbalanced and unpredictable behavior, and you are no longer willing to be swayed, influenced, and manipulated by egoic power seekers riding the waves of perceived public opinion. There is now a conscious intent on the part of the majority of those incarnate on Earth at this time to find and follow a constant path of spiritual evolution that will bring all into harmony and enable the peace for which you all long to be achieved. You have limitless amounts of assistance available to you from those in the presently unappreciated and unseen realms whose only wish is to help you to awaken, and you are finally taking full advantage of it.
Your Father loves you with an intensity that you just cannot conceive of while you are focusing on the sins, the wrongs, the betrayals, and the suffering that are endemic within the illusion, and which are constantly distracting you from opening to His Love for you. By focusing your attention there you become caught up in the fear and anger, and in your emotional reactions to the unfairness and unjustness that you see all around you. Focus on Love. Its divine field surrounds you in every moment of your existence, and you only remain unaware of it by your own choice to focus, instead, on the illusion and all the problems and issues that it invents and spreads, to ensnare you in its relentless and seemingly inescapable web of intrigue and lies.
As long as you choose to engage with it, so long will it continue to ensnare you. Vast quantities of “shoulds” fill your minds as you wonder how to put right the wrongs and terminate the suffering that your reason tells you can and should be eradicated. But they are all of the illusion, and putting your attention there does very little to alleviate them, while it does distract you from your task of holding the Light, showing the way, and being loving presences in every situation.
Your history is filled with stories of heroic figures who strove mightily to right wrongs and injustices, often dying for the causes for which they fought so courageously. And the implied message is that you should be willing to do likewise. But over the eons these heroes have in fact achieved very little because after they were gone the old order re-established itself, often with renewed vigor, and in the illusion only illusions — the unreal — can survive.
But the illusion encourages you to “fight for what is right.” And of course you cannot agree on what is right! Every single one of you embodied within the illusion has a different perception. You may belong to a religious organization, a political party, a corporate entity, or just your own family, but they all set rules and codes of behavior that you have to follow to remain in good standing with them, and, as a result, there are times when you have to disregard your conscience, your integrity, your true divine self if you wish to find acceptance within them.
To change — really change the system to one of peace, harmony, and dignity for all — you have to live it. That means letting go of judgment, and all the ancillary services and functions to which it inevitably leads. You have to live with love flowing through your hearts, offering compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and healing to all — indiscriminately. As soon as you take up arms, figuratively or physically, for whatever reason, conflicts ensue, and you end up in the cycle of the endless repetitive loop. And that is what you are attempting to circumvent.
Living the change that you want is the only way to bring it about, but the cultures that you have established and maintained within the Illusion insist that to actually practice living lovingly, peacefully, and compassionately only leaves you open to certain attack and likely destruction. With war, conflict, disagreement, dishonesty, and self-serving agendas filling your environment, that appears to be a very valid viewpoint, and it appears to be confirmed for you by your history and when bad things happen to good people. But as long as you believe in the illusion and follow its guidance you are energetically supporting and maintaining it.
The answer is Love. You have been told that time and time again, and your answer has for a long time been “But it does not work!” In fact It does work for those who practice It, and as the end of this calendar year approaches, more and more of you are engaging with the divine Love field surrounding you and you are changing yourselves and the world and proving that It works.
From our vantage point, what you are achieving makes a magnificent spectacle as the Light of God’s Love shines out brilliantly from an ever-increasing number of you, and from the planet herself. The tide has turned and the dark is melting away and disappearing in the Light as the brightness of the Love field into which you are weaving yourselves, making yourselves integral and inseparable aspects of It, intensifies and strengthens daily. You are most definitely well established on the path to awakening, and there is no chance that you will be diverted from it.
Delight in the certain knowledge that the moment of awakening into your natural state as fully conscious beings is rapidly and inevitably approaching, and that the rush, the shock, and the amazement that will occur as you awaken will fill you with joy and happiness that is presently far beyond your abilities even to conceive of.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
by John Smallman
Thank you ArchAngel Michael, Steve, Graham and Linda!
*** gavin
Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2
2012 November 22
Posted by Steve Beckow
Then we moved on to some of the persistent Ascension-related questions such as will we ascend on Dec. 21 or not? Will the sick be healed? What will be the fate of those who stay behind for parents or patients? Will all children ascend? Can one ascend later than Dec. 21? Why would people want to meet in conferences after Dec. 21? and more.
Archangel Michael needed to make some difficult distinctions such as that there is allowance for people who are ready to ascend in most ways but still possess anger or other negative emotions. They will exist for a short time on a 3D hologram until they are ready to ascend. And he said that sick patients will be healed and will ascend so doctors do not need to remain with them. Etc.
In addition to his talk the hosts and Linda held a roundtable discussion of many Ascension-related matters and that part of the hour and a half with an angel will be posted tomorrow. Thank you to Ellen who labored mightily through difficulties to get the transcript done.
To listen to the program itself, go here:
An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael and a Roundtable, November 19, 2012
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. It’s a pleasure to be with you. I’m Graham Dewyea.Our guest today is Archangel Michael. And Steve will interview him for 45 minutes, and then we’ll follow with a roundtable discussion on what was shared, and Steve, Linda, Geoff and myself will be participating in that.
So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And I’m looking forward to our show tonight. And welcome, Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: And welcome to you, dear friend, for I am Michael, warrior of peace, archangel of love, bringer of news, bringer of the new dawn in so many ways. And yes, there is a great deal for us to discuss this night, not only about your process of Ascension but of course about the collective process, and about some of the hindrances that appear on the horizon, which we of course will get into.
But first I ask you as we begin, as I often do, to ignite your blue flame of peace, to ignite the knowing of peace within your being, to ignite the love within your heart. Let the bright blue flame burn brightly, not only for you to see and to feel, but for all to see and feel, not only upon your plane of Gaia, not only within your dimensions, but throughout the galaxies and throughout the realms.
So dear friend, where do you wish to begin this day?
SB: Thank you, Lord. And I actually do wish to begin with three very quick questions, two of which are probably going to find their way into Cosmic Vision News.
The first question is, can you give us an update, please, on the number of views of I Know Our Galactic Family Is Here on YouTube, and then the total number, please?
AAM: Oh, it is several million now. It is over 3 million in terms of the YouTube, and it is about 4,500,000 in terms of total views.
SB: Okay. Well, thank you very much. We can only get that information from you.
Now, two questions from Geoffrey. Again, short answers are fine. Several news articles received on Sunday have indicated that a re-evaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is now underway and could be announced today, and perhaps even by the time this program airs.
Some sources have indicated that this is a scam, and others feel that it is a vehicle by which some of the Prosperity Funds may make it into the hands of good people.
Has a re-evaluation taken place? And if So is this also a tool for getting funds backed by precious metals out to people?
AAM: The re-evaluation of the Iraq Dinar as you well know has been underway for some time in terms of what you would think of as back-room discussions. The official re-evaluation has not taken place quite yet, but there are some very, can we say, high-level discussions about that going forth very quickly.
Yes, it is a way in which to have money into the hands of many who have trusted and who have undertaken this investment in order to have help for the lightwork and the lightholder community.
This situation is being pushed and being okayed by the highest levels of government, and is occurring at this time because of the re-election of Barack Obama. Now, also understand, though, there are many that are still involved in the economic controls and, can we say, terrorism, of the United States in particular, but international monetary [terrorism?] as well, against the Middle East. The heating up of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also having an effect on delaying that ree-valuation being announced. But you can anticipate it very shortly.
SB: Thank you, Lord. There are some rumors circulating at this time about a series of financial protocols that have been called the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols. At least one source is indicating that these Protocols are now being implemented and this will help to release global Prosperity Funds. Is there truth to the rumor that the Protocols are going to be implemented, and is there truth to the rumor that it will help with the Global Prosperity Funds?
AAM: Well, certainly the implementation of these Protocols would result in a lessening of financial stress, and the implementation of financial security for many. But think of those protocols in many ways as being akin to the discussions about the Dinar. Yes, we understand that they are completely different participants and principles, but it is actually part and parcel of the same undertaking.
So these principles and these Protocols are being discussed, but they have not yet been implemented.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Turning now to Ascension, which is really the topic of our interview today, the first question I wanted to ask you is it’s been asked before, but the question persists in the lightworker community. And I’d like a really clear and unequivocal answer to the question. And that is, will we ascend as a planet with all its inhabitants to the 5th dimension on December 21st, 2012, or will we not? Will something else happen?
AAM: Yes, you would like a very clear, unequivocal answer, would you not?
SB: I would, yes.
AAM: But as you know, I have been very hesitant not only in this forum but in other forums to give this answer. Let me put it this way. And I am not trying to avoid your question, but it is not as clear-cut as you are presenting.
Many are already ascending, and that floodgate, that portal is already open, and many, many, many are taking advantage of it. Hundreds of thousands now have taken advantage of it.
What you are doing and what many, particularly of the lightworker and lightholder community, have been stuck on is the event of December 21st, 2012. But Ascension, and the Ascension of Gaia with all upon her, is not simply a singular, one-day, one-minute, one second event.
Is this a benchmark? Is this a time when there is alignment, both cosmically, energetically, and in terms of Divine Plan where things are coming together, where spirit, being, form, matter, molecules, essence, Mother/Father One, humans, elementals and planet are coming together in order to shift from one reality to another? The answer is yes.
But — and I must add this but, even though many of you do not like to hear this word, and I certainly do not like or enjoy using it — you are thinking of this as an immediate snap for everybody concerned. As we have said, all are welcome, all are included in the plan; Gaia has not discounted any kingdom or any person, any human, hybrid, starseed, Earth-keeper; but not all are prepared to reset the clock, as it were, in that moment.
So is there the opportunity for others to take a slower route, to engage in a process that is more attuned to their own time schedule and what they consider reality? The question is open for discussion, and the answer is yes.
SB: Well, let me put it another way, Lord. I imagine that if people wake up on December 22nd and find that the Earth is still here in 3D, there will be a tremendous hue and cry, a lot of questioning saying, well, did it happen, or did it not? So is the Earth going to be here in 3D after December 21st?
AAM: Let me say this. The Earth is already not very well anchored in 3D. And so will it be anchored in 3D on December 21st, 2012? The answer is no. It will be anchored firmly and completely in the heart of the 5th dimension. Will it brush lightly in the fourth, not the third? Will it brush lightly into the 7th? The answer is yes. The anchoring of the planet at that time will be in the 5th dimension.
SB: If I was on planet Earth on December 22nd, and I asked this —
AAM: Which you will be!
SB: [laugh] Yes, of course. But would I see the 3rd dimension? Is there going to be anything to see in the 3rd dimension of Gaia on December 22nd?
AAM: This is a very important discussion. And I am excited and thrilled that you and all of you who are listening or listening after the fact, are prepared to have this discussion. So I want to be very clear. So let me back up.
To read remainder of Part 1, please click below. Or... to listen to the actual interview, please lick here:
found at:
To read Part 2 of this transcript, please click on link below:
Thursday, November 22, 2012
By tuning into the Pineal gland, we enhance its abilities to receive Light and by receiving Light, we increase its magnetic powers and thus it is activating and magnetizing every nucleus and cell within your entire system!
Thank you Mona, David and both your Guides!!
*** gavin
The Pineal Gland : Solar Gazing and DNA correctives: And YES YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS : Very intriguing article on ‘Wake Up World’ by Mona Bhattacharya:
By Mona BhattacharyaGuest Writer for Wake Up World
Either watch this first or watch David Wilcock at the end of this article:
The Pineal gland is the center for receiving the rays of sunlight, which once received are shot in different directions of the body. Also, it is the receiver of crown energy, which holds an incredible amount of information about your past, who you are as a soul, your future, your evolution – and the entire history of the universe. Everything is stored within your higher self in the universal consciousness.
It would be impossible to receive all of this information at all once, so the Pineal gland functions like a coordination radio tower, receiving the strongest rays coming through from all light sources – higher self light, sunlight, moon light and star light – and has the ability to decode the information which is stored within these light frequencies.
The influence is a magnetic influence; it is not an electrical light, but gravitational energy. Light and magnetism are one and the same. The earth is magnetized by the sun; all the local creation on this planet is attuned to the magnetic field of Mother Earth, who is attuned to the magnetic field of the sun, which is attuned to the magnetic field of other star systems within the Milky Way Galaxy, which is attuned to other light networks within the universe, and so it is all one system. Every cell carries the same code of DNA, and by attuning to the light frequencies and the information within these frequencies, we are able to rewire our DNA.
An example to illustrate this relationship is a large corporation: The people on the floor only have so much information. When they encounter a problem, they will turn to the branch management where the level of information is slightly higher. If the branch management doesn’t know the answer, they will go to the regional managers, and if they don’t know the answer, they will go to the CEO, and so on. This hierarchical structure illustrates how our local solar system – the sun – is connected with other high vibrational light bodies within the universe. And it is our closest most tangible and immediate resource for re-coding our DNA.
The macro level contains our planet, the universe, the galaxies and all the different star systems. On the micro level, the way this structure plays out in you is this: Your Pineal is your local receiver of sunlight, and it disperses this light within your body. On a deeper level, each cell within your physical network has its own sun, which is the nucleus. And similarly, as the sun is magnetizing all beings within its rays, the Pineal gland acts like the super sun for the body and magnetizes every cell within the physical system. It coordinates the light within the body. The system within the body that carries the light looks like a wire that travels through each cell of your body. It is a coil, a spiraling wire that is a conduit for light. That wire we have known to call our DNA.
By tuning into the Pineal gland we enhance its abilities to receive light, and by receiving light we increase its magnetic powers and thus it is activating and magnetizing every nucleus and cell within your entire system. Thus, through Pineal focus and sun gazing, you take charge of your own brainpower and make it your best ally. You gain direct access to the center in your brain that receives cosmic data straight from the source, eliminating all traces of confusion.
Pineal Facts
- Native Energy: Static Electrical
- Native Aspects: Intelligence, Intuition, Psychic Powers, Imagination
- Color: Violet
- Purpose: To enhance mental clarity and intuition
- Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression.
When your Pineal gland is balanced, clarity of mind is a regular and natural state for you. Having a calm, primed mind gives you a powerful presence in this world. You don’t need any external means to stay sharp and clear; Instead, you easily tap into the unlimited resources of your intelligence. Other people respect you for your quick mind and ability to see things clearly. Your life is a series of synchronicities and you feel the flow of life on a daily basis.
To learn more on this and more similar topics please go here and subscribe :
You have made a long journey to get to this point in time, and the goal was always going to be whether you could lift up your personal vibrations and be ready to Ascend. Already many of you are experiencing a new level of consciousness and it will grow even more ever quicker. Also your Light is expanding so that it touches more people as it reaches further out, and you are helping Awaken those who are beginning to stir
Thank you SaLuSa and Mike!
How I love you.
*** gavin
You have a saying that "time waits for no man" and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing. It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does it take for Man to realise that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement. The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.
It is with sadness that we observe your Earth in a turmoil and confusion. Yet we also see the Light beaming out from so many locations, forming a grid of Light all around the Earth. That is your guarantee that you will rise up out of the lower energies, and that the old paradigm will continue collapsing. It no longer has a place in your lives, and as the end time rapidly approaches it must make way for the new paradigm. It promises everything that you could ever have wished for and more. The Galactic Federation of Light is here to ensure that you no longer suffer interference with your Ascension plans, and that you safely enter the New Age. In the process the changes that you have been expecting will materialise, but allow for delay as the whole plan is extremely complicated. It involves thousands and thousands of people and has to be implemented at the "right time". You can look towards Obama for the trigger that will set the ball rolling, and it will pick up speed very quickly.
We are pleased to see that Lightworkers are taking up our challenge to now speak out about your knowledge and understanding of what is about to happen. Certainly many people are becoming curious about their feelings that something strange is happening. That is an opportunity to plant further seeds of information that will help awaken them to the truth. Hopefully many will begin to see the picture that is being formed that tells them the purpose of what is happening. Our greatest desire is that as many people as possible become aware of the opportunity that Ascension presents them. It is not a religious event, but one that comes at the end of a cycle such as you are now experiencing. The changes are Universal in scope and not confined to Earth. For mankind it is a marvellous opportunity to leave the lower vibrations, and enter the higher ones and leave duality behind. We have to ask, do you once again really want to spend many lives learning the lessons that it brings, or would you rather live in joy and harmony and have a peaceful existence?
Dear Ones, the New Earth will soon carry all forward who have elected to rise up. With it will come the higher vibrations allowing you to exercise your new found powers of creation. The love and peace all around you will be beyond words and it will truly be Heaven upon Earth. The jump from one Age to another will pleasantly surprise you as the beauty of it will be beyond comparison with anything you have so far experienced. Life will become so easy and expansive without the many restrictions you have upon Earth at present. The biggest change will be the freedom that you will have as an ascended Being. It comes with having learnt to accept your responsibility to all other forms of life, which you will respect and nurture. Trust is also something that you are not used to, and you will find it so heartwarming to know that in the higher vibrations that no Being is out to do you harm or be dishonest. It is a level at which only the truth exists, and it is no place for anything less.
You have made a long journey to get to this point in time, and the goal was always going to be whether you could lift up your personal vibrations and be ready to Ascend. Already many of you are experiencing a new level of consciousness and it will grow even more ever quicker. Also your Light is expanding so that it touches more people as it reaches further out, and you are helping Awaken those who are beginning to stir. Whether through their life plan or otherwise every soul will receive some help, to assist them in understanding that a great opportunity is taking place to rise up. Your teachers have spoken of this for eons of time, and now it is upon you. As a group soul you are not complete until every single soul has risen up.
Please bear in mind that each soul has chosen its own way of concluding their experience in this cycle of Duality. You cannot know what has prompted them to seek a certain type of experience, even if it is to you unpleasant. These are times when you have to clear up any outstanding karma, and for many souls it has meant a very arduous and testing time. Normally you can proceed at your own speed, but with Ascension beckoning there is not much time left. You could of course change your life plan, but it may appear ill conceived if it denies you the chance to ascend. However, freewill reigns supreme and the final choice is yours. You have in fact been held back and led to believe that you do not have such choices, and that decisions are made for you. Now you are realising that it is untrue, and that you have the power to create your own future. In fact you are not reliant upon anyone else, and have no need to follow their advice or instructions. Helpful as they may be no one but you knows your true needs. Be true to your self and follow your intuition which will not lead you astray.
So many wonderful opportunities await you that will propel you into the Golden Age. The perfection of everything will astound you and the energies will embrace you, and you will feel the Oneness of all life. Can you imagine being able to talk with God, yes God is not beyond your reach, It is just that you have been taught that you have to go through another to do so. God has a line to every soul, and how else could it be when you are indeed all Godsparks.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and encourage you to be free-thinking to speed up your evolution. I leave you with our blessings for your future.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey 20nov12
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Please do not overlook the power of your prayers! Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe. Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed, and you have been sending out “peace, prosperity, health and harmony” energy in great abundance!
Thank you once again Matthew and Suzanne for your insight and guidance on our Path toward Ascension!!
*** gavin
Matthew’s Message: November 20, 2012
No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on bodies,
relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment; Earth
regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET assistance
on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information; giving thanksWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth’s soul, is joyous about her planetary body’s nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.
A world full of other marvelous happenings is on the way, but in the days at hand, the in-pouring of high vibrations also is having some unwelcome effects, like the roiling intensity at the negative end of duality’s spectrum. Perhaps at this moment it is most noticeable in the tense Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We hasten to assure you, the time for a full blown new war is past, today’s enemies will evolve into peaceful, co-operative relationships, and any country waging war against another will be unthinkable.
On a different front but also due to increasingly high vibrations, many are experiencing conditions such as weakness, disorientation, forgetfulness, fatigue, sudden mood swings and other uncustomary sensations. In healthy bodies that have absorbed light, the anomalies are few and brief as these bodies’ crystalline cells adjust more easily to energy fluctuations than can the carbon-based cells of bodies with less light.
Please do not use any of those symptoms as a barometer for assessing how much light is within you! Chronic maladies and forms of mental illness still affect bodies in Earth’s atmosphere, and souls who are radiant with light may continue to experience those discomforts until they’re well within fourth density’s strong healing vibrations.
To lessen the severity and duration of the temporary anomalies, get sufficient sleep, avoid stressful encounters, drink a lot of water, have solitary serene time as often as possible and eat wisely. Vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial and less meat, sugar, starchy foods and fats in the diet also will help to lift energy levels, reduce fatigue and stabilize a positive outlook.
We strongly suggest that you not resort to antidepressants or other prescription drugs or the many that are lining store shelves. Particularly in the prevailing energies, the chemicals in drugs can suppress or destroy the body’s own healing mechanisms. If you are on a medically-prescribed regimen, consult with your healthcare giver about safely reducing dosage.
Another effect of Earth’s proximity to fourth density is that linear time is passing more and more swiftly. If you are reaching day’s end feeling frustrated because there was no time to handle all responsibilities, set your priorities and please don’t fret about foregoing what could not be fit in.
The prevailing vibratory levels contributed substantially to quite a different kind of matter, too. The Illuminati, who thought that not only could they cling to their remnants of control, but rebuild their former worldwide power base, now know that their situation is hopeless. They had pinned their hopes and put their money on Mr Romney winning the US presidency.
That country’s people and the rest of the world see President Obama’s re-election as the voters’ choice. It was that indeed, but his victory is more than the vote count – it is a manifestation of science, a reflection of the energetic flow of the universe. The president’s vision of a peaceful world restored to its former health and beauty and his goals to achieve this are aligned with Earth’s vibratory field. The goals of Mr Romney are to keep the world’s resources and vast fortunes in the same few hands, and this is not in alignment with Earth’s vibratory field.
Like all other sources of negativity, the low vibrations of greed and control are incompatible with the high vibrations of love that are flowing ever more abundantly throughout the world and bringing Earth back into a healthful state of balance. The energy within balance is love-light, and nothing with low vibrations can co-exist with this most powerful of all energies in the Universe.
The fact that the election outcome was in consonance with the universal flow, as the Golden Age master planners long ago knew it would be, did not diminish one iota the free will choices of the United States citizens. Each voted in accordance with his or her reaction to the energy emanating from the candidates.
Please understand that this is neither criticism nor judgment of the voters or the candidates – it is explaining the election result in the context of laws that govern life in this Universe. The same holds true for the congressional elections in that country and all elections in every other country where the citizenry have a choice of candidates for leadership roles.
The laws are affecting not only national governments and governing bodies from village level on up – wherever negativity still has a foothold, high vibrations are causing shake-ups to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say. This can be as close to home as family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.
High vibrations are overpowering the low vibrations of everything that has adversely affected life in your world. This had to happen so Earth could regain her balance after almost dying from long ages of imbalance due to humankind’s brutality to each other, animals and the planet itself. The massive infusion of light from far distant sources seventy-some years ago enabled Earth to embark upon a journey back to life-sustaining balance – you know this journey as Ascension.
This is an appropriate place to address an email that recently was sent to my mother:
“I just found your site but I’ve known about Disclosure for quite a while. What are we supposed to do until our ET family gets here – just continue to wait patiently and hope they really will come? Can they decide not to? If so, would that mean that it is our responsibility to end all wars and other violence, repair the environment and fix everything else that is wrong in the world? Doing that without any help from advanced civilizations seems like an impossibility.”
There is so much to say about this, it is hard to know where to begin.
Perhaps it is best to start with the universal law that no civilization has the responsibility – much less the right – to go into another world and make changes as they see fit, even when it would immensely benefit that world’s inhabitants. Civilizations with a core of darkness have violated this law and destroyed other peoples and their homelands, but this never has happened to Earth and only Lighted civilizations are anywhere near your solar system.
So yes, it is the responsibility of a civilization to right its own wrongs, but there is a loophole there, you could say. Conditions in your world from severely damaged environment to the state of perpetual warring and unconscionably lopsided distribution of resources are products of your civilization’s successive generations’ bellicosity, brutality, greed, corruption, deception, negligence and abuse. Righting all of those wrongs is indeed a formidable undertaking, and to any third density civilization, it surely would seem an impossible task.
No doubt that is why God authorizes assistance to civilizations that request it. Gaia asked for help so her planetary body could survive, and the response was what we mentioned above, the infusion of life-saving Light from many civilizations. But it is not only by Gaia’s request that assistance is being lovingly given. The desire in your collective consciousness to live in a world at peace and in harmony with Nature is your request for help to accomplish this.
From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don’t know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon “Disclosure”, your governments’ public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.
In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan – prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan’s details and clamored to participate – all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.
Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.
Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others – you call them whistleblowers – tell the truth to the world.
Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.
A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.
Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.
The protection of invisibility by “cloaking” or an impenetrable shield of Christed Light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.
None of the highly publicized “feared” pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.
The damage that has been done to Earth is much too severe for you to manage yourselves. Even when technologies long-controlled by the Illuminati are released, they are not sufficient to speedily handle the extensive restorative aid the planet requires, and technologies in nearby spacecrafts, some of which is mind-powered, do have that capability.
While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than “9/11”.
- Radioactive releases from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.
- No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil’s toxic components.
- They have also been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.
- Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.
- By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.
- They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts.
Can you imagine the state of your world and all who live there if none of those measures had been undertaken by countless numbers within our universal community?
This brings us to a point we wish to emphasize about “just continue to wait patiently” for Disclosure.
Beloved souls, you are not just waiting! Innately you know that the responsibility for cleaning up the mess is yours because it is your homeland, and in one way or another, all of you have contributed to its condition.
That’s why many millions of you have been serving for years to bring about benevolent changes that are generating light and uplifting your world.
Let us give you some examples:
- Local and international rallies and meditation services for peace.
- Participation in a variety of environmental conservation measures.
- Monetary support to organizations that are providing life essentials to refugees and others in impoverished circumstances.
- Community and individual efforts to assist those who are most needy.
- Demands for justice and humane treatment where those are being denied.
- Efforts to preserve and uplift the lives of domestic and wild animals.
- Ingenuity, perseverance and cooperation to overcome financial adversity and other hardships.
We want to mention other factors that also pertain to “waiting patiently.” In previous messages we have explained what has prevented mass landings for the past decade or so, and it is most unfortunate that much confusion and disappointment has arisen due to blatantly false information given to some channels by dark entities that claimed to be well known respected sources. The dark Ones do this specifically to cause negative reactions because they feed on the energy of negativity and to survive, they must keep creating it.
It didn’t help that the very few actual plans for a small number of ETs to make a public appearance had to be postponed – we assure you that the Fleet Commanders’ decisions were wisely made for your safety and theirs.
Because of that and the many instances of deliberate falsehoods about extraterrestrials’ arrival and intentions as well as claims of imminent planetary disasters, Hatonn has asked us to expound on his statement in a previous message: “If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his re-election is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”
“We” refers to members of the off-planet contingent that has been negotiating with some of your government leaders and others in the vanguard of paving the way for the Golden Age. This visiting group would be introduced prior to the arrival of our family who will bring technologies and remain as long as you want and need them to work with you.
The decision about timing of that momentous day is the province of the highest Universal Council, and it acts upon God’s mandate. Only at that ultimate peak of awareness can soul contracts of everyone involved, individual and global karmic completion, and your population’s reactions be known.
There is still another aspect to the “waiting game,”if you will. Animals whose soul contracts provide sufficient longevity have a free ride into fourth density with the planet, but humankind does not – you have to earn your ticket, so to say. Whether your contract choice is to live in Earth’s Golden Age or to enjoy its full panorama from Nirvana, it is prudent to use this time to prepare spiritually. Live from your heart – love is the key!
Only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day. Should not every day be a time of thanks-giving throughout your world?
Thanks to our universal family who are in your midst or in your skies, and all who are beaming intense Light from afar to you and your world.
Thanks to Gaia for crying out for help so her body and all of its resident life forms could survive.
Thanks to God for His unconditional love and for never judging what you do or don’t do.
And thanks to each other for providing the opportunities for experiences that you needed for spiritual and conscious growth.
Always and in all ways, the respect and love of lighted souls throughout this universe are with you, our dear Earth family.
by Suzanne Ward 20nov12
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